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The Forgotten Empire: Banishment: Book One

Page 2

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Counting our fleet, that gives us 374 ships,” Admiral Cross informed Aiden. “Less than one-third of our original fleet strength.”

  “Druin fleets have entered hyperspace,” reported the sensor officer. “Twenty-eight minutes before the first of them will arrive.”

  Aiden leaned back in his command chair. He was about to fight a battle he knew he could not win. However, the battle had to be fought in order to get the Druins to listen to his father’s offer to surrender. Aiden wondered how they had allowed events to lead to this. Even in his wildest nightmares, he had never believed the Confederation would attack with such force and ferocity.


  On the planet, Princess Layla was in her quarters, pacing back and forth. She knew her brother had arrived with his fleet and would soon be facing impossible odds in battle. She also knew it was very unlikely he would survive.

  “What will become of us?” asked Krista, her cousin. Krista and Layla were very close and often confided in one another. Krista was a few years younger than Layla.

  Layla sat down, trying not to fidget. She felt as if the world were tumbling down around her. “I don’t know.” Her voice felt tight in her throat, and her heart pounded. Outside in the corridor she could hear the armored feet of her security detail, as they prepared to defend her, if the Druins came into the palace.

  Layla had never seen a Druin in person, though she knew what they looked like. They were horrid creatures to look upon. She could not imagine what it would be like to see one in person. Looking upward, she wondered what Aiden was thinking and if she would ever see him again.


  “All fleets are in formation,” reported Admiral Cross, as he stood in front of the large holographic tactical display.

  “Druin ships are dropping from hyperspace,” reported Captain Brunson.

  Aiden drew in a deep breath. “How many?”

  Captain Brunson turned to face the prince with a grim look on his face. “Over two thousand so far, with more still exiting hyperspace.”

  Aiden felt a cold chill spread over him. This was overkill by the Druins. Not only were their ships larger but they were also more advanced. “Stand by for combat.” Aiden looked at one of the viewscreens, showing the planet he defended. His entire family was on that planet. He knew the odds of him ever seeing any of them again were very small.


  The Human fleet gathered into a globe formation, with the Vindicator in the center. Energy screens were up, and weapons were ready to fire. Around the planet, cargo ships and passenger liners were entering hyperspace to escape the fighting, though there was really no place for them to go.


  “Druins are in a large cone formation,” reported Admiral Cross. “They are advancing toward us. Combat range in seven minutes.”

  Aiden stood and walked to the tactical display, examining the red threat icons, seeing how heavily outnumbered his fleet was. He clasped his hands behind his back, considering his options in the coming battle. “Has there been any Druin response to my father’s requests for communications?”

  “No,” answered the communications officer. “So far the Druins are refusing any contact.”

  “All the orbiting stations, including the shipyards, are being evacuated,” added Captain Brunson. On the tactical display, numerous small green icons, representing shuttles and small ships, were visible, heading toward the planet.

  Aiden returned to his command chair and pressed an icon on his control console, which put him in contact with all the ships of the fleet. “This is High Prince Aiden Starguard. In a few minutes we will be engaged against the Druin fleet, which is advancing toward Golan Four. We are trying to buy time for my father to establish contact with the commander of the Druin forces to offer our surrender.” Aiden paused, taking a deep breath. “Most of us will not survive this battle, but we will make sure the Druins and the Confederation long remember this day. It has been an honor to serve as your commanding officer.”

  Looking at the main viewscreen, now showing the Druin fleet up close, Aiden felt his breath catch in his throat. The Druin battleships were nearly twice the size of the Vindicator and very deadly.


  On board the Druin flagship, Admiral Kalar stood with his thick arms folded across his chest. Shortly this threat to the Confederation would be crushed, and the Humans would become vassals to the seven major Confederation races. The Humans could serve in thousands of ways.

  “The Human fleet has formed into a defensive globe,” reported his second in command. “We should easily destroy it.”

