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Ember (Constant Flame Duet Book 1)

Page 13

by Christi Whitson

  This explanation left Owen feeling slightly better about the exchange he’d overheard. Pipsqueak was a name an older brother might bestow on a vertically challenged little sister, as opposed to a pet name a guy might use for a woman he wanted to sleep with.

  “Well, I’d be honored to meet him sometime,” Owen said as he held the heavy glass door open for her. “Maybe we can do lunch again after class on Thursday? You can tell me more about your friends.”

  “It’s a date,” Lena smiled. On a whim, she leaned onto the tips of her toes and kissed his cheek. It was all he could do not to wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her properly, but he held back, determined to wait for their date on Friday. His green eyes seemed to darken even in the bright afternoon sunshine, and Lena felt her pulse quicken. “See you Thursday?”

  “Count on it.”

  Chapter 11


  To Owen’s relief, their cozy Thursday lunch was uninterrupted, and the conversation flowed easily between them. The more Lena talked, the more he loved hearing her voice, and he soon realized that he would be eager to listen to her no matter what she was talking about. The sound of her voice seemed to soothe and arouse him in equal measure, and he couldn’t help but wonder if she would be vocal in bed. He longed to hear her moan when he touched her or to scream his name as she came in his arms. The intensity of his attraction to her still amazed him, and he wanted nothing more than to pursue it.

  After explaining her friendship with Logan James in more detail, Lena went on to describe the group of friends she occasionally spent time with on the weekends, and one of the names caught Owen’s attention.

  “Tessa Worthington,” he repeated aloud, searching his memory for the connection. “Did she go to Eastside?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t meet her until last year. Do you know her?”

  “Not personally, but I recognize the name.”

  What Owen didn’t say was that Tessa had once had the undistinguished honor of being Eric’s date for one of the Langfords’ charity functions. Owen couldn’t recall her face; it was impossible to separate one girl out of the sea of busty blondes Eric had dated. He had no doubt that Eric was just as promiscuous at Dartmouth. The man went through women like a normal person went through socks.

  “She has a knack for knowing when I need to get out of my own head and just cut loose,” Lena smiled as she took a sip of her water. “She and Mateo are roommates. They live across the hall from me.”

  “But you don’t have a roommate?”

  “No. I wouldn’t have been opposed to it, but my dad thought it might distract me from my schoolwork,” she shrugged. “How about you?”

  “No roommate. I opted for a smaller place to save money.”

  In truth, Owen’s apartment was on the small side even for a studio, and it wasn’t in the best of neighborhoods. The Langfords had offered to help him find something better, but he hadn’t wanted to take anything else from them, as they were already paying whatever his grants and scholarships didn’t cover. He worked at the repair shop to maintain his living space and put food on the table, and although he was proud of that small accomplishment, he wasn’t in a hurry to show Lena where he lived.

  “What about friends then?” she asked curiously.

  “I don’t have a lot of time to socialize,” he admitted. “I mean, I had some friends in high school, but we all kind of parted ways. There are people I’m friendly with, I suppose, but I don’t know that I would call them ‘friends’ the way you do.”

  “Don’t you ever just hang out with anyone for fun?”

  “Other than you?” Owen grinned. He was rewarded with a blush and a smile that made it almost impossible to resist pressing his lips to hers. Almost. “I hang out with my neighbor once in a while, but he’s as focused on school as I am, so we don’t get together often.”

  “Well, then I maintain that you need to get out more. That head of hair is way too perfect to go prematurely gray.” They chuckled together.

  “As it happens, I have plans with a stunningly beautiful woman tomorrow evening,” he said proudly.

  “Is that so? Hmm… You’ll have to let me know how it goes. I, myself, have a date with a very sexy man tomorrow night. Maybe we’ll both get lucky.” They grinned at one another, and the air between them seemed to crackle with energy.

  “You never know.”


