Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Page 9

by Mercy B

  As a young man in a relationship, he often questioned if he was missing out on much. He and Reed had fell into habit, and now they were inseparable. She was perfection, so Keem was confused at his need to entertain others. As much as he’d like to blame it on their lack of intimacy, he knew that even if she was giving him the goods he’d probably still seek other women. It just felt so natural, much more than monogamy.

  “I’m fucking up.” He admitted.

  “Elaborate.” Meek spoke, sitting up, he wrapped his arms around Reign, sure not to let her fall. She’d gone to sleep on his chest. Even at six years old, she was still accustomed to sleeping on her dad. Bella had gotten on to her about not wanting to have her hair combed, and she’d cried herself to sleep –right on her father’s chest.

  “I dipping on Reed.” He couldn’t even believe he was having so much difficulty sharing the news. Meek was well aware of his unfaithfulness. However, Keem was questioning his actions after suspicions arose.

  “She on your rope?” Meek asked, already knowing where the sudden change of heart was emitting from. “So you’re feeling guilty huh?”

  “Yeah. Something like that.” Keem nodded.

  “You’re young, but that’s no excuse. You’re not missing a motherfucking thing in these streets. Reed is a good girl, and I’m not just saying that shit because I know her. It’s the truth.”

  “I know. That’s why I don’t understand myself. The fuck am I doing?”

  “You’re giving into temptation. Face it, though. You ain’t going to find another woman to put up with your ass the way she does, handle your business the way she does, and get shit done the way she does. That girl is one of a kind. Together, you two can move mountains. Don’t lose the one you love over some bitches you like.”

  “I’m not. I’m not going to lose her.”

  “We usually think that until we actually do.” Meek stressed. “Keem?”

  “Yeah?” Keem asked.

  “Love her or leave her the fuck alone.” Meek hissed, ending the call.

  Keem was left with his thoughts. Meek had made him feel even worse than before. He was right. There would never be another Reed. She handled shit so well. She’d mastered the craft to where it was her speaking at meeting and consultations. RaKeem sat back like a proud papa as she strategized with clients. Her approach was fiercer than his, being that she was a woman trying to win authority amongst his make clients. Some listened to her, and the ones who didn’t always wound up back in their office –wishing that they’d taken her advice.

  Placing his cell inside of his pocket, he headed back up towards the house. On the way in, he thought of a million ways to break it off with Danity, but he wasn’t feeling either. Or maybe it was the idea of breaking things off that he wasn’t feeling. Conflicted, he was. RaKeem didn’t know whether to swing right or left.

  Retiring inside of his study, Keem decided on getting ahead on work by reviewing some cases and jotting down some notes so that he and Reed could discuss them at a later time. As he worked the night away, Meek’s words continued to replay in his head. After three hours of paperwork and countless notes, RaKeem was ready to call it a night.

  He went to his room, where Reed was sleeping and stripped down to his boxers. While Reed slept, he removed her clothes and then laid her in the bed the proper way. RaKeem laid beside her and kissed her goodnight. Not before long, he was sound asleep.


  KinZu put the finishing touches on her hair, and then spun around to look at Reed. “How is this?” she questioned.

  Tonight was the night that she’d made plans to break the baby news to Jonathan. She was so excited, and knew that he would be to. Since the other incident, they’d been just fine. He was more attentive, and she couldn’t have been happier with the space that they were in at the moment.

  Although others may not have understood the bond between she and Jonathan, KinZu was well aware of it. Even in youth, she recognized their potential. Seemingly, he was beginning to see it. In the past few days, he’d been mister nice guy. So tonight, KinZu wanted to show her appreciation by surprising him at his game.

  “Silly.” Reed shrugged, not mindful of her harshness. She couldn’t believe that KinZu was going all the way out for Jonathan when he had been completely out of order for transmitting such a nasty disease.

  “Reed.” KinZu complained.

  “What?” Reed asked, slamming her book together. She’d just finished her studies for the night and would be accompanying KinZu to their school’s home game for the night.

