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Enigma, Maine, Bundle 4

Page 2

by Iris Abbott

  “Well, what I meant,” Zoe clarified, “is that I have two sisters who will be joining me in town sometime during the next couple of days. I couldn’t possibly go to a party without them.”

  “Of course not, dear. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of the invitations. I know exactly who to call in this town to get things done.” She winked. “It’s great to have connections.”

  Zoe knew that was the truth. And she imagined with her beautiful looks and sparkling personality, Brianna knew just about everybody in Enigma and well beyond. “Actually, that would be awesome. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity.”

  She glanced at her watch. “I should go and see about a room at the inn you were telling me about. I’ll stop by later for a visit. Will you be working this evening?”

  “I own the place, so I’m almost always here,” Brianna admitted with a laugh.

  That made sense. The shop definitely reflected its owner’s personality. “Until later then.” She said goodbye to the two redheads and exited the shop.

  Zoe breathed in the crisp, fresh air and slowly made her way toward Inn Enigma. She had a suspicious feeling deep in her gut that Brianna was right about the town. Something about it called to her. Even more surprising than that was the homey feel of the place. It was a comfortable feeling Zoe hadn’t experienced since the tragic death of her parents many years ago. Whatever the mysterious allure of Enigma was, it had nothing to do with her current hunt for one evil vampire. Zoe was sure of that.


  “Grandma!” Brittany exclaimed in exasperation. “Lucian, Alessandro, and Mitch are not going to be happy about this at all. And I can see why! Inviting strangers to attend a party full of paranormal beings might not be the best idea.”

  “Nonsense!” Brianna insisted. “Everything will work out just fine. You’ll see.”

  “Fine, you’ve been right about this kind of thing before, and I’ve got a good feeling about her.”

  “I’m right this time too. Zoe Myers is no ordinary human.”

  Brittany frowned. “What do you mean? I’m usually good at sensing other witches, and I got nothing with her.”

  “No,” Brianna shook her head. “Not a witch, but something else.”

  “Darn it! I’m really intrigued, and I have to get back to the studio for my next class. Talk fast, Grandma!”

  “I think that Zoe is a vampire hunter.”

  Brittany’s loud gasp of shock filled the shop. “What! I thought real hunters were nothing but a fanciful myth made up by paranormal beings to scare young children into behaving.”

  Brianna shrugged and arched a brow. “You mean kinda like how humans think witches, vampires, and the like only live between the pages of books and on a television or movie screen?”

  “Damn, she seemed so nice too.” Worry lines were etched all over Brittany’s face. “You do remember that Alessandro, the host of the Halloween party you just invited Zoe to, is a vampire, right? And he’s also mated to one of my best friends,” Brittany added with a worried frown.

  “Of course, I remember. I may be old, but I’m not daft!”

  “And nothing about that bothers you, Grandma?”

  “Not a thing. I saw the hunter’s aura. It’s white and purple.”

  “Ah, those colors usually signify innate goodness, wisdom, and compassion. Definitely not the colors of a cold-blooded killer. Thank goodness!”

  Brianna sighed. “Most vampire hunters are no more evil at heart than us witches. As a matter of fact, they’re descendants of witches.”

  “Well, that’s a new one. I’ve got to hear more about this, but I need to get back to the studio. I really need to take Logan’s advice and find a partner for the business. More and more women are taking martial arts as a means of staying in shape, not just for self-defense. I could really use some help.”

  “It’s too bad Selena and Julie aren’t interested. The three of you work so well together. I have a strong feeling you might have already found the perfect business partner.”

  “Who? Zoe?” Brittany sighed. “You heard her, Grandma. She’s just passing through.”

  “Yeah, and so were Scarlet, Jessica, Rose, Jenna, and Jillian. Logan too, if I remember correctly.”

  Brittany held up her hands. “All right, all right, you made your point. This town has a way of attracting the beings that are supposed to be here.”

