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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

Page 2

by Mercy B

  “Where you going? We’re supposed to be headed downstairs.” Keem was trying to go holler at the players. Reed wasn’t having it.

  “Keem, you’ve wasted all damn night with Fad. I told you that I had studying to do, and you insisted on dragging me along. I don’t have much more time. I’m hungry, and my period is on.” Reed’s face was flustered as she thought about the disadvantages of mother nature. She could be a bitch at times.

  “That’s why you straight tripping on a nigga. Chill. I’m going to see to it that you can study. You ain’t bring your books with you?”

  “No, because you said I’d be back in time.” Reed blew out in frustration. They were nearly out of the arena.

  The minute the doors open, the wind smacked them both in the face. “Shit.” Keem hissed. Running up towards Reed, he wrapped her in his arms and shielded her from the cold. Her thin jacket was of no use. Keem couldn’t afford her getting sick on him. Just like any other vital organ in his body, he needed his Reed. She was just as important to his operation as he was. That was one of the reasons he dragged her around the country, and out, while he handled his business.

  “Thanks Keem.” Reed smiled, because the New York climate was being anything but fair.

  “We have to make sure that you stay warm. Can’t go getting sick on me and shit.” Keem laughed, pressing his hard dick onto Reed’s back.

  The minute their bodies touched one another, it would always react that way. Since teens they’d been going steady, but Reed just hadn’t built up enough courage to go all of the way. She and Keem had discussed her past circumstances, and understood that she simply wasn’t ready. Reed was practicing celibacy, and wouldn’t budge until marriage. Being that Keem had declared himself as her man, he understood the risks that he was taking. Time and time again, they’d conversed about the waiting game that they were playing, and both parties seemed consenting.

  “Stop.” Reed moaned, loving the way that she was able to bring such a joyous feel to Keem’s body. His frequent arousals let her know that she was appealing to him, in more ways than one.

  “You don’t really want me to stop, do you?” he asked, slapping the side of her thigh as they continued to move through the cold.

  “Ummmm hmmmm.” Reed cooed, not knowing what the hell she wanted.

  “Keep walking,” Keem laughed. Reed hadn’t realized that she’d slowed down so much.

  Snapping from her trance, she opened her hooded eyes a bit more, and stood up straight. Speed walking, she pushed through, looking around to see exactly where their jet was parked. The private pad was filled with over twenty jets, all parked crazily. Most of them looked similar, but a few stood out. Unfortunately, theirs was one of the ones that resembled many others.

  “We’re over here, love.” RaKeem kissed the top of Reed’s right ear, and turned her towards the way that they’d just came from.

  “We passed it? How didn’t we see it?”

  “You didn’t see it,” he smiled, smoothly. “You were too busy copping a feel.”

  “Quiet.” Reed pinched RaKeem’s arm, mad that she’d gotten called out.

  “Ouch.” He laughed. “The hell was that for.”

  “Just because.” She pouted, removing herself from his space and running off to the jet. The lone flight attendant was standing out in the cold, waiting for them. Reed had taken off, running straight up the slim flight of stairs, out of Keem’s reach.

  Just as smooth as he could be, Keem never picked up his steps as he made his way to the jet. He couldn’t wait to get inside. Reed was going to pay. She thought that she’d gotten away, but she had a rude awakening coming.

  “Mr. Jones.” The attendant nodded.

  “Carrie.” Keem nodded in return. “Tell John we’re ready for take off, immediately. Reed has studying.”

  “No problem.” Carrie nodded her head up and down, quickly.

  Behind Keem, she scrambled to get up the stairs. As he walked through the dimly lit cabin, Carrie hurried to secure the door. When Keem spoke, the crew listened. If not, there was hell to pay. Keem was a very easy going guy, but he was a force.

  “Reed?” Keem questioned, “Don’t run now, girl.” He joked. The two were the silliest when together. Their relationship was filled with love and laughter.

