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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

Page 12

by Mercy B

  “Take your shoes off, RaKeem.” Reed insisted.

  “I am, baby.” He laughed. “Calm down.”

  Reed was excited. They hadn’t had movie night in what seemed like forever. They were always too busy to do much of anything, but RaKeem was always sure to make up for lost time. Reed was certain that their night would be one to remember.

  “I’m just happy that we’re finally getting a chance to relax. I need this.”

  “I know. Shit be so damn hectic. Hate we couldn’t go with our original plans.”

  “It’s fine. This is even better.”

  Reed kissed Keem cheek, just before he bent down to remove his Giuseppe tennis shoes. She was forever stealing kisses and hugs. RaKeem didn’t mind, because he was on the same tip most times. Their love was unable to be concealed. Each chance they got, it was on display. Neither had any complaints.

  “What are we watching?”

  “American Gangster, then whatever you’d like.” Keem shrugged. “After that, it’s all on you.”

  “Great. I want to watch Colombiana.”

  “Then, Colombiana it is.”

  Rosa had popped popcorn, gathered snacks, and dimmed the lights already. Reed bounced, happy that everything was already laid out for them. Turning around, she jumped on RaKeem, kissing him all over his face.

  Without a doubt, he was an awesome partner. Constantly, he fulfilled Reed with the utmost joy. This was the main reason that Reed wanted to give herself to him, finally. In the theatre room, there were rows of custom made pallets. Each had huge pillows that fit to their size. As the rows increased, so did the height. Wanting to be on the very back row, Keem and Reed chose the highest line of pallets and pillows. Reed had gotten the idea for the theatre room from Pinterest, and Keem had made it come to life. It looked even better than the picture that she’d shown him.

  “You comfortable?” RaKeem asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Cool. Lay on my chest. You’ll be able to see better.” RaKeem patted his chest and Reed followed suit.

  After American Gangster, Keem switched movies with the remote that controlled the 12 disc changer that was hooked up to their projector. Colombiana began to play shortly after. Reed was completely enthralled with the movie. However, RaKeem’s gentle rubs on her bottom caused her nipples to harden and the seat of her thong to become wet. Nervousness invaded her being as she wondered exactly how she’d get RaKeem on board with her plans. Tonight was the night, and there was no doubt about it. Reed was ready to put her past behind her and overcome her biggest fear. There was no one more perfect than Keem to share the experience with.

  Deciding to ease into things, Reed began to rub Keem’s chest. Back and forth, and in circular motions, she ran her index finger long the outside of his shirt. He remained calm, thinking nothing of her movements. Moving down a bit further, Reed ran her entire hand across Keem’s abs. He flinched, but settled back down. He wanted to remove Reed’s hand, because it was causing an erection –but he allowed her to continue. Round and round, she circled the same area. Then, in one sift motion, her hand was on his crotch.

  “Reed.” He called out.


  “What are you doing, baby?” he questioned.

  Instead of answering, Reed moved her hand up and down the length of RaKeem’s dick. It was long and thick, just as she imagined. Bella had warned her that it might be a lot to handle, especially if he was anything like his brother. She was right. RaKeem was hardened, letting her know that he wanted her just as she did him.

  “Reed.” He called out, panting.

  The simple feels that she was coping wasn’t what was causing his excitement. Bitches copped slick feels everyday. The simple fact that it was Reed who was caressing his manhood was the notion that was sending him over the edge. They’d never indulged in any foreplay, so this was brand new territory for the young handsome aroused fella. He felt like a catholic school boy, about to get his first piece of pussy.

  “Baby.” He grabbed her hand, wanting her undivided attention.

  “Yes, RaKeem?” she looked up at him.

  He stared down, “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like Keem?” snatching her hand back, she placed it back where she wanted it.

  “Baby, chill. I don’t think that you want to go there.”

  His dick was hard as a missal at this point. If Reed didn’t cut the shit out, he’d have her bent over in a matter of seconds, pounding her virgin pussy from the back –showing not one ounce of mercy. A passionate lover, he would turn her entire world upside down.