  Lena slipped into her third outfit of the evening, twisting this way and that in front of her full-length mirror. She had no idea what she and Owen would be doing on their date, so choosing an ensemble was tricky. Tessa sat on her bed with her chin in her hands, her expression dubious as she watched Lena's wardrobe changes.

  “You sure you don’t want an escape text?” she offered.

  “Nope, no exit strategy needed tonight.”

  “Isn’t that what you said about the last one? Paul something or other?” Lena rolled her eyes, remembering the last date she’d had that had very nearly given her cause to file assault charges.

  “Ugh, yeah, but this time I’m positive. Owen’s a gentleman. I’m just hoping he’s also a good judge of when it’s okay not to be one,” Lena grinned. Tessa laughed.

  “Well, then I guess it’s a good thing I replaced the condoms I borrowed the other day.”

  “You and Mateo at it again?”

  “No, someone new. He is most definitely not a gentleman, but since I’d hardly call myself a lady, I’m perfectly okay with that.”

  Lena chuckled and shook her head. Mateo had been besotted with Tessa since the moment they’d met, but Tessa wasn’t one to settle down. Lena knew they had fooled around on more than one occasion, but Tessa was determined to keep him at arm’s length. It was a game to her, and it left Lena feeling more than a little sorry for Mateo. Not that he didn’t entertain his fair share of women while he waited for Tessa to come around.

  “Okay, what do you think?” Lena asked as she layered a denim jacket over her white linen tank top. She’d opted for a pair of skinny jeans that were artfully ripped and faded.

  “What shoes?”

  “My brown boots. He seems to stare at them in class all the time,” she giggled.

  “Hopefully it’s because he’s picturing them hooked around his neck rather than wondering if they come in his size,” Tessa chortled. Lena failed to suppress her own laughter, recalling another date she’d had the previous year with a classmate who had turned out to be gay.

  “Stop. That was one time, and it was nearly a year ago. It’s time to let the joke die.”


  “Seriously though, do I look alright?” Lena insisted. Her friend nodded reassuringly.

  “You look hot, Gardner. Go get him.”

  “Thanks,” she grinned, practically skipping as she left the room to find her boots. “He’ll be here soon. You should go.”

  “No way, I want to meet him,” Tessa insisted, following her into the living room.

  “No! I’d actually like to see this one again, Tessa. I don’t need you scaring him off.”

  “Wow, Gardner… If I didn’t know better, I might say you think this guy is boyfriend material,” she teased. Lena rolled her eyes again.

  “Then it’s a good thing you do know better. But even if tonight goes badly and we never go on another date, I’ll still have to sit next to the guy for the rest of the semester. I’d rather it not be super awkward.”

  “I’m surprised you even agreed to a date then. You usually prefer more of a buffer than that.”

  Lena sighed but didn’t acknowledge the truth in her friend’s words. Under normal circumstances, she’d never have entertained the idea of crossing that line with someone she couldn’t easily avoid in the future, but it was different with Owen. She just hoped that her lack of interest in relationships wouldn’t offend him.

  Owen knocked on her door not five minutes after Lena had shooed Tessa back to her own apartment, and the sight of him made her mouth water. He was in dar
k jeans, a white button-down shirt, and a dark brown leather jacket. His brown hair was as perfect as ever, and he smelled even better than usual. Lena wondered dazedly if it was possible to become intoxicated by a mere scent.

  “Good evening, Miss Gardner,” he said softly, smiling at her in a way that made her want to skip dinner and simply drag him to her bedroom. “You look lovely, as always.”

  And you look like sex wrapped in a leather jacket, she thought, trying to breathe evenly.

  “Thank you,” she replied instead. “You look wonderful too. I wasn’t sure what we’d be doing, but hopefully I’m dressed appropriately?”

  “You’re perfect,” Owen assured her. And he meant it. “Shall we?”