  “I’m in the restroom, Keem. I’ll be out in a minute, but don’t play. Mother nature is here.” Reed sighed. She hated her period, mainly because she was in a funk the entire four days. She rarely even felt like getting out of the bed. It was always too much of a hassle to do anything but sulk.

  “You’d better be glad she saved you, aight. Clean up and come on out. Lay with me before we land.”

  He knew how Reed got when it was that time of the month, so he tried his best to treat her extra special. While other guys seemed to gross out about the entire ordeal, Keem never shied. Shit, Reed was woman, and he knew what they went through. There was nothing to be afraid or uptight about.

  “Okay.” She yelled back.

  By now, Keem had made it to the door of the restroom. He stood outside of it with his head tilted on the cabin wall. Pulling his cell out, he checked the time. Figuring he could still get her to her dorm at a respectable time, he cheered up a bit. If not, that would be something else that she would have to complain about.

  As the possible valedictorian, she was serious about her studies. Unlike RaKeem, who’d discovered that college wasn’t for him. As well-educated as he was, he knew that a degree wouldn’t qualify him any more or less for the career he’d chosen. His smarts had come from his stints in the streets as a child, and his natural knowledge. School hadn’t gotten him to where he was, his wisdom had. Sophomore year, he completely cut out, and everyone around him completely understood.

  While RaKeem had dropped out of college, Reed was still going strong. She was in her very last semester, and couldn’t wait to complete her very first undergrad years with a bang. The support that she was receiving from family and friends kept her grounded. Roc, he was the biggest supporter of them all. Each day, he would call to check in on her and her studies.

  Initially, Roc wasn’t fond of the relationship that RaKeem and Reed had embarked on. However, after being brutally honest with himself, he had to come to terms with the fact that he couldn’t dictate her life. Besides, Keem was a good dude, and Roc was just happy that Reed hadn’t chosen a fucking lame. RaKeem was actually making moves, and teaching Reed to do the same.

  After approval of their union, Roc no longer supplied Reed with her necessities. Keem was solely responsible for her financially, and he handled her well. Designer this and that, Reed was always dressed to kill. The new ambiance that surrounded her was strictly due to the arrogance that Keem had pumped into her over the years. Month by month, he’d injected her with confidence and savviness. Reed was now hell in heels. His clients hated to see her coming.

  “You good?” RaKeem looked up from his phone as Reed opened the door to the bathroom.

  “Yeah.” She answered.

  “Come on.” Keem placed his arms under hers and scooped her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Like the big baby that she was, Reed tucked her head into his neck and held on for the ride.

  Keem placed her on the bed, and laid beside her. Pulling her backwards, into him, the couple spooned on the short flight back to the city. Not many words were exchanged as they laid. It was moments as such that caused Reed to continue to fall deeper into the trance that RaKeem had lead her into. He was forever showing her that she was worth more than she could’ve ever thought that she was. He’d built her self-esteem, and taught her more about herself than she could’ve taught herself. For it all, she was thankful.

  “Reed.” She felt him jerking her body back and forth. She’d dozed off, soon after lift off. The flight was only a few minutes, so she hadn’t gotten too deep.

  “I’m up.” She rubbed her eyes. The linen that she laid on was so comfortable, pulling her deeper into the p
lush mattress. If studying wasn’t a case at hand, she would’ve gladly slept the night away.

  “Come on. Let’s get you inside.” Keem helped Reed from the bed, and allowed her to lead the way through the cabin. The leather white seats shifted as they made contact with each of them. Reed was sloppily making her way out of the jet. RaKeem lagged behind her with her handbag in his right hand.

  “Have a blessed night,” Carrie smiled.

  “You do the same.” Keem said as he exited. “We right over here, Reed.” He pointed to the all black Phantom that was parked by it’s lonesome.

  The lights were dimmed, but it was breathing. While they were at the game discussing business, his accountant was clearing the titles to his new town car. Neither he or Reed desired to drive, so neither would touch the steering wheel. However, they’d needed more space for their meetings. Most of which were held in the backseats of his cars.

  “Oh wow, baby. You got it. That was fast.” She called out. “Really.”

