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DOUBLE MASSIVE: A Twin Stepbrother Romance

Page 14

by Cassandra Dee

  “Ma’am, Morgan is doing well, considering the circumstances,” he soothed. “Just take her home and get some rest, it’s 3 a.m.,” he said.

  “Is she okay though? Is my baby girl okay?” pleaded my mom.

  My stepdad glowered. “Those rapists fucking raped her, and I want you to document that,” he said.

  Dr. Johnson’s face remained bland. “Of course, Mr. Kingsley, that’s my job. I examined Morgan and will provide an objective analysis of her condition, available for your perusal in my report,” he concluded.

  Gerald stomped off. He wasn’t used to someone who stood his ground, who wasn’t a yes man. No wonder he had trouble with my brothers. They were independent and didn’t kowtow to Gerald’s demands.

  But Mom bundled me into a blanket, and we drove home, dropping exhaustedly into sleep after the dramatic night. I only hoped that my oral session with the doctor paid off, even if I was too ashamed to admit what I’d done to my brothers.

  “Landon, how are you and Cole doing?” I said softly into the phone. Because there was no party line, Landon was on the phone while Cole waited behind him, both of them in orange jumpsuits. It broke my heart to see them like this, treated as common criminals when there was no crime.

  Landon smiled at me through the plastic divider, putting his palm on the transparent material. I immediately put my hand up to mirror his, as if we could feel each other’s skin through the pane.

  He smiled at me and said, “We’re okay, little sis. A public defender’s meeting with us today, but we’re going to see if one of our friends can’t help us get together the funds for a fancy defense attorney.”

  I gasped. “Do you have enough? Lawyers are expensive. I could ask …” my voice trailed off. The fact that there was no one I could ask, I had no money and my sole source of financial support was Gerald.

  Landon smiled at me. “Don’t worry little sis, we have more than enough cash, we just need someone to access our accounts, pay the retainer for the lawyer, all that stuff. We’ve refused to talk without an attorney, so it’s the first step to getting out of this shithole.”

  I gave him a sad smile. “I’m so sorry, brother, to see you here. It wasn’t rape at all, and I’ve announced that loud and clear to anyone who will listen,” I said. “Unfortunately, not many people are interested in the opinion of a teenage girl.”

  Landon looked at me sternly through the plastic. “Morgan, it’s not your fault. Do you hear me? It’s not your fault. We had sex, sure, and we’re stepsiblings, sure, but none of that is against the law. We’re three consenting adults, Gerald’s just making trouble because he’s a fucking manipulator who has to control everything.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” I said in a small voice. “I’m afraid that your dad is so powerful and influential that … I don’t know,” I said sorrowfully. “It’s almost like laws can be changed if Gerald says so.”

  “No, they can’t,” replied Landon grimly. “Baby girl, don’t beat yourself up. You’re pregnant and it’s not good for the baby to be unhappy. I’m going to give the phone to Cole, he’ll cheer you up.”

  Cole sat down at the table, his handsome mien making my heart flutter.

  “Little sis, you okay?” he ground out, his blue eyes penetrating even through the dirty plastic.

  “Yes, brother,” I said shyly. “I’m okay. More importantly, how are you?”

  He leaned back and gave me a sexy smile. “Oh you know, lock-up’s not so bad. There are some guys who want to get with me since I’m so fucking handsome, but I was able to fight them off.”

  I giggled despite myself. Trust Cole to make prison life sound funny.

  “No, seriously big brother, you’re okay right? Landon tells me that you’ll be out of here soon, that it’s just a few hours before you meet with an attorney.”

  “Yeah, we expect to be out of here in less than twelve hours,” he said breezily. “We better, because I can’t stand the food in this fucking institution. Who do they have cooking? Bears? Seriously, even I could do better.”

  I giggled again at the image of bears standing in aprons at a stove. I smiled at my brother, loving how he could make me feel better, and patted my tummy gently.

  “Our baby is doing well too,” I murmured. “I felt him kick this morning!”

  “Really?” asked Cole, his eyes lighting up. Well, if there was any way to make the badass twin melt, it was to talk about his child. “Tell me more.”

