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Ember (Constant Flame Duet Book 1)

Page 16

by Christi Whitson

  “How much?” he joked, earning a giggle that made his groin twitch.

  “More than you can afford,” Lena sassed as she settled into the passenger seat. She breathed a quiet hum of appreciation as his scent enveloped her, gazing in approval at his choice of clothing. It was slightly more formal than what he usually wore to class and much more formal than what he’d been wearing when she’d seen him the previous day.

  “I know how to get to Mercer, but I’ll need you to direct me once we’re across the bridge.”

  Lena nodded as he pulled into traffic. They kept the conversation light and casual on the way to Nate's, both of them battling the ever-present sexual current between them. She directed Owen to a large gate and told him the code for the keypad. The gate swung open to give access to a long, private drive through a wooded area. Owen was impressed with the amount of privacy Nate had secured. The house wasn’t visible from the main road, and when it did come into view, he was stunned by its size.

  Owen hadn’t been burdened by poor housing conditions since before his adoption. His current apartment, while not in a particularly good area, was at least clean and well-maintained. The Langfords lived in a nice home, and the Monroes had as well. But even the comfortably luxury of Kirkland paled in comparison to the grandeur of Nate's home. Owen felt suddenly and very drastically out of his element. He wanted to impress this man as well as his daughter, and the task now seemed much more daunting.

  “You grew up here?” he asked in a somewhat hollow voice as he brought the vehicle to a halt.

  “Sort of. We didn’t move here until I was twelve. It’s really too much house for my dad, but he chose it primarily for the privacy and security.”

  Many parents faced with an empty nest tended to downsize, but Lena knew that wasn’t going to be the case for her father. Not that the two of them had ever really needed so much room anyway. Security had been Nate's biggest motive for moving to the Mercer house, and the majority of the bedrooms were occupied by his personal staff.

  Once GC had started to see some real success, the security threats had followed soon after. One threat had targeted Lena specifically, and that had given Nate more than enough motivation to relocate to a property that he could make safe for her. She’d been assigned a security detail for about six months until the threat had been resolved, and although she knew that Nate would prefer that she still have a bodyguard, she’d managed to talk him out of it. As far as Lena was concerned, she was giving up enough for her father’s sake as it was; her privacy wasn’t going to be the next item on the list.

  Owen felt no less intimidated when he got a glimpse of the inside of Nate's home, but the tenor of his thoughts had changed slightly. This was the kind of life he eventually wanted for himself. He was fully aware that such an achievement would require years of hard work, but he was more than willing to see it through. Still, there were a few things he would have done differently if it were his home they were standing in. The decor would perhaps be a bit more modern and minimalistic, and there would be photographs of the important people in his life. Surely there’s an embarrassing school picture of Lena somewhere, he mused.

  Lena introduced him to Nate's sweet-tempered housekeeper, Mrs. Stuart, who took their jackets and informed them that Nate was waiting for them in the main living room. It took only a few minutes in Nate's company for Owen to shake the tension he’d felt since their arrival, and to Lena's relief, Nate seemed to make more of an effort to include her in the conversation, even if was little more than polite small talk.

  “So, Owen, I meant to ask the other day, but are you by any chance related to a Sean Langford?” Nate asked once they were all seated in the dining room. “I only ask because we just hired his law firm.”

  “Not technically, no, but he and his wife are sort of my… honorary parents,” Owen hedged, uncomfortable at the thought of discussing his past at that moment. “What sort of work will his firm be doing for you?”

  “They’re going to represent us in a contract dispute. It’s a mess, but I’m hoping the issue can be resolved quickly…”

  The conversation shifted to business matters from that point, and after ten minutes, Lena was once again feeling like a bystander. Nate treated her with as much pride and warmth as he always did, but she could easily see the subtle change in him when he addressed Owen. He spoke to him as he would speak to a peer, the way he might converse with his CFO or with other businessmen, and Lena began to realize that her father had actually been addressing her differently all along. He wasn’t necessarily speaking down to her, but the difference was clear now that she knew what to look for.

