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Work Smart Business

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by Jason Linett


  Lessons Learned from

  HYPNOTIZING 250,000 People and

  Building a MILLION-DOLLAR Brand


  Jason Linett


  Copyright © 2019 Jason Linett

  Published by The Jason Linett Group LLC

  Year: 2019

  All rights reserved. No reproduction, transmission or copy of this publication can be made without the written consent of the author in accordance with the provision of the Copyright Acts. Any person doing so will be liable to civil claims and criminal prosecution.



  My goal is to make it easier for you to take action,

  and create your own success.

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  Meet Jason Linett

  How can a HYPNOTIST help you grow your business?

  Jason Linett has hypnotized more than 250,000 people. He used the principles of rapport and modeling to track what top business performers and professional athletes do differently to build his own million-dollar brand.

  As a master of the micro-niche, he speaks to groups around the world and offers hypnotic-success-coaching to share how people in business can put his WORK SMART principles and strategies to use.

  “It’s going to slow your first year. Most small businesses fail.” The worst business advice made Jason Linett an instant success. He developed his WORK SMART strategies and principles to immediately tap into systems for success to rapidly build several six-figure-income businesses. Now, he shares them with you.

  Jason is a featured TEDx speaker. He was honored as the “Hypnotist of the Year.” He is invited to travel the world sharing the methods that have not only made him successful, but also have been duplicated by others to create their own financial freedom. In addition to coaching private clients, Jason’s programs have been downloaded more than a million times worldwide.

  Rather than just “hypnotize” you to become more successful, he will help you de-hypnotize the misconceptions, fears, doubts, and ineffective strategies that are holding back your business success.

  Don’t let the word “hypnosis” scare you. The more successful you become, the more likely you will discover you’re already doing this. Perhaps you just call it something else? Whether it’s “getting in the zone” or “achieving your peak performance state,” Jason will show you how to duplicate your best entrepreneurial and personal success with purpose, focus, and intention.

  The process isn’t magic, though the results can be magical.

  While building a successful business is a great goal to strive toward, Jason is most proud of his ability to do so and be present in the lives of his wife and two children.

  Are you looking to create your own personal change or grow your business?

  Would you like to bring Jason Linett to your organization or conference as a keynote speaker?

  Contact him at (800) 850-7082

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  Your “Call to Action”



  You and I are about to begin a fascinating journey.

  Our origin stories may be similar. Struck by a jolt of entrepreneurial energy, we were compelled to forge our own path and inspired to start our own business. We both have a burning desire to design our own lives. We’ve likely read the same books and studied the same marketing gurus.

  The quest we’re about to take together is going to be different.

  From start-up to scale up, I’m going to share my story and give you the easy-to-implement principles of how I’ve done it. My goal is for you to harness these strategies to create your own incredible outcomes.

  I was once the employee living paycheck to paycheck. I spent years climbing the career ladder waiting to be offered my perceived “dream job,” and I walked away as soon as the opportunity appeared. I gave up the steady income and guaranteed benefits .

  I launched a local business which quickly filled with thousands of individual clients. I routinely raised my rates to balance supply and demand, yet still had to create a waiting list for new customers. I paid off student loans and credit card debt while buying a home for my growing family. I’ve stood on stages in front of thousands of people sharing an inspiring message. I more than tripled my business from a single six-figure to multiple six-figure incomes. I harnessed the reins of modern technology to reach a global audience and sell hundreds of thousands of dollars of products online.

  My story reads like the entrepreneurial dream for someone just starting out. You, like me, probably read similar books and stories of people escaping the nine-to-five lifestyle to go off and do big things.

  So why another business book? My story is different. It’s not just different because of how and why I’ve done it. It’s different because of what I do.

  I’m a hypnotist.

  Through influential language patterns and positive motivational strategies, I’ve helped thousands of clients release bad habits and negative emotional states and to take control of their own lives. Some people would tell you it takes thirty days to make a massive personal change. My clients will tell you otherwise. They’ve released the enslaving bonds of nicotine and tobacco to rapidly quit smoking. They’ve closed their eyes on a fear to then reopen them into a world of strength. They’ve learned the methods to communicate with their unconscious minds to motivate their own success.

  The process isn’t magic, yet it can be magical. It’s a set of skills that anyone with passion and dedication can learn. These methods are widely used in hospitals, by professional athletes, and by top business people around the world.

