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Enfold (Thornhill Trilogy Book 3)

Page 9

by J. J. Sorel

  Aidan lay on his side and pushed hair away from my face. “You are so damn addictive, Clarissa. I can’t get enough of you, my love.”

  I ran my fingers over his bulging bicep. “I feel the same, Aidan. You leave me breathless.”


  The silver Art Deco lamp of a girl in arabesque, holding a ball, sat beautifully in Tabitha’s new home. I’d brought it as a house-warming gift after recalling her enthusiasm for it at the auction.

  “Clary, I love it,” she said, hugging me. She went outside, seeking Grant, who was showing Aidan his garden. “Come and have a look at what Clarissa and Aidan have given us.”

  Grant wiped his hands on his jeans. “Not more gifts. I would have thought giving us the house was enough,” he said, looking at Aidan.

  Aidan shrugged. “It was Clarissa’s idea. Not that I mind. We’ve got a truckload of them at home. But they’re very attractive. One can’t really have enough of beautiful things.” He gazed at me. “Didn’t you bring something else, as well?”

  I nodded. “James left it at the door for me.”

  “Something else?” Tabitha frowned. “You spoil me, Clary.” She followed me out. Two wrapped paintings balanced against the wall.

  She held her chin. “Now, let me guess…”

  “They may surprise you,” I said.

  Aidan carried them in and placed them on the table.

  “Come on. Open them,” I said.

  She ripped off the paper, and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw herself as the subject in both of the paintings. One depicted Tabitha on her tummy and the other sitting in a chair, leaning on her elbow, with a hint of a smile flickering in her large green eyes. They were nude studies that I’d done while attending life-drawing classes where I’d arranged for Tabitha to model.

  I remembered that occasion well. One could have almost cut the air with a knife. It had been that thick with desire. And the male students’ heavy breathing was almost palpable as they kept dropping their implements, their faces flushed. Naturally, it was considered taboo to objectify the model in life-drawing classes, but with curvaceous Tabitha acting the coquette, their arousal was understandable.

  “Oh my God, you colored them in. They’re so pretty. Although…” Her lips drew into a tight line. “My butt looks a bit big.”

  I laughed. “I knew you’d say that.”

  Grant grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. “It’s perfect. They’re beautiful pictures. I love the colors and the way you’ve worked in the background.” He cast a cheeky grin at Tabitha. “And the model’s not bad either. Kind of sexy. Mm… really sexy.” While he held Tabitha close, Grant directed his attention back to me. “Clarissa, I didn’t know you were such a talented artist.”

  “I’m not sure about being talented. But it was Aidan who encouraged me to finish them, so I decided to add watercolor to them. It’s become my favorite medium.” I glanced up at Aidan with a shy smile. His blue eyes twinkled back with admiration.

  Aidan turned to his father. “I made Clarissa show me her drawing folio, and when I saw these, I suggested she make a gift of them to you. This is the first time I’ve seen them in their finished state. They are really well done, princess.”

  Not well practiced at receiving compliments, I bowed my head with a faint smile and cast my attention back to Tabitha. “What do you really think, Tabs?”

  “I love them. I just wish my butt didn’t look so big.”

  Grant laughed. “Your butt doesn’t look big. I feel like pinching it.” He patted her ass, and she giggled. “You look gorgeous, sweetheart. Perhaps a little skinnier than now.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  I shook my head ever so slightly at Grant. But I could tell by his cheeky grin that he was playing with her. “You’ve put on weight in all the right places, baby.”

  He held her tight, and Tabitha dissolved into his hold.

  Aidan whispered, “You’re so talented you make my heart melt and my cock hard.”

  I whispered back, “You’re insatiable.”

  His blue eyes shimmered with humor as blood coursed down to my sex, sending an ache, a delicious reminder of his needy thrusts earlier that day.

  Grant rubbed his hands together. “How about a quick game of pool before the guests arrive?”

  Aidan nodded with enthusiasm and followed his father.

  I went into the kitchen with Tabitha. I loved pottering around preparing food. In many ways, I missed that side of my life. Nevertheless, I couldn’t complain. It was a small price to pay for being with Aidan. And with all the quality fresh meals I ate, I was glowing with health, and vitality was necessary around my athletic, ravenous lover.

