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Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3)

Page 39

by Cassandra Gannon

  “Thank Gaia, because I plan on doing it a lot.” He switched to her other breast. “Tell me another one of those fantasies.”

  “Well, I can be eighty-four, obviously, ravished on the balcony of the music hall.” Her fingers twisted in his hair. “Trying not to cry in pleasure out as you take me, because everyone inside will hear. It’s dangerous and I don’t care. I want you so badly.”

  Gion’s mouth curved against her skin, liking that story. He slid Ty down so he could kiss her, his mouth slanting across hers. “You think I’m the kind of Phase who’d take advantage of an innocent girl?” He asked when they finally came up for air. “I’m a good man.”

  “Oh, you are. And you tried to resist me.” Ty assured him breathlessly. “You know how wrong it is and that we should wait. But, I’m determined and shameless.”

  “Tart.” Gion agreed and nipped her neck.

  Ty giggled. “So, I lure you outside, while everyone else is listening to the music. And I move your hand right where I want it.” She found his wrist and pulled it forward, so it touched the inside of her thigh. “And I say ‘please, Gion.’ I’m naked under the dress, hot and needing you. Are you going to say no and leave me aching?”

  He swallowed and inched his palm up to stroke the core of her. “Have I ever said no to you about anything?”

  “Why would you? I’m always right.” Ty’s eyes widened and not just from his fingers. A new idea struck her. “Hey! I guess you’ll perform a concert for my family if I ask you to, then, won’t you?”

  Gion hesitated, seeing that she’d just trapped him.

  Ty’s eyebrows rose sweetly, even as her cheeks grew flushed and her eyes went darker at his caress. “For our Binding Day, dear.”

  Damn it.

  That “dear” ate through his resistance like water through sand. No one but Ty had ever called him by an endearment. “Fine. Unfair, though.” He separated the folds of her and tracing the damp flesh. “You’ll owe me another favor, though and you know how much I like to collect favors from you.”

  “Fair enough.” It was a gasp. “I’m sure that I must have something you want.”

  That made Gion chuckle. “Keep going with the story and I’ll bet we can make a deal.” He pressed his finger deep inside of her, admiring the way she felt around him and the image of the white dress draping across his arm. He was going to Phaze with this woman and nothing was going to stop him this time.

  “Well.” Ty rocked against his hand and bit her lower lip. “Obviously, you’re helpless against my wiles. What can you do, but give into my seduction?”

  “I struggled hard to get free of your web, I’m sure.” If he could have, Gion would have super-glued himself to her side.

  “Oh, you did.” She caressed the golden streak at his temple and Gion’s teeth ground together in need. When she touched him, the Air energy went wild and it was already going wild, so it was a wonder his knees didn’t buckle. “I’m determined to lead you astray, though.” Ty tugged at his hair enticingly. “You try to escape, in fact. But, I tell you that if you leave me panting and unsatisfied, I’ll just go to someone else and he’ll give me what I need.”

  “The hell you will.”

  Ty gasped as Gion pushed a second finger into her. “I know that lie will work to stop you. I belong to you and you’re sooo territorial.”

  “Fucking right I am.”

  “Well, so am I. And I’m going to take you, and Phaze with you, and make sure that you never even look at another woman.”

  “Angel, there are no other women.”

  Ty made an “hmmm” sound of pleasure. “The door’s right there and we have to hurry, though. Anyone could walk out and see us. So, I unzip your pants and find you.” Her hand went to his belt buckle, tugging it open. “And you yank my skirt up, and I’m so ready. Hot and tight and the energy is getting bigger and bigger…” She trailed off and met his eyes. “Gion, I’m so ready. Please.”

  Gion had never played with his powers. In fact, he took them very, very seriously. So, removing his hand from inside of her and then sweeping Ty up with the Air was just instinctive. She went flying across the room in a carefully controlled cyclone. Gion’s eyebrows soared, shocked that he’d done such a thing, even as he dropped her onto the mattress.

  Ty landed on the bed, laughing madly. Everyone else in the universe was terrified of his energy. Ty saw his casual use of power as a game. Gion smiled. With Ty it was a game. He wouldn’t hurt her and she knew it. He gave her another bounce, just because he could.

