Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Page 20

by Mercy B

  “We’re going to get going, nice meeting the Mrs.” Rec waved as he pushed his wife forward, probably going to get a drink of water because he seemed to be thirsty.

  Lusting over Daniel’s wife had him ready to blow a gasket. The entire time they stood, he was focused on her. While he’d gathered himself to get the hell out of dodge due to his unholy acts, Mrs. Southerland couldn’t wait to get out of earshot so that she could ridicule KinZu’s choice of attire.

  The plunging neckline barely covered her round, c-cup, teen-aged like tits. The nipple rings that KinZu adored could be seen through the silk fabric of choice. She could give a fuck what anyone at the event thought of her wardrobe. Daniel was infatuated with her sense of style, and that was all that mattered. Until they began paying KinZu to mouth their opinions, then they could stick them up their ass.

  “Amazing. Fucking amazing.” Daniel pulled KinZu near, and whispered in her ear. Clenching her side with his manicured fingers, he continued, “I’m so glad that you could make it.”

  KinZu burned on the inside. Six years of abstinence caused her to crave a man’s touch. When offered, she gladly accepted; however, it never went beyond slight rubs or copped feels. Daniel Worthy was, indeed, an eligible bachelor, but KinZu wasn’t in the business to become a wife. With her entire college years dedicated to just that, she felt the need to roam free for a few. She’d excelled in school since starting, and now that it wasn’t her priority. She wanted time for herself. Only when she hit thirty did she plan on dating with a purpose. For now, it was fun and funds.

  Besides, Daniel was a fraud. He had established all that he had due to his conniving ways. As a woman who prided herself on authenticity, settling with a charlatan was unacceptable. Although her occupation contradicted her lifestyle, the truth was that she wasn’t the one to create the facades, her clients were. None of the goers that she’d met while on duty did she owe any lies or truths. Everything that poured from her lips were scripted. KinZu simply thought of herself as a well-paid actress. Nothing more, or less.

  “I wouldn’t dare stand you up.” She blushed. “How could I?”

  “It’s always a pleasure to see you.” Daniel kissed KinZu’s neck, causing her body to riddle with fire. “I’ve missed you.”

  Chuckling, KinZu felt her cheeks as they became flustered. Leaning her neck to the side, she allowed him access to her hot spot. There was no harm in a little fun. Besides, Daniel knew that everyone was watching him and his “on-call” wife. He was a show off, and loved for all eyes to be upon him.

  His attention seeking was the exact reason that KinZu had landed her first gig with him. Being that he was Caucasian, he’d purposely sought out a colored candidate. Quite the rebellion, KinZu’s discovery was awarding for him. Haitian descendant, sun-kissed, and beautiful, KinZu was the idea match. In fact, her beauty had blown Daniel. For weeks, he was geeked just to be in her presence. Although it was all an act, Daniel was indeed down with the swirl. He’d expressed it to KinZu several times before.

  “You should consider my offer. I’d make you the happiest you’ve ever been. You know I’m well capable.” Daniel bit at her, causing KinZu to close her eyes.

  Daniel had run the same dialogue by her time and time again. I’d make you the happiest you’ve ever been, and that may have been true. However, when KinZu decided to wed, her groom would need to make her the happiest that she’d ever be, versus the happiest she’d been thus far. It sounded good, but not good enough.

  “I need to go freshen up.” KinZu insisted.

  Opening her eyes, she lifted her head in the upright position, and turned to kiss Daniel’s lips. Their lips lingered along a bit longer than expected, but it was all in a day’s work. Staring into his cold blue eyes, she saw the same emptiness that was displayed on their last encounter. During the time that they’d been acquainted, KinZu had gotten to know Daniel a little more than she’d like to. Truthfully, he needed a companion, but he was searching somewhere that he wouldn’t find one –inside of her.

  Nodding his head, Daniel extended his arm to show her the direction of the restrooms. “Through the double doors to your right. I have a host of people that I’d like you to meet, so don’t get lost, love.” And just like that, he was back in business mode –the only way that KinZu liked him.