  “Yes, it does. It’s part of the innate magic of the area and why so many paranormal beings live here.”

  Brittany nodded. “Plan on having dinner with Logan and me tonight. My husband will probably want to hear all about the origin of vampire hunters too.”

  “Does six work for you?”

  “Better make it six-thirty. My last class doesn’t end until five.”

  “Fine, that gives me plenty of time to meet with Lucian. The council should know that Zoe’s here and her sisters are on the way. If she’s a hunter, then you can be sure they are too.”

  Brianna hugged her grandmother. “Love you, Grandma. Good luck with Lucian. I know the two of you are old friends, but I don’t think he’s gonna be too happy with you or the news you carry.”

  “I’ll be fine, but the sooner I deal with this, the better.” She grabbed her purse from behind the counter and walked Brittany to the door. Brianna flipped the open sign to closed, locked the door, and pulled it shut behind them.

  She waved bye to her granddaughter and got inside her car. Few people outside the council were privy to the location of their headquarters, but Brianna was one of the few. Luckily, she knew exactly where to find Lucian this time of day.


  Lucian Petrakos, the oldest guardian still alive, tapped his fingers against the scarred mahogany desk. He listened intently to what his longtime friend said. When she was done, he leaned back in his chair and rested his chin on steepled fingers.

  “I’m well aware of the Myers sisters. The council has been watching them for years.”

  “Ah, so they’re no threat. Otherwise, you would have dealt with them long before now,” Brianna shrewdly guessed.

  “Indeed,” Lucian agreed. “They’re no threat to us, but they are vampire hunters. They have an uncanny ability to sniff out evil. So far, the Myers sisters have only targeted rogues, for that reason the council has never interfered with them or their hunts. It is more than a little troubling, however, that they’re convening here in Enigma.” His frown was fierce.

  “Zoe insisted she was just passing through, and she didn’t give any clues as to why she’s here. But I doubt it’s a coincidence.”

  “Probably not,” Lucian agreed.

  “Do you think they’re hunting the same master vampire that’s eluded the Council of Guardians for the last year?”

  Lucian’s face hardened into a mask of fury at the reminder of the evil creature the council had dubbed the Puppet Master. “My gut says yes. Things have been quiet in Enigma since the original attack on the ladies. He’s managed to evade us by moving all over the continent, but he may have come back this way, leaving a trail for the hunters to follow.” He twisted his lips.

  “Uh oh, I know that look,” Brianna said. “What’s going through that feline mind of yours?”

  “I want to make an alliance with the three sisters on behalf of the council. It’s long overdue.”

  Brianna stared at her longtime friend for several seconds. “That would be unprecedented. Are you sure, Lucian?”

  “Yes, my gut says they can be trusted. They’ve spent most of their adult life battling evil. I would rather have them informed and working with the council rather than unintentionally hindering our progress or getting killed because they don’t know exactly what they’re dealing with.”

  “I love the way you think. You’ve always been a master strategist. And I like Zoe. I’d hate for her or one of her sisters to be murdered by the lunatic they’re chasing. He’s got to be the most powerful vampire they’ve ever hunted, and they have no idea of the d
epths of this particular monster’s power.”

  “I’ll call the other council members in for an emergency meeting and inform them of my decision.”

  “The Halloween party would be the perfect time and place for this to come together. All the major players will be there. Including me. I want to be present when you meet with the sisters.”

  Lucian arched a brow but didn’t say anything.

  “You know vampire hunters are descendants of witches. I felt a connection with Zoe, and I’m sure she felt it too. I think my presence will smooth things out and make it easier for her and her sisters to swallow what you tell them.”


  “Think they’ll believe you?”

  “By all reports, they are knowledgeable and intuitive. They’ll see the truth in my words. Besides, they already know about the existence of vampires. Would guardians, shifters, and witches really be that hard for them to comprehend?”

  “I guess not.”

  “As part of the council, Alexander will be at the meeting too. He had a run-in with one of the sisters, in a back alley in Boston, a couple of hours ago. His presence will lend validity to what I’m saying.”