  “What should I do?” I asked Tabitha, watching her pour two cups of coffee.

  “Not sure.” She shrugged, “Grant prepared a ton of burgers that will be grilled outside, as well as sausages for hot dogs. I suppose we can make a salad.” She gaped at me blankly, twisting her mouth downward. “To be honest, Clary, I’m not sure where to start.”

  “Easy-peasy, Tabs.”

  She put her arm around me. “You’re the best, Clary. I don’t know what I’d do without you. If it wasn’t for you, none of this would exist.” Her voice quivered.

  “You’re not going to cry, are you?” I asked.

  She shook her head and a faint smile chased away her frown. Her mood flipped, just like the Tabitha I’d always known and loved. She rubbed her hands together. “What will I chop?”

  I grabbed the chopping board and brought out a few tomatoes. “Start with these. I’ll do the onions.”

  We danced about the kitchen, chopping away, throwing things at each other, and clowning about. One hour later, we’d made a green salad, coleslaw, potato salad, and bean salad.

  Although I’d forgotten how tiring food preparation could be, I had a ball, as did Tabitha, who took to my instructions eagerly. Aidan had offered to have the party catered, but when Grant said he wanted to make his special burgers, Aidan’s face lit up. According to Aidan, Grant’s burgers were legendary.


  By the afternoon, the house was rocking. There were people everywhere—an interesting mix of hippies, bohemians, and hard-to-define folk.

  “Grant knows a lot of people,” I said to Aidan, who was diving into his second burger.

  “He’s been in the area all his life. These are the friends he’s collected. The weed and music scenes, you know?” He smiled, then took another bite.

  “The burgers are yummy,” I said, tapping my tummy. I’d already had one and felt seriously full.

  “Aren’t they? This is the best batch. I think Grant’s making up for all those years living with Sara, who’s a vegan, as you know.” He laughed.

  “I hope the vegans here are fine with the salads.”

  Aidan sniffed. “Well, if they’re not, they can always forage in the garden.” His droll delivery nearly made me spit out my drink. I squeezed my lips and swallowed, before holding my belly and giggling.

  Aidan looked at me and laughed.

  A woman literally bounced over to us. She wasn’t wearing a bra and was very busty. She leaned in and kissed Aidan on the cheek, lingering a little more than was appropriate, I thought.

  “It’s so nice to see you again.” She pulled away and looked at him properly. “You’ve gotten bigger.” She touched his arm. The ‘bigger’ left her cushiony lips lasciviously.

  My fingernails dug into my palm.

  Aidan smiled and directed his attention to me. “This is my fiancée,


  She stretched out her ring-cluttered hand. “Pleased to meet you.” Her heavily eyelined dark eyes did a sweep of my body. I was wearing a yellow polka-dot dress that Tabitha had, unsurprisingly, chastised me over.

  “Sweet little dress.” She stretched her words lazily as if she was stoned, which she probably was, considering the plume of weed smoke filling the air, which was making me ligh

  Her sandalwood fragrance was so overpowering that it shot up my nasal passage, punching out all other scents. Although she was much older than Aidan, she was striking, with long black hair, olive skin, and big brown eyes. Her ample breasts spilled out of a black velvet dress. Recalling Aidan’s earlier predilection for older, busty women, I felt the green-eyed monster pounce on me.

  “What have you been up to?” Her large eyes flickered flirtatiously.

  “I’ve been getting a renewable-energy program together,” he replied. As she stepped closer, Aidan stepped away. He glanced over at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

  Reluctant to be seen as jealous and possessive, I left them to converse alone and joined Tabitha, who was busy flirting. She’d cornered a young, very good-looking boy.

  He turned, and when he saw me his eyes warmed.

  “Hey, Clarissa. This is Justin. Justin is one of Grant’s guitar students.”

  I nodded a greeting. “I didn’t know Grant taught,” I said.

  “He’s got heaps of students,” said Tabitha.

  Justin rested his interested gaze on me. Tabitha gave me a side glance and giggled. “Can you excuse us a minute, Justin?”

  He’d lost his ability to talk and shuffled off.

