Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Page 14

by Mercy B

  Reed’s heart cried out for Keem, but it cried out for itself even more. Broken, wrecked, fragmented, malfunctioned, defeated, dejected, were only a few of the words to describe her current state. She’d seen better days, but knew that they wouldn’t soon come. For now, she wanted nothing more than to take the fragmented pieces of her heart and get as far away as her feet would take her.


  The shattering of glass caused both Reed and Keem to focus on the side window of the front door. A huge rock had flown into the foyer area. Jumping up to her feet, Reed beat RaKeem to the door. She knew exactly what had happened.

  Like the noble friend that she was, KinZu had thrown the brick inside. She was going to get Reed out at any costs. After fetching for a nice sized rock, KinZu high tailed back to the front of the house. Once the glass shattered, KinZu reached inside and unlocked the door before opening it. She was just in time. Reed ran out of the door, and slammed it behind her –crushing RaKeem’s heart right alone with the rest of the glass on his window pane.


  “Right here,” Reed instructed the Uber driver to pull two houses down from her destination. She’d supposed to be accompanying KinZu on her clinic visit, but she just didn’t have it in her to do so. Just as much as KinZu needed her, she needed someone, too.

  Pulling the few dollars from her pocket, she tipped the driver and hopped out. Being sure that he pulled off first, Reed struck out seconds after he turned the corner. Passing the massive houses on the block, Reed came to the one that she couldn’t wait to get inside of.

  Hiking through the lawn, she landed at the front door. Digging through her over the shoulder purse, she pulled out a set of keys that she kept with her faithfully. Sticking the correct one into the correct hole, Reed twisted and was granted access. The smell of clean laundry and vanilla traveled up her nose. Seemingly quiet, Reed wondered if anyone was home.

  However, the sound of a small child’s laughter convinced her that the occupants of the home were somewhere around. Closing and locking the door behind her, Reed hurried down the long hallway and up the two flights of steps necessary to get to where she was going.

  Finally, she pushed open the bedroom door, and was elated that she was graced with such a divine presence. Dropping her bag to the floor, she rushed over to the huge bed and dove in. Not bothering to remove her shoes, she reached her arms out and hugged her brother around the neck.

  “Roc.” She cried.

  “Reed. What’s the matter, baby?” Concern etched over his face, he tried lifting, but she pulled him back down.

  “Please. Just don’t move.” She sobbed. Her voice was nearly horse from the nonstop crying that she’d been doing. Reed had never known a pain greater than the what she was experiencing.

  “What’s wrong Reed?” Roc was on high alert, and needed to know why his little sister was in such distress.

  “He cheated.” Exhaling, she was so happy to get that out.

  No more words were exchanged as Roc got more comfortable in bed, making sure that Reed was comfortable as well. he placed one hand on her back and another on her arm, and begin to rub. Back when they were children, this would always calm Reed.

  Kelly, Roc’s wife, walked into the room, and nearly jumped out of her skin. For a second, her mind had slipped, and she thought that her husband was laying in bed with another woman. Relieved to see that it was Reed, she chastised herself for being so silly. She had just left his side minutes prior to go check on their son, who was downstairs playing his video game.

  Shaking his head, Roc warned her of her presence. For the first time in a long time, he wanted to be able to console his little sister –bringing her the peace that she needed at the moment. Understanding, Kelly held her hands up in surrender, and backed out of their bedroom. Reed continued to cry, sniffling and inhaling deeply.

  For the first time since she’d found the pinging iPad, she felt a sense of genuine love. Roc had been Reed’s very first love. He was her protector, and he hated that he wasn’t able to protect her from the one thing that he knew would hurt. Heartbreak was real, and there wasn’t much he could do being that the damage had been done. However, he did what he knew was best and that was to offer his sympathy rather than his judgment. It was not a time for, “I told you so.” Roc opted out of saying anything. He continued to rub her back and arm until she was sound asleep.