  Brianna raised a brow. “As a council member, I would expect him to be more careful than that.”

  Lucian shrugged. “He was battling one of the Puppet Master’s creations at the time, so his hands were full.”

  “Who else is going to be involved with the Halloween meeting? Because you guys have a hard time keeping anything from your mates and the ladies are going to want to be in on this. And they deserve to be since they were the original targets.”

  Lucian sighed and flashed Brianna a frustrated look. “Their presence will probably help keep things civil.” He ran a hand through his midnight black hair. “As much as I want Jessica to stay home with the baby, locked safely away from the evil of the world, I know it’s not going to happen.”

  “Good choice, because I don’t think there’d be any keeping them away from the meeting. It could be historic in its significance.”

  Lucian nodded his agreement. “Mitch Gannon and Alessandro Russo need to be informed as soon as possible. I’ll have a conference call with both of them after you leave.”

  “How do you think Russo is going to take having vampire hunters at his party?”

  Lucian shrugged. “He hasn’t lived to be one of the oldest vampires in the world by chance. He’ll see the wisdom of the alliance, and he knows that the council has his back.”

  Brianna nodded her approval. “As do the witches.” Alessandro was mated with Julie, one of her granddaughter’s lifetime friends, and Brianna admired his wisdom, honor, and strength.

  “I’m having dinner with Brittany and Logan tonight.” Brianna informed the guardian of her plans. “I’ll let them know what’s going on. Brittany met Zoe earlier today, and you know that Selena, Julie, Jessica, Jillian, Jenna, and Brittany have no secrets from each other. All of them are going to insist on being present at the meeting.”

  “All of them are welcome, but especially Brittany.” Except for Brianna, Brittany was the most powerful and talented witch in North America. She took the duty of tutoring her sister witches seriously. Brittany protected them with a ferociousness that could rival that of any mother grizzly bear. It didn’t hurt that she was well trained in several forms of martial arts either.

  “The women are a tight-knit group, a coven, and I know that each and every one would lay down her life to protect Jessica and Roman.” Lucian’s harsh features immediately softened at the mention of his wife and baby.

  Brianna smiled and nodded her acknowledgment. It was no secret that Lucian Petrakos, the oldest and most powerful guardian in the universe, had two weaknesses, a red-haired temptress of a witch named Jessica and their five-month-old son.

  “Speaking of Jillian, how is her training coming along?” Lucian wanted to know.

  “Very nice indeed, she’s almost as strong as Brittany, and it’s only been a year.” They discovered in the first battle against the Puppet Master’s zombies that Jillian was a conduit, a very rare witch who could draw magic from those around her for her own use. “She’s more attuned to Dante for obvious reasons since they’re mated. It’s much easier for her to borrow his magic, but she is learning.”

  Lucian gave Brianna a sharp nod of approval. “Good, we’re going to need her for the upcoming battle. We have no way of knowing how large of an army the Puppet Master has created. Although, Detective Craig Aquila has informed me that missing person reports in a five-state radius have almost tripled since last year.”

  “That cannot be good!”

  “No. Every sense I have tells me that something is going to happen soon, and we better be prepared for it with every weapon in our arsenal. The survival of everything good in this world may depend on it.”

  Brianna’s usually straight shoulders were suddenly hunched as if they carried the weight of the world. She rose to her feet, leaned toward Lucian, and hugged him goodbye. “Looks like both of us have a lot of planning to do my old friend. Good luck, and I’ll see you in a week unless something happens before then.”


  Drew Gannon confidently strolled into Gannon Security headquarters. He knocked once on the door of his cousin’s office and walked inside. “Just finished the preliminary meeting with everyone working security for the Halloween party. Everything’s under control.” Which was really good, since the big event was only a week away.

