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Shattered Home

Page 4

by J. M. Adele


  Gravel sprayed behind their tires as they rode into the alleyway the next block over from the hardware store. Out of breath, Angel hopped off the bike, her thighs burning from the long ride. Her eyes darted everywhere, hoping not to see any familiar faces. They’d taken the most convoluted path they could, making it to the center of town by late afternoon. Most people had gone home for the day, with only a few stragglers moving about.

  “Here, behind the dumpster. This is a good place to hide the bikes.”

  Aiden waved Angel over into the god-awful cloud of stench wafting from the giant metal trash can. She held her breath, shoving her bike behind his, before she jogged to the end of the alleyway and back to clean air.

  She sucked in a cleansing breath. “Well, that was foul. There’s something brewing in there and it ain’t sweet tea.”

  “I think there’s a family of feral cats using it as a latrine.” Aiden pinched his nose. Not that it would help. “Okay, what’s the plan?”

  “I’ll distract him while you …” Angel’s finger landed on his chest. “… get the key. It hangs on a nail underneath the counter next to the register. Look for a red keyring in the shape of an apple. You can’t miss it.”

  She spun around and poked her head into the street. They had to move fast to catch Mr. Saunders before he locked up for the night. “Okay, the coast is clear.” She casually walked up the street and into the store, spotting Mr. Saunders’ head behind the counter. Aiden ducked into the shelves, silently moving his way to the back of the store, while she headed up the middle aisle.

  “Hi, Mr. Saunders. How’re ya doin’?” Pasting on a smile, she rested her hands on the countertop to stop them from trembling.

  “Well, if it isn’t Angel Murphy. You’re lookin’ more like your mama every time I see ya. I’m doin’ fine. How can I help you?”

  She always expected him to talk with an Irish accent, he looked so much like a leprechaun. Especially now that his hair was turning white at the front, and he was so short that she had no trouble looking him in the eye.

  Pursing her lips half in thought and half to stop the giggle, she tapped a finger on her bottom lip. “I need a new adjustable wrench for my daddy. He broke his favorite one and he’s been a bear with a sore head ever since. Do you know what brand he uses?”

  “Oh, yeah. I make sure to keep his preferred tools in stock. They make ‘em tough, but your daddy puts his tools through their paces with those vehicles he builds. I got ‘em right over here.”

  He tottered off, explaining the difference between a few brands to no one in particular. Angel waited until she saw Aiden duck behind the register, before she followed Mr. Saunders.

  “This here is the one your daddy likes to use.” He held the shiny tool, wearing a triumphant smile.

  “Yeah, that looks familiar. Could you keep it aside for me? I’d like to give it to him as an early Father’s Day present.”

  “Absolutely. No problem. Do you want me to organize gift wrapping for you? I don’t normally do that sort of thing, but I can make an exception for you and your daddy.”

  “That’s mighty generous of you, Mr. Saunders, but I can do that myself. Thank you so much for your help, I appreciate it.” More than you know.

  “All right, young lady. Pleasure doin’ business with ya. I’ll see you soon.”

  No, you won’t. Her throat burned with the need to cry. She nodded and walked out, ordering her legs not to run and her tears to back down. God, she’d just lied to one of the sweetest, most honorable men she knew. Her eyes checked the sky for storm clouds as she stepped onto the street, expecting a bolt of lightning to strike her down. She saw nothing but the oncoming dusk, and Aiden holding the side door to the apartment open in the alleyway.

  Ducking in after him, she locked the door behind her and tiptoed up the dark staircase to their hideaway.

  One big room was broken into four parts. The kitchen and bathroom occupied the two back corners, and the dining and living area sat across the front, looking out at the street. The apartment was only half as deep as the store below. She guessed there must be a storeroom behind the back wall, built over the back half of the store.

  “Hello, 1970’s. The Brady Bunch called, they want their set back.” Aiden shielded his face with his hands.

  She couldn’t stop the giggle. The orange and brown color scheme was kind of offensive. And … shag pile. Really?