  As the discussion continued into various aspects of trade, economics, and corporate law, Lena felt as though her presence at the table was superfluous. Part of her was happy for Nate because he seemed to have found someone he identified with, which was a rarity for a man of his intellect. Unfortunately, it also left Lena feeling that she’d let him down somehow; no matter how hard she tried to be a good daughter and follow in his footsteps, she doubted he would ever speak to her the way he was speaking to Owen.

  At least he’s not micromanaging my college education or itemizing my work schedule, Lena thought, groaning inwardly at her own petulance. What’s wrong with me? Whining like a spoiled brat because I’m not getting my father’s attention? She sighed, disgusted with herself.

  “You’re awfully quiet over there, kiddo,” Nate observed, reclaiming her attention. When she looked at him, she saw the same loving smile that he’d given her every day of her life, and she suddenly felt even more ridiculous for her previous moping. “Everything alright?”

  “Yeah, of course. Just listening to you two go back and forth. It’s like watching a tennis match,” Lena smiled convincingly. She felt an odd flutter of warmth as she watched them both chuckle at her analogy and give identical shrugs of agreement.

  “I do love a good debate. How have you been though, honey? I know we haven’t talked much this week. School going okay?”

  “School’s great. I have a research project for my Managerial Accounting class I’ve been meaning to talk to you about though. Do you think it would be possible to look at some sample budgets from GC or a few of the subsidiaries? Nothing would be made public, obviously, but having real data to build models from would really help.”

  “Shouldn’t be a problem,” Nate said easily. “Stop by Accounting this week and talk to someone about it. I’ll make sure they know you’re to have access to whatever you need.”

  “Thanks,” she replied, her smile more sincere this time.

  “Do you have Whitcomb or Meyer for that class, Lena?” Owen asked.


  “I did too. She’ll appreciate the extra effort. She’s a hard ass, but she rewards good work.”

  “Well, then Lena should be just fine,” Nate interjected proudly. “Never brought home anything below an A.”

  “I think there was at least one A-minus, Dad.”

  “Oh yeah… and you cried over it. I remember.”

  “You cried?” Owen chuckled, unaffected by the angry kitten glare she was giving him.

  “Not really,” she muttered. Nate's lips tightened in an attempt to bite back a grin, and Lena rolled her eyes. “Fine, yes… just a little.” The two men laughed, and she couldn’t help but join in. “You’re one to talk, Mr. Langford. I doubt your GPA was any lower than mine with the way you hopscotched through high school.”

  “Touché,” he nodded, gazing fondly at her.

  Their eyes held for a little too long, and that familiar spark seemed to crackle across the space between them. Her father remained silent, his gaze flickering back and forth between the two of them. The change in the atmosphere was tangible, and Nate had no difficulty seeing the connection between his daughter and the young man sitting opposite her. He had thought he’d picked up on it at lunch on Thursday, but now he was certain. Owen was smitten with his daughter, and it seemed Lena was trying like hell not to b
e smitten in return. Nate sighed inwardly at her stubbornness.

  “Did you two drive here together?” Nate asked, breaking the silence. Lena blinked dazedly.

  “Yeah, my car’s in the shop,” she replied. “Power steering issue.” She blushed as she recalled the events that had followed her car trouble.

  “Do you need to borrow one of mine?” Nate offered.

  “No, it should be finished sometime tomorrow. I’ll just pick it up after class.”

  “I’ll make sure she gets there safely from campus,” Owen spoke up, and Nate smiled knowingly at his chivalry.

  “Thank you, Owen. I appreciate that,” he replied. She could certainly do much worse, Nate thought with satisfaction.

  He knew that his daughter didn’t need a man to take care of her, but he liked the idea of them together. They were both smart, ambitious young people, and they seemed to be very well-suited. Nate also thought that it would be nice for Lena to find someone. Although he wouldn’t have changed his past, it had been difficult to be alone, and he wanted more for her.

