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The Superheroes' Wives Collection

Page 5

by Joynell Schultz

  He had sensed Mistress Inferno on the East side of town, heading toward Main Street. The Superhero News Network had broadcasted a 911 call that she was on the corner of Robin and Birch. He applied gas and weaved around the traffic, feeling his blue cape snapping behind him in the wind.

  The Harley’s engine cut silent as he parked a few blocks away from where he sensed Mistress Inferno. She hadn’t moved since her last sighting, almost like she wanted to get caught. Bolting past a giant blow-up Santa and down into the subway, he headed toward an exit a block from Robin and Birch. Hopefully, Mistress Inferno would be listening for the distinct rumbling sound of his engine and not looking toward the subway exit.

  Out of breath from the excitement, he crawled up the subway stairs onto Robin Street. When his eyes adjusted to the light, a huge flame erupted in front of him and singing his eyebrows. He fisted his hands and dove toward Mistress Inferno, landing against the pavement.

  Her curvy body was faster than it looked. She lunged to the side and took off running in one smooth motion; a throaty laugh filling the air. Behind her streamed short trails of fabric from the arms of her costume, cut to resemble flames. “Come on, my little freeze pop. Come and get me.”

  Icy sprang to his feet, reaching out to grasp a streaming flame, but caught only air. As easy as freezing her with his vision would have been, he learned long ago to be careful. His power was deadly if he let it get out of control. He pumped his arms and chased her down Robin Street and onto Oak. She dashed across browned lawns, dodging around a birdbath, knocking over a holiday manger lawn ornament, and then leapt over a small, white fence lined with Christmas lights.

  Icy followed, breathing heavily, apologizing to the bystanders. “Excuse me. I got this. Don’t worry. Sorry about the decorations.” He took the fence in an easy bound.

  “Woof, woof!” A little white dog barked, heading straight for Icy’s ankles.

  His heart hammered, and he frantically scanned the yard for the orange and red costume. Fabric streamed around a house, and he twisted left.

  But not in time. The dog caught his blue boot with his teeth.

  Icy sent an explosion of frost to his shoe, shocking the dog enough for it to loosen its bite. With a sharp motion, Icy freed his foot and sprinted forward again, thankful for the toughness of leather.

  He put one foot in front of the other, inhaled deeply, and saw the distance between him and Mistress Flame shorten as he pushed the limits of his speed.

  When he could almost reach out and grab her, she spun around with a beautiful, yet mischievous smile upon her lips. That was the last thing he saw before a flame blinded him.

  He focused on his freeze vision, but his eyes were tightly closed, blocking that ability.

  An uncomfortable heat grew on his chest, then leapt down his arms and legs.

  He flopped to the ground and began to roll, trying to extinguish his clothing that had caught fire. His skin prickled with heat, but luckily, his skin was invulnerable to damage. When he looked up, all he saw was the orange and red flaming fabric streamers turn a corner at least a block away.

  Chapter 3

  Dispatch: Shadow Town Police Station. How can I help you?

  Mrs. Byrd: Icy Tundra needs help! He’s on fire…like literally on fire right in the park across the street! That supervillain got away.

  ~ ~ ~

  Mistress Inferno ran as fast as her legs would carry her—her fitness program was paying off. She zig-zagged between roads named after birds and trees until she hit Main Street. While flying down the sidewalk, she glanced over her shoulder to make sure a certain superhero in white tights and a blue cape wasn’t following her. Finding a little alcove in the alley between a small café and a tattoo parlor, she tucked herself away, waiting to catch her breath and calm her pounding heart.

  Suddenly, goosebumps formed on her arm and she shivered.

  Good, he’s here. What took him so long?

  Tucking herself tightly against the old bricks of the café and clutching her flamethrower, she caught her breath. Her focus flipped between the alcove’s entrance and alley’s exit to the rear parking lot. Her heart hammered in her ears, and butterflies danced in her stomach.

  Where was he?

  Should she dash off to the left…or to the right?

  One droplet of water hit her chilled cheek, then another. Was it going to rain? She whipped her head up only to see Icy Tundra’s silhouette against the late afternoon sun. He held a garden hose, and she nearly laughed picturing the sinister smile upon his face.

  Water shot out of the hose toward the street alcove entrance. The water froze midair, forming a wall of ice. Mistress Inferno gripped the flamethrower tighter and dashed toward the back-parking lot, but skidded to a stop when water sprayed that way, too, trapping her in the alley between two walls of ice.

  Good, Icy. You’re using your head.

  She squeezed the cold metal handle of her flamethrower and swept it against the ice wall.

  “Nowhere to run,” Icy Tundra’s deep voice boomed. “Consider yourself on ice.”