  “I think he or she is going to be a soccer player,” I confided, “I could feel him twisting and kicking, eager to meet his daddies,” I smiled.

  “Oh wow,” breathed Cole. “I just feel so … I don’t know … blessed, I guess. Listen to me, I’m sitting in a high-security prison, and yet I feel so lucky to have a baby on the way. You’ve really made me mushy, little sister,” he said. “And I can’t wait until the baby is born! You know what happens next,” he said with a wicked look. “We’re going to knock you up with the next one asap.”

  My heart stopped for a moment. This was the first time I’d heard either of my brothers talk about a future for us. Sure, they’d promised to take care of me and the baby, but that could mean nothing more than a monthly check, what Gerald had done for their mom. The way Cole was talking, with Landon nodding in the background, made me think that we had a real future together, where we had a house, a yard, a couple kids, and mutual love and respect for one other. I smiled, suddenly radiantly happy.

  “Brothers,” I said softly. “Come home soon because I need you.”

  “We will, sister,” they said. “We’ll find a way out of this place, we promise.”

  And there was no question that they were going to break out of the maximum security prison.

  Continue to Part Six



  “What?” Gerald thundered. “What do you mean the rape kit is inconclusive? It’s a fucking rape kit for crying out loud! I’m going to see that that doctor’s license is revoked,” he snarled.

  I’d never seen my stepdad so livid. A huge vein bulged from his forehead and his face was red and sweaty, the flush extending past his hairline. The buttons on his suit looked like they were about to pop, and one actually did, clattering to the floor.

  “Gerald please,” my mom whimpered. “Maybe the doctor who did the exam was inexperienced or just made a mistake,” she said. “We could ask the hospital to run the test again.”

  “Woman, clearly you have no idea how these things work,” he growled nastily. “If we dragged Morgan to the hospital today, there’d be no evidence of rape – it’s all been washed away.”

  My mom sobbed softly, unsure of how to placate her husband. But I wasn’t surprised. My twin stepbrothers had told me their dad was unpredictable with a nasty side, and for the first time, I was seeing it for myself. I snuck quietly to my room, glad to slip away.

  As I rummaged through my closet, I thought of the events that had come to pass. Of course there had been no rape. Landon and Cole, my twin stepbrothers, are my lovers, genuine and passionate, my sex with them intense and incredibly exciting. Sure, they’re a little rough at times, but any marks on my body are the completely consensual and not the basis for some ill-founded rape charge.

  Plus, I’d been a virgin before, still learning to accommodate my virile brothers, their girths and widths testing my nubile body. If there was a bit of tearing here and there, a bit of bruising, it was only because I wanted to push my body to the limits, bringing the three of us to intense climax.

  Humming to myself, I browsed through my closet. You might wonder why I was obsessing about clothes when my lovers were in jail. After all, Cole and Landon had been in lock-up for the past week, and my visits to them had consisted mostly of teary conversations through a glass partition.

  But I was about to participate in one of the most important events of my life … my wedding! Yes, my brothers and I have decided that we want to get married. I’m pregnant with their bab
y, and given events of late, we’ve decided the safest way to ensure our future is to enter into a legal union, tying ourselves to one another for life.

  I’m over the moon with happiness. Humming to myself, I browsed the racks and racks of designer clothes that Gerald bought me until I came to the outfit I’d been looking for. A short white lace number, it was demure but sexy, with a short skirt that highlighted my slim legs. It wasn’t too tight, which was key because I’d started to show a bit, although no one suspected yet.

  I slipped into the dress, stepping into white heels, and admired myself in the mirror. Ever since Landon and Cole came into my life, I’d given up the image of frumpy artist and blossomed into a young woman. My skin practically glowed, and I brushed my chestnut hair to a glossy sheen, finished with the slightest bit of lip gloss. I knew Landon and Cole would appreciate the effort, and hummed happily to myself.

  Making sure that I had my driver’s license, I grabbed my purse and stepped outside, eager to marry my baby’s daddies.