  KinZu had gone out of her way to represent her man. She wore his jersey number, in which she’d paid to have pressed on a shirt, and the school’s colors were tied ribbons around her catholic school girl ponytail. She looked really pretty, but Reed couldn’t help but to think that she was silly looking as well.

  “Play nice.” KinZu warned. She was aware of Reed’s brewing hatred for her boyfriend, but she needed her support at the particular time. Being ugly wasn’t helping –being that KinZu was already nervous about the entire ordeal.

  “No, you really look cute. Silly, still… but cute.” She laughed. “You about ready?”

  “Yeah. Let me get my little sign.”

  Reed rolled her eyes into the top of her head. She was beginning to think that the game wasn’t such a good idea. Well, at least not with KinZu. She was over the top, right now.

  “Okay.” Reed guessed if Keem was a ball player, she’d be on the same tip, so she decided to cut her best friend a bit of slack.

  As usual, the game was lit. Reed and KinZu snagged seats just in the middle of the gym. The cheerleaders were screaming to the top of their little lungs as they competed with the cheerleaders from the opposing team. It was a mini show going down, reminding Reed of the joys cheering brought. It was much like the movie, “Bring It On.” That was what excited Reed the most about cheering, competition.

  Because finals were coming up, she’d opted out of cheering for the next few games. Her studies were much more important. Her coach completely understood. However, from the bleachers, Reed cheered with her girls throughout the entire game. KinZu did the same, only for Jonathan. He was on fire, not missing a shot. KinZu couldn’t sit down for cheering for her man.

  Just minutes before the buzzer went off, sounding the end of the game, Jonathan hit a three. Looking into the audience, KinZu followed his eyes. They landed on KinZu’s arch enemy at the time, Rachel. She was sitting just feet away from KinZu with a huge smile on her face. She, too, was sporting his jersey number with the school’s colors on it. KinZu’s heart dropped when she saw Jonathan blow her a kiss. Rachel put her hand to her mouth and blew a kiss back at Jonathan.

  “Did you just see that?” Reed asked, ready to set it the hell off.

  “Reed, please.” KinZu begged.

  She knew her friend was down to ride, but she didn’t need the hype at the moment. She was completely in her feelings as she sat in silence while the gym began to clear. Reed pulled her by the arm and made her get up. Pulling her towards Jonathan, she dared KinZu to protest. For once, she was going to demand some respect from the no good nigga that she called her man. It was only right. Reed refused to sit and allow her to sulk. It was time that she did something about the bullshit that Jonathan was feeding her.

  “Wait.” KinZu called out to Reed.

  “Fuck no! We aren’t waiting. I’ve waited all these fucking years for you to man up and you just keep letting this dude run circles around you. You’re about to have his kid for crying out loud. After this game, it was supposed be your time to spread the good news, but look at this shit. Just look.” Reed pointed towards Jonathan as he smiled in Rachel’s face, causing her to smile, too. Whatever they were saying must’ve been really sweet, because they were both smiling from ear to ear.

  Reed was the first to approach. “Excuse me.” she tapped Jonathan on the shoulder.

  He turned and thought that he’d seen a ghost. KinZu had assured him that
she wasn’t coming to the game. It was the main reason that he’d invited Rachel to join him, afterwards. They’d made plans to hit up the after party together. Now, he wasn’t sure what was about to go down. If KinZu had been present throughout the entire game, she would surely be pissed.

  “What... What’s up?” he asked, not giving anyone eye contact.

  “KinZu needs to speak with you.” Reed nearly jammed her neck for rolling it so hard.

  “Actually, I don’t.” she finally spoke up. “I’ve said my peace… Just about a week ago when I told you about that burning sensation that the doctor gave me meds for. I hope that you’ve gotten checked out, darling. You seem to be the source of my itch.” KinZu concluded.

  She didn’t even bother spilling the fact that she was expecting. Jonathan had ruined the pleasant surprise, much like always. He couldn’t get it right if he tried. Finally, she was feeling a bit ticked off. Usually, she’d break down and cry about Jonathan’s horrible display of love towards her, but she was slowly getting sick of his shit. Pretty soon, he’d find out what it would be like to miss her.

