Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Page 10

by Mercy B

  “Are you okay?” Reed rubbed KinZu’s head, knowing that the news was probably devastating. “I’m here. I’d love to be the God mother of both of your little ones, and take on half of the responsibility. Keem and I would be honored.”

  “But it’s not your job!” KinZu stressed.

  “It’s as much of mine as it is yours.”

  “You’re so good to me. I’m probably the crappiest friend ever. I swear, God sent me an angel. I promise Reed. I’m going to get it together.” KinZu wanted Reed to put her trust in her. “For them.”

  “I know.” Reed smiled. “We all have to learn. You’re going to grow so beautifully from this all. Just watch. You’ll come out on top. They’ll be sorry that they ever fucked over you, mark my words.” Reed could see it. Whenever KinZu came out of the state that she was in, she’d be HELL.

  “I hope so. I’m having twins,” she smiled, letting it all sink in.

  “We’re having twins.” Reed corrected.


  “Please, don’t stop Keem. That… feels… so good.”

  Danity’s pussy was to Keem exactly what crack was to a crackhead –his drug of choice. As much as he tried to stay away, the temptation just wouldn’t let him be. After a very avant-garde dinner with his beloved girlfriend Reed, he crept up to his hiding place and buried his bone deep inside of Danity’s hole.

  “Yessssss.” She screamed, creaming all over the rubber that protected RaKeem from the unknown. Her skin was spotted with sweat, evidence of their elongated sex session. A week of no communication or intimacy caused Keem to crave her insides. More than anything, he missed watching her beautiful body convulse as he brought her to mind blowing orgasms, back to back.

  Skilled at his craft, RaKeem could rock even the toughest bitch to sleep. The way he put it down was sure to leave any woman with a spinning head, shaking legs, wet ass, and a soaking pussy. Pulling his dick out, he tapped it on her ass before removing the condom.

  “Come here.” He demanded, in a low-like tone. Danity had cum four time, she’d counted. However, his baritone caused her to leak, just once more.

  Grabbing Danity’s pineapple, or so she called it, and forced her down to his dick. Face to face, she opened wide and allowed him to do his dirt. Back and forth, Keem fucked the inside of Danity’s mouth, hitting her throat each time. The sound of her nearly choking brought him to that familiar place that he was desperate to reach. The messier, the better –in his case. The slob that ran from either side of Danity’s mouth was a bit much. Looking into her tear-filled eyes, he released.

  “UGH!” he groaned, nearly pulling her hair from the roots. The pain was mild compared to the pleasure that she knew she’d just brought Keem. “Damn, girl.” Keem breathed, trying to balance himself. He was standing on the floor as he tore into Danity from the back, both of their favorite position.

  “Ummm…” Danity licked her lips, sure to take everything that RaKeem had offered.

  Before RaKeem could reply to Danity’s freakiness, his cell began to ring. Scrambling, he gathered his pants –which were at his feet. From the tone, he knew exactly who was trying to reach him. No matter his circumstances, there wasn’t a chance that he wasn’t going to answer.

  “Fuck!” he cursed, praying that he didn’t miss the call.

  Just in time, he ran out into the hall and down the stairs. Just hoping the phone would keep ringing, he shuffled is feet until he was down every stair and out of the side door of the dormitory. Before the cold air welcomed him, his ringing cell shut off. “Shit!” he cursed.

  Unlocking his phone, he hurriedly dialed the number back. It was only seconds before Reed’s gorgeous face filled his screen. Relieved that she didn’t answer with a smudged expression, Keem exhaled. It wasn’t until he had to face Reed, soon after his unfaithful acts, did he feel like shit. During the time, she was the furthest thing from his mind.

  “Hey baby. What are you doing?” she questioned, blowing on her toenails. She’d just polished them, and was waiting for them to dry. Her date with Keem had her feeling as if she was on cloud nine. He’d purchased her a new neck piece from Tiffany’s and she’d fallen head over hills in love with it.

  “About to head home.” He answered. “What you doing?”

  “You’re still on campus?” she screwed her face up.