  “Decorating is not his strong suit, that’s for sure. I don’t see a bed. That must be a foldout sofa. We have to be thankful we have a place to bunk down until we can figure out how to get away.”

  “I know, and I am, so thankful. I was just trying to lighten the mood.” He came over to her, encircling her in his arms. “You’re so amazing. I can’t believe that you would drop everything to be with me. I’m still in shock that this is happening.”

  “Me, too.”

  His intense gaze roved across her face. She was covered in a sheen of sweat and dried tears, and was probably the color of a beetroot. She got the impression that she could be covered in grease, and he’d still find her beautiful. He locked her in his arms like he wanted to hold her forever. They’d been forced into this situation, but the thought of them running away together was becoming more and more appealing. Sharing meals, sharing a home, sharing a bed … She guessed Aiden’s mind had gone there, too, because he tilted his hips back, discretely adjusting his stance to hide his body’s response to the possibilities.

  He cleared his throat. “We need to get cleaned up.”

  She almost pulled him closer, but through the dividing wall came a banging and scraping, like Mr. Saunders was moving stuff around.

  “Sh. Did you hear that?”

  Aiden’s arms went stiff around her. She felt his heartbeat thundering through his chest and into hers.

  “We can’t run the water until we know he’s gone home.” Aiden’s breath puffed over her ear as he whispered the words, and she nodded in assent.

  It had been a risk, to involve Mr. Saunders. As soon as the call to search went out, he’d be able to tell people that he’d seen them. They would have to search the apartment. Angel just hoped they could get away before that happened. The prickling along her skin told her they didn’t have a chance. She burrowed into Aiden’s chest willing her fears away, and taking as much time in his arms as she could.


  They waited an hour for Mr. Saunders to pack up and leave, watching through the curtains as his car disappeared down the street, before they took turns in the shower. They figured if they used the light from the open bathroom, they could see enough without alerting anyone on the street of their presence. From her seat at the table, Angel eyed Aiden in the kitchen, gathering ingredients for their dinner. His body was almost completely engulfed by one of her father’s T-shirts, his school shorts hidden under its length, making it look more like a dress. Aiden was tall, much taller than her, but her father was a giant. He could always tuck it in, she figured. It was better than wearing his uniform. People would be looking for that.

  “I got the peanut butter. Sorry I smashed the jelly jar.” He sent her a sheepish smile.

  “That’s okay. Peanut butter is delicious on its own.”

  The truth was, she wasn’t all that hungry. Her attention was half on the door, waiting for Mr. Thomas to barge in. Deep in the pit of her gut, she knew it was going to happen. If not here, then somewhere down the road. He would find them. The man would track his son to the end of the Earth.

  “Here ya go.” The plate clattered on the wooden table and Aiden took a seat beside her. “How mad do you think your daddy will be when he figures out we’ve disappeared together?”

  Picking bits off the crust, she rubbed them between her fingers, making a pile of crumbs. “Spitting mad, but not at us. He’ll see the removal truck and figure out that we had no choice.” She brushed the crumbs off her fingers and leaned back in the chair. “I don’t get it. Why didn’t they tell you abou
t the move? It’s like they’re runnin’ from something.”

  “That’s what I don’t understand. Unless he’s been planning this for a while, and kept me in the dark on purpose just to be an asshole.” Aiden dropped his uneaten sandwich and pushed his plate away. “Do you have any idea how we’re gonna get out of here?”

  Angel pushed the hair off her face with a sharp exhale. “Well, I know one thing. We’re going to have to sneak out of here under the cover of darkness. Every person with eyes will be looking for us.”

  “Shit. Angel, I’m so sorry to put you through this.”

  “Hush. It’s not your fault at all. I’m truly sorry that your father is such an ass.”

  Aiden’s eyebrows shot up. “Did you just cuss?”

  “Sure did. I think the situation warrants it.”

  “That means you owe me a kiss.” His hand made a come-hither gesture. “Pay up.”

  Shoving her chair back, Angel stood in front of his chair, and placed her hands on his shoulders, leaning down for a quick peck on the lips. As she straightened, Aiden took her hand in his, entwining their fingers. The humor leeched out of his light brown eyes, replaced by despair.

