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Enfold (Thornhill Trilogy Book 3)

Page 16

by J. J. Sorel

  Nodding with sympathy, I replied, “The smaller planes are more jittery than the larger ones. We could fly commercial, first class.”

  She nodded slowly. “If you like. Although I’ve always had this ridiculous urge to go by ship. I know that sounds awfully old-fashioned.”

  “We’ll go by ship then, if you like.”

  Her mouth opened, and her eyes lit up with wonder. She looked so young and full of promise, my heart melted.

  “Aidan, I’ve always dreamt of that, you know? I couldn’t think of anything more divine than to cruise around Europe.”

  “We can take a liner to London. Once we’re on the continent, we’ll rent a large, comfortable cruiser.”

  “I can’t wait.” Her brow drew in. “But will you be okay with all that spare time on the ship? I mean, I’ve got my books and drawings.”

  I laughed. “I’m not as restless as all that. I’ve got you to keep me happy. One month, with my feet up reading books and magazines, and watching movies, sounds fantastic. I can’t wait.”

  “What about your music?”

  “I’ll drag along my acoustic. That should keep me engrossed, as will you, baby, and all your little performances.” I raised a brow. Clarissa had demonstrated great talent for stripping, and exotic dancing.

  “You won’t get bored?”

  I laughed. “Oh, Clarissa. I could make love to you day and night and still not get enough. You’re beautiful. Every square inch of you is delicious. My eyes, tongue, mouth, and cock are totally addicted. Your expressive, tight pussy leaves me breathless.”

  She winced. “It does? How so?”

  “I dug up a copy of the Karma Sutra from my library the other day. By the end of our trip, I expect we will have tried every position.”

  “But you didn’t answer me, Aidan.”

  “You’re velvety, creamy, super tight, and seriously responsive. My cock loves how you squeeze tightly around it when you’re coming.”

  She fell into my arms. “You make me feel hot just talking about it.”

  “I have to go downtown. I’m dropping in on Chris. He asked to see me about something.”

  “Do you mind if I come? I need some watercolors, and I wouldn’t mind seeing what Chris has been working on.”

  “Of course, you can, angel.”


  Chris greeted us with his typical lazy smile. “Hey Aidan, Clarissa.”

  “I thought I’d tag along to see what you’ve been working on,” said Clarissa.

  “Yeah, sure. Come on in. I’m having a Pollack moment.”

  I laughed. “You make it sound like a disorder. Let me guess. You’re splashing paint about?”

  Chris chuckled. “Yeah, man. Sometimes I just need to let go.”

  Clarissa stopped. “Aidan, I left my bag in the car.”

  “Do you want me to get it?”

  “No, I will,” she insisted.

  I nodded and stroked her rosy cheek. “Okay, sweetheart.”

  I followed Chris into his studio.

  “This is a good time to tell you before Clarissa returns,” said Chris. A grimace shadowed his face.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “You know I’ve been knocking about with Jessica.”

  I nodded.

  “I saw her last night. She was shit-faced and confided something that was so disturbing it kind of robbed me of sleep and has been hanging heavily over me since.”

  My eyes remained transfixed on him.

  “She told me she hired a hitman to take Clarissa out.”

  Blood raced through my veins, and my knuckles stretched the flesh around my fist. “What? The car chase, you mean?”

  “Yeah, that. She was seriously drunk. I let her have it and tossed her out. She banged on the door, threatening me.” He laughed grimly. “She’s fucking trouble, that one.”

  “Fuck” was the best I could say.

  His sleep deprived, bloodshot blue eyes glistened with sincerity. “I like you and Clarissa. You’re good people. Most people look at me as a junkie, a drop-out. I’ve lost every job because of it. And you still gave me a chance.”

  My head was swimming in too many directions to take in Chris’s words of sincerity. “Would you be prepared to testify?”

  He nodded.

  It suddenly dawned on me that Clarissa was not with us. Why was she taking so long?

  “I better check on Clarissa. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  When I stepped onto the street, there was the car but no Clarissa. I was still raging after Chris’s revelation, and my blood pumped so hard through my veins that my heart felt like a hard rock banging desperately against my chest.