  “He’s got the hots for you, Clary. As soon as you turned up, the poor boy lost his tongue. You do that to men, you know.” She tapped my nose.

  “And so do you, especially in those tight jeans and that low-cut blouse. God, Tabs, your boobs are getting bigger.”

  It was as if I’d told her she’d won the grand lottery. Her eyes shone. “Do you really think so?”

  “Yeah, you must be a C cup,” I said.

  “Not like your gorgeous D cups,” she said, pulling down my bodice to expose some cleavage.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Just trying to show off some of your assets. God, Clary, you should be flaunting them. Like Morticia over there, talking to Aidan. Instead, you look like fucking Marcia Brady.”

  I looked over at Aidan. “She’s really trying to seduce him, isn’t she?”

  My unsubtle friend’s head turned sharply in his direction.

  “Don’t make it so obvious, Tabs,” I admonished.

  “That’s Penelope. She plays the keyboards,” she said.

  “You’ve met her?” I asked.

  “Yep. A few times. She’s a groupie. She fucks everyone.”

  My burger sat uncomfortably in my gut suddenly. “Do you think she’s been with Aidan? She’s certainly standing close to him and acting very familiar.”

  “Maybe.” Tabitha grabbed me by the arm. “Hey, Clary, he’s crazy about you. And you can’t think about all the women he’s fucked before you. It will send you mad.”

  “I suppose.” She was right. I recalled Aidan referring to that period of his life as BC. I had been so puzzled, I quizzed him, and he pointed out that it meant “before Clarissa.” Aidan didn’t hide that he’d made cringeworthy choices and that sex for him used to be a sport.

  I was glad when Grant approached Aidan and whispered something to him. Aidan nodded and left Penelope be. I watched them head over to their instruments in the corner of the room, where they had been set up for a jam.

  A man with striped pants and a purple shirt skipped over to us.

  “Here comes Mr. Hippy,” whispered Tabitha.

  I chuckled.

  “Hey, girls.” His glassy eyes darted from me to Tabitha and back again. I had to try hard not to giggle in his face because Tabitha positioned herself behind him and started pulling faces. I hated her for doing that. Not only for mocking the poor guy, but because she was making it hard for me to keep a straight face.

  He didn’t seem to mind. “I’m Simon,” he said, reading my tight smile as welcoming and encouraging.

  “I’m Clarissa, and this is Tabitha,” I said, moving closer so that I could kick her gently on the leg.

  “So, girls, can I interest you in a nice juicy spliff?” he asked.

  The way he made “juicy” sound sexual made my skin crawl. Tabitha linked her arm with mine.

  His eyebrows bounced with a hint of salaciousness.

  “No, we’re not smokers,” said Tabitha.

  “I’ve got some cookies.” His eyebrows bounced up and down.

  “No, thanks. We’ll stick to champagne.”

  He stared down at my chest when he spoke. I wasn’t not sure what he babbled, but I was pleased when Aidan came over and wrapped his arm around me. He acknowledged the languid stoner. “Hey, Simon.”

  “Aidan, how are you, man? This is a great shindig.”

  “It is. Can you excuse us for a moment?”

  He led me away, leaving Tabitha with Simon, who I noticed was sporting a bulge, which had been hard to miss in his figure-hugging pants. Gross.

  “Although he’s a sleaze, Simon’s not a bad guy,” said Aidan.

  “Yeah, he’s a bit icky,” I said, letting Aidan lead me into the garden. “Where are we going?”

  “We’re about to start playing. I saw you standing there in that yellow dress, and when the wind lifted it slightly, it made me hard.”

  I giggled. “Aidan. You’re consistently turned on.”

  “That’s your doing, princess.” His hand went up my dress. “You look smoking hot it this little dress.” He ran his hands roughly over my satiny panties and squeezed my butt.

  “Tabitha says I look like a 1950s spinster.”

  “Bullshit. You, darling girl, have got great taste. You’re so sexy in that little dress, I want to fuck you here and now.” He pushed me in against him. I could feel his hard rod against my thigh.

  He went to hook his finger in my panties, and I placed my hand on his arm. “No, don’t tear them off. I don’t want to be without panties. This dress might fly up.”