  It fueled his fire to see his little sister cry herself to sleep. He wondered what in Keem’s mind had drove him to cheat. Moreover, cheat on his little sister. When he’d approved their union, he’d had a very long talk with RaKeem, and he seemed to understand that he’d kill over his dearest little sister. He’d done it before, and wouldn’t mind doing it again –Meek’s little brother or not.

  After making sure that Reed was in a deep slumber, Roc removed himself from her embrace. Standing tall, he stretched his limbs. They’d gotten cramped while laying down. His brown skin turned beet red as he bent over and placed his Jordans on each of his feet. Dressed in a two piece sweat, he felt that it was fitting for the occasion. Grabbing his keys from his mantle, he closed his bedroom door before walking out.

  Even though Reed was an adult, Roc still felt like her father. He had felt this way her entire life. She’d always be his little sister, and he didn’t play any games when it came to her. just years prior, he was ready to lay his life on the line for her. in fact, he had. After walking in on his stepfather penetrating Reed, he’d killed him on the spot. The judge had thrown the book at him, but his conviction ended up being overturned.

  His love for his little sister ran deep. She was a great kid, and he hated that Keem had fucked over her. Without a doubt, he knew that Reed loved that boy, so he couldn’t understand where the problem was. It was just four days before her graduation, and he couldn’t imagine how Reed must’ve been feeling.

  “Hey baby,” Kelly kissed her husband’s cheek. She was still rocking her short hair cut with the heavy bang. Over the years, she was continuously filling out. At four months pregnant with another boy, she was spreading like a wild fire. Roc loved every bit of it.

  “Hey.” He responded.

  “How is she?” Kelly asked, concerned. She loved Reed like a little sister. She and Bella had adopted Reed while Roc was away in prison. They’re bond was just as strong as any other sister’s bond. Blood couldn’t have made them any closer than they were.

  “She’ll be aight.” Roc shrugged. “I’m going to holler at Keem.”

  “Don’t go over there doing nothing crazy, Roc.”

  “I just want to holler at him.” he lied to his wife.

  “Yeah, right.” She turned her lip up.

  “I’ll call you when I’m on the way back home.”

  “Okay. Be careful, and take it way on the boy. I’m sure he’s hurt too.” Kelly had seen it before. In fact, she’d gone through the exact same thing with Rockell. He’d stepped out on their union and caused her world to crash –right before her eyes. Luckily, they got pass his mistake.

  “If not, he will be when I finish with his ass.” Roc hissed. “Come lock up. Turn the alarm on, too!”

  “Okay. Don’t forget what I said.” Kelly warned.

  “What did you say, exactly?” he questioned.

  “Go easy on the boy.”

  “I can’t make any promises.” Roc shrugged.

  Roc arrived at Keem’s house nearly an hour later. He stayed so far away. Roc didn’t understand why Reed had chosen such seclusion for him. When he finally made it up to the house, he could see that the glass beside the door was broken. Reaching inside, he opened the door for himself.

  He got inside of the house and nearly turned around. It was a wreck, pissing him off even more. He wondered if RaKeem had laid hands on his little sister. She hadn’t come with any bruises, but that didn’t mean shit. Tables and chairs were overturned. Pictures hung off of the walls, cracked. Roc made his way to the kitchen, and it was just as worse. Pots and pans were all over the

  Shaking his head, Roc left from the kitchen and headed for the stairs. Upon reaching them, he heard a familiar voice, “Reed, I know I fucked up, but pick up the phone for a nigga. I just need you to come back. Listen, we can work this shit out. I have faith in us. I’m a nigga of persistence. I ain’t stopping until I get you back, so come on. One time Reed. I fucked up one time. You can’t just cut a nigga off like that. You haven’t been gone a full day and I feel like I’m fucking ill over here. I love you, girl. Pick up! Better yet, come back.”

  Roc guessed that RaKeem was trying to get into contact with Reed. She’d powered down her cell, so she wouldn’t be answering any time soon. “So, we’re just fucking up, huh? I could recall a time or two… Shit, three that I told you to treat her right or forget about her. And… then this.” Roc waved over the bedroom.

