Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Page 13

by Mercy B

About last night… Keem sent, not bothering to explain.

  I know. I missed you. She sent back. I was wondering if you could come over tonight.

  I don’t know.


  I better be getting something in return.

  Don’t you always? What you want this time, daddy? Danity had the time, so she decided to play.

  Smiling, Keem contemplated on his reply. He wasn’t sure if he wanted head or pussy the most. Being that he’d just got a sample of the best pussy in the land, he opted out. Head was the better option.

  Rubbing Keem’s side of the bed, Reed wished that he’d stayed put a bit longer. She wanted to wake up to his handsome face. Last night was sheer amazing, and she wanted to bask in the ambiance –even though it was the morning after. Stretching, she inhaled the citrusy lemon fragrance that lingered in the air.

  Reed hadn’t remembered feeling so damn good in her life. Her man had put it on her, and she was loving the after effects. Reed had never known that stepping into womanhood would be so pleasant. Shit, had she woke up to her man then she would’ve been trying to dig deeper into this new society.

  Chuckling, Reed thought of how dramatic KinZu would be after giving her the word. She’d been rooting for this day since the beginning of time. Finally, Reed had a story to tell that didn’t involve clients and sporadic trips out of the country for disobedient men.

  Running her fingers through her hair, Reed shook her head. Figuring she’d go ahead and get up, she did just that. It was about time she joined RaKeem in his study. They had business to see to. She’d continue on her high horse all day, but duty called at the moment.

  Just as Reed stepped foot into the bathroom, she her a pinging sound. “Keem must’ve left his cell.” She waved off and continued into the bathroom. Not long after, she was finished handling her hygiene.

  “Baby it’s you! You’re the one I want. You’re the one I need.” She song Beyonce’s “Love On Top,” as she searched through the closet for something comfortable to put on. She didn’t want to get too fancy, because she had no plans in mind. Besides taking care of business, nothing more was on her schedule –unless Keem had planned something.

  Again, she heard the pinging noise. Frowning, she wondered why Keem’s phone was going off so early in the morning. Given, clients called at all hours, but his business phone wasn’t allowed in the bedroom. Besides, it didn’t didn’t have the same tone. The only explanation was his personal cell, and it was much to early to be getting blown down.

  Running towards the bed, Reed looked at her phone to see the time. As she thought, it was just 8am. “Oh my God!” Reed covered her mouth, just realizing that blood was on RaKeem sheets. She wondered if he’d saw it. Immediately, she became embarrassed. Pulling the sheets from the sides of the bed, she gathered them in the middle. Tossing the entire set off, Reed went into the closet to get more.

  As she shuffled through the sheet sets to find a matching one, she heard the pinging noise again. Blowing out in frustration, she gathered the fact that something could be really wrong, and a family member was attempting to reach Keem. Leaving the sheets on the floor where she’d laid them all down, Reed went in search of Keem’s cell phone. She couldn’t find it.

  “Where the hell could it be?” she questioned. When she was about to yell RaKeem’s name out, the pinging sounded off again. This time, she followed the sound. Luckily, right after one came another. Right in the nightstand drawer, she realized that it was Keem’s iPad that was constantly going off.

  “Aw. It’s just this thing.” She started to close the drawer, but it pinged again.

  To her surprise a picture popped up in the messaging corner of the screen. Lifting the iPad to her face, Reed allowed her curiosity to lead her. Placing the iPad just a few inches from her face, she clicked on the message icon that held the small picture.

  Reed nearly fainted at what the bigger photo revealed. Something cruel gripped her heart, and took ahold of her –snatching her fucking soul directly from her body. Reed’s vision blurred as her limbs became numb, unable to feel anything other than the pain that came crushing down on her like crane. It hurt. It hurt worse than the rape. It hurt worse than her mother taking her stepfather’s side and getting on the stand lying to send her brother away for life. This hurt worse than being handed over to the state. This even hurt worse than seeing her brother laying in a pool of his own blood, seemingly deceased. More than anything that she’d encountered in her life, the image before her had proven to be the worst.