  I’ve used the principles of rapport and modeling to track what successful business people do differently so I could generate my own success. I ravenously studied it so I could share the methods with others. I’ve taken this hypnotic way of thinking into the corporate world. The same principles that can help someone instantly let go of a limiting belief are the same methods to consistently scale up a business.

  Why “Work Smart?” It’s just two words and just two syllables that form an incredible command statement. It’s short and to the point. It’s intentional. We’ll forgive the fact it’s grammatically incorrect. Apple told their communities to “Think Different,” when any decent proofreader would tell you it should be “think differently.” They changed the world. I want you to WORK SMART to change your business and your life now .

  Will this book hypnotize you to become more successful? The better question is what misconcepti
ons, fears, or doubts are you ready to let go of? What ineffective strategies are you ready to stop using?

  My goal isn’t just to hypnotize you to become a success. My goal is for you to become even more empowered as you de-hypnotize the stuff that’s been holding you back.

  We’re going to work with intention. We’re going to put motivation and meaning behind what you do. You’re going to make it your own. You’re going to work smart.

  This book is going to give you a road map to success.

  This adventure is just beginning.


  Jason Linett



  My story opens in an empty office. The floor is littered with unpacked cardboard boxes. The space desperately needs cleaning. This was it. I had launched my business. I signed a big, scary lease, and I did not have a safety net. I was truly “all in” as I had prepaid the entire year’s rent with one check.

  I had no other option but to succeed. I gave myself no other options. There was no “out” as I had a growing family at home and bills to be paid. My efforts needed to be direct, intentional, and effective. I had to WORK SMART.

  I was doing something brand new and outside the ordinary. I kept running into the issue that I didn’t fit into a simple box on a checklist. What category should the business license be? How do I explain my profession to get approved for a business checking account?

  I had to figure it out on my own by trial and error, and I had to be prepared for every professional interaction to include the sentence, “No really, I’m a hypnotist.” The situation seemed to be stacked against me.

  Now, a decade later, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. In the upcoming chapter “Build Assets and Leverage Them,” you’ll learn the methods to hypnotically shift your thinking from a “problem” mindset into a “solution” mindset in a matter of seconds.

  The empty-office-challenge drove me to be tenacious and “level up” my business game every year. Stand by for some exciting lessons to be learned from an awkward childhood learning magic tricks, playing video games, and then getting into weightlifting. The most inspiring stories may come from rather unique experiences.

  I meet too many people who are right at the edge of something incredible. Just one step in a new direction, and you could change your life for good. Unfortunately, people are stuck in analysis paralysis. They’ve become experts at planning for their success rather than creating their success. They’re fooling themselves into thinking they’re being productive while, unfortunately, not moving their business forward. There’s an expectation of a magical method; that one little thing they need to do that will create all the results they’ve dreamed of. Instead of really focusing on their best strategies, they place the blame on the methods. They end up with half-baked ideas that never come to be .

  People blame the methods they’re using for their lack of success. Print advertising is dead. Social media ads no longer work. People don’t like to speak on the phone anymore. Whatever the reasons they present, it’s not the methods themselves that are flawed, it is the strategy they applied to these platforms.

  It’s very rarely the platform, it’s almost always the strategy.

  To WORK SMART is to take a step back and ask yourself, “How can I make this thing work even better?” The solution is to take action. Harness a tenacious spirit, and step into an inspiring mindset of certainty and success. When you change your thinking, you change your focus. When you change your focus, you change your results.

  It’s time to empower a revolution of business owners who take control of their own minds. Yes, this book will teach you how to do self-hypnosis, and it will also teach you to BE HYPNOTIC. Hypnosis is a process. To BE HYPNOTIC is a lifestyle. The problem isn’t the platform of what they’re using to grow their business. The issue is the “how” and “why” of their strategy in attempting to make it happen.

  I started my business standing in an empty office without furniture and massively in debt. I’ve now built several six-figure businesses. I’ve helped to pioneer how education is spread. I’ve been invited to speak internationally at various conventions and associations. I was awarded by my peers as the “Hypnotist of the Year.” I was invited to do a TEDx talk. I’ve coached thousands of others to harness the momentum of their own lives to build thriving businesses.