  A laugh sprang from her lips at his cheesy statement. “So, you think you’ve got me?” She flashed a crafty smile and squeezed the cold metal handle of her flamethrower, sweeping the fire against the ice wall. “Well frozen-boy, come and get me.”

  Behind her, Icy Tundra jumped from the tattoo parlor’s roof, landing with a thud. “I got you this time.”

  “I think you’re still going to have to try harder.” Mistress Inferno gnawed her lower lip while a small hole melted in the ice wall. She swiped the flamethrower back and forth to make it bigger.

  A few stones tumbled from where Icy stepped. As they neared, she let go of the handle and spun around.

  “Oh, gosh,” she gasped. He was shirtless, and she had been the one to burn it off. Cringing, she pulled the flamethrower’s handle again, but it was too late. He had frozen the ignition mechanism. She launched the useless torch at him and dove through the small hole she had created, shattering the thin layer of ice.

  A crash came from behind her as Icy launched himself after her. He gripped her ankle, then pulled her toward him. Trying to push him off, she couldn’t wiggle free from his firm hold against her wrists.

  His body was heavy and solid against hers, trapping her against the ground. She wiggled, but he was impossibly strong compared to her. She needed to use her head.

  Oh, forgive me, Icy. You’re nearly invincible, anyway.

  With all the force she could muster, she brought her knee up and rammed it between his legs. He howled.

  At least that spot was super sensitive, even on a superhero.

  He rolled off, and she scrambled to her feet, rushing toward the car she had parked back on Birch Avenue—dodging through a group of Christmas carolers. In the background, all she heard was the harmonious words of “Frosty the Snowman” being interrupted with whoops and hollers.

  “Go, Icy Tundra, Go!”

  “Get her.”

  Mistress Inferno held back her proud smile as she put distance between them.

  Chapter 4

  Dispatch: Shadow Town Police Station. How can I help you?

  Bobby Byrd: That fire supervillain ran down the street again. My dad went outside to chase her down. You have to come so he doesn’t get hurt! Icy Tundra’s right on their tail, but he doesn’t look good.

  ~ ~ ~

  Icy Tundra pushed through his pain. Mistress Inferno had kneed him in exactly the right spot. She was fighting dirty, and, oh, she would pay for that. He held back his smile.

  Tires squealed as he arrived at the corner of Robin and Birch. Down the street, a maroon sedan took off. He squinted inside to see orange hair and a bright red and yellow costume. He kicked at a tuff of grass on the curb.

  A chunky man jogged up beside him, panting. “How does she keep escaping you?”

  Icy Tundra growled, “She knows my weaknesses.”

, don’t go soft on her because she’s a woman. We need to keep order in this city.”

  “Oh, don’t worry,” Icy said, turning in the direction of his motorcycle. “I won’t go soft on her.”

  The man muttered from behind, “All safety aside, this has been the most interesting Christmas brunch my family has every had – and we haven’t even touched our food yet!”

  Once straddled over the Harley’s seat, Icy tracked Mistress Inferno’s presence, pinpointing her moving toward the West side of town. He latched onto her presence and started the ignition as a light drizzle of rain began to fall.

  The motorcycle’s engine roared as he raced down the streets with his heart pounding. What he had lacked in speed on foot, he made up for on two wheels as he weaved around the city.

  When his own house came into view, his stomach tightened. Is that where Mistress Inferno had been heading? When he opened his door, would he find the supervillain or his wife?

  He flew off his bike, wiped the rain from his forehead, and dashed up the front steps in one big leap. He threw his door open to see the supervillain, with an evil, tight-lipped grin upon her face, standing in the middle of his living room.

  He flung himself at her, gripping the back of her neck with his fingers.

  She jumped up, wrapping her legs tightly around his torso and circling her arms around his body. She was latched on – impossible for him to push her away. Her fingers tracing up the exposed skin on his back where his costume had been singed off, sending a shiver of pleasure up his spine.

  “You’re going to pay for that,” he breathed heavily while her lips found his.

  She managed to pull away, “Oh, is that so?” Another kiss. Her fingers reached up and pulled off his mask. “I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me.”

  Icy Tundra placed a hand on the small of her back and gazed into her eyes. “I love you, Victoria. You never cease to amaze me.”

  She laughed. “You know, I’ve been secretly going to the gym for six months, just so I could challenge you.”

  He lifted his wife up and pulled her orange wig off, “To say you put a spark in our marriage would be an understatement.”

  “Oh, come on. I provide more than a spark. A whole fire, perhaps. Do you want me to get another blowtorch?” Victoria smiled slyly, but didn’t wait for a response. “It seems you liked your Christmas present?”

  “Liked is an understatement. Loved. I loved it.”

  “I have an extra torch hiding in my car. Wanna do that again?”