  Lena nodded and grabbed her purse before locking her front door and joining him in the elevator. They were alone in the enclosed space for less than a minute, but it felt like an eternity. The current between them was as charged as ever, and he smiled when he felt her slip her small hand into his. Owen nodded at her doorman as they passed through the lobby, pleased that her building had on-site security. The man had questioned him briefly before allowing him up to Lena's floor, and Owen had been satisfied rather than irritated by his diligence.

  “I figured we’d keep it simple if that’s alright with you. Dinner, sightseeing, conversation…”

  “Sounds perfect,” Lena agreed. They held hands until they reached Owen’s car, where he opened the passenger door for her. She thanked him and surveyed the immaculate interior of the vehicle while he circled around to the driver’s side. Having grown up with a single father, Lena knew enough about cars to recognize a classic when she saw one.

  “What year is this car?” she asked once he was seated next to her.

  “‘66,” Owen replied proudly.

  “Damn… How did you manage to come by a ‘66 Shelby Mustang GT in this condition?” Owen looked surprised and impressed by her accuracy, and he quelled the urge to adjust himself within his jeans.

  “My boss gave it to me as a graduation gift.”

  “Holy shit. Is he hiring?” she asked jokingly. Owen laughed out loud and shook his head.

  “Not that I know of, but I’m sure he’d love to meet you anyway.”

  They traded opinions on a number of classic models as Owen drove them toward the downtown area. It was close to sunset, and the first part of his plans for the evening was time-sensitive.

  “You want to ride the SkyWheel?” Lena grinned as she realized their destination.

  “You’re not afraid of heights, are you?”

  “Not at all, thank God. That would be comically ironic,” she chuckled. Owen wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that comment, but he didn’t question her.

  He managed to secure a private car, and when it rose steadily into the colorful sky, he knew he’d chosen wisely. Lena's face was almost childlike with wonder as she gazed at the cityscape around them and into the vibrant sunset. The sky was painted with hues of orange, pink, and purple, and the soft light made her blue eyes sparkle. When she turned to look at him again, he was much closer than she’d anticipated, and the desire to kiss him was nearly overwhelming.

  “I’ve never actually been on this before,” she admitted quietly.

  “Me either. It’s a first for both of us then.”

  Before Lena could contemplate what other ‘firsts’ they might have together, his lips were on hers, effectively banishing all rational thought. One hand framed the curve of her jaw while the other was buried in her long, soft hair, and she seemed to melt into him, following his lead as his tongue teased her lower lip. Lena opened her mouth to grant him access, moaning softly as the kiss intensified. Her hands were at his chest, clinging to him as though he were the only thing preventing her from simply floating away. Owen groaned as he felt her surrender, and he didn’t lift his mouth from hers until they were both breathless and intoxicated with one another.

  “Wow,” Lena breathed. Owen nodded in agreement and smiled at the flush in her cheeks.

  “I suppose I should’ve waited until the end of the date, but I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first moment I saw you,” he admitted. She giggled, and the sound filled his chest with warmth.

  “The feeling was mutual.”

  They were drawn together once again, this time with less urgency. Their lips brushed together in short, soft kisses, as though tasting one another in the smallest of increments. Neither of them realized that the ride had come to an end until they heard the conductor clear his throat pointedly. Lena laughed again as she took Owen’s hand and led the way out of the compartment, smiling apologetically at the conductor as they passed.

  Once they had settled into a booth in a small downtown pub, Owen recalled her earlier comment about her lack of acrophobia. He waited until the server had taken their order before bringing it up.

  “What did you mean earlier when you said that being afraid of heights would be ironic?”

  “Well, considering the family business...” When he looked mystified, she continued, “My father owns Gardner Components.” Owen’s eyes widened as he made the connection.

  “I can’t believe I never realized that,” he chuckled, feeling like an idiot.

  “I was kind of surprised you hadn’t brought it up, actually. Usually once someone hears my last name, it only takes a few minutes before they ask about GC or my father. It’s generally twice as fast for business majors.”