  “You know how that shit goes.” Keem shrugged. They’d just discussed the need for new wheels before entering the NBA game. Just hours later, they were awarded. “Come on. It’s cold out.”

  RaKeem’s door opened, and he got out –one foot in front of the other. His slightly tapered cut could be seen under the light post that was just above his head. The night sky was beautiful. Looking upward, he kissed, sharing a brief moment with his deceased mother. There wasn’t a day that commenced and he hadn’t thought of her. Her death was still a fresh memory, and he’d wished that he had been in a better predicament to see her off to the heavens above.

  Lowering his head from the sky, Keem walked around to Reed’s side. He pulled her door open, and stared at her alluring features. She was breathtaking, even after all of these years. It was uncanny that they’d never confirmed their union, but it had happened. With each year, they became a bit more attached to one another, solidifying what they already thought that they had. They’d willingly become man and woman, girlfriend and boyfriend.

  Reaching into the whip, Keem grabbed Reed’s hand and pulled her out of the car. her long legs made way for the rest of her. Keem shook his head, and rubbed the perfectly aligned goatee of his. Reed was just fucking perfect. He was one lucky guy.

  “Are you walking me up?” she questioned.

  “Of course. What kind of question is that?” he turned and closed the door. Grabbing Reed’s hand, once more, he led the way into the dormitory that she resided in.

  Although she could’ve gotten herself an off campus spot, or moved in with Keem, she chose to do neither. Reed wanted the entire college experience. Being on campus kept her focused, in her opinion. Being that she’d graduated early and was still much too young to be out on her own, everyone had agreed that her best interest was to be on campus.

  Reed had started college at only seventeen, yet she had majored in three different subjects, elongating her undergrad years. At 22, Reed had spent the past five years in school, and was near the finish line. With only a few months left, she was excited about walking across the stage. Keem had big plans in store for her when the time came. He was so proud of his lady.

  “How long will you be studying?” Keem questioned.

  “Just a few hours.” Reed sighed.

  “Don’t be up too late. Your test is early morning. If you’re too tired, studying would’ve been in vain.” He preached.

  “I know. I won’t be all night. I’ll call you once I’m done.”

  “Don’t bother. I’d much rather you rest.” Keem and Reed had made it to the door. He pulled the door open, and the heat welcomed them both. As usual, the lobby was packed with students. Everyone halted their actions, and stared. Royalty had entered their presence, and every move that either made was to be witnessed.

  Keem and Reed bypassed the check in center. With his status, RaKeem wasn’t hounded for identification like the other guys on who came on campus. He had never even handed his over. Everyone knew who the hell he was. There was no questioning. Pulling out his small linen, Keem pressed the up button on the elevator.

  While waiting, he gave head nods and low growls to the people that were dying to get a word out of him. All the while, Reed had her nose in the air. She hated the attention, but it came with the territory. Keem placed his hand on the elevator door, with his linen in between, and allowed Reed on first. The students that occupied the same building were trifling, and downright nasty. Keem hated the thought of swimming in their germs.

  Up to the third floor, they traveled, both staring at one another. Reed traced RaKeem’s light colored eyes with hers. He was so perfectly constructed. Everything about Keem was ravishing to her. Never, had she ever seen a more handsome man. While in a room with hundreds, Keem was always the most stunning. In her twenty-two years of living, she’d never encountered anyone as amazing. Her brother had been the only man that had ever been of any influence on her, but Keem had quickly replaced him –in a few ways.

  “Well, this is me.” Reed grabbed her designer bag from Keem’s arms. Unzipping the front, she retrieved her keys. “I guess I better get to these books.”

  “I’d come in, but that would only hinder your studies.” Keem hissed, “So, I’ll just be on my way, love.”

  “Okay.” Reed pouted.

  “Come here.” He grabbed her neck, and brought her forward. Just as soon as she was close enough, he pursed his lips and kissed hers. The tense feeling that was present at first was now gone. She melted under his embrace. Keem was sure to break her down with each touch. He wanted her to relax, and allow her mind to be at ease before he took off.