  Icy’s eyes widened and images of things he could do filled his mind. “Okay. Once more. I’ll even give you a thirty-minute head start.”

  With a skip, Victoria threw her wig back on and headed toward the front door.

  “Wait!” he called, sending a burst of his freeze vision through the window and up into the sky. “I have a Christmas gift for you, too.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, look outside.”

  The room grew cold as Victoria slowly opened the front door. Snow fell and sprinkled on the black doormat.

  “Oh, Vance, did you do that?” She stepped outside and twirled around while flakes landed on her eyelashes.

  Vance stepped outside by her in their quiet neighborhood. “Hmmm… Maybe this will be another level of challenge for us. Let’s see if I can continue to make the snow fall while I hunt you down.” He shooed Victoria down onto the first porch step. “Go, now, then we’ll have Christmas dinner together.”

  Victoria lifted to her tippy toes and gave Vance a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Okay…no peeking.” And she disappeared down the steps.

  He closed his eyes and beamed inside. This was going to be a Christmas to remember.

  The End

  The short stories in The Superheroes’ Wives Collection are just a taste of the Superhero Wives World that you can discover in the full-length novel, The Secret Lives of Superhero Wives. Find this book on Amazon or learn more about the series at:

  The Secret Lives of Superhero Wives

  If you enjoyed The Superheroes’ Wives Collection, you’ll love this full-length novel.



  The Secret Lives of Superhero Wives

  Nobody said being married was easy, but try being married to a superhero. Not only is there laundry, cooking, and a career to balance, but throw in a few supervillains and your days are booked.

  Ariana, Victoria, and Emma’s men spend more time saving the world than doing dishes. These wives want some semblance of a normal married life, but would settle for an uninterrupted meal together. Besides, how can they compete with saving the world?

  When a catastrophic earthquake devastates Shadow Town and crime spirals out of control, it appears the city needs all the help they can get to clean it up. Everyone expected the resident superheroes to save the day, but didn’t expect the wives’ help too…

  Other Novels by Joynell Schultz

  If you enjoyed The Superheroes’ Wives Collection, you may wish to check out these other novels by Joynell Schultz.

  Blood & Holy Water



  Ava is sick of mundane angel duties, and she wants a promotion to finally earn her wings. A promotion takes more than hard work; it takes a miracle--literally. Unfortunately, her miracle's impossible, because it involves a vampire.

  Fin has no time for frivolous gestures. He's too busy avoiding his own kind to care what a naïve angel wants. But when the other vampires uncover his deepest secret, threatening what he cherishes most, nothing can help him...except a miracle. Too bad he chased the angel away.

  Magical Connections: A Collection of Fantasy Short Stories & Novellas



  How far will you go for love?

  From a pregnant fairy godmother to a child bitten by a werewolf, a fallen angel to a mail-order witch, these six fantasy short stories & novellas, connected by magic, will be sure to leave you feeling satisfied. Includes:

  Fangs & Fairy Dust: An Angels of Sojourn Spin-Off Novella

  The Mail-Order Witch (short story)

  Hidden: A Pregnant Fairy Godmother’s Journey… (novella)

  The Enchanted Apothecary

  One Possible Future: An Angels of Sojourn Short Story

  Bitten: An Angels of Sojourn Spin-Off Short Story

  Hidden: A Pregnant Fairy Godmother’s Journey…



  Even being the best fairy godmother in all the land, Ciera’s been hiding a secret. Not only is she pregnant, but she’s magically pregnant with a human child.

  Humans are not allowed in the fairy realm. Period. That includes half-fairy half-human babies. The only solution is to give the baby to its father before the Fairy Council finds out her secret. Finding the father should be easy, how many men named John could possibly live in this place called Chicago?

  Love, Lies & Clones



  June Taylor never asked to be cloned. She never asked for the faulty heart that beats inside her chest. But most of all, she never asked for the chaos that would become her life.

  When her estranged father mysteriously appears at her doorstep to warn her of impending danger, she immediately dismisses him. But when he goes missing, his seemingly unbelievable claims prove to be true. Not only is her life in danger, but the lives of others like her are at stake.

  As clues about a malicious conspiracy unfold, an AWOL soldier emerges insistent that he holds the missing link in this deadly puzzle, but placing her
trust in a stranger is the last thing June is willing to do.

  With the clock ticking, can June trust him with her secret…and her heart?

  About the Author

  Joynell Schultz was raised at a zoo (yeah, bring on the jokes) which gave her a love of animals. She spends her days working as a veterinary pharmacist & spends her nights (cough, cough—very early mornings) creating imaginary worlds writing speculative fiction. When she’s not trying to put food on the table (take-out, of course) for her husband & two children (& keeping it away from her sneaky Great Dane), she spends her time reading, writing, enjoying the outdoors, & planning her next vacation.

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