  “What’s with the creepy smile, Dad?” Lena teased.

  “Nothing, honey,” he replied, grinning even wider. “Owen, if you’re free, I hope you’ll join us again next Friday evening.”

  “Oh…” he glanced cautiously at Lena. “That’s very kind of you, Nate, but I wouldn’t want to impose on family time.”

  “You wouldn’t be. It’s actually a business dinner.”

  “You should come,” Lena encouraged, and this time, she truly meant it. She had a pretty good idea of who would be in attendance at this ‘business dinner,’ and having Owen there would be a welcome distraction.

  “Alright… I’ll be here, then,” Owen smiled. “Thank you for the invitation.”

  Nate walked them out a short while later and took the opportunity to salivate a little over Owen’s car. Lena didn’t mind being left out of the car talk and rolled her eyes playfully at them. She hugged Nate goodbye and promised to touch base with him later that week.

  “My dad really likes you,” Lena commented as they headed back to her apartment. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to adopt you.” Owen knew the words were meant as a joke, but he was confused by the hint of bitterness in her tone. Her expression gave nothing away.

  “I like him too. It’s amazing to be able to talk to someone like him. Most of my professors aren’t even half as knowledgeable as Nate when it comes to business. I think I could learn a lot from him.”

  “He’s certainly a genius when it comes to his industry,” she agreed.

  “I am sorry about intruding on your family time though,” Owen said sincerely.

  “Don’t worry about it. Dad enjoyed your company; that’s what matters.”

  He frowned a little at the odd way she’d phrased her reply, placing her father’s happiness at a higher priority than anything else. Owen gathered that it was a continuing trend, since it was fairly obvious, at least to him, that she wasn’t all that interested in GC. He wanted to point out that her opinion was of equal importance, but she interrupted his thoughts before he could voice them.

  “You don’t have to take me to get my car tomorrow,” she assured him. “I’m sure you have other things to do. I don’t mind taking a cab.”

  “No, I’ll take you. It’s no trouble.” His tone was firm, and Lena heard a hint of the protectiveness she’d noticed on a few other occasions. “I get out of class at four. We can meet on campus somewhere if that’s easiest for you.”

  “That’s when I finish too. I can meet you outside the business library?”

  Owen agreed with the plan, and when he pulled up to her apartment building a few minutes later, he unbuckled his seatbelt as if to follow her inside.

  “You don’t have to walk me up,” Lena chuckled. “I’m a big girl.”

  “Maybe I just want an excuse to kiss you goodnight,” he replied softly. She hesitated, suddenly realizing how very blurred the lines had become in just a few short days. What’s the point? she mused.

  “Who said you need an excuse?” She leaned across the center console and kissed him gently.

  It felt different than their usual kisses, which typically happened before or during a round of intense bedroom aerobics. It was soft and brief, but it left Owen’s mind whirling with possibilities. He watched her until she’d disappeared into the lobby of her building, feeling somewhat dazed.

  What is she doing to me?

  Chapter 14


  To his surprise, Owen didn’t have to wait until four to see Lena the following day, but the earlier sighting wasn’t entirely the pleasant experience he would have expected it to be. He happened to spot her between classes that morning and was intrigued to see her talking to a Hispanic man he didn’t recognize. At least, he thought he was Hispanic. The man was a little too far away and wearing slightly too much guyliner for Owen to be certain. The stranger might have been good-looking were it not for his overtly gothic appearance, and he looked incredibly out of place standing next to Lena with her ginger bohemian style.

  Owen watched them for a few moments with only mild curiosity. But then the little punk must’ve said something amusing, and Lena smiled up at him in a way that made Owen irate. As much as he’d have liked to continue on his way to his next class, he couldn’t seem to make himself look away. He unconsciously began to analyze their posture and facial expressions, trying to guess at what their relationship might be. He could tell that Lena’s smile was genuine, though there was nothing leading or flirtatious about her stance. The same could not be said of the man, however, and they were standing way too close together for Owen’s liking.