  “RaKeem, I think that I’m ready.”

  “You can’t think Reed. I need you to know. Until you do, chill.” He smacked her hand away from his dick, and demanded that she continue watching the movie. “Now, watch the movie.”

  Sighing, Reed rolled her eyes into the top of her head. She hated the indecisiveness that she was facing at the time. More than anything, she wanted to submit to her man, physically. But then, she was wondering if she had the courage to do so. She didn’t want to get him worked up, only to let fear creep in.

  Guessing that she’d leave it alone for now, Reed focused on the movie. By the time the credits rolled around, the urge that she had been feeling earlier remained. At this point, she knew that she was ready. There was no doubt in her mind about it. Lifting up, she placed her lips on top of Keem’s.

  What he thought to be a short peck turned into a full French kiss. RaKeem parted Reed’s lips with his tongue and they shared the passion that was brewing between the two of them. Using her right hand, Reed started to rub the crotch area of RaKeem’s pants, again. Upon contact, he hardened. This time, he didn’t bother to stop Reed. He allowed her to have her way. Up and down, she rubbed –over and over.

  “Yo Reed,” Keem whispered in between kisses. “You sure you want to go there, ma?”

  Silently, Keem was begging and pleading for a yes. “Yes.” She granted his wish.

  Nothing more needed to be said. RaKeem was on his feet in seconds. Bending down, he picked Reed up and threw her over his shoulder. He exited the theatre room and went to his bedroom. There was no way that he’d allow her to lose her virginity on the floor of the theatre room. They weren’t children. Besides, Reed deserved better.

  As Keem lifted Reed up the steps, he couldn’t help but to reflect on the fact that she’d placed her fears behind her and offered herself to him. She could’ve chosen any man, but it was him that she’d preferred. In more senses than just one, Keem felt honored –privileged even. Reed’s actions showed that she trusted him, wholeheartedly.

  Keem dropped Reed on the bed, but gently. Before she could make a move, he was all over her. His hands roamed her body freely, something that he’d always wanted to do. Out of respect, he’d fondle but not too much. Knowing that some touches made Reed uncomfortable, so he steered clear of them.

  Hitting the button on the remote that was on his nightstand, Keem cut the lights on in his bedroom. He then turned them down, but not too much. He wanted to see all of Reed. Reaching backwards, Reed pressed the opposite button to turn them back off. Again, Keem turned them back on.

  “Stop.” He bit into the side of Reed’s jaw. “You deserve to be seen.” He pumped her up. It was the truth. Her body was to be celebrated, and he wanted to do so in the light. He’d never desired to see during sex. Keem, just like any other man, could feel their way through the dark. However, this was much different. Everything about their encounter was dissimilar.

  First removing Reed’s shirt, Keem dipped down and tasted her brown sugar colored skin. Just as sweet as Reed was herself, RaKeem wasn’t surprised at her delightfulness. Starting back at her lips, Keem looked into Reed’s eyes. He was searching for an ounce of uncertainty, but there wasn’t a trace. Intently, Reed stared back, encouraging him to continue.

  “Please.” She whispered, barely audible.

  Her huskily breathing assure Keem that he was on
the right track. Pinning both of her arms above her head, Keem used the tip of his tongue to trail from her chin to her neck. Pausing, he suckled on the right side, and then moved to the left. Hungry for more, Keem moved down to Reed’s clavicle, lingering a bit longer than he’d anticipated. The taste of Reed’s skin was just much more enticing than he could’ve imagined, keeping him for longer than he’d planned.

  “Ahhhh.” Arched back, throbbing pussy, and curiosity at an all time high, Reed moaned.

  With his hand on her lower stomach, Keem pressed Reed’s body back onto the bed. With her limbs moving freely, he wouldn’t be able to maneuver with the precision of a well equipped gentleman as himself. In order for him to properly handle his, she needed to keep still.

  “Ahhhh.” She moaned again. Any touch, every touch was magnifying at the moment. RaKeem’s fingers had set Reed’s body ablaze.