  Right there, in her face, was a half naked photo of none other than Danity –the girl that she’d saw in the laundry room just months prior. Sitting against what seemed to be a dorm wall, with her legs spread, pussy shaved and showing, and her right hand holding her middle wide open. To Reed’s dismay, she was sporting the same black shirt with red discoloring. The same shirt that reeked of his potent cologne. The same shirt that she’d come in search of in Keem’s laundry. The same shirt that she’d found. They’d found. No. He’d found.

  “Oh my God, NO!” she yelled-whispered. “How? Wha… What?” she cried, heart heart breaking a bit more with each second. Before she could fathom the facts of the secret affair of Keem and Danity, there was another ping.

  Danity, you trying to get a nigga over there, now? Keem asked. Sending shit like that, I’m tempted.

  “Oh my G…” another ping.

  Come on over. After you fuck my throat, I want you to fuck this pussy.

  “Please. Why? No.” Reed shook her head.

  Yo, you buggin’. You’re bout to have a nigga over there in the next thirty. Keep that thang tight for me. I’ll slide through tonight when I’m done doing my thing. Keem replied.

  “Keem, no!” Reed yelled, balling her fist up.

  The pearly white iPad had become her worst enemy in a matter of second. Standing to her feet, she launched it across the room. Just before it collided with the floor, it pinged again. Reed could only imagine the exchange. Devastation plagued her mentally, physically, and emotionally. Her only resource was her cell. She needed to talk to KinZu. She was the very first thought that came to mind.

  With trembling hands, she picked up her phone and dialed KinZu’s cell. On the second ring, she came to her friend’s aid. “So, did you get the D? Was it good?”


  “Shit, tell me something!” KinZu laughed.

  “KinZu, he’s cheating.” Reed cried into the receiver.

  “What? I can’t understand you!” KinZu yelled into the phone. She’d been laying down, waiting for Reed’s arrival. Her procedure was scheduled for that evening, and Reed was to accompany her.

  “Keem. The girl… Danity…” Reed’s words were choppy as she tried to get her sentence out.

  “Keem cheated?”


  “That’s where you are now?”

  “Yes.” Reed nodded.

  “I’m on my way.” With that, KinZu disconnected the call.

  In that moment, she tucked her personal issues away and suited up. RaKeem Jones had life fucked up. Reed had been her backbone since before she could remember, and it was finally time to return the favor. Throwing on a pair of oversized sweats and a hoodie, KinZu pulled up the Uber app and headed downstairs. She was in such a rush that she nearly knocked Jonathan down as she came out of their door. He was just about to knock.

  “KinZu!” he called.

  “Excuse me.” She had no words for him.

  Like never before, she looked at him like the peasant that he was. All of a sudden she could see the ugliness that lived inside of him. Even with his shell being beautiful, he was the most horrid looking man she’d ever encountered on the inside. Realistically, that was what mattered the most.

  “Can I talk to you, please?” he asked.

  “I’m good on you!” KinZu spat, and headed down the hallway. There were more pressing issues at hand.

  The cool breeze felt good against KinZu’s skin. Her brief ru
n in with Jonathan made her feel powerful. For the first time, she felt good about herself. Pulling her hood over her head, she looked for the Toyota Camry that Uber had sent for her. Spotting it, she ran full speed ahead.

  After the call was disconnected, Reed sat on the bed with her hands in her head. She couldn’t believe her luck. As much as she wanted to go down and confront RaKeem, she simply didn’t have the guts to. Humiliated, she was. She’d just given herself to him, and the first thought on his mind was another woman. The revelation was heart wrenching. Reed wished that she’d never given in to him. In that very moment, in fact, she wished she never loved him.

  For so long, she’d waited to be his official girl. When they fell into the habit, Reed couldn’t have been happier. During their establishing, he’d always made her feel superior. Now, she felt like shit. That confidence that she lacked before he met her quickly settled in. she could only be mad with herself. The signs were there, and she’d overlooked them.

  Thinking back to Keem’s most vulnerable time, and how she’d stuck by him, Reed wondered why he’d be so harsh as to fuck over her the way he had. For months, she’d stayed by his side while he remained in a coma. When he woke up, it was the happiest day of her life. Even her adoption didn’t fill her with as much joy as Keem’s awaking did.

  She was even there with him through the recovery process. Poor Keem had to learn to walk and function as a human being all over again. Every physical therapy that her brother allowed her to be present for, she was. She’d gotten into full blown arguments, and nearly loss the relationship she’d built with her brother on the account of Keem –only to be slighted in the end.