  “What?” Rachel called out, giving KinZu the meanest mug that she could muster up.

  “Bitch you heard her!” Reed roared, ready for action.

  She didn’t fight, but she wasn’t a coward. Rachel didn’t have shit to say to her best friend, and Reed needed that to be known. As quickly as Rachel buffed up, she piped the fuck down. Reed wasn’t going to play that tough talk with her. She knew to stand down, and that’s exactly what she did.

  “Let’s go KinZu.” Reed barked, grabbing KinZu by the hand. “I don’t even know why you’re still wasting your time on this fuck nigga. He doesn’t even deserve the pussy.”

  KinZu walked off, deflated and defeated. It seemed as if Jonathan just really didn’t give a fuck about her. She looked over her shoulder as they continued, and saw what seemed like Jonathan apologizing to an upset Rachel.

  If KinZu wasn’t mistaken, it was her that he should’ve been conjuring an explanation for. However, he was trying to convince his side bitch of his innocence. Shaking her head, KinZu turned back around. Something would have to give. This was the final straw.

  “Don’t even worry, Kin.” Reed shook her head. “Fuck him.”

  “But did you see that?” KinZu asked, her heart feeling as if it was caving in.

  Although she was use to his harsh treatment, the pain was never letting up. Each and every time, it hurt just as worst as the first. She had the right mind not to cry, but she just couldn’t help it.

  “Hold it together.” Reed choked up, heartbroken for her friend. It was as if their feelings were in sync. If Kin was hurting, so was Reed. “Don’t ever let a bitch see you sweat. Hold your head up and keep them tears in check until we get out of this building.”

  Reed understood the pain. She’d just felt it with the RaKeem situation. Being a very secretive person, she didn’t bother mentioning. Reed was of a different breed, and handle situations much different from the average woman. Well calculated, she needed her facts to be in place before presenting her case. Luckily, Keem had proved his innocence.

  “But…” KinZu’s voice cracked, she was slowing down as they walked –breaking.

  Yanking her arm, Reed encouraged her to continue walking. Taking the back door, whereas everyone else was making their way to the front, Reed rushed to privacy. KinZu needed a moment, and she wanted to give her the air that she needed. Bursting through the back door, she let go of KinZu’s hand just as the night air tore through their jackets.

  Bending, KinZu placed her hands on her knees, after throwing her back against the wall. Crying out, she was at a loss of words. Just minutes prior, she’d promised to stay strong, but sometimes that wasn’t possible. The shit just hurt. It was as simple as that.

  Covering her eyes with her arm, Reed turned her back towards KinZu and caught her tears with her sleeves. As much as she hated KinZu for allowing such fuckery to continue just under her nose, she was aware of the love she carried for Jonathan. It must’ve been horrible to keep going through the same thing. KinZu’s cries were heart wrenching. Reed just wanted her pain to disappear.

  “Kin,” she called out after clearing her face. Turning back towards her, she removed her hands from her knees, brought them to her waist, and hugged her around the neck. Holding her tight, she spoke some real shit in her ear.

  “You are the prize… You should be treasured and loved as such. If a man can’t place you on the pedestal that you rightfully deserve, then it’s best you let go. I can’t see this getting any better. Walk. Walk away. If not, he’ll just keep breaking you. Soon, you won’t be left with an ounce of confidence. Don’t give that man power over you, because he’ll just use you all the way up. Real love doesn’t hurt, Kin. That’s just the truth in it all. I see the stress that you carry around, and frankly, you’re too fly for that. My love for you can’t allow you to keep accepting the bare minimum that he’s giving. I see so much more for you. Heartbreak and healthy, and eventually it gets the best of you. Gather the pieces of your crumbling heart and mend them back together. You owe it to your unborn. Shit, you owe it to yourself.” By the time that her words were in completion, Reed was crying much worse than KinZu.

  Always a realist, Reed was sure to listen as she spoke to her best friend. If ever there was a time that Keem felt the need to discontinue treating her like the queen that she was, she’d leave him. There was no doubt in her mind. Love wasn’t easy, but it didn’t have to be complicated either.