  Is she sleeping with him too? The thought burned a hole in his gut, and he felt a surge of hatred for the unknown man. His possessiveness startled him, and he had to remind himself that he and Lena had never established any rules about exclusivity. Still, he shook his head irritably, it feels wrong. He couldn’t stand the thought of another man touching her, hearing her moans, making her come. She was his… Or was she?

  Owen tried to take deep breaths to calm himself as he continued to watch Lena and the mystery guy. At one point, he slipped something small into her hand, and she tucked the object into her jacket. After another minute or two, Lena said goodbye to the man with nothing more than a friendly pat on the arm in parting. Owen relaxed, feeling mildly ashamed for having spied on her. Maybe I’m overreacting, he reasoned as he hurried to be on time for his next class. It hadn’t looked as though Lena had feelings for the man, but he couldn’t be sure if the same was true for the guy. It was certainly possible that they were just friends, but Owen knew that the idea of Lena giving her body to anyone else would fester in his mind until he went insane.

  By the time he finished his day on campus, he was fairly certain that it would have been more productive had he simply stayed home. He’d been unable to focus properly, which only irritated him further. The insecurities Owen had worked so hard to overcome were slowly creeping up on him, and in the space of a few hours, he’d nearly managed to convince himself that there was no way he could be enough for her. He felt agitated and anxious, and when he went to meet up with Lena, she immediately sensed his strange mood.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, frowning in concern and confusion.

  “Yeah… Just a long day,” he replied, not meeting her eyes. Lena watched him for another moment but shrugged in acceptance.

  The ride to the repair shop was silent but helpful for Owen. The familiar resurgence of sexual tension actually calmed him, reminding him of the connection that he knew she felt too. He watched her in his periphery, noting the acceleration of her breathing and the tiny shifting movements she always made when her panties were damp. Owen grinned, feeling his confidence return.

  “You want to grab dinner sometime this week?” he asked as he pulled into the parking lot at Troy’s shop.

  “We’re having dinner together on Friday,” Lena reminded him.

/>   “Does that mean I get to take you home afterward and ravish you?” His emerald eyes darkened, and she smirked at his suggestion.

  “Maybe if you’re a very good boy.”

  She stepped out of the car without another word, and he watched her walk into the shop. A short while later, she emerged and headed across the small lot to where her vehicle sat waiting. As Owen’s gaze followed the feminine sway of her hips, the scene he’d witnessed earlier that day flashed through his mind, and a fresh swell of frustration pushed him to act. He was out of his car and more than halfway across the lot in seconds.


  She turned toward his voice just as he caught up with her, and without warning, he kissed her full on the lips, pressing her against her car while he dominated her with his mouth. Lena tensed in surprise but surrendered almost immediately, melting into him as the kiss went on and on… Her knees were weak by the time Owen finally lifted his head, and he was quick to take advantage of her temporary euphoria.

  “So… dinner tonight?” he asked, bending to kiss the place below her ear that he knew to be her Achilles heel. “Or perhaps we can just skip to dessert.” Lena moaned longingly.

  “Dinner first,” she conceded. “You’ll need your stamina.” Owen grinned wickedly and kissed her once more.

  “I’ll pick up some Chinese and meet you at your place?”

  “Perfect. I like-”

  “Beef fried rice,” he nodded, smiling at her surprised expression. “I’ve seen the containers in your fridge.”

  Lena grinned back and waved him off. She arrived at her apartment first, since Owen was picking up dinner, but his knock on her door came sooner than she’d expected. She stepped aside to let him in, locking the door behind him. The second he’d placed the bag of food cartons on her kitchen counter, her hand was snaking around his hip from behind, drifting lower until she caressed the bulge in his jeans.


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