  “When I’m your age, I’ll be super powerful, too, I’ll bet. Then, I’ll get back at you for that.” She gave her hair a toss and Gion thought that he could die happy. “I’ll whoosh you up in a tsunami or something.”

  Gion looked forward to teaching Ty anything she wanted to know about developing her energy. The woman had talents and untapped resources. He could feel it. “No matter how old you get, I’ll still have four centuries on you, angel. So, I’m not intimidated.” He pulled his shirt over his head, not bothering to unbutton it.

  “You should be.” Ty’s gaze traced over his bare chest. “I have a very big Match. He’ll protect me. He can do anything.”

  “For you, your Match would do anything.” Gion told her truthfully.

  Ty’s face grew more serious. “I would do anything for you, too, Gion. Anything to keep you safe.”

  Gion jerked his boots off. “Do not endanger your life for me, again. I mean it.”

  “I love you.” Ty said simply. “I don’t deserve you, but I love you more than anything.”

  Gion stopped and stared at her for a beat. “You don’t deserve me. You deserve so much more than me, it’s almost tragic that I’m never going to let you go.”

  “You can be so maudlin.” Ty smiled. “Do you see me asking to escape your evil grasp? I like being in your nefarious clutches.”

  “I can’t imagine why.”

  “You’re just a super good catch.”

  “Oh, obviously.” Gion scoffed.

  “You are.” Ty insisted. “Want me to list some reasons why I love you? You’ll see. Compliments are fun.” She started ticking some off, without waiting for a response. “If anyone gets on my nerves, I can just threaten them with you. That’ll come in handy. You terrify people.”

  “I did. Before my musical career.”

  Ty ignored that. “You watch TV with my cousin, even when I deeply suspect that you have no interest in fashion model reality shows.”

  “It’s an acquired taste.”

  “You protect Nia, even when she calls you The Prince of Darkness.”

  “I’m an acquired taste, too.”

  “When I need you, I’m always –always-- sure that you’ll be there.” She arched a brow. “Right now, I need you in this bed.”

  Gion’s mouth curved, letting the Air energy glide over every inch of her. “Not so fast. I’m not done hearing about my virtues, yet.” He held onto the bottom post of the bed and watched her spread out before him. “Turns out, I do like compliments. Continue.”

  Ty bit her lower lip, her eyes sparkling. “Let’s see… You do incredible things with you your powers. Things I’m positive they didn’t teach you in any dreary Air Phase classroom.”

  “Dear God. I would have been an honor roll student.”

  “You were already an honor roll student. I find your bookworm-y leanings amazingly sexy.”

  “All the women do.”

  “And yet you can still do manly home improvement projects with tools and plastic sheeting.” Her body arched up into the rush of his powers, her voice getting breathless. “Very useful around the house.”

  “Especially, when it comes to repairing slightly battle-damaged antique buildings for crazy women.”

  “You’ve proven that you really would sack kingdoms for me.”

  “Just little ones.” The Water powers glided over him like music; pulling taunt, reaching for his energy. Gion increased the Air pressure and enjoyed the
view as Ty gave a shriek of pleasure.

  “Okay, wrapping up, so we can really concentrate here.” Ty continued, panting, now. “I feel like myself with you. Like I’m whole. You tell me I’m beautiful and that you want me. You’re gentle and you make me laugh. You give me music and poetry. You make me happy, even when you drive me nuts. Now, get into bed!”

  “I’m not writing any poems, Ty. I’m serious.” Not unless she really asked nicely, anyway. Obeying commands, he went back to stripping. His pants came off and Ty’s eyebrows rose at the sight of his naked body. Perfect, pink lips parted and Gion realized that he’d speak in nothing but iambic pentameter if she wanted. “And you are beautiful.”

  “You’re so handsome sometimes I can’t believe that you’re real. Even when you tried to frighten me, I thought that you were gorgeous. But, when you smile, I know that you’re the most attractive man in the world.”

  “I never meant to frighten you.”

  “Liar.” She said, again, her eyes sparkling.