  The thunderous sound of shoes tapping the marbled floors behind KinZu caused her to turn around. Before she could get a word out, she was shoved into a small closet that was just before the restroom’s entrance. The attempt to scream was muffled by a hand to the mouth. Boosted into the air, KinZu felt her dress being snatched above her head. Without any panties, her aggressor was granted access to her most prized possession.

  One Caucasian hand roamed her body while the other concealed her pleas. KinZu hated to admit that the cheap feels, janitorial closet, and unconsented foreplay that she’d been subjected to had her stomach doing somersaults and back flips –in anticipation for more.

  Just as the single hand left her lips, she made an effort to scream, but was silenced by a warm wet tongue to the clitoris. Her scream was replaced with a moan. Using her right hand, she placed it on her mugger’s head to intensify the invasion of her pussy. If she was consenting, at this point, then they had to do shit right. Being that she hadn’t directly agreed to this battering, it was necessary that they brought their a-game for inconveniencing the young asset.

  “Fuck…” KinZu threw her head back to help alleviate some of the gruesome pleasure that she was exposed to. “Ummmm.”

  Without a word, her assailant continued to thrash their vicious tongue across her pussy, silently begging her to rain down on their face. Gripping the short prickly hairs of the foe’s head, KinZu shoved it deeper into her pussy –gripping as much as she could. The slick follicles weren’t cooperating, causing KinZu’s hand to end in a fist.





  The whipping that was being put on KinZu’s pussy caused her to cry out. Nearing her peak, she began to gyrate her hips, mushing her sopping pussy into their face, daring resistance. Quickly, the rolls were reversed and KinZu had taken complete control. The chanced encounter had her craving penetration, but she’d never surrender to the thought.

  “AHHHHHH!” she gasped, cumming. “Don’t stop.” She warned. “Please don’t stop.” She begged.

  A good listener, the invader continued to suck on her pussy until she could no longer take the pressure. Her sensitive bulb had been squeezed of it’s life. Nothing more remained. “Ummm…” KinZu found herself humping, imagining she was being rocked by the deep strokes that some unknown heavy weight dick pusher was placing on her.

  Her imagination was short lived as she felt her body being lowered to the floor. Embarrassment quickly turned her dark cheeks purple. Face to face, she commenced to a stare down with Loe, Daniel’s personal assistant. Holding her hand out, KinZu was recompensed with a hefty $5k for her services. The same routine had been implemented time and time again.

  Loe, the most beautiful Russian that KinZu had ever laid eyes on, was married with three children of her own and one stepchild. She’d been assisting Daniel for over seven years, and had no plans of resigning any time soon. Her job was one to be proud of.

  Although she didn’t have to move a muscle, being that her husband was a rich associate of Daniel’s, she chose to make a living for herself. She often complained about the home life being too boring to commit to. Her job was the most excitement that she experienced in a day, being that her industrious husband was hardly ever home.

  Loe was well aware of the forged marriage between Daniel and KinZu, but as a loyal assistant, she kept her mouth shut. Besides, when KinZu was attending events with Daniel, it was the only time that Loe had to live out her wildest fantasies. She’d been afraid to express her desires to KinZu in the beginning, but after the large amounts she was pouring into her account from Mr. Worthy, she realized that the young beauty was all about
her coins.

  Inside of one of the encrypted emails that had been requested to send to KinZu for briefing, Loe expressed her longing to lick every nook and cranny on KinZu’s stature. With glee, she’d read and replied to KinZu’s response immediately, setting up their very first encounter. Since Loe had first gotten a taste of the sweet nectar that KinZu oozed, she’d been hooked ever since.

  She desperately wanted KinZu to join her and her husband in bed, but that would reveal KinZu and Daniel’s nonexistent marriage, and Loe wasn’t comfortable with that. Although she knew that KinZu didn’t offer penetration, she would settle for eating her pussy while her husband fucked her from behind. Loe also wanted to pleasure KinZu with her husband, both licking her insides simultaneously.

