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Hell on Wheels (Kings of Mayhem MC Book 4)

Page 11

by Penny Dee

  “You play?”

  He replied by playing the opening chords to Pink Floyd’s “Hey You.”

  No. He didn’t just play. He slayed. This guy was fucking good.

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” I said, surprised.

  He smiled and winked at me and everything inside me turned to liquid.

  “I’m not just a pretty face,” he joked, swapping Pink Floyd for the Beatles’ “Here Comes the Sun.”

  I loved that song and started singing along to it. And slowly the bad feelings started to slip away. The darkness. The fear. The ache that swelled in me when I recalled my past. It all receded like the tide as we sat out on that deck under the stars and sang a Beatles’ song together.

  When the song was over, he put down the guitar and turned to me.

  “I know what you were running from. But what was Missy running from?”

  His question surprised me because it was so random. But then I realized he was trying to work out how Missy may fit in to everything. If she was somehow still a threat. That was when I understood that even when we were playing guitar and singing, and even though it looked like his attention was elsewhere, it wasn’t. His mind was always on the task.

  “She wasn’t running from anything,” I replied. “She just didn’t have anywhere else to be.”


  Much later, when I lay in bed, I couldn’t get Cassidy’s story out of my head. I knew how it felt to be raised by a man you couldn’t trust.

  As I struggled to fall asleep, another memory of my father invaded that quiet space between wakefulness and sleep.

  I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her without control. It was wild and desperate. It had been days since I’d seen her, and I was crippled by the need to make love to her. Since she’d taken my virginity, we’d been sneaking around every chance we got. It usually meant I had to slip out at night and meet her somewhere no one could find out about us. She was a club girl, meaning she was at the beck and call of high-ranking club members. She took care of them and they returned the favor by ensuring her rent was paid, she had food to eat, and any medical bills were taken care of. It also meant she was untouchable to anyone but a King. Touching her would earn me a painful ass kicking. But I couldn’t care less. I was in love.

  One of these days I was going to take her away from the club. We’d hitchhike out of town or something. Go to New York to see the Statue of Liberty or west to California and dip our toes in the Pacific Ocean.

  And I would be free to love her. Free to lose hours kissing those sweet lips and caressing that luscious body of hers without fear of retribution by the Kings of Mayhem.

  Tonight was unplanned. It was a quick, clandestine kiss out back by the dumpsters while a barbecue took place on the other side of the compound.

  A kiss that was roaring into so much more.

  “I missed you,” I rasped into the milkiness of her slender throat as I kissed a trail up to her ear. My fingers pushed through her long hair as I pressed my hips into hers. My cock ached. I wanted to slide into her warm pussy and embed myself so deep and hard inside her until we both couldn’t stand it any longer. I wanted to make her come, first with my tongue then with my cock.

  But there was no time.

  Someone would realize we were missing if we were gone too long.

  She lowered my zipper and reached inside my jeans to pull my erection free. I flinched and growled, hooking her leg up and pushing her damp panties to the side. She gasped when I entered her, her wet pussy surrounding me so tightly I was momentarily blinded by the pleasure. I pressed my forehead to hers as I started to rock into her. I wanted to savor it, but there was little time.

  I was just about to come when the back door of the clubhouse swung open with a bang.

  “Chance!” It was my father. “Chance where the fuck are you?”

  He couldn’t see us because we were hidden by the dumpster, but he knew we were out here.


  I was about to come and my cock was begging me to keep going.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I pulled out of her and quickly shoved my erection back into my jeans. The best thing we could do was act as if there was nothing going on.

  “I’m here,” I said, stepping out from the cover of the dumpster.

  My father’s eyes gleamed like dark stones under the fluorescent light above him. “What are you doing out here?”

  Before I could reply, the girl I was about to come inside of stepped out of the shadows and began walking toward him.

  “He’s helping me look for my retainer,” she said nervously. “I left it in the bathroom and thought it might’ve been taken out with the trash.”

  She glanced at me and then looked back at my father.

  “Did you find it?” he asked.

  She shook her head as she made her way up the steps to where he was standing, her sweet ass swinging seductively in her tight dress. “No, but Chance was kind enough to help me look for it.”

  Whether my father believed her story or not wasn’t clear. He waited for her to disappear inside, copping an eyeful of her sweet ass as she walked past him, before turning back to me.

  “Come on. Come have a drink with your old man,” he said to me before taking another look at her butt as she disappeared inside the clubhouse.

  Resisting the need to adjust the front of my jeans, I met him at the steps and followed him inside.

  He got me hammered on shots of Patron.

  One after the other.

  Down the throat.

  Years later, when the scenario replayed in my head and I saw it with the perspective of an adult, I realized he had been a man with an ulterior motive. Shoving drinks my way. Getting me so drunk I could barely move while I sat slumped on an old couch. I was the perfect audience. Unable to move.

  My father disappeared but then reappeared with the girl in tow. I watched as he led her across the room by the hand, a smug smile on his face, his eyes meeting mine before they disappeared into the kitchen.