  Reed could hear RaKeem’s footsteps nearing her as her heart grew worried. How could she come back from this? Some things were unforgivable, and Reed considered the present one. Keem had played her like a straight fool, and she was everything but one.

  “Reed, baby what’s wrong?” RaKeem rushed to her side.

  Snatching away and getting up from the bed, she didn’t want his filthy hands touching her. This man didn’t deserve to. A stranger, he was. He wasn’t the Keem that she’d grown to know and love. He couldn’t have been, because that Keem would never do anything to hurt her. He loved her. He had to, or at least it seemed like it.

  The gentle kisses, the trips, the laughter, the flowers, the late nights, the dinners, the look in his eyes, all told her that it was the case. However, what she’d discovered caused confusion. Love didn’t work but one way. It was known to feel good, lift you off of your feet, keep you floating, and fill you with pleasant memories. But this feeling, this feeling that she had, it was anything but pleasant. In fact, it was the exact opposite. Pain.

  “Reed.” He called out. “What’s the matter?”

  “I knew it.” She yelled. “I knew it. How could you do this to us, Keem?” she questioned. “You fuck with that girl! I knew it. You must take me for some fool? I knew it all along!”

  “Reed.” Keem tried to remain calm. Hi heart rate sped, nearly beating from his chest.

  “No. KEEM! KEEM! RAKEEM JONES. What have you done?” Reed turned and smashed her hand onto the wall –anything to relieve the pain. “What have you done?”

  Sliding down to the floor, she balled up –placing her knees up at her chest. Following her movements, Keem watched her to the floor. He tried to reach out to her, but she swatted his hands away. “Get away from me!”

  “Reed, just tell me what’s wrong. Please. What did I do? Talk to me!” he pleaded, decaying from the inside out. His world was crashing in front of him. She was a mess. His entire world, she was a complete mess. “Please.”

  “RaKeem, how could you make love to me and then make plans…” before anything else emitted from Reed’s lips, the shattered iPad pinged, again. They both froze in place. Time stood still, even if only for a few… It seemed like a lifetime.

  It was her again. All of sudden, Reed whaled out, causing RaKeem to look from her to the iPad on the other side of the floor, and then back at Reed. Without a doubt, he knew exactly what had happened. He’d forgot to switch iCloud accounts. Shame faced, Keem bowed his head with his eyes closed, trying to digest what had just been thrown his way.

  Seeing as if RaKeem wore a guilty look, Reed cringed. Devastation covered face as his body slouched –looking back towards her with sorrow filled eyes. He was breaking her heart into tiny little pieces as he weakened before her. It hurt her to see him hurt because he’d hurt her. His pain added to hers, packing on the despondency.

  Carrying his weight and hers too, Reed lost control of her breathing. Hyperventilating, she desperately needed him to make it better. Prove the negative forces against both of their beating hearts to be ploys, simply seeking the disassembling of their prodigious union. Sadly, her hopeful thinking was concluded when she recognized the clear liquid run from his beautiful brown eyes, similar the blood from her bleeding heart. Like broken glass, she heard his heart break before her.

  “Reed. I fucked up.” Keem was many things, but a liar he wasn’t –or at least in that moment. He’d already done enough. He couldn’t bare the thought of lying and hurting her even more. “Just please don’t go.” His tears, he didn’t try to conceal. Open and honest, he wanted Reed to know that he’d hurt himself just as much as he’d hurt her. A real and rare kind of love, they felt one another’s pain.

  Keem was no fool. Reed had grown into a very magnificent woman. She knew what she wanted, and didn’t settle for anything less. She’d told him before that if ever he began to treat her like anything less than she was, it would be the day that she walked. Deep down inside, Keem felt like the day had come.

  The chiming of the doorbell didn’t cease the connection that was ignited through eye contact. As Reed questioned why RaKeem had acted so carelessly on her behalf, he pleaded with her to stay with him. No words were exchanged as they participated in silent conversation.

  Once more, the doorbell chimed, breaking Reed from her trance. Jumping to her feet, Reed struck out –headed for the door. Just as quick as she’d took off, Keem had snatched her up. Without question, he knew exactly who was at his door. She’d called KinZu.