  Looking into KinZu’s eyes, Loe restrained from reaching out, drawing her face to KinZu’s, and kissing her round pouty lips. Trying to rid herself of the thoughts, she wiped her mouth and smelled the remains of KinZu. It was the closets she’d get to tasting her lips. Knowing the regulations and rules, Loe got control of herself. One wrong move could end their business arrangement, and that would be devastating.

  “Until next time.” KinZu nodded, opening the door and leaving Loe behind.


  The ringing of the school’s bell caused KinZu to do a silent praise dance in her head. The children had driven her nuts all day. It was as if their parents had loaded their breakfast with chocolate. Even at naptime, no one had actually fallen asleep. As frustrating as it was, KinZu didn’t bother fussing because there would be no use. Instead, she took the time to develop lesson plans and grade homework –daring her little ones to make a sound.

  KinZu, teacher by day and escort by night, wasn’t the average. Just as diverse as night and day, she was a completely different woman during the hours of 7-4pm. KinZu was an award winning educator, top rated teacher, and the best counselor to grace Shady Groove Elementary.

  The children loved her, and the teachers couldn’t be more proud to work along side of such a brilliant soul. Her light shined through efforts to better their school, and its surroundings. Just last year, KinZu had donated $100,000 of one of her client’s earnings to the school in order to build a new playground and school gym.

  “Tired, huh?” Johnathan asked.

  Lifting her head from her desk, she frowned. Without glancing, she’d already known who was at her door. Disgust overcame her as she met eyes with the dingiest scumbag of them all. “Close my door behind you.” KinZu spat, dismissing the cunt without another word.

  But of course, he disregarded her statement, and pushed forward. “The children ran you wild. I see. Let me treat you to a massage or something, KinZu. Don’t be like that.” He begged like a sick puppy.

  Twisting her face upward as if Johnathan reeked off corn chips and ass, KinZu nearly threw her planner across the room at his handsome face. “Leave, Johnathan.”

  “KinZu.” He held his hands out in a pleading motion. “Listen, I’ve apologized a million times, love. What more can I do to get you to forgive me?”

  “You can leave me the fuck alone is what you can do.” She barked.

  Just as KinZu went to tear into the cat eyed, light skinned, dapper down brother, a fellow teacher burst into her room. Feeling as if Johnathan been spared, KinZu smiled and at her co-worker before turning back to give Johnathan the side eye. Karen had come to thank KinZu for saving her butt early. After Karen’s wallet had “allegedly” been stolen, she’d brought her lunch, and filled her tank.

  Women like Karen were the main reason that KinZu was in the profession that she was in. She thought of them as sad cases. Karen made enough money to not need for anything, but she allowed her sorry excuse of a husband deplete her funds every time that she was paid. It was men such as him that had her taking these other guys for all that they had. She felt as if she was an advocate for women across the globe. For every dime the lousy men in their lives taken, she was getting back.

  “I just wanted to say thanks again!”

  “No problem!” KinZu waved her off. “That’s what girlfriends are for.”

  KinZu had one friend, and her name was Reed Coleman. Any other woman that she associated herself with was merely a girlfriend. It was simply a standard phrase that her mother had used to described women that she was in constant contact with. It had carried on into KinZu’s vocab.

  “Really…” Karen paused with saddened eyes, some shit that KinZu could give a fuck about, “Thanks. You don’t know how much that meant to me. As soon as I can, I’ll pay you back.”

  “Don’t insult me.” KinZu raged. She meant every word. Karen needed every single coin possible to keep that scum of hers around. KinZu wasn’t sweating the $50 she’d shelled out.

  “Have a nice day, and thanks again.” Karen tucked her tail behind her ass and took her insecurities elsewhere, because KinZu wasn’t the one to aid them.

  “You can’t keep bailing them out, Kin.” Johnathan spoke, closing in on KinZu.