  She was gorgeous as she walked down the aisle. We stood in the prison chapel, Father McManus presiding, as Morgan glided towards us. She smiled sweetly at Landon and I, holding a small bouquet of flowers, her cheeks flushed with a radiant smile.

  I felt ashamed that brother and I were dressed in prison garb. At least today, they’d let us wear grey jumpsuits instead of orange, but we were unmistakably still prisoners. Whatever, though. I was so happy to tie the knot with my stepsis that I’d wear anything, so long as they let me be here.

  We’d talked about who she would marry beforehand. Obviously, Morgan couldn’t be with both of us, that’s bigamy. But in conversation with my brother, we knew that I was the obvious choice. Cole was head over heels with Morgan, sure, but he still had a wild streak, a badass persona that he wanted to explore.

  Not that I’m some kind of loser, an old fogey at age nineteen. It’s just that I’m more stable, you know? In our party promotion business, I’m the business guy behind the scenes. I manage the money, oversee the staff, make sure everything’s in place to create an exciting, unforgettable event. My brother is the sales guy – with his slick demeanor and charming smile, he’s able to convince everyone that BadBoy Productions will deliver an amazing fete.

  So I stood at the head of the aisle, beaming as Morgan moved towards us, delighted to take my stepsis’s hand in matrimony. I could tell that Landon was smiling as well next to me, my best man on this important day.

  When Morgan reached us, she took our hands and kissed us both. Her lips were warm, sweet and innocent against mine, and I growled under my breath. I was ready to take her now, here, right in the middle of the church.

  But she gave me a trusting gaze, and turned to Father McManus. The vows were incredibly meaningful. I’d thought it would be boring, trite stuff we’ve heard a million times, “in sickness and in health,” etc. But when you’re there with the woman you love, suddenly the words on a new dimension. Everything made sense, and I was more than ready to be a married man.

  The service concluded, and I bent to kiss my bride.

  She looked up at me, big hazel eyes limpid and warm, her sweet pink pout raised, and I devoured her lips, right there in the chapel, I was so hungry for her after going without for a week. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and Landon intervened.

  “Brother, a kiss for the best man as well?” he said.

  I pulled away reluctantly and let him kiss Morgan. I saw that he was just as hungry. He took our stepsister into his arms and placed a gentle kiss on her lips before turning it deep, dark and stormy, consuming her in that tiny lace dress.

  The guard harrumphed from the back of the chapel, and I was reminded of our dire circumstances. But we’d find a way out, to do our best by the baby on the way.

  First, however, was one of the immediate benefits of being legally married.

  “Mr. Kingsley,” the guard said, “I’m ready to escort you to the cottages.”

  He was referring to a cluster of Spartan one-bedroom apartments, set aside by the State of New York for conjugal visits. New York was one of the last places which permitted such visits, and I intended to enjoy my bride to the maximum.

  But it would also be the first time we’d have sex without my twin there. Landon and I always shared our girls. If I was tasting pussy, I figured my brother would probably like it too, so why not share? But conjugal visits were only granted to married couples, so my brother would be left out this time.

  I pulled at Morgan’s hand, leading her away from the chapel, but she turned back to gaze at Landon.

  “Next time,” she mouthed, blowing him a kiss, and I could see that Landon looked peeved yes, a huge erection visible even through his jumpsuit, but he was taking it as best as could be expected. We’d just have to get out of here sooner than later so that he could taste Morgan’s delectable body once again.

  As we stepped into the cottage, I was ashamed at how utilitarian it was. This wasn’t how I wanted to treat my bride. Instead of roses, a plush bed, and soft cushions, there was a thin double mattress on a metal frame, a tiny sink, and a chair in one corner.

  But Morgan seemed blind to the deprivation. Our sweet girl turned to me, looping her arms around my neck and gave me a deep kiss.

  “Mr. Kingsley,” she cooed. “Don’t you want to take the dress off of Mrs. Kingsley?”

  And indeed I did. I ran my hands over her curves, amazed at how luscious and soft she felt, tight and hot in the vee of her thighs, yet her breasts jiggly and perfectly ovoid. Our girl had all the right assets.