  Aidan’s eyes hooded. “Now that’s every man’s wet dream. But you’re right. I don’t want every guy at this party to see your glorious ass. You’re already driving them crazy.” He leaned in and ran his hands hungrily over my breasts, planting a clit-swelling kiss.

  We heard rustling in the bushes and separated. Aidan played with my braids, and his eyes rested on my chest. “Your nipples are sticking out, baby.”

  I tried to tame them by rubbing them. “That’s your doing, Aidan.”

  “I want you all the time, Clarissa.” He squeezed my breasts. “These tits, this body, those eyes…” He held me so close I could feel him throbbing against my thigh. “You’ve bewitched me, angel.”

  Grant became visible. “There you are,” he said. “We’re about to start.” He looked about the garden. “It’s lovely in here, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I was about to fertilize it for you,” said Aidan, grinning at me.

  My face heated. I slapped him on the arm.

  Aidan had his arm around my waist, as we followed Grant back inside.


  The music, as always, was contagiously danceable. It was raw blues rock at its supreme best. Aidan was a sex-god up there, as his pelvis pushed against his guitar. Biting his bottom lip, he ripped into a wild guitar solo.

  We swayed, skipped, and giggled uncontrollably, dancing with wild abandon. The music was so electric that everyone let their hair down and went wild.

  “Morticia’s in fine form,” Tabitha shouted in my ear.

  I looked in her direction, and like a belly dancer, she gyrated her hips seductively. She moved her head about, her hair flying out, as did her dress. Her eyes were on Aidan. But then, all of the women’s eyes were on him.

  With his back arched, he played his guitar as if he were making love to it. It was so erotic. I forgave any of them for swooning. As Morticia turned around and around, she could have easily been presiding over a witch’s coven. Her black dress cascaded out, revealing shapely thighs.

  Justin came and joined us, as did Sleazy Simon. It was fun. Tabitha was at her insouciant best, moving about without a care. She spun me around so that
my little dress, fitted with a circular skirt, ballooned out. She did it one time too many, because I noticed Aidan’s eyes narrow.

  Still, I liked him possessing me, because I was hopelessly possessed.


  As James drove us home along the winding highway, Aidan, with his arms around me, noticed my body tighten.

  He turned to look at me. “Are you okay?”

  I gripped his hand. “It’s the hour. It brings it all back.”

  “I’m so sorry. There’s been so much drama lately. I haven’t even asked

  you how you were feeling about it all. You just seemed to be yourself.”

  “I’ve been fine, Aidan, really. It’s only just hit me now. And it’s because we are on the same strip of road and it’s dark.”

  I turned around, and headlights burned into my eyes as a car sped up close to us. I started to shake.

  Aidan turned to see what had made me so tense. When the vehicle overtook us, he took a deep breath, and my body slumped into his.

  He stroked me gently, drawing apprehension out of my muscles. “Baby, maybe you should see someone. I could make an appointment with Kieren. He’s helped me plenty.”

  I exhaled a shaky breath. “No. Really, I’m fine. It just brought it all back.” He drew me in tight. “And with you holding me, Aidan, I could face a seven-headed monster spewing out fire, and I’d still feel safe.”

  Aidan sniffed. “You didn’t happen to eat any of Simon’s cookies, did you?”

  I giggled. “No. I didn’t. Tabitha did, and she was pretty giggly there for a while.”

  He buried his nose into my hair and kissed me. “While I’m around, princess, no harm will ever come to you. I’d kill for you.”

  “I hope that won’t be necessary because I couldn’t imagine my life without you, Aidan. And I’d hate to have to visit you in jail.”

  “You will never have to do that, darling. We’re safe. I’ve seen to that.”

  I was relieved when the big iron fortress opened up and swallowed us back into the safety of my beautiful palatial home. That hard, metallic yawn was music to my ears.

  Aidan had made a good point. I probably needed to see someone, because I found myself dripping in cold sweat after that ride home. It hadn’t happened before. But then I hadn’t been out in a car at night since the car chase incident. Like some creepy phantom streaking its icy presence on my skin, the mystery of who was behind it continued to haunt me.


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