  In that moment I knew he knew about us sneaking around. He knew I had feelings for her. Of course he did. The great Garrett Calley missed nothing!

  But I had broken club code. I had touched what wasn’t mine to touch.

  And now he was about to make his point.

  I went to say something, but my lips couldn’t form the words and my tongue was as useless as a dead slug in my mouth. It took all my focus to rise to my feet because I was so damn drunk. I stumbled across the room, pausing against the wall for a moment as my head swirled and my stomach churned with too much liquor. I belched and struggled to catch my breath before staggering through the bar to the kitchen.

  It took a moment for my vision to focus.

  To understand what I was seeing.

  Then pain slammed into me with so much force I fell against the doorway.

  The girl my teenage heart was in love with was lying across the countertop, her legs wide open and her back arched in ecstasy as my father fucked her.

  My heart shattered.

  I watched, rooted to the ground, unable to look away.

  My father was fucking her.

  And she was fucking enjoying it.

  Knowing I was there, my father turned his head and locked eyes with me, and an evil smirk slowly spread across his lips.

  For my benefit, he rammed harder into her.

  “Oh yes, fuck me harder, Prez,” she cried out, throwing her head back.

  “You like that, baby? You like it when a real man fucks you?”

  She moaned, biting down on her lip. “I love it when you fuck me, Prez.”

  “Your pussy is so sweet. Tell me whose cock you like. Tell me whose cock gives you more pleasure than any other cock.”

  She gasped. “Yours. I love your cock, Prez. I love it when you fuck me.” She gripped the sides of the countertop. “I’m coming, oh God, I’m coming!”

  Her orgasm coincided with me vomiting Patron all over the floor.r />
  I stumbled away, my father’s growl ringing in my ears as he came inside the woman I was fucking only an hour ago.

  Staggering through the clubhouse and out into the night, I fell to my knees and collapsed onto the grass in the playground. Rolling onto my back, I stared up at the starry sky and let my heart break in two.

  I hated my father.

  I hated my father, and I wished he was dead.

  In less than three years, I would get my wish.


  I lay awake in the dark, my thoughts tumbling over and over in my head. I was in a strange place with a man I didn’t really know while running from my psychopathic foster brother. Call me crazy, but I was struggling to fall sleep.

  Rolling over, my ears pricked when I heard the creak of a door hinge. It was slow and deliberate, not quick and random like a door being pushed open by wind. An out-of-place sound in the stillness of the night, followed by the quiet click of a door.

  Foreboding tingled up my spine.

  Someone was in the cabin.

  Slowly, I pushed my hand beneath my pillow until I felt the hard metal slide under my palm. Out in the hallway, a floorboard groaned. I hadn’t heard Chance get up, so it wasn’t him. With blood pounding in my ears, my fingers curled around the handle of the gun just as the door to my bedroom creaked open. I sat up with a rush, threw the safety off and aimed my gun. When the shadow appeared in the doorway my finger jammed against the trigger and sent a bullet roaring through the darkness and into the wall across the room.

  “Jesus Christ!” The light flicked on. “Are you fucking insane?”

  I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the sudden intrusion of bright light. Across the room, Chance stood in the doorway, looking alarmed.

  And rightfully so.

  I almost fucking shot him.

  I lowered the gun. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  Chance stormed toward me and grabbed the gun out of my hands. “You could’ve killed me!”

  “I’m so sorry,” I apologized again. “I thought someone was breaking in.”

  “So you shoot first and ask questions later?” He looked at the gun in his hand. “Why do you have this?”

  The yelling hit a nerve, and I glared at him. I didn’t do very well when people yelled at me. It was that whole dominance and control thing.

  “Hello, have you met me?”

  He held up the gun, his eyes fierce. “This isn’t a toy!”

  “No shit!”

  Despite the intensity of the moment and the fire in his eyes, I still managed to notice how tight his T-shirt was over his broad shoulders and thick chest. Not to mention how the pair of sweats he wore sat so low on his hips I could see the very defined V disappearing beneath the waistband.

  The muscles in his arm bulged as he pointed at the door. “You almost shot me.”

  “I missed.”

  “By a stroke of fucking luck.”

  “No, not by luck. I aimed for the wall. It was a warning shot.”

  “I’m not kidding, Cassidy.” He turned and stormed toward the door. Pissed at me.

  “Neither am I.” I climbed out of bed to follow him. “I’ve never miss a target.”

  He swung around so quickly I almost ran into him. His eyes blazed down at me. “This isn’t a fucking joke.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” My eyes hardened against his, and for a moment it was a battle of wills as we stared at each other. But I was no match for those fierce blue eyes. “What were you doing creeping around in the dark anyway?”

  “I wasn’t creeping around!” he exclaimed with frustration “I heard something outside and I went to check. When I came back inside, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Why didn’t you call out? Let me know you were there?”

  “Because I thought you were asleep. Not in here toting a gun like Calamity fucking Jane! Why didn’t you call out before shooting at me?”

  “I didn’t shoot at you. Like I said, it was a warning shot.”