  It’s not just about work and making money. There must be a balance. I’ve built these businesses while enjoying time with a growing family, taking vacations, regular date nights out with my wife, and being at home in the evening to have dinner with my family.

  This book is about you. What are your goals? What entrepreneurial idea of yours is bursting at the seams? What business opportunity do you keep thinking about?

  Imagine shifting your life in the direction you want as you enjoy your adventure toward greater success. Getting there can be just as fun as the results you will create.

  My goal is to help you WORK SMART. That doesn’t mean it will all be easy. Some of it will take serious effort and challenge what seems safe. I believe there’s a myth of safety in having a “steady job,” as I’ve met many people who firmly believed their best option was to keep working for someone else because “employment equals safety.” They held onto the belief that they couldn’t provide for themselves without the benefits their employer provided them .

  I have discovered a much stronger safety net by taking responsibility for my own career and entrepreneurial journey. When you learn to command your own success, you build your own security.

  I promise this book will train you to train your brain to WORK SMART. Take old ideas that previously didn’t work and find that mechanism to make it work even better. Hypnotically shift your perspective to rapidly reframe a scenario out of a challenge and into a solution. Rethink your business as a network of relationships, and you’ll always know where you are. Discover the limitless opportunities in the world around you to easily scale up your success year-after-year.

  For the entrepreneur, this is your opportunity to take an idea and convert it into a continuous income stream.

  If you enjoy your career as an employee, you will learn methods to position yourself as an irreplaceable asset, rather than as a simple commodity. Make this your opportunity to generate greater stability and improve your potential for promotion.

  We’re just getting started, so let’s break down the misconceptions, scarcity thinking, and other doom-and-gloom nonsense that holds people back. The greater risk comes from not taking the chance and wondering what could have been .

  This is your time to become an action-taker, rather than an excuse-maker.

  Do you know the worst day of the week to start a diet? Someday.

  Do you know the worst day of the week to start promoting your business? Someday.

  This book will inspire you to put in the efforts, the focus, and the hours necessary to build success and stability. Some of the work may be hard, yet it will be rewarding as you discover how to WORK SMART. Put intention and tenacity behind what you do rather than relying on hope and luck.

  “There’s got to be a better way!” This classic line from many infomercials has been my subtext for years. This book will show you a better way.

  Read this book. Take notes. Follow through with the WORK SMART ACTION STEPS at the end of each chapter. Track your journey so you can review how and why it has worked for you.

  My goal isn’t for you to become another Jason Linett. There’s already one of me. You don’t even need to get trained and certified in hypnosis. That’s probably not your goal. Follow your passion with the WORK SMART principles and strategies I’ve discovered and detailed for you. In my field, I’m known as the “hypnosis business guinea pig.” I only teach the things I’ve done and found to work. And yes, there will be stories of things that crashed, burned, and became expensive learning lessons.

  Put this stuff to use. Fold the WORK SMART principles and strategies into your life.

p; Think about a hammer. You cannot go buy a hammer, save the receipt, and try to return it with the complaint that it doesn’t work. It’s a hammer. It’s a tool, and it will work as well as you put it into use.

  You are about to discover ten powerful principles for success and the strategies to make it happen.

  Please put them to use.


  ☞ You’re going to learn that “everything is an asset.” The skills, education, and experiences you have are going to craft what makes you unique and why people should do business with you. Grab a sheet of paper and take notes on the skills and abilities you currently have.

  ☞ To WORK SMART is to have a passion for ongoing improvement. Build an action list of the skills and abilities you’ll need to start the entrepreneurial adventure. If you’re concerned about technical skills such as website and graphic design, don’t worry! There’s a chapter in this book which basically becomes a romance novel about outsourcing.

  ☞ You’re going to learn methods to hypnotically shift problems into solutions. Build a list of the things that may be currently holding back your success. For now, just write them down. The action of writing them down is dissociative; it disconnects you from being inside of the problem. You’re pulling these conflicts out of the unconscious mind and putting them on paper in front of you. Simply looking at them objectively can often change your perspective.



  Intention, purpose, and focus.

  Learn from your growth, get back up if you fall down, and create momentum to do it all better.

  Embrace the fact that it won’t all be easy. Put in the genuine effort to do things that may be difficult, though don’t fall prey to the belief that hard work is the only measure of productivity. In our social media world of “no days off” or bragging about the grind of growing a business, too many people are sadly spinning their wheels.


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