  “Shit, ran into one of my niggas and we’ve been out here fucking off ever since.”

  “Oh okay. I’m polishing my toes.” Reed admired the bit of sparkle that she’d decided to add at the last minute.

  “Did your ass just get your toes done?”

  “Yeah, but I was bored… So.” Reed shrugged.

  “So, I pay all of that damn money to get those dust bunnies all fixed up, only for you to end up polishing them on your own?” Keem joked.

  His heart cried out to Reed as he spoke. He desperately wanted to shake his desires, but the urges were much too strong. It was so much easier to give in. She deserved so much more than he was offering, but he’d be damned if he admitted the fact. In his mind, he was the best she’d get –and vice versa. They were destined, but if only he could find the nerve to buckle down and wait shit out with her.

  “Keem, I swear. Them damn shell shocked things you call feet over there. You should really stop it. Looks like you’ve walked from Africa and right back. Joe as nigga.” Reed laughed, causing Keem to do the same.

  “Whatever. For a man, my shit looks good.” Keem raised his brows and nodded his head.

  “Ummm. Hmmm. I’ll let you go. Text me when you get home.” Reed kissed at the phone.


  “Drive safe.”

  “If I want to make it back to you, then I have no other choice.” He smiled.

  “Late, Keem.” Reed blushed.

  RaKeem hung up, shaking his head. He knew that Danity was probably on fire, but he didn’t give a damn. In fact, he wouldn’t dare even bother to go back upstairs. His playtime was over. Looking around, his eyes moved to the window that he knew to be hers.

  Just as expected, she was staring down at him with her arms folded over her chest. She’d put on some clothes, and probably washed up a bit. Keem would’ve loved to lay up in her all night, in fact that was his initial plan. However, after speaking with Reed, his only thought was to go home and call it a night.

  “How are you feeling?” Reed asked, referring to KinZu.

  It had been a full week since her first parental visit, and she had been sick since the following day. Unfortunately, she’d had to cancel all classes. The only thing she did was puke and sleep. Daylight didn’t even agree with her. If she stayed awake too long in the morning, noon, or evening, she’d get a horrible headache. If not, she’d just be very nauseous. To combat the symptoms, she stayed up through the night and slept all day.

  Her sickness caused her to be very moody. Luckily for her, she had no desire to speak with Jonathan. It wasn’t because of his bullshit, but more so because she was too sick to deal with him. They had very important issues to discuss, and she wanted to be well when they did so. Reed was her usual helpful self. KinZu was being cared for in the best way.

  “I’m okay.” She rolled over, scrolling through her Instagram feed.

  She’d unfollowed both Rachel and Jonathan. She didn’t need to be reminded of anything either of them had going on. Although she was still deeply in love with Jonathan, she was simply tired. He treated her like shit, and as she laid in bed each day she realized just how fucked up her relationship with him really was. In fact, she wondered why she’d ever considered it a union. It was merely even a friendship.

  “I see you’ve got a new toy.”

  “What, this?” Reed asked, touching her gold rope with the diamond filled cross.

  “Yes. It’s beautiful.”

  “Thanks. Keem got it for me. He gave it to me at dinner. I’m in love with it.” Reed confessed.

  “Shit, me too. I swear you’d be
tter marry that man. He loves the hell out of you. I can see it in his eyes. Even his actions say it. I just wish that…”

  “Hush. Don’t wish nothing. Just like Jonathan, Keem can flip in a day. We’re human, and unpredictable. In the blink of an eye, this all could go south. Chill.” Reed didn’t know just how true her words were as she spoke them.

  “You’re right.”

  “I know.” She laughed. “Shit happens, KinZu.” She said, praying that she never had to go through the heartbreak that KinZu was experiencing. With a bit of faith, she prayed that Keem continued on the straight and narrow.

  “I know.” KinZu scrolled through her cell and pulled up Jonathan’s number. “I think that I’m ready to tell him about the babies.”

  “I think it’s about that time, too.” Reed agreed.