  His mouth opened to argue with me but stopped as his bright eyes drifted down to my chest. His mouth closed and he swallowed thickly when he realized I was wearing nothing but a big, white T-shirt with nothing underneath. I saw his breath escape his slightly parted lips and felt it brush against my face. Under his gaze, my nipples turned to steel and goose bumps crept along my skin as lust ripped through me.

  Around us, the air was dense with something raw and unsaid.

  “What was it?” I finally asked, breaking the silence.

  “What was what?”

  “The noise outside?”

  Still distracted by my state of undress, he frowned and shook his head to regain focus. “A raccoon out on the porch.”

  “I didn’t hear you get up.”

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “Darlin’, if I think someone is lurking around the cabin no one is going to hear me get out of bed and go check.”

  Point taken.

  I wrapped my arms around my waist. “Are you sure it was a raccoon?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Well then, now we can both get some rest. Can I have my gun back?”

  “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack.” I put my hand out.

  He glanced at it then looked back at me again.

  “You really know how to use it?” he asked.

  “You’re still breathing, aren’t you?”

  He gave me a pointed look. Now wasn’t the time for sass.

  “Yes, I do,” I reassured him.

  His fierce blue eyes roamed my face as he took a moment to consider it.

  “It’s probably a good thing to have on you,” he said finally and handed it back to me. “Tomorrow, after your shift at the diner you can show me exactly how you shoot your gun... in daylight.”

  I nodded. “Agreed.”

  His eyes lingered on me for a moment, like he was trying to work out what he had gotten himself into, before he turned away and walked to the door.

  “Hey, I really am sorry,” I said. “If I had known it was you, I wouldn’t have shot at you.”

  “I should hope so.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  He half-turned and offered me a soft smile. “I know.”

  I smiled back at him. “Good night.”

  “Good night, California.”

  And with that he turned off the light and closed the door behind him.


  She shot at me.

  That crazy, gorgeous, sexy as fuck woman lying half-naked in the room across the hall from me, fucking shot at me.

  And now I was hard as fuck.

  Despite, you know, almost taking a bullet to the face.

  My mind ticked over with a hundred different things.

  Why did she have a gun?

  Where did she get it from?

  Did she really know how to use it?

  Was she wearing any panties beneath that T-shirt?


  I was wide awake with a set of aching balls and an urge to jerk off. I needed to get some sleep but that wasn’t going to fucking happen when my body was so tight with need.

  I let my hand drift beneath my sweats and my fingers stroked the engorged shaft before sinking lower to tease my balls. They were tight and full. Throbbing. When I closed my eyes, all I could see was Cassidy standing in the doorway, wearing that goddamn T-shirt that clung so tightly to her body her nipples almost poked right through the fabric.

  I groaned and slid my hand upward to tease the head of my cock with tight little tugs. Liquid pooled in the eye and slid downward to coat my fingers. I bit down on my bottom lip and imagined her removing her T-shirt and standing in front of me in nothing but a pair of tiny panties.

  I pressed the back of my head deeper into the pillows. The pressure was building. I hadn’t jerked off in days, so this wasn’t going to take long at all.

  I closed my eyes. In my fantasy, I dropped to my knees and pulled Cassidy toward me
by her narrow hips and buried my face in the soft satin triangle of her panties. I inhaled the scent of her and let it engulf me, getting lost in the damp fabric against my lips.

  Another moan left me as my hand worked up and down my cock while in my fantasy my mouth worked on her pussy through her panties. She moaned and just the thought of her moaning beneath my touch brought more pre-cum pooling to the crown of my cock. I ran my thumb over it and dragged it down the length of me, making it wet and slippery just as I imagined her pussy would be.

  Back in my fantasy, I pulled her panties down her legs, and when she stepped out of them, I buried my tongue deep into her warm, wet flesh. She cried out and grabbed at my shoulders as my tongue lapped over her clit and teased the sweet spot until she came all over my face.

  I came when she came. I pressed a pillow over my face to muffle the unbridled moans wild horses couldn’t hold back because goddamn it felt good. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I gripped the pillow tightly as my cock pulsed with the violent release of four days’ worth of arousal. With every throb, hot spurts of cum spattered across my hand until my orgasm receded, and I sank like a heavy weight into the mattress.

  For a moment I didn’t move. Every muscle drained of energy. I waited for my breath to even out and my pounding heart to slow to a steady, relaxed beat.

  But even then I wasn’t completely satisfied.

  And I knew I wouldn’t be.

  Not until I could touch her.

  But touching her wasn’t a goddamn option.


  I knew arriving on the back of Chance’s bike was going to cause a stir when I turned up for my shift at the diner the next day.

  Needless to say, Daisy lost her shit when she saw me on the back of a Kings of Mayhem motorcycle.

  Thankfully we were busy pretty much as soon as I arrived, so I was able to avoid her rapacious need for details most of the day. But as soon as the diner cleared after the lunch crowd and we were alone, she cornered me.

  What was I doing on the back of Chance fucking Calley’s motorcycle? How did I know him?

  “Have you fucked him yet?”


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