  Angel’s legs suddenly felt boneless and she twisted sideways to sit on his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and burying her face in his chest as tears flooded her eyes.

  “Hey.” He smoothed a hand down her spine. “Hey, hey. We’re going to get through this.”

  “This is our goodbye … You know it.” She swiped at her cheeks a little too forcefully.

  “No, don’t say that. There’s hope. Isn’t there? There’s got to be hope for us.”


  “No. Don’t. I can’t—” Intense pain shaded his eyes before his mouth dropped to cover hers in a desperate kiss. “Don’t.”

  He framed her face with his hands, eyes darting over all her features. She must look a fright, but he watched her with a reverence … like she really had descended from heaven. Like he wanted to drink in this moment before it drained away.

  She did the same, taking in every inch of his skin. The soft stubble he’d only started shaving a year and a half ago. His strong, honey-blond brows drawn low over tawny eyes. The tension in his shoulders, layered with more muscle now that he was nearly a man. She’d never get to see him fully grown, but she knew he’d be so gorgeous. On top of his beautiful soul, the combination would be addictive to females. Another woman would undoubtedly snap him up.

  She tried to swallow against the panic gripping her throat. Blinking up at him through wet lashes, she bit her lips. There was one thing she could give him. It was always meant to be his, and he could give her the same in return. She licked her lips, mouth suddenly dry with nerves.

  They could be each other’s first.

  “Aiden. Make love to me.”

  His eyes popped wide, his hands twitching on her face. “What?”

  “You heard me. I need you.”

  “Angel, you’re … It’s only because of the situation, you wouldn’t be ready otherwise. I don’t want to rush things because we’re scared or desperate, or whatever.”

  “God, Aiden! If they find us and I never get to show you what you mean to me, I swear I’ll never forgive you.”


  “Nope.” She leaned back and ripped off her T-shirt.

  His sharp exhale washed across her chest. “Oh, my God.” Aiden’s hands gripped her thighs, and the wooden chair creaked as he pushed back to get a better view.

  Angel should have been self-conscious. She wasn’t. She was triumphant at the heavy-lidded look he was giving her, and the hardness growing under her thigh. Reaching down, she took hold of the hem of his shirt and tugged up. He shook his head, snapping himself out of his daze, before his arms jerked it off and a smile broke out on his face.

  “God, you’re so beautiful.” Aiden raised a hand, hovering over her skin as his eyes shot back to hers. “Can I … can I touch you?”

  “Please,” she breathed.

  Smoothing his palm over her collar bone, he ran it softly over her cotton covered breast. Her nipples peaked in welcome at the tingly sensation, as his other palm gave equal attention to the other side. Encasing her ribcage in his grip, he tugged her forward so he could take her lips again. Each stroke drew them closer, merging their hearts as one even as the clock ticked in the background, signaling the countdown to the end. She wanted to scream at the injustice of it all, and melt at the sensations he was inducing at the same time. The emotional clash had her trembling, and hauling in the heady air between them. One thing was for sure … this felt right. She was ready for this. They’d known each other for most of their lives. Were entrenched in each other’s heart and soul. This was right.

  Aiden stood, maneuvering her legs so they circled his waist, and carried her to the sofa. Leaning down, he laid her on the soft cushion, before the weight of him nestled in the cradle of her legs. Wrapping his arms under her back, he continued to drug her with his kiss, his tongue venturing out to taste and take more with each thrust. Angel squirmed under him, trying to get closer and ease the ache growing in her center.

  His head jerked up and she took a moment to focus on the fierce look on his face.

  Pulling his arms out from under her, he sat back. “I want to see you.” He fiddled with the frayed edge of her shorts. “All of you.”

  She looked down her body, watching her fingers fumble with the button and zipper as her chest heaved for breath. Aiden helped her out by smoothing his hands down her torso and legs, taking the shorts with him. She heard the heavy fabric hit the shag pile, before his hands returned, caressing their way back up to her hips. She lifted her hips, giving him the okay to take off her panties. His groan vibrated through her belly where he dropped a kiss, spurring her blood to race impossibly faster.