  Keem lifted his head from his hands, looking over his shoulder. He was so focused on contacting Reed that he had neglected to keep watch on his surroundings. Not surprised to see Roc, he could only shake his head. Time and time again, he’d been warned. Still, he felt the need to fuck up.

  “Get up!” Roc barked. “Get up.” Roc was furious as he stared at the heartbreaker, thinking of how torn Reed was as she slept in his bed. “Get the fuck up!” his entire stance switched as he got into fight mode.

  “I can’t do this with you, Roc.” Keem ran his hands through his curly top.

  “Get the fuck up, nigga!” Roc pressured.

  Raising from his seat, Keem was surprised with a blow to the jaw. He could immediately taste the blood that had come from his punctured jaw. Grinding his teeth together, he lifted his hand and rubbed the spot where he’d just been struck.

  Sadness crossed Keem’s eyes, as his recognized the love that Roc had for his sister. It was no secret, but Keem had never imagined Roc coming to Reed’s defense on his behalf. The fight that Roc wanted, Keem simply didn’t have the strength to give. His shoulders hung along with his head.

  “Come on!” Roc yelled. “Come on, nigga. We mixing in this bitch, son! I know you got something. Ya motherfucking brother is Meek, nigga.”

  “Roc, I ain’t taking it there with you. You got you one. You shot your shot. I deserved that, but I ain’t about to scrap with you, yo. What the fuck is that going to solve? Even after that it won’t change the fact that my whole fucking life walked out on me today, and is out there somewhere hurting. I did that. I fucked up. She’s my only concern right now. I could get down with you, but I’m using every ounce of energy to get that girl right there back!”

  Keem lifted his hand and pointed behind Roc’s head at the photo of Reed that hung inside of his bedroom. “So unless you’re here to give me some pointers on how you got your girl back after you fucked up, then I’m just not here for it. I’m fucked up, right now, B.” Keem hadn’t even cried this much after waking from a coma to find out that his mother had been brutally murdered. In the moment, he felt as if his heart had been butchered and cremated.

  Pressing his eyes shut with his middle and index finger, he stopped the tears that were fighting to be released. “I fucked up, B.” he let the realization of it all sink in. “She hates me, yo.”

  “She doesn’t hate you.” Roc lowered his tone, straightened his frame, and opened his heart. Much like the young maturing adult that he’d just left, he recognized the hurt that Keem exude. Both Keem and Reed were broken.

  “She does man. You should’ve saw how she looked at me before she left.” Keem hissed, as if Roc was the biggest liar he’d ever encountered. “You know what that feels like? To have the one you love to look at you like you ain’t shit?”

  “I do.” Roc admitted. He’d been in Keem’s shoes before, so he knew where he was coming from.

  “Yo, she couldn’t even stand for me to touch her.” Keem shook his head, still hanging it. “I just…” he choked back the tears. “I just wanted her to listen.”

  “It didn’t matter what you had to say.” Roc enlightened. “She loves you, Keem. That shit, whatever it may be, is fucking with her. She’s at my crib.”

  Keem looked up, light in his eyes. “How is she?” he didn’t let Roc finish his statement. He just had to know.


  A sharp pain soared through Keem’s chest. Hot, burning like lead, the horrible feeling refused to let up. “But that’s expected.” Roc continued.

  “I have to fix this.” Keem begin to pace his bedroom. Pulling on his curly hair, he felt like he was dying from the inside out, starting with his malfunctioning heart.

  “Give her some time.”

  “She doesn’t need time. She needs to listen to me. I need her to hear me out.”

  “In due time. Right now, I suggest that you focus on tying up whatever loose ends that got you tripped up.”

  With that, Roc turned to leave, just as he’d come. Something within him had clicked as he stared at Keem, losing it. He reminded him of himself when Kelly had refused him, entirely. It was the most horrible thing that he’d ever had to face in life, besides his sister’s kidnapping. Relating with Keem, he couldn’t even be upset anymore. Tucking his feeling concerning his little sister away, he recognized a young man that love his girl –but fucked up miserably.