  Her disgust returned with each step that he drew. “Back the hell up, Johnathan. In fact, just leave, and close my door behind you. I only have an hour to finish up here.” She waved as if she was swatting away at an annoying fly. Unlike other teachers who took “work” home with her, KinZu wasn’t one of them. She dedicated an hour after school to complete tasks, and left the remainder for another day. While away, her time was hers.

  “Please, let me take you to dinner. It’s the least I can do.”

  There was a time that KinZu would’ve jumped at the opportunity. Days and nights would go by and KinZu would hope and pray for a call from Johnathan, requesting her presence at dinner. Hell, she would’ve taken McDonald’s had he offered it. Her prayers were always unanswered, and her hope was compromised. Eventually the thoughts dwindled, and KinZu chucked up her loses as they came –day by day.

  KinZu rebuffed to respond. It was pointless. She’d just stir Johnathan up even more. This was routine for the two, and it seemed to be never ending. Since graduating college, KinZu had been employed as a kindergarten teacher at the same school. Unfortunately, the year prior, the school had been assigned a new principal. Lord behold, it was her ex boyfriend.

  A few days out of the week, Johnathan would catch her alone and try his luck. Each and every time, KinZu displayed her lack of interest in her actions, words, and facial expressions. Unfortunately for her, Johnathan just didn’t comprehend. He thought that if he kept at it, she’d eventually give in, but he couldn’t have been mistaking more. Quite frankly, she wished he’d just leave her the hell alone.

  After the pain that he’d caused, KinZu wanted nothing to do with him. She even hated the fact that he was her boss, but she wouldn’t dare leave her job. It wasn’t about the money with KinZu. She genuinely had a passion for children, and she yarned the connection that she had with them each day. With all that she had going on in her night life, she never missed a day’s work.

  Mornings were restricted when clientele scheduled, unless the weekend. Because of Johnathan, she would never be able to have children, so the ones that she taught and mentored were her babies. KinZu loved each and everyone of them as if they were her own. For most of them, she was the brightest part of their day, and she took her role as an educator very serious.

  “Kin,” Johnathan beckoned for her attention, but her mind had ventured to another place –a place that she’d never go back to. She’d briefly reminisced about the time that she feared she’d never get over Johnathan. Their breakup had cost her years of pain, and she remember the shit like it was just yesterday.

  “KIN!” he yelled, bringing her back to reality.

  “Johnathan, just fuck off, okay!” KinZu yelled.

  Jumping from her seat, she grabbed her coat and purse. Johnathan sat in silence, but didn’t move a muscle. He was still dealing with the heartbreak that he’d caused just as much as KinZu was avoiding it. It had taken him years to come to the conclusion that she was the best thing that had ever happened to him
. He wondered where their lives would be had he never forced her to abort their twins, shamed her in front of the entire college campus, rejected her calls and visits, or turned her into the cold bitch that she was today.

  For the most obvious reasons, he predicted that they would be doing well –married and building their family together. It was only a thought, which saddened Johnathan’s reality. True enough, he’d treated her like trash, but he couldn’t help but feel like she was dragging him through the slums with her harshness. As much as he prayed for her forgiveness, he knew that she needed more time –and seeing him daily didn’t make things any less complicated.

  Like a silly fool, though, he still held on to a bit of hope. The way that KinZu responded to him made him think that she still harbored deep feelings for him. While he thought they were good feelings, he was sadly mistaken. The feelings of resentment, neglect, and scorn that KinZu harbored were everything but pleasant.

  “Wait…” he tried grabbing KinZu’s arm, but she quickly snatched away. Whipping back around, she commenced to relieve just a bit of her pain.


  Past emotions flew to the forefront, causing KinZu to raise her hand and strike Johnathan’s face. They were in their workplace, but at this point KinZu didn’t give a damn. She owed him that one and many more. Nodding his head, Johnathan admitted to himself that he deserved it. It had been a long time coming, and he’d expected the physical much sooner than now. However, he’d take it, either way. Whatever was need for KinZu to get through her pain and aggression to forgive him, he’d allow.


  It felt so good that KinZu had to do it again.


  And then again.


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