  Picking back up where he’d left off, RaKeem made swirls around Reed’s chest area. Then, he used the thick of his tongue to lubricate the swollen nub that God had blessed his precious Reed with. Beginning with her right breast, RaKeem stared into her eyes as he took it into his mouth –twirling his tongue around her nipple. Nearly sending Reed’s body into shock, Keem felt her legs buckle beneath him. Repeating the very same action with the left breast, Keem then moved down to Reed’s washboard stomach.

  Not a blemish insight, he traced her small six back with his tongue. As he made his way further down, he unbuckled her pants, and pulled them off –along with her panties. RaKeem’s eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. His heart melted upon seeing Reed undressed –fully. After years of wondering what she she looked like underneath her clothes, he nearly shed a few tears. The moment was the precious to him.

  Awestruck, he reached down and touched her warm lips. Splitting them with his fingers, he stared at her virgin pussy. He didn’t consider Reed to be broken in. A sick bastard had taken her innocence. In his eyes, she was just as much a virgin as a woman that had never been penetrated.

  The beauty of her treasure caused RaKeem’s mouth to water. Just staring at the pretty piece of meat caused him to want to taste it. It was just beautiful. Without further do, he went under. Laying his tongue against Reed’s pussy, flat, Keem held himself in place. Still not believing that he was tasting the girl of his dreams, he became emotional right where he was. A lone tear slipped from his eyes and he hurried to wipe them way. The moment was so surreal.

  “Ssssss.” Reed hissed, attempting to close her legs.

  Before she could, Keem had gapped them, trying his best to hold her down. No hands needed, he licked up and then down. The flickering of his tongue caused Reed to shake. Up and down again, RaKeem was awarded with the very same movement. Reed shook, again. Over and over they both repeated the same gestures.

  “Oh. Yes… Oh… Ahhhh…” Reed used her fingers to rub through Keem’s soft sandy brown curls. Gripping them, she tried pulling him from her nesting pot, but he wasn’t having it. Right there on his knees, he spelled his name out on that pussy.

  R-A-K-E-E-M-J-O-N-E-S, he was sure not to leave a letter unwritten. Keem secretly claimed ownership over Reed’s pussy at that moment. He’d kill before he allowed another nigga in his shit, and he’d never even entertained a thought as such before.

  “Oooohhhhh.” Reed arched her back, an unfamiliar feeling was taking over her body. “Keeeem.” She screamed. “Mooove…” Within seconds, Reed’s light trembles turned into seizure like convulsions.

  She underwent full body spasms on RaKeem’s tongue. He admired the distinctive taste of her cream as it filtered into his mouth, on his beard, and down his chin. He didn’t give a fuck. It was her world. Reed could cum wherever the hell she’d like. This was her show.

  “Whaaaaaaaa…” the question never emerged from her thoughts. Reed had succumbed to her very first orgasm, and she could barely handle it. “Please. Please.” She panted, pushing RaKeem’s head backwards.

  Deciding to let up, Keem removed himself from her pussy, but not before kissing it goodbye. For now, he wanted Reed to taste the fruits of his labor. Hovering over her small frame, Keem placed his tongue in Reed’s mouth. Hungrily, she took him in. The foreign taste intrigued her as she pulled him in deeper.

  As the couple kissed, Keem unbuckled his pants and maneuvered them down to his ankles. Once the kiss finally stopped, he was able to get them completely off. Using his right hand, he worked his dick. Reed’s sexed crazed look had him completely spent. Her eyes hung low as she panted, trying to get herself back together.

  Giving Reed a few seconds to adapt, RaKeem stood at the foot of the bed, hands wrapped around his dick, massaging it back and forward. Staring down at Reed, he could wait no longer. Just as a feign needed their next hit, he needed his first. Having not even gotten a taste, RaKeem was already an addict. Sexily, Reed laid across the bed. Her pussy juices stained his sheets. The sight of them made him even more desperate. If he could, he’d leave them on his custom king sized bed forever.

  Deciding that enough was enough, Keem got into position. Back staring into Reed’s eyes, he held his dick in one hand while holding himself up with the other. His words were sincere as he spoke, “I love you.” He mentioned, tearing into Reed, simultaneously.