  “I can imagine. I’ve followed his career very closely, but I tend to stick with the business news rather than the society section, so I never realized he had a daughter.”

  “Well, that’s refreshing,” she smiled.

  With GC now in its ninth year of operation, Lena was well-accustomed to the relative notoriety that came with her surname. Nate was old enough to avoid the majority of the paparazzi gossip blogs, but she’d been their target on more than one occasion. They’d never written anything terribly offensive, but Lena had certainly learned never to leave the house without makeup. It was one of the reasons she altered her look so dramatically when she went out with her friends.

  “Are you planning to work for your father after you graduate?” Owen inquired.

  “Yes,” she answered simply.

  Something in Lena's tone suggested that she was not particularly happy with that plan, and although Owen would have loved to know why, he decided that it wasn’t the best time to ask. He wanted the evening to be a positive one, so he carefully redirected the conversation.

  Lena felt wonderfully relaxed as the evening progressed. She’d rarely had a date who could keep up with her in terms of intelligence, but Owen seemed to do so with ease. They discussed everything from politics and religion to market trends and the global economy. Their opinions seemed to match up in most areas, and Lena looked forward to healthy debates on topics where their views differed.

  They walked around Pike Place Market for a little while as their stomachs settled, and by the time they were in his car on the way back to her apartment, Lena knew that she had to be honest with him about her intentions.

  “There’s something I need to say,” she began cautiously.


  “I’ve had a wonderful time tonight. I love talking with you, and I don’t think I’m the only one who feels this… connection or spark between us…”

  “Absolutely,” Owen agreed, smiling as he pulled up to the curb outside of her building.

  “And I definitely want to see more of you, but… I’m just not looking for a relationship right now.” To Lena's surprise, he looked relieved rather than disappointed.

  “Me either.”


  “Really. I went back and forth on whether I should even ask for your number, but… there’s something about you that makes it impossible to stay away,” he admitted. She smiled in agreement.

  “I wasn’t sure going on a date was a good idea either, mostly because I didn’t want to lead you on. I’m just juggling too many things ri
ght now, and I don’t think I’d have the energy that a real relationship would deserve.”

  “Exactly. I actually never date, but like I said… it’s different with you.”

  “I date occasionally, but nothing more serious than a ‘friends with benefits’ sort of situation.”

  Owen fell silent for a moment as he contemplated her words. He hated the thought of her with other men, but he had to admit such an arrangement could be the perfect compromise. He wanted to spend more time with her, and he definitely wanted to sleep with her. But he didn’t want a relationship any more than she did. He gave her a quick kiss and another sexy smile before he climbed out of the car, circling around to her side to help her out of the vehicle as well. Lena fiddled with her keys as they stepped into the elevator.

  “So, is that what you envision for us? Friends with benefits?” Owen asked, inching closer to her.

  “Well, it’s not just up to me,” she shrugged. Her pulse quickened as the space between them shrank a little more. “But… I’d like that.” His lips found hers again, but the contact was as light as butterfly wings, leaving him aching for more when she pulled back abruptly. “I just don’t want to lead you on. If you come up, it’s just sex. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

  Instead of answering, he backed her against the paneled wall of the elevator and captured her lips once more. This time, he didn’t hold back, dominating the kiss with an intensity that made her dizzy. Owen’s hands moved boldly from her waist to her ass and gripped hard, pulling her body against his while her own hands explored the breadth of his shoulders. Neither of them broke the kiss as they stumbled out of the elevator and down the hall to her door.

  Owen’s mouth feasted on the pale, sensitive skin of her neck, sending shudders through her body as she fumbled with the deadbolt and finally managed to get the door open. They tumbled into her apartment, a chaotic mess of hands, lips, and discarded clothing. Both were naked before they even reached Lena's bedroom, and Owen forced himself to take a breath and slow down just a little. He wanted to savor their first time together as much as possible. He wanted to worship every perfect inch of her until her imprint was branded in his mind.


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