  Gion had to concede that one. “Alright. I was a mean son-of-a-bitch, but I always wanted you to like me, Ty. To see me. It killed me when you wouldn’t even look at me. I don’t even exist without you.”

  “For a mean son-of-a-bitch, you’re incredibly romantic.”

  No, he wasn’t. He never had been. The Air House didn’t exactly encourage flowery prose. Except when he was with Ty, Gion found himself unabashedly saying every sappy thought in his head. Just because he knew that she wanted to hear it. His Match was a dreamy, passionate little thing, who liked waltzes and fairytales and analyzing genomes on her laptop.

  Gion loved that.

  Loved her.

  Ty wanted compliments and he enjoyed giving them to her. Actually telling Ty how he felt after eleven years of having to hide his emotions was a gift. Especially since, for some reason, she loved him back.

  “Did I ever apologize for frightening you? Would that help you forgive me for not professing my undying love the second we met?” Gion moved forward, tugging the dress all the way off and exhaling heavily as he took in her curvy body. “Because, I could have told you that first night that you were my reason for life. I’m sorry that I waited so long to say it.” He tossed her dress over his shoulder. “I would’ve known you anywhere, Ty. Not my Match. You.”

  Ty held out a hand and Gion grabbed it. “I’m ready to Phaze with you, now.” She shifted restlessly. “Right now.” She pulled him forward.

  Gion was all for that. Except… “Phazing Days really should be a little less… eventful.” He climbed onto the bed, though, slowly moving up over her body. “We could wait and try to make it more special…”

  “I told you, I’m not waiting, anymore.” Her free palm caressed his cheek. “You make it special, Gion. I’m ready, if you’re ready.”

  Thank God.

  He wasn’t sure he could have survived if she said that she wanted to wait. Gion eased down on top of her, groaning slightly at the feel of her beneath him. He would have given anything –anything-- to have this.

  “Oh, I’m ready.” Urgency beat at him, but he didn’t want to rush this. Gion buried his face in her hair and inhaled the strawberry scent. “I’ve been ready for eleven years. I waited, because I knew that for me there was only you.”

  “I’ve waited longer than that.” Ty’s hand slid down to grip his shoulder. “I haven’t done this before, at all.”

  Gion met her eyes and saw that she looked nervous. His heart turned over. “I know, angel.” He kept talking, soothing her. Ty was the only person in the world he’d ever been able to talk to and she seemed less anxious when he kept the conversation going, so it worked for both of them. “Don’t worry. I’ve never Phazed with anyone, either, so we’re both learning as we go.” He bent his head, so he could kiss her. “I’ll let you know if you fall behind the learning curve.”

  That got her giggling.

  He loved it when Ty laughed. It lit up her whole face. Gion’s mouth curved. “You lose demerits for not taking this seriously.”

  “Sorry. I’ll try to keep up with the rest of the class.” Ty’s lips found the underside of his jaw and Gion forgot about teasing her.

  The seductive pull of her energy drove him to the edge of sanity. Every rotten thing he’d ever done should be forgiven after this. He’d suffered enough. Going slow for her was like being on the rack.

  Ty’s arms slid up to wind around his neck, tugging him even closer. God, she was soft everywhere, except for the hardened points of her breasts. They rubbed against his chest as she moved against him and Gion knew he would lose control if he didn’t have her soon.

  His hand swept down, starting to part her legs… and then he remembered.

  Parald had tried to pry her thighs open.

  “Shit!” Gion reared back so fast that he jerked completely free of her grasp. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He held up his palms, kneeling on the mattress. “Ty, I would never…”

  “It’s alright.” Ty sat up. Red hair danced as she scooted closer to him, closing the distance he’d created. “It doesn’t bother me when you touch my legs, Gion. Not at all. I know that you’re not going to hurt me.”

  Relief filled him as Gion realized that he was the only one panicking. He was an emotional wreck, but Ty was fine. “Ya know, I used to be very cool and ruthless, until I hooked up with you.”

  “Awww. I think you’re still very bad ass-y. In an adorable way.” She positioned herself on his lap, her mouth finding his, again. “And I love that you worry about me.”

  Gion’s eyed drifted shut as Ty kissed him. “I would die for you.”