  “I guess I should text him and schedule something.” KinZu seemed to ask, rather than state.

  “Yeah. Tell him to meet you somewhere the day after tomorrow. Take tomorrow to get yourself together. You’ve been out for the entire week. You need to regroup.”

  “I know. I feel like I’ve been in isolation.” KinZu giggled.

  “You have!” Reed reminded her.

  “Have you realized that graduation is just three weeks away?” KinZu asked.

  “I swear it snuck up on us!” Reed shook her head. It seemed like yesterday when the semester had started.

  “I know. I was just over here putting a reminder in my calendar for my next visit, and then the date popped up. I was like, oh my God!” KinZu laughed, getting up from her bed.

  While talking to Reed, she was filling in the message that she wanted to send to Jonathan.

  We need to talk. How is the day after tomorrow for you? KinZu texted.

  I miss you, Kin. He replied immediately, causing KinZu’s heart to drop.

  She wasn’t expecting the response. He hadn’t attempted to reach her all week. She’d thought that he had forgot about her, or just didn’t give a damn that she wasn’t hitting him up.

  “He says that he misses me.” KinZu stared at the words as if they were foreign objects.

  “Don’t let him woo you. He ain’t bout shit. Just get to the point, and let that be that. It’s all a trap KinZu, don’t fall for it.”

  Listening to Reed, KinZu disregarded his statement.

  So, how is that day for you? She asked.

  I miss you, KinZu. I know that you probably think that I don’t, but it’s the furthest thing from the truth. I’ve taken this last week to just really think. I’ve been the worst fucking nigga that a girl could ask for. I’m sorry, and I’m ready to make this shit up to you. Whatever I need to do. Just tell me.

  A lump formed in KinZu’s throat as she read his message. She wondered where his words had come from. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to run to him. However, she knew that it probably wasn’t the best decision.

  Meet me somewhere the day after tomorrow. It’s all I ask. She responded.

  Just come through. We can talk. I’ll see you then.

  KinZu didn’t bother responding. She was frozen. Reed stared at her from the floor, knowing that Jonathan had probably said some slick shit that would definitely reel KinZu in. Breathing out in frustration, Reed got up from the floor and sat on her bed. Being sure not to let her toes touch anything, she placed her feet on her bed and laid down.

  “I’m calling it a night.” She sighed.

  “Okay.” KinZu got up and cut their lights out. She wasn’t sleepy, but she knew that Reed hated sleeping with the lights on. It wouldn’t be a problem laying in the dark. She needed to be alone with her thoughts.

  “Goodnight.” KinZu whispered.

  The days sped pass, and KinZu found herself walking to Jonathan’s off campus apartment. His roommates were leaving out of the door just as she was about to knock.

  “What’s up?” the greeted as they stormed passed her.

  Nodding her head, she didn’t say a word as she made her way to Jonathan’s room. He was expecting her, so she wasn’t surprised to see him cleaning his room when she walked in. Throwing his dirty shirts into the hamper one by one, he acknowledged KinZu’s presences.

  “Good to see you Kin.” He smiled. Halting his actions, he walked over towards her and hugged her around the waist. Attempting to kiss her lips, he was surprised when she turned her head –causing his lips to land on her cheek.

  Pulling back, he looked her over. For the very first time, he wondered if he was in jeopardy of losing her. She’d never slighted him before, so he didn’t understand. “You good?” he asked.

  “I couldn’t be any better.” She sassed. “How are you Jonathan?” she asked. For once, she felt in control. The look on Jonathan’s face was priceless. Confused, he wondered why she sounded so cheerful with everything that was going on between them.

  “I’ll feel much better once we talk and I get some shit off of my chest. I know you want to talk, but please let me go first.” He pleaded.

  “You sure?” KinZu wanted to go ahead and get the weight lifted from her shoulders. The quicker she was able to relay the news, the more at ease she would feel.

  “I’m positive. Here.” He pulled her coat from her shoulders. “Sit down.”

  KinZu sat on the end of Jonathan’s bed, not wanting to chance sitting in any love juices that came from he and Rachel’s love making.