  The dirty gray street was spinning around. It was an out-of-body experience. I couldn’t breathe. I yelled out her name, which echoed back with desolation. My senses returned, and I called 911.

  I looked about to see if there were cameras.

  Chris came out.

  “She’s gone. Chris. Fuck.”

  Just as Chris uttered, “Jessica,” my phone buzzed.

  It was private. I picked up.

  “Hello, Aidan.” It was Jessica.

  “What have you done with Clarissa?”

  She laughed. “What makes you think I’ve got her?”

  “Stop fucking playing games. What do you want?”

  “I want you, Aidan.”

  “Where’s Clarissa?” The phone was wet in my palm. Such was my anxiety, I was squeezing the life out of it.

  “She’s safe. My men are salivating over her right now.”

  I yelled, “You fucking bitch, Jessica! If anything happens to her… if anyone touches a hair on her head…”

  “Here’s a picture for you.”

  A picture came through of Clarissa. Her blouse was half torn. My heart exploded into glass shards. A mixture of frustration and violent hatred gripped every sinew in my body.

  As I held the phone, shaking, Chris called the police.

  I pressed my beeper for James. He had a sophisticated tracking device linked to my phone. Within a moment, he would be capable of tracing the location of the caller.

  “What the fuck do you want from me, Jessica?”

  “I want us to meet. Then I will lay down my demands.”

  “You must promise me to keep Clarissa safe.”

  “Hmm… I’ve got two very horny security guards here that are taken with her. That’s for sure. It’s going to be hard to stop them from fucking her.”

  Blood boiled and drowned my mind of reason. “I will fucking kill you, Jessica, if any of your men touch her.”

  “This is the deal. You come here and fuck me in front of your little girl, then I’ll let her go. Then you’ll be mine.”

  My breakfast raced up my esophagus. “Send me the details. I’m coming now.”

  “Not so fast, big boy. No heavies and no cops. We’ll do it this way. I’ll meet you at Veronica’s. When I’m satisfied that you’re alone, only then will I call my men, giving them the heartbreaking news not to rape your little girl. How’s that?”

  I swallowed back the bile that was rushing up my throat. “Okay. I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  “I can come with you if you like?” said Chris.


  “What will I say to the cops?”

  “Tell them everything that you know about Jessica. I’ve got to go.” I jumped in the car and raced off.

  I pressed the button on my console and called James. “Did you get a trace on that call?”

  “Got it,” said James.

  “Okay. Get there now. Clarissa has been abducted by a couple of heavies. Hurry.”

  “We’re onto it right now. She’s on Sunset Boulevard.”

  “That figures. Fucking Jessica Mansfield. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I have to meet her at Veronica’s first. It’s only up the road from there. Call the cops as backup.”

  “We’re onto it, Aidan.”

  As I sprinted
along to the fashionable diner, my legs were heavy. In my mind, a warped motion picture of a million scenarios played out. I saw hairy, heavy dudes all over my angel. I wanted to fucking scream. The fire that was ablaze in my body and mind made me blind to the busy street of onlookers. Luckily, I had shades on.

  I spotted Jessica. She was sitting outside with a martini. About right. She was a lush. Always had been. A spoiled little rich girl who’d taken so many drugs and alcohol she’d become deranged. I couldn’t believe she’d resort to abduction, not to mention hiring a hitman.

  An oily curl formed on her plumped pout. “That was quick.”

  “So this is your way? In order to get me, you’re going to resort to criminal behavior. You’re going to prison. I’ll see to it.”

  “No, I won’t. Daddy will save the day. He always does.”

  “You’re seriously fucked up, Jessica. You have to have what you can’t have. When you had me, you went around fucking anybody with that loose cunt of yours.”

  She winced. “Ooh… you’re being nasty now. Michael’s cock’s dripping with need to fuck your little girl.”

  I grabbed her wrist. “Listen, you fucking whore. If anything happens to Clarissa, if they touch her in any way I will fucking rip you apart myself.”

  She laughed. “Mm… that sounds promising. You’re so sexy when you’re angry.”