  Just as he wanted, she was so focused on his words that the pain was furthest from her mind. Of course, she tensed up, but Keem continued, causing her to relax again. “I loved you yesterday, and I’ll love you tomorrow.”

  He tried focusing on anything but how good her insides felt. Reed was official. Her shit gripped his dick, pulling him in unintentionally. Squeezing his eyes together for a second, he quickly opened them back. “I even loved you when I first laid eyes on you.” He finished, leaning down to kiss her lips.

  “Ahhhhh. Keem.” Reed screamed against his lips. She was in pain, undoubtedly. However, it was a good kind of pain. She’d never be able to explain the feeling, but it was magnificent.

  “I love you.” Keem chanted.

  “I… Uhhh. I love…” Reed could barely say much; she was overwhelmed by the feeling that she had been awarded. Her very first sex session with Keem hadn’t even ended, and she was ready to do it all again. She’d become drawn, like a moth to a flame.

  Bending his lanky frame, Keem placed Reed’s left breast in his mouth. From earlier, he’d learned that it was the tastiest. Like a raging beast, he sucked and licked all over it. Reed cried out while Keem long stroked her, giving her something to run tell her friend about.

  “YAAAASSSSSS!” she screamed, knowing what was next. The same feeling she’d gotten while getting topped off was the same one that was approaching. She could sense it.

  “Keeeeeeem. It’s…. It’s coming.” She tried to warn Keem, but he kept up.

  “Let it come, baby. Cum on my dick.” He encouraged. “Let it go.”

  And just like that, she came.

  Keem put down his magic, piping Reed for nearly an hour. Her pussy was swollen, and she could barely close her legs by the time he tapped out. Careful not to impregnate Reed prematurely, he’d pulled out and let go of his seed in his hand. He wasn’t sure how comfortable Reed was with his semen, so he dismissed the urge to bust on her back –being that he had her bent over on all fours when he came. Waiting until the very last minute, his only option was his hand; because he’d nearly waited too late to remove himself from her warm embrace.

  Drained, RaKeem pulled Reed into the shower, where he washed her back and she washed his. Both went to bed completely satisfied. Reed, not believing that she’d finally ventured into womanhood, and Keem not believing that he’s assisted. Snuggling, RaKeem prayed over the both of them just minutes before they crashed.


  RaKeem rubbed Reed’s wild tresses. She looked so pretty as she slept. He was certain that she’d be out for a minute. Besides, she needed the rest. They’d had an eventful night, and Reed could use some extra hours. For over thirty minutes, he’d laid awake –just watching her inhale and then exhale.
  The love that he had for Reed was unable to be placed in words, which was the main reason he never recited the words, “I love you,” when she allowed them to roll off of her tongue. RaKeem felt as if they just simply weren’t enough. The previous night, he was caught up in the moment, and knew that saying them at that very moment would mean the world to Reed.

  Ridding himself of the love overload, Keem fell into business mode immediately. He had a few calls to make, and would return to Reed’s side shortly after. Getting up, he noticed staining on his sheets that he hadn’t seen the night before. Smiling, he realized what he’d thought all alone. Reed’s hymen was still in tact when he penetrated her. She was for damn sure still a virgin.

  Excitedly, Keem went into the bathroom and took good care of himself. Once finished, he slid into a pair of joggers and a white t shirt. He’d lounge around the house until Reed was jarred from her sleep. If she took too long, he’d wake her up with his dick. That was sure to be his new favorite thing.

  RaKeem opened his office door and the smell of fresh lemon hit his nose. Reed was forever sneaking inside of his office and changing his plug ins. Whereas Keem preferred the fresh linen smell, Reed preferred lemon. Like all else, he didn’t mind. It was her way or the highway.

  Before getting started on his business calls, RaKeem went into his desk and pulled out his cellphone from it’s hiding place. As expected, he had a text from Danity. She’d informed him that she was going to sleep after waiting up for him all night.

  Replying, Keem sent her a text. Good morning. He stated.

  Hey. She replied back immediately. More than likely, Danity was preparing for the lab.


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