  Tears littered KinZu’s beautiful face as she slouched in the recovery chair at the clinic that had wrongfully crushed and removed her twins from their safe haven. Never have felt so cruel in her life, KinZu couldn’t help but to cry. A murderer, she was. At any moment, she felt as if she would collapse. The desire to have her children back, where they belonged, was completely overwhelming. Pulling the hoodie that she wore over her eyes and the bottom over her mouth, she shielded herself from the women around her. They all looked around as she fell victim to an emotional breakdown. KinZu’s heart cried out, constantly asking why she’d selfishly decided to interfere with God’s plans.

  Unable to sit any longer, KinZu slowly lifted. She had to get out of dodge. The walls had begun to close in on her, the women seemed to stare holes into her, and the silence was much too loud for her liking. Not bothering to check with the nursing staff for approval to walk, KinZu gathered her belongings and ran towards the door. Full speed ahead, she ran. Opening the door that lead to the lobby, she passed the receptionist area and kept going.

  “Excuse me! Ms. Noble. Come back!” she heard behind her, but she just couldn’t.

  Her adrenaline rushed as she neared the waiting area. Not before long, she could feel even more glares. Everyone probably thought that she was insane, and she felt the same too. Having just gone through such horrific procedure, KinZu wished that she could crawl under a rock and die. She didn’t feel the need to live any longer.

  Like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, KinZu witnessed her best friend Reed stand from her seat at the door, puffy eyes and all, and stretch her arms out. Accepting the open invitation, KinZu ran into Reed’s arms. She wasn’t expecting her to be present, because she had so much going on herself. However, she was thankful for her presence. Calm consumed her the moment her body clashed with Reed’s. Chest to chest, the two embraced.

  Both women drowned in their sorrows, right in the middle of the waiting room. The nurse that was trying to get KinZu’s attention prior stopped where she was, and allowed the moment. The women that looked on became emotional, shedding tears with the best friends. No one knew their story, but they were able to stir the emotions of every woman amongst them.

  “I love you, Reed.” KinZu cried into Reed’s neck. She’d completely soaked the plain white t shirt, but Reed could give one shit. “I did it. I did it for me.” She tried to convince herself. It was the only logical excuse for her actions. “I’ll be okay.” KinZu’s chest caved in and then shot out as she sobbed, uncontrollably.

  “You did this for you.” Reed rubbed her back. “You’ll be okay.” Reed cried for her broken heart, the broken heart of Keem, KinZu’s bleeding heart, and the loss ones. “We have to go.” She lifted KinZu’s chin. “It’s going to be
okay.” Reed coached. “We’ll be just fine.”

  KinZu and Reed walked out of the clinic hand in hand. They were both battered and bruised emotionally, but they were determined to move forward. As long as they had each other, they couldn’t go wrong. The healing process would be long and hard, but it wasn’t impossible. Together, they’d rise above everything that had been thrown in their path.


  The morning after was usually the worst, and both KinZu and Reed were feeling the effects of the heartache that they’d both experienced the day prior. The pounding of Reed’s head caused her to pull her covers far beyond the high bun that she’d placed her hair in just last night. KinZu, on the other hand, stared at the ceiling above her bed as she pictured a life with twins.

  For the entire night, KinZu had cried in Reed’s arms. Luckily for Reed, she’d been able to stop the tears at one point or another. Her hurt was still heavy, but she was all cried out. Neither of the girls knew that their voices sounded like anymore, because they had become horse before night even fell.

  An entire pity party was thrown just in their dorm room. KinZu’s cried were from the soul, while Reed’s were strictly from the heart. Even with pandemonium surrounding she and Keem, she couldn’t help but to wonder what he was doing. Out of habit, she wished that she could reach out to him that morning. Talking to him when she woke up was always her favorite thing to do.


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