  The Enigma wolf pack’s third rubbed his hands together. Drew had been living out of state for the past six years taking care of other Gannon Security interests. Even though he’d be on the clock, he was looking forward to the legendary costume party. The residents of Enigma knew how to do Halloween right! And they should since many creatures immortalized in human myths and legends were real and chose to call Enigma home.

  Mitch Gannon, alpha of the Enigma wolf shifters, didn’t look impressed with Drew’s announcement. “Not so good after all, there’s a slight glitch I need to brief you on,” he warned.

  Drew wasn’t all that surprised. He expected trouble. Things had been too quiet in Enigma since his arrival. He was summoned home almost a year ago to help Mitch and Justin tighten security and protect the pack from an unknown rogue vampire powerful enough to create zombie-like puppets to do his bidding.

  “What happened?” he asked with a resigned sigh. He should have known the job was going too well.

  “Brianna Sheldon gave her invitation to someone else,” he said in a miffed tone. “While she was at it, she invited the woman’s two sisters as well.”

  Drew narrowed his eyes. “So. That’s not really a glitch. Chances are they won’t even show up, and if they do, we’ll take care of it.” Security was tight at the costume party and with excellent reason. Some of the most powerful paranormal creatures in the world attended the annual Halloween celebration at the Russo castle.

  “It’s complicated,” Mitch Gannon admitted with a disgusted sigh. “Lucian Petrakos wants them at the party, and Alessandro confirmed the last-minute additions to the guest list.” He picked up three envelopes from the corner of his desk. “I need you to deliver these to Zoe Myers. She’s staying at Inn Enigma in room four twenty-seven.”

  “This seems highly irregular to me. What aren’t you telling me, Mitch?” He’d taken the lead on this job, so he needed to be in the know.

  “Evidently, the Myers sisters are vampire hunters.”

  Drew coughed long and hard to cover up his surprised laughter, but he couldn’t help it. Really? Vampire hunters attending a Halloween party hosted by a vampire? Yeah, it was funny, but not from a security standpoint. “Why extend an invitation? Things could get messy.” Blood and gore kind of messy.

  “Lucian wants to meet with them and propose an alliance of sorts. The Halloween party is the perfect opportunity for everyone to come together without raising suspicions.”

  "Okay, makes sense,” he agreed. “But anybody can
deliver invitations, so why me?” Drew was the third most powerful member of the pack, and he had his plate full running the security team for the big Halloween bash.

  “The party’s in a week. I want you to shadow Zoe Myers and make sure she stays out of trouble until the meeting can take place.”

  Drew knew better than to argue with his alpha, but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “Babysitting duty, really? That sucks big time, and it’s a complete waste of my skills. Wouldn’t a junior member of the security team be better suited for this kind of task?”

  Mitch rolled his shoulders and glared at Drew. Power radiated off of him in waves. It was a testament to just how strong Drew’s wolf was that he wasn’t driven to his knees. But he did bow his head and keep his gaze on the floor. He had no desire to challenge his cousin.

  “It’s a personal request by Lucian and a favor to the council, which makes it a very big deal, so take it seriously,” Mitch snarled. “Zoe Myers better not get one scratch on her while she’s in Enigma, understood?” He pushed back his chair and abruptly stood to tower over Drew. “She and her sisters are good at what they do, which is take down rogue vampires. If the puppet master comes calling, this town is gonna need all the help it can get.”

  Drew shuddered at the mention of the mysterious and ancient vampire.

  “Even with paranormal beings as strong as Lucian, Dante, Alessandro, and our pack, we still haven’t been able to find and stop him. And it’s been a year,” Mitch reminded him.

  Drew knew better than to push back on the subject. As unpleasant as babysitting a vampire hunter sounded, Mitch was right, it was an important job. He raised his hands in surrender. “Got it. I’ll make an introduction and take care of the invitations this afternoon. I’ll consider the assignment my top priority,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “Good. I’m putting Justin in charge of security for the party. That will free you up to take care of Ms. Myers.”

  “Sounds like I got the better end of that deal. After all, how much trouble can one woman be?”


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