  “Reed. Just listen, okay? Work with your boy!” he beseeched. “I swear. Reed. Don’t leave.”

  “Let me go Keem. Let me go!” she yelled back into his handsome face. It hurt to even look at him. His eyes once brought her so much peace, and now they were the cause of her agony. No longer able to stand the sight of her beating heart as he filled her with anguish, Reed snatched away from RaKeem. Taking off for the stairs, she hurried –careful not to fall.

  Quick on his feet, Keem was determined to keep Reed at his home. If only she’d listen, then they could possibly work things out. She needed to listen. She had to listen. If she wanted to curse him, hit him, yell at him, dog him, or shame him, she could. However, leaving wasn’t an option.

  “Reed. You can’t.” he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back up the stairs.

  “Let me go Keem,” she yanked, causing him to trip over his very own feet.

  From the floor, RaKeem held on to the bottom of Reed’s shirt as she tried to make her way down the stairs. “Reed, please. Please, I’m sorry.” He didn’t care that he sounded weak; he was. There wasn’t any denying it. Whatever meant keeping his love, he was willing to considered. Nothing meant more to him than her broken heart at that moment, not even his pride. “Baby. Listen. Just. Please.” He yelled, voice cracking. He could barely think, less known form a sentence.

  Before he could get his balance, he was left with only a piece of Reed’s t shirt. She’d pulled away until it tore. Finding the strength, he hopped up. Using his long legs to his advantage, he rushed down the stairs. Reed was much further ahead, causing RaKeem to jump the last set of steps. He didn’t have time to walk them.

  Just at the door, Keem crept behind Reed. As she opened the door, he closed it. KinZu’s voice boomed through, “Move motherfucker!” she yelled, referring to him. “Let me i
n Reed.”

  Again, Reed pulled the door open, and Keem slammed it. “Let her out of this bitch!” KinZu was livid. “REED!” she screamed. Seeing Reed’s tear stained face caused KinZu to cry as well. Reed was such a good girl. She didn’t deserve this shit.

  Pushing Keem to the side, Reed opened the door a third time. This time, she was able to run out. However, she wasn’t fast enough. Keem was right on her heels. Grabbing her by the shirt, he pulled her backwards and into a bear hug. “I love you! You can’t leave.” He kept repeating in her ear as he backed her back into the house.

  KinZu was acting a fool, jumping over Reed in order to get to Keem. Using her outstretched arms, she clocked him in the head over and over. “Let her go! Let her go! Reed, come on!” KinZu screamed, crying even harder because she couldn’t do more.

  “Kin.” Reed called out, sounding exasperated.

  Keem didn’t bother blocking KinZu’s blows, knowing that he deserved each of them. Pulling Reed right back into the house, Keem slammed the door behind him, locking KinZu out. “Reed, please.” He begged after he’d let her go. He wasn’t bothered by the banging that KinZu was doing. He could hear her kicking and screaming, but nothing mattered other than Reed.

  “RaKeem, just let me go!” She screamed. “Let me go.”

  “I can’t Reed. I’ll never let you go!” he shook his head, lowering it. “What have I done?” he questioned, running his hands over his face.

  “You broke us!” she screamed.

  Getting just inches away from RaKeem’s face, she screamed, “You!” Pointing at his head, piercing it with her finger. “That’s what you did! You KEEM! You. It was all you! You broke us. You broke me.” Reed could no longer stand the pain. She crouched, holding her stomach. She wasn’t only in emotional distress, but physical as well. It hurt. Everything hurt.

  “We made love Reed. You gave yourself to me. You did that. That meant everything to me. Reed, you can’t sit here and tell me that you don’t want to just try. Reed, you mean the world to me. Aight, yo? I fucking love you, girl. I’m just round here being my dumb ass self, but that takes nothing from you… from us. Reed just believe me. I can’t let you walk out of that door. I won’t let you. You can’t do this to me.” RaKeem pounded on his chest. Beating like a barbaric animal, he yelled. “You can’t leave me. What the fuck am I supposed to do without you? How you expect a nigga to live? How am I supposed to function? You’re my fucking heart, yo. The breath in my lungs. How a nigga supposed to live without that? I’m dead out here without you. You ain’t leaving me! You can’t leave me! I’d fucking die without my Reed.”


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