  “Engagement range,” reported the tactical officer in a cold voice.

  Admiral Kalar drew in a deep breath. “Fire, destroy the Humans.” Once the Human fleet was destroyed, he would make his demands of their King. Nothing short of a complete and unconditional surrender would be accepted.


  Aiden felt the Vindicator shake violently from the opening salvos of the battle. On the main viewscreens, several ships in his fleet were blown apart in huge explosions of raw energy. Aiden looked over meaningfully at Admiral Cross. “How long can we survive?” He wanted to buy his father as much time as possible.

  “Not long,” replied Cross, as several more Human ships vanished from the tactical display.

  Aiden’s face grew stormy. He had never thought his life would end this way. For several heart-stopping minutes he issued orders, as he tried to keep his fleet alive for as long as possible.


  In the Human fleet, intense rays of raw energy from the Druin battleships slammed into energy shields, in many cases overloading them. The bow section of a cruiser exploded, and debris drifted away from the ship as it lost power and then blew apart. Another Druin energy beam penetrated the weakened shield of a small support ship, blowing an energy beam turret to shreds and blasting out a massive hole in the hull. It was the same throughout the fleet, as the overwhelming power of the Druin vessels threatened to make this a short and costly battle for the Humans.


  The Vindicator shuddered when two sublight missiles hit her energy shield, severely jarring the ship. The screen seemed to flicker, and then the flickering vanished as the screen returned to full power.

  Aiden looked quickly around the Command Center to see if everyone was okay. Everyone was still at their consoles, issuing orders and keeping the ship functioning.

  “We’re losing ships too rapidly,” reported Admiral Cross, a pained look in his eyes. “We’ve already lost sixty-eight vessels, and we’ve only managed to destroy seven Druin ships.”

  “Close the formation,” ordered Aiden. “We must give my father more time to get through to the Druins.”

  Just then the deck heaved under High Prince Starguard, and he found himself flying through the air. He crashed to the deck, coming up hard against the navigation console. He heard alarms sounding and people shouting commands.

  “Prince Starguard, are you okay?” asked Captain Brunson, rushing to the fallen prince.

  “Barely,” Aiden answered. Struggling to stand, he stumbled back to his command chair. Looking around, he saw smoke and sparks everywhere. Alarms screamed from the damage control console, as red lights rapidly blinked on. “What happened?” He knew the Vindicator was heavily damaged.

  “Four energy beams penetrated our energy screen,” reported Admiral Cross, stepping close to Aiden. The admiral’s left arm hung limply at his side. “Our energy shield is down, and we’re streaming atmosphere.”

  “Your arm?” asked Aiden, his eyes widening.

  “Broken,” replied Admiral Cross with a grimace. “I took a painkiller. I’ll be fine.”

  Aiden looked at Captain Brunson, speaking with the damage control officer. The captain looked back at Aiden, shaking his head.

  Taking a deep breath, Aiden prepared to die with his ship. From the look on the face of Captain Brunson, Aiden knew his ship could not withstand another energy beam or missile strike. He wished he cou
ld have seen and spoken to his parents and his sister one last time.


  On board the Druin flagship, Expanse, Admiral Kalar nodded in satisfaction as the Human fleet was methodically destroyed.

  “Their flagship has been heavily damaged,” reported the second officer.

  Admiral Kalar paused for a moment, as if in thought. “Capture it intact. Its commanding officer might be useful.”

  “What about the rest of its crew?”

  “Exterminate all but the command crew,” ordered Kalar. “Those will be the only ones of value.”


  Over the next few minutes all the Human ships except the flagship were obliterated. Space near the planet was filled with the glowing wreckage of its once-proud fleets. When the fighting finally stopped, only the flagship survived. It was heavily damaged, with most of its weapons destroyed, as well as its drive systems. The ship could not escape as Druin shuttles docked to the vessel, blasting open the hatches, allowing heavily armored Druin soldiers to board.