  “I know.” Ty moved over him like water itself. Fluid and warm and sacred. “Please don’t, though. I need you alive.”

  His palm came up to cover her breast, toying with her nipple even as the harsh truth of her teasing statement hit him. “We can’t go back once we do this, Ty. You can’t undo a Phazing, even if you renounce me. Your energy will be fully connected to mine and, if I die, I’ll drag you down with me.”

  “So, don’t die. I thought I was clear on that.” Her hands were sliding everywhere. “And I’m not going to renounce you. You’re mine, remember?”

  Gion tried to concentrate, letting her do most of the work. Ty needed to set the pace. A virgin who’d almost been raped by her last “Match.” Yeah… Gion wasn’t moving until she felt a hundred percent secure.

  And Ty wasn’t making it easy for him.

  Her energy and her skin and her hair…

  “I’m not hurting you, am I?” She rubbed his arm, feeling the iron bands of tension.

  “No.” Gion lied. “Ty, listen, I’m older than you, and I have…” He hesitated, because there was really no delicate way to phrase it. “I have a lot of people who want me dead. A lot. With the barriers down, there’s going to be a risk to you.”

  Gion should refuse the full Phazing for Ty’s own good, but he couldn’t. And now that everyone knew she was his Match, there didn’t seem much of a chance of creating a believable distance between them, anyway. No one would buy it. Even if Gion could have parted with Ty, a possibility that stood at about zero percent on all likelihood scales, just being his Match, at all, put her in danger.

  “Well, I guess that you’ll just have to work extra hard at staying alive for me, won’t you?” Ty ran her fingers along the side of his neck. “Besides, legions of people hate me, too. You and I need to watch out for each other.” Ty nuzzled his jaw. “At least, the guest list for our Binding Ceremony will be short.”

  Gion realized that Ty had a point. Even with Parald dead, Phases wouldn’t stop blaming her for the Fall. He and Ty would always be targets. Confidence returned to him as Ty bit down on his earlobe. Any enemy Phases holding a grudge were going to be real damn sorry they’d interrupted Gion, King of the Water House’s happily-ever-after.

  “Popularity’s overrated. So many more phone calls to return.”

  She chuckled at that. “So, let’s stop talking, the
n. I know that you’re trying to make me feel comfortable and I appreciate that, but I’m going to brain you if you don’t hurry up.” She released more of her energy so it enflaming him.

  They had to do this.


  There was just no way Gion could stop, short of sudden death or Ty flat out asking him to leave the room. And if she did that, he’d probably cry. He finally had everything that he’d ever wanted. Ty could have anyone and she’d chosen him. This was the most important moment of his life and he wasn’t going to ruin it.

  Gion was still hesitant to touch her thighs, so he moved slowly, giving her time. Ty kept her eyes on his, biting down on her lip as Gion separated her legs, so one was on either side of him. That put the core of her directly over him, just touching.

  Air energy went wild.

  “Oh!” Ty’s head went back. “That’s so good.”

  “I know.” Jesus, did he know. “Ease down, angel.” She’d feel safer if she was in control. Despite her assurances, Gion didn’t want to do anything that might make her flashback to Parald’s attack. He wanted everything to be perfect for her. “Just slide down and…” He trailed off with a groan.

  Ty’s hands gripped his shoulders and she slowly lowered herself on him. Gion expected her to be hesitant or anxious, but she looked right at him, trusting him, as she took him deeper and deeper… Until Gion thought he just might die from the sensation, even though he knew she still wasn’t taking all of him.

  His jaws locked together, trying to hold still and let her adjust. Trying to grab onto the edges of his control. Gion sucked in a sharp breath at the feel of her and started reciting Be the Perfect Air Phase in his head. Stupid, terrible rhymes about blindly following orders and how no single Phase mattered. All of it bullshit.

  If and when he and Ty had children, Gion would ban that stupid book from the kingdom.

  Unfortunately, it also really wasn’t working to distract him, right now.

  Gion briefly squeezed his eyes shut, but then he found his attention helplessly returning to Ty’s breasts. Watching them bounce with her movements.

  God, she was gorgeous.

  “Are you okay?” He asked hoarsely.


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