  “What happens now? I want Clarissa freed. I’m here, like you asked.”

  “We’ll go home and have a nice fuck right in front of your little chick.”

  “What makes you think I can get hard around you? It was difficult enough when we were together.”

  “Ouch. Now you’re being an asshole.” Her green eyes narrowed as she licked her lips. “I’m the queen of blowjobs, darling. I remember drinking you up morning, noon, and night.”

  I couldn’t believe that this woman was to be my wife once upon a time. Although she was beautiful in a manicured way, that self-entitled arrogance and hardness of heart made her detestable and ugly.

  I stood up. “Let’s go, then.”

  She dropped a large bill on the plate, finished her drink in one gulp, and followed me.

  A message pinged on my phone. I stopped to read it. It was from James.

  We’re at the house. It’s a fortress. We’re trying to break in. Dogs everywhere. We’ve called the cops for backup.

  Jessica stood close. “Put that away, sweetheart. We’ll take my car.”

  “No. You’ve been drinking. I’ll drive.”

  “Whatever,” she said, holding onto my arm. “Mm… this is just like old times.”

  I shrugged violently out of her hold. “No, it’s not. You can’t force someone to be with you, Jessica.”

  She laughed. I could see she was enjoying herself. She was fearlessly insane. Experience had taught me that that was the most dangerous kind of criminal.



  His eyes were all over me. I’d already vomited. The other guy, who was a fraction kinder, pushed away the evil one, who’d already squeezed my breasts and bottom. Sleaze dripped from his beady black eyes. I wished I could make myself invisible. I recoiled at the way his hungry eyes ate me up. I’d even seen him rub himself with his hand. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I knew Aidan would save me. He had to.

  My nerves were so tight I’d lost the ability to breathe properly. I had pins and needles from my icy veins not allowing blood to flow.

  I wasn’t sure who was behind this, but I imagined they wanted cash for me.

  The same thought rotated in my mind—why, oh why, did I leave my bag in the car?

  The gentler of the two men gave me some water, and because I was tied up, he placed a straw in the bottle so I could drink it hands free. My throat was extremely dry, and my mouth was so bitter that the water tasted like a sugary drink.

  Because they’d blindfolded me getting there, I had no idea what sort of place I was in. At least I was on a comfortable chair and not thrown in a dungeon. That was a small mercy, I supposed. It still didn’t stop my body from shivering.

  I heard a woman laughing, then a man’s voice. It sounded like Aidan.

  The door swung open, and in waltzed Jessica.

  While she ran her icy green eyes up and down my body, Aidan ran over to me.

  “Clarissa, my sweetheart. I’m sorry.” He went down to hold me but was dragged back by her two henchmen.

  Struggling out of their arms, Aidan pushed one away while the other positioned his fist and was about to strike Aidan when Jessica intervened.

  “Leave him,” she said. “Don’t want to sully his gorgeous features. I don’t want to see a bruised face eating my pussy.” She cast an evil eye at me.

  It was my turn to clench my fists. I’d never in my short life entertained the type of violent thoughts that had entered my mind. Her sniggering smile sent blood charging through me.

  She sniffed the air. “Mm… I do like to fuck a man when he’s sweaty. The smell of adrenaline is such a turn on.” She undid her blouse and revealed a skimpy green bra that barely covered her heavy breasts.

  Tears poured down my face. I could see Aidan’s face had sunk into a deep frown. Sorrow reflected off his darkened eyes. He bent down and managed to hold me without being charged at this time. I figured that Jessica got off on seeing my heart torn apart.

  “Words cannot express how deeply sorry and troubled I am at the moment.” He pulled away to study my face. His sullen glower pretty much summed up how I felt. “Have they touched you?” His edgy rasp told me that he would do whatever it took to protect me.

  But what about him? Was he about to fuck Jessica? I would have preferred a beating than having to endure that. Especially if his glorious cock went hard and needy, just as it did with me. That would destroy everything.

  He faced me, waiting for a response from me. My soul went frigid. My mouth opened, but a lump in my throat swallowed back my words. I just shook my head slightly.