  Aiden was in his command chair, listening to the reports coming in from across his ship of Druin soldiers working their way toward the Command Center. Heavy fighting sounded throughout the ship.

  “They’re killing everyone,” said Captain Brunson, his face pale as a ghost. “They are sparing no one. Even unarmed crewmembers are dying.”

  Aiden stepped to the arms locker near the tactical station, taking a small energy pistol from it. Most of the command crew was now armed and prepared to make the final sacrifice for the Empire.

  Taking a deep breath, Aiden heard the sound of energy weapons firing in the corridor beyond the sealed hatch. Then, with a loud roar, the thick hatch was flung off its hinges, and several round objects were tossed into the Command Center.

  “Grenades!” yelled Captain Brunson, stepping over to shield the prince with his body.

  The grenades went off, and Aiden felt his consciousness fade away. The battle for him was over.

  Chapter Two

  Layla was in her quarters when Admiral Vexx came in. “Princess, it’s time for us to go.”

  “My brother?”

  Admiral Vexx shook his head. “Unknown. His fleet and the others were destroyed in orbit. We know the Druins boarded the Vindicator, but no word has been received.”

  Layla nodded her head in acceptance and turned toward Krista. “Is everything packed?”

  “Yes, Princess,” Krista replied. “Everything has been sent ahead.”

  Layla turned toward the admiral. “What about my father and mother?”

  “Your parents are remaining here. The King feels it’s his duty to negotiate with the Druins for the sake of the Empire.”

  Layla’s face turned pale. “They will kill him!”

  Admiral Vexx blinked his eyes and did not reply.

  “Come, Princess. We must go,” urged Krista, as she took the Princess’s hand. “We don’t have a lot of time.”

  Princess Layla drew in a deep breath. Her world was coming to an end. Her brother was most likely dead, and her parents would soon be also. It was her duty to preserve the Royal Line. She looked at Admiral Vexx. “Where are we at on Operation Exodus?”

  “Ahead of schedule. Most of the ships assigned have already left. Your own ship is ready and is only waiting for your arrival.”

  “Can we make it off the planet?”

  Admiral Vexx nodded. “It’s a small stealth cruiser, and the Druins cannot detect it, but we need to hurry. They will begin landing troops at any moment.”

  Layla hesitated as she looked around her quarters. This had been her home her entire life. She knew that, once she left, she could never come back. “Let’s go,” she said, as she turned and stepped through the door.


  As they made their way through the Imperial Palace, Layla couldn’t help but notice the absence of people. Even most of the palace guards seemed to be missing.

  “Where is everybody?” she asked.

  “Many have fled to the countryside,” replied Admiral Vexx, as he ushered them down a side corridor. “They fear reprisals from the Druins when they arrive. We are already hearing horror stories from other Imperial worlds. The Druins are executing the governors and ruling families on many of our more prosperous planets. Many have gone into hiding. Also some antimatter weapons have been used, though we’re not certain how many. Casualties will be in the millions, if not more.”

  Layla felt faint. The Empire was coming to an end. “What will they do here?” This greatly concerned her, since Golan Four was the homeworld of the Human race, as well as the seat of Imperial power.

  “They will set an example,” replied Admiral Vexx as they neared a door, where two guards waited. “The Druins will most likely destroy the palace, as well as execute anyone who remains.”

  Going through the door, Layla saw an aircar waiting for them. As soon as they were inside, the aircar took off and flew rapidly toward a small private spaceport on the edge of the city. Looking out the windows, Layla could see the roads and airways were full of vehicles, all fleeing the city.


  It didn’t take them long to arrive at the spaceport. The aircar sat down next to a small spacecraft, and Admiral Vexx quickly got the two women on board. Once that was done, he turned to leave.

  “Aren’t you staying with us?” asked Princess Layla. She had known the admiral for years; he was almost like an uncle.