  “I just cleaned my sheets. You’re good. Don’t be that way. I promise, you’re straight.” He tried to convince KinZu. It worked, because she got more comfortable –sliding back on to the bed a bit more.

  “Thanks for coming over.”

  “I asked to talk. Why wouldn’t I come over, Jonathan?” she questioned.

  “I’m just saying.” He shrugged.


  Jonathan took a seat across from KinZu, in his lazy boy. He would sit in that same spot for hours and play his game system. KinZu never understood how men where able to do it. Seconds passed, and all they did was stare at one another. Jonathan was studying KinZu’s beauty while questioning his motives.

  She was a very beautiful girl. Her pouty lips, narrow nose, brown eyes, and glowing skin gave her the exotic look that she rightfully owned. It was obvious that she was a mixture, and it was the exact reason Jonathan was drawn to her in the beginning. At first, he’d wanted to do right by her. However, at some point it all shifted. She became a convenience, and nothing more. The love wasn’t lost, but it was no longer cherished either.

  “I’m sorry.” Jonathan started. “I mean that. I’m a sorry ass nigga. For everything that I’ve put you through, I’m sorry. For once, I’ve sat and taken the time to evaluate this thing that we have, and I realized I’m giving you the short end of the stick. The very last thing that I want to do is see you walk out of my life. I love you. That shit would kill me. I know that I’ve asked for this more than I should, but I’m for real this time. I need another chance. I’m getting older and the hoes are getting boring. I’m ready to be who you need. Soon, I’ll be getting drafted, and I wouldn’t want anyone other than you at my side when signing. Kin, I may not show it but I love the fuck out of you, girl. A nigga just been on some other shit. I’m off of that, though.” Jonathan confessed.

  Getting up from his seat, he walked over to where KinZu sat, tears rolling down her face. Jonathan was saying everything that she’d been wanting him to. She’d known all along that he’d see what they had and get himself together. Finally, he was able to see that he was putting her through so much, and wanted to make things right. As much as she wanted to be done, KinZu knew that the desire to try once more was stronger. Instead of fighting it, she felt it would be much easier to just give in to her true feelings.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” He kneeled down, kissing her lips. “You hear me?” he questioned, kissing her once more.

  Nodding, she allowed Jonathan to wipe the tears that he’d caused. Only this time, they were out of joy, rather than sadness. “I love you KinZu.” He said, pu
shing her backwards –slightly. He was gentle as he continued to kiss her full lips.

  Parting them, he slid his tongue into her mouth. grabbing ahold of the thick matter, KinZu awakened. As their tongues danced, Jonathan’s right hand found its way to KinZu’s waistline. Unbuttoning her pants, he stuck his hands deep inside.

  “Uh.” KinZu hissed when she felt Jonathan’s cold fingers grace her clitoris.

  Her breath was caught in her throat as she closed her eyes and enjoyed his touch. She’d secretly longed for it, but she wouldn’t dare admit it. However, her actions said more than words ever could. She was feverish as she deeply exhaled, and repeated. Jonathan was twirling his middle and index finger over her swollen nub, causing the best form of friction known to woman.

  “I love you. I always have. I always will.” He moved his lips to her ear and whispered. “Don’t you love me?” he asked, seemingly desperate for her response. In that moment, he needed to know that all was forgiven, and they could begin to try again. Only this time would be the very last time.

  One week without KinZu felt like a lifetime, and he refused to run the risk of losing her for that long. No one was worth it. The women in and out of his life were temporary. What he shared with KinZu was to be cherished forever. To lose her would be drastic.

  “Yes.” She breathed out, nearing an orgasm. “Yes. I love you.” She nodded, needing Jonathan to understand that her words were true. “So much.” She went for his lips, attempting to mask the emotions that had arose, unexpectedly.

  “I can’t lose you.” Jonathan lifted up. Removing his hand from her pants, only after she had began to shake. He’d done exactly what he needed to. KinZu was uptight because she needed a release, and it was his job to see to it that she got one.


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