  “Now you,” she panted as she ditched her bra.

  He nearly lost balance as he pushed himself to stand, eager to shuck the nuisance fabric.

  The shorts dropped, leaving him in his boxers, his erection straining behind the fabric and peeking out the top. A mix of thrill and fear buzzed under her skin and in her stomach. That thing was bigger than she expected. How the heck was this going to work?

  “You look a little scared.” His face was pained and unsure. “I don’t want to scare you. I’ll leave my shorts on.” He bent down to pick them up.

  “No. I want to see you, too.”

  “Are you sure? I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. We don’t have to do this at all.”

  He was killing her with his determination to be sweet and considerate. She looked away to gather some patience, spotting the shiny red apple keyring on the kitchen counter. She was going to have to channel her inner Eve if she was going to tempt him with her fruit.

  “Sweet Jesus, Aiden, ditch the underwear.”

  He snorted and ripped them down like his life depended on it. She watched his shaft bounce free, certain that thing wouldn’t fit in her. Her fingers itched to touch. Sitting up, she watched his mouth drop open as she reached out a hand. His stomach muscles jerked when she made contact with soft skin over hard flesh. With her fingers wrapped around his girth, she enjoyed the feel of him and the way he panted in excitement. Her core tightened in response.

  Aiden dropped to his knees on the carpet, placing his palm on her belly and his lips on her hip. She leaned back on her hands, unsure of what he was up to, but willing to wait and see. Her thighs slid together, moistened by her arousal. Heat rose from her chest to her cheeks at her predicament, and she prayed that she wasn’t ruining the sofa cushion. Aiden’s fingers started to move south, through trimmed dark curls to where she needed him.

  “Holy shit …” His gaze shot to hers, sending her a rueful smile. “Sorry. It’s just, you’re—”

  His thumb slicked down through her wetness, and his voice broke on a strangled groan. His other hand urged her to part her legs, to give him more room. To trust him with the most pri
vate part of her. She obliged, relaxing her muscles and letting her knees fall apart. There was no room for shame under the protection of his love. His touch sent shivers of heat over her skin and sent her blood pulsing. Her center grew greedy for the feel of him. She started to rock her hips to his rhythm. When he leaned down to suck a nipple into his mouth, she fell back on her elbows, pushing her chest out to give herself to him.

  Aiden’s hand encircled her breast, pushing it up into his mouth so he could take more.

  “Ow, not so hard.”

  “Shit. Sorry.” He pulled his arm back. “I’m new at this.”

  “Yeah. I know. Just go gentle to start with, okay?”


  He leaned down again and kissed her breast, before burying his face in her stomach and inhaling.

  “Can I hold you?” The words rasped out of his throat.

  Angel scooted against the backrest to make room. “That would be nice.”

  Aiden stretched out beside her, tucking her into his chest. His fingers danced along her spine, her hip, and back up her stomach. Sparks shot along in their wake, as his tongue tangled with hers. She let her hands roam, too. Memorizing the planes and dips of smooth skin and taut muscle. Angel’s breath hitched when his fingers found her center again. She hooked a leg over his hip and anchored her hands flat on his chest, as he took her on a journey she’d never been on. Her brain switched off. She became a mass of sensations, and everything tightened and pulsed, building to something new and amazing. The mewling sounds escaping her throat surely couldn’t have been her, but there was no way of stopping them. She needed more.

  Looking him in the eye, she pleaded, “Aiden. I need …”

  His hand responded by pressing harder and picking up speed.

  Eyelids dropping closed, she practically purred. “Mm.”

  “Ah, God, Angel.”

  Her butt cheek was caught in a deliciously rough grasp, as his mouth dipped to suck on her chest. His fingers didn’t stop and the sparks of sensation built to a massive wave of pleasure, breaking out from her core. She bucked and shook, crying out in ecstasy. Angel had to grip his wrist to get him to stop. It was too much. She couldn’t take anymore.


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