  I couldn’t wait. It’d been a week since I’d fucked Morgan, and taking my time wasn’t an option. I reached under her dress and ripped off her white lacey thong with my fist, causing her to squeal and bat her tiny fists at my shoulders.

  “Cole!” she laughed. “Those were new!”

  I held up the tiny little g-string and sniffed them, reveling in her personal private smell, before giving Morgan a kiss.

  “Baby, I’ll buy you new ones,” I said wickedly. “But will you do something for me?”

  “Anything,” she breathed, melting against me.

  “I want you to put these in your mouth,” I said, holding out the thong.

  She stopped, surprised. She knew that Landon and I were depraved, after all we’d fucked dozens of women within hearing distance of her bedroom. But on our wedding night? I guessed she’d figured I’d be a gentleman, when I was still plain ole me.

  But she gave me a sweet kiss and said, “Yes, brother, feed it to me,” opening her mouth.

  “That’s a good girl,” I growled. She tilted her head back, exposing the long column of her throat, opening her glossy lips, and I pushed the panties inside, gagging her a bit. Little did she know, but I’d be taking those panties as a souvenir. Yeah, some people save their first slice of cake. Landon and I, we planned on sniffing those panties in jail, the scent of her pussy a reminder of our luscious wife.

  I wanted her to cream hard, and once her mouth was stuffed, I pushed her back so that she was leaning against the small metal sink. Lifting her hips, I spread her legs and pushed the dress up so that her bare cunny was exposed. God, it was beautiful. The lips were pink and engorged, slick already, with a slight drip of female juice beading on her labia.

  With a groan, I knelt and licked that rivulet, the taste of her pussy tangy and sweet on my mouth, magnifying my lust, making dick punch out like a fucking jack in the box.

  “Mmmphf!” she cried, tossing her head. I thought I heard something like “Brother!” but I couldn’t be sure, her words were muffled by the material in her mouth.

  “No worries, little sister, I gotcha,” I murmured against her moist pussy. Bending my head, I devoured her snatch, gorging myself on her ripeness, lapping at her folds while pushing my tongue deep into the hole where my penis longed to go.

  I could feel the tension in Morgan building. Her back arched a bit, her legs stiffened,
and she cried out, “Ah ah ah!” Sure enough, with a jerk and a shake, her pussy began to spasm, squirts of female juice drenching my face as I licked her folds, the gush of female cream a tasty treat. I fucked her with my tongue while she orgasmed, coaxing her to new heights, licking her clit and tugging at that nub as her folds jerked and twitched around my chin and mouth. By the time she was done, I was smeared in her fluid, drenched with her female cream.

  I stood up to give her a kiss, pulling the g-string out of her mouth. She sputtered a bit, but pushed her tongue deep into my mouth, willing and warm, soft in my arms in the aftermath of climax.

  “Cole, that felt so good,” she moaned. “I’ve missed you so much, I can’t fall asleep without you and Landon there.”

  “I know,” I soothed. “We’re not used to sleeping without you either, your sweet body between ours. It’s been tough, which is why I’m bringing this thong to him later today.”

  “Oh!” she cried, surprised. “But can you get it past the guards?” she asked.

  “Honey, I’ll find a way,” I replied. “Landon’s counting on it, because he’s going to celebrate his own private wedding night rubbing this material up and down his cock.”

  “Oh we need to do more for him then!” she cried. “If this is all he has from me… here, hand it to me,” she said.

  I gave her the lacy fabric and she pulled up her skirt, baring that wet, dripping cunt. Opening her legs, she took the material and began inserting it into her pussy. When the last scrap had disappeared, she turned to me and said, “Fuck me in the ass, Cole. Make me squirt again so the material’s drenched.”

  I was more than happy to oblige. Spinning her around, I pushed her down so that she was braced against the little sink and yanked up the skirt around her waist. Her ass was a juicy bubble, and I nudged her knees apart, baring that little brown pucker as well as her wet pink slit. Kneeling I licked all the way up from her clit to her anus, savoring the taste of my little sister. Fuck, she was like honey and spice, my own personal kryptonite.


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