  The next morning, KinZu could barely see through her swollen eyes. All night long, she’d cried in Reed’s arms. Allowing all of the stress, heartache, and headache that she’d encountered throughout her entire stint as Jonathan’s girlfriend to roll from her eyes.

  Being the great friend that she was, Reed was sure to keep reassuring her that the break was much needed, and she’d be there for her during the entire transition. Placing her trust in Reed’s hands, she knew that her best friend wouldn’t let her down.

  KinZu had placed the task of telling Jonathan about the pregnancy until she was feeling better. It was her first visit, and Reed had ditched class to accompany her. As they sat in the lobby of the facility, the pair looked through parental magazines and read up on the dos and don’ts of parenting.

  “So what do you want to have?” Reed asked.

  “I don’t really care, but a daughter would be nice. I can see myself with a baby girl. I don’t much know about boys.” KinZu shrugged, “But I don’t mind learning.”

  “I can see you with a daughter as well.” Reed smiled. “I’m starting to get excited with even the idea. I can’t wait until we can go shopping and chose baby names. Oh my, the shower will be bananas. I can’t wait.” Reed bounced up and down in her seat, getting hyped with the plans she was already making in her head. KinZu’s pregnancy and birth would be epic, and she’d made sure of it.

  KinZu saddened, thinking about how it was Reed rather than her child’s father accompanying her and getting excited about their new edition. Although she was happy that she had a friend as great as Reed, she wished that Jonathan could be sitting next to her, cheering her on and bouncing in his chair.

  Finding a smile from deep within, KinZu nodded, “I can’t wait, either.” She realized that she’d probably be a single mother and the baby wasn’t even born yet. Immediately, she began to reconsider her future. Becoming a single mother was never in her plans.

  “Ms. Nobel,” the nurse called out, jarring KinZu from her thoughts. “The doctor will see you, now.”

  Just minutes later, KinZu was wrapped in a paper gown with it raised up to her stomach. Her legs were in the air as the doctor poked around at her opening. With his hands covered in gloves, he stuck a few fingers inside of KinZu and fished around. Nodding, he smiled while pressing on her stomach with his free hand.

  “Looks good.” He announced. “We’re going to get you some pictures of your little one here in just a second. Rai
se your gown up above your stomach for me. Put the other cloth around your lower half.” He instructed. He’d gotten up from his seat and trashed the gloves before throwing on a new pair.

  “Prepare yourself for the coolness.” He warned before squirting the cool blue-clear liquid onto KinZu’s stomach. She flinched a bit, but didn’t move too much. Sitting down in the stool that was equipped with wheels, her doctor pulled the wand like instrument from it’s dock.

  Placing it on her stomach, his brows raised, causing KinZu to worry. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Everything is perfect.”

  “Oh.” She chuckled. “I just saw how you looked and got a bit scared.”

  “Me too.” Reed laughed, relieved.

  “No, everything is fine. I want you to listen to something.” He turned the nob on the machine that he was looking at. The sound of a heartbeat boomed throughout the entire room.

  “You hear that?” he questioned. KinZu could only nod, because she was busy trying to hold back her tears. “That’s the sound of your babies’ heartbeats.”

  “Heartbeats?” Reed called out.

  “Yes. Heartbeats. Congratulations, mom. You’re having twins.”

  Just as KinZu’s world lit with joy, it was darkened with pain. She was just getting used to the idea of parenting a little one, and now she was hit with the news that she’d be having two. As much as she wanted to be excited, she just couldn’t kick the sadness that overpowered her. Covering her face with both hands, she began to cry.

  “I’ll give you a minute. The nurse will be in with your appointment card.” The doctor removed his second pair of gloves and headed for the door –after cleaning KinZu up. “Just know that whatever it is, it’s going to be just fine. With time, it’ll all work itself out.” He spoke to KinZu, not even knowing where her problem laid. However, he was aware that pain was gripping her, and she needed to let go of whatever was causing it. “Let it go.” He waved, leaving both her and Reed to their thoughts.


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