  “I love you.” Reed recited, pulling back.

  “You’d better.” He tapped her forehead and backed up. Saluting her with his right hands, he blew a silent kiss, “I’ll holler at you boss lady.” He smiled.

  “Alright boss man,” Reed saluted as well. it was a thing that they did, each time they parted ways. Kissing the air, she closed her eyes. When she opened them, Keem was standing at the opposite end of the hall capturing the kiss that she’d just sent his way. Grabbing it, it tucked it under his bosom, at his heart.

  Fluttering commenced inside of Reed as she looked on. Each time Keem reenacted the gesture, it warmed her. It never failed. Reed’s cheeks turned beet red, and burned all over. Love was in the air, and she was soaking it all up.

  “Goodnight.” Keem mouthed.

  “Goodnight.” Reed returned, twisting her key and pushing her door open, she went inside of her dorm room. Closing the door behind her, she placed her back against it and slid down. Already, she missed RaKeem.


  “Perfect!” KinZu smiled at her reflection. She looked amazing. Her unique heritage shining through her features. Her melanin infused skin, long slender legs, bright brown eyes, and plush lips were on full display in the backless top, pencil skirt, and a pair of Reed’s designer pumps. She looked amazing.

  With exams and basketball season in, KinZu had barely seen much of her man, unless it was on the court or for a few minutes between classes. As understanding as she tried to be, she couldn’t help but to want some alone time with him. Besides, he was able to make every party that was held near campus.

  After constant complaints, he’d promised her a date. KinZu was overly excited about the personal time, and couldn’t wait to be in his presence. For over two years, they’d been dating. With time, it seemed as they drifted further apart, but KinZu neglected to admit the facts. Like the naïve girl she was, she overlooked the signs of pre-separation. She figured it was all a phase, and soon they’d be back to their old ways.

  “Good timing Kin.” She complimented herself. She was actually prepared and ready to rock and roll before the designated time. In just twenty short minutes, she’d be in the arms of her knight in shining armor.

  KinZu figured that she’d take the time to clean the mess that she’d made. Little by little, she replaced the empty dresser drawers with the clothes that she’d taken fr
om them. KinZu wasn’t as fortunate as Reed, and she was tremendously thankful for being roomed with the sweet soul. Whatever Reed owned, KinZu had rights to it. Reed was forever looking out for her. They’d met freshman year. While Reed was two years younger than KinZu, she was the more mature one. Life had caused her to mature much sooner than her time, but it was much needed.

  When it was time to show and prove, KinZu always dug through Reed’s drawers. Sure to switch up her outfits and never wear one just as Reed had, people were clueless to the fact that KinZu was borrowing. She preferred it that way. It was no one’s business.

  “I’ll have to try this next time,” KinZu eyed a silk shirt and GUESS denim. Had she spotted them the first go round, they would’ve been her choice. However, she had no time to change, now.

  Just in the nick of time, KinZu had cleaned the crammed dorm room. It looked just as clean as it had before she began pulling things from everywhere. Tired, she flopped down on the bed and grabbed her phone, checking to see if Jonathan had texted.


  Humping her shoulders, she laid back and dialed his number. Expecting an answer, KinZu grew worried when she didn’t get one. Hanging up, she called back, and got the same results. Sighing, she figured he was still getting dressed.

  “He’ll call back.” She tossed her phone to the side. Lifting up, she fingered her wild hair.

  Looking around the room, she wondered what she could do to busy herself. The growling of her stomach prompted her to run her eyes across her snack stash. It had definitely dwindled. When she was on her way back to campus, she would remind Jonathan to get her more. She was low on funds, and wouldn’t dare waste them on snacks. That was one bill that she preferred someone else to pay.

  Standing to her feet, KinZu followed her eyes. Picking through her small batch of groceries, she found the very last pack of noodles, and decided to heat them up. Surely, Jonathan would be hitting her line soon, so she didn’t want to put anything too heavy on her stomach. They would be dining somewhere.


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