  Admiral Vexx shook his head. “No, my duty is to your father, and I must remain. People at your destination will take care of you. Remember, Princess. You represent the future of the Empire. It is our great hope that someday you will return and will free us from the clutches of the Confederation. Long live the Empire!” With that, the admiral left, the Princess and Krista stood watching as he got back into the aircar and headed toward the palace.

  “Come with me, Princess,” said a young man in a captain’s uniform. “We must leave shortly. Reports indicate the Druins are beginning their landing operations.”

  The hatch shut, and Layla and Krista followed the captain down a short corridor to another hatch. He opened it and indicated for them to go inside.

  “These will be your quarters until we reach Sanctuary. If you need anything, let one of the other officers know.”

  Layla stepped inside and was surprised at how spacious the quarters were. She turned back to the captain. “How many others are coming with us?”

  “Just you and Krista,” replied the captain. “Everyone else has already lifted off. This ship was specifically designed to get at least one member of the Royal Family to safety.”

  Layla nodded. “You better get to your duties, Captain. I’m sure Krista and I will be fine.”

  The captain nodded. “Two acceleration couches are in your room. Buckle yourselves in, and later I’ll announce the all clear when it’s okay for you to move around again. While I don’t expect any problems, we don’t know for certain how well this ship’s stealth systems will hold up against the sensors on Druin ships.” With that, the captain shut the door, leaving the two women alone.

  Layla looked at Krista. She could see the nervous look on her cousin’s face. “Don’t worry. We’ll be fine. Now let’s go find those two acceleration chairs and buckle in. Afterward we can check out our new quarters as well as the ship.”


  Captain Derrick Masters made his way quickly to the Command Center in the small stealth cruiser. The ship had been designed to protect the Royal Family and to get them safely away from harm’s way. He was about to find out just how well his fancy ship was built.

  Taking his seat, he took in a deep breath. “Are we ready?”

  “Yes, sir,” replied Lieutenant Commander Audrey Banora. “All systems are powered up, and we’re ready to leave.”

  “I would recommend we do it quickly,” added Lieutenant Keela Nower from the sensor console. “I’m detecting large numbers of Druin assault shuttles heading toward the surface. Many towar
d the palace.”

  “Lieutenant Viktor, get us out of here,” ordered Derrick, looking at the navigation and helm officer.

  “Activating thrusters,” replied Viktor, as his hands grasped the controls in front of him.


  The Destiny rose up on its thrusters and then darted away from the palace, staying low until they were over the countryside. Then the ship arrowed up toward orbit.


  Derrick looked at one of the viewscreens, which was focused on the capitol. The airways and roads were full of vehicles fleeing the city. Already thick smoke rose from numerous accidents, and even a few buildings were burning. Derrick still had several cousins on the surface. He hoped they would be okay.

  “Picking up a lot of wreckage in orbit,” reported Lieutenant Nower. “Most of it fleet ships with wreckage mixed in from a few Druin vessels.”

  “At least we got some of them,” said Lieutenant Commander Banora, as the view on the screens shifted to the wreckage.

  Derrick felt stunned and sickened at seeing the ruins of the fleet. It had been shattered. Every vessel on the viewscreens had been blown apart. He doubted if anyone could have survived. Even if they did, no one was here to rescue them.

  “Sir, I have located the Vindicator.”

  The flagship appeared on the main viewscreen. It was heavily damaged but still intact. Druin assault shuttles were docked to it.

  “What will the Prince do?” asked Lieutenant Cleo Ashen from Communications. “Will he surrender?” She had a lot of respect for the Prince.

  Derrick shook his head. “No, I know Prince Starguard very well. We went to the academy together. He won’t be captured alive, if he can help it.” Derrick felt great sadness, knowing his friend would most likely die in the fighting on board the flagship, if he hadn’t already. “Are any other ships intact?” Derrick didn’t want to believe the entire fleet had been destroyed.

  “No, sir,” replied Lieutenant Nower, shaking her head. “Only the Vindicator is left.”

  Lieutenant Commander Banora looked at Derrick. “Ships may still be in other systems.”


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