  “She wants me to…” He exhaled a deep jagged breath. “You know you’re the only one, Clarissa. I love you more anything. Remember that.”

  “Come on, lover boy. Show me that nice, big, fat cock. I’m all sticky and hot,” she said, fanning her face.

  I closed my eyes. I wanted to block my ears, but my hands were tied. My whole body felt as if it had been put in a refrigerator. Our perfect, fairy-tale romance was about to be defiled.

  She grabbed Aidan by the crotch. This woman was a virago, a she-devil.

  I squeezed my eyes tight.

  “You’re a fucking whore, Jessica,” Aidan spat out.

  “Tut, tut, tut. Do you want your little princess to be violated? I wouldn’t mind watching that. Brendan is all hot and raring to go. And he’s hung like a horse. He’ll rip her apart.”

  A loud grunt stretching to a roar escaped Aidan’s lips. He punched the wall above Jessica’s head, putting a hole in it.

  She laughed. “Let me see. Did you hurt yourself?” Jessica went to grab his hand, but Aidan moved away so violently that she stumbled back. Instead of anger, her face lit up with a malicious grin.

  Jessica kneeled, then I heard her unzipping Aidan’s jeans. Bile rose to my throat. I was about to retch. I didn’t have anything left, and my stomach was struggling with convulsions. Much to my misery, my hearing was so acute I could hear every little sound, including jeans being unbuttoned and lowered.

  “Mm…we’ll have this big boy boning up in no time.”

  There was a sudden sound of commotion. The door fell crashing to the ground.

  The next few moments played out like a scene from a badly choreographed fight scene in a movie. Aidan pushed Jessica to the floor and pulled up his pants.

  When one of the heavies went for Aidan, he retaliated with a punch that was so hard, I heard a sickening crack.

  James, along with two other men, managed with ease to hold one of the men down, while pushing Jessica down onto a sofa.

  She uttered som
ething smart-mouthed back at him.

  The evil one of her two henchmen pulled out a gun. I screamed. Luckily, Aidan’s reflexes were alerted in time, and he knocked the weapon out of the big brute’s hand.

  While the scuffles continued with men rolling around on the floor, Jessica scrambled to her feet and grabbed a vase.

  Having managed to knock out Mr. Evil, Aidan stood with his back to her when she lunged for him.

  I yelled, “Watch out!”

  He turned in time and grabbed her wrist. The vase fell and shattered on the ground just as the police entered.

  The first thing Aidan did was undo the ties around my hands. He rubbed my wrists while his hardened gaze softened. His lips tightened into a relieved smile before he took me into his arms, crushing me with love, almost.

  “It’s okay. You’re safe now, baby. We’re safe.”

  Pounding fast, my heartbeat vibrated in my ears.


  “Clarissa, I can do this alone if you’re not up to it,” said Aidan as we drove to the police station.

  “No, I want to get it over and done with. It involved me. I want to press charges.” My tone was cold and resolute, which was pretty much how I felt. Something was raging within me. Resentment churned up dirt around my jaded being—my soul, muddied and murky.

  Aidan glanced over at me as he steered the car. “What’s up, baby? Why do I get this feeling you’re pissed off at me?”

  I turned my head and stared out the window. The view of LA from Sunset Boulevard was predictably photogenic. Had I been less disturbed, I would have indulged in that ripple of delight I got from sunsets. But at that moment, it all looked gloomy and colorless.

  “Clarissa,” persisted Aidan.

  “Not now, Aidan. Please. I can’t talk.”


  It was hard to know what disturbed me more, knowing that Jessica had hired a professional hitman to kill me, or that Aidan attacked his bottle of bourbon as if he were drinking water for an unquenchable thirst.

  The fact that I hadn’t uttered a word since the police station probably had something to do with it. An orchestra of misgivings played a series of disharmonious tunes, layering and confusing me, stealing any kind of reasonable thought pattern. All my synapses were frozen, ripped apart even, disabling thoughts from moving with ease—as if the lights had literally gone out in my brain. My heart was a tiny little tight ball that barely moved. If anything, I needed to sleep so that I could escape myself.


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