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The Forgotten Empire: Banishment: Book One

Page 12

by Raymond L. Weil

  Andrew stepped out into the corridor, finding the three women waiting for him. All three were dressed in ship uniforms.

  Lieutenant Commander Banora started down the short corridor and stopped next to a closed hatch, opened it, and gestured for the others to enter. “I must return to the Command Center. We’re on our way back to Sanctuary and should be arriving there in a few hours.”

  Rachael looked at the lieutenant commander with concern. “What about the rest of the escape pods?”

  “Captain Masters will explain the reasons for not rescuing them. I’m sorry.” With that, Lieutenant Commander Banora turned and went down the corridor to another hatch. After opening it, she passed through and then shut it.

  “Let’s go in and find out what’s going on,” suggested Andrew, as he gestured for the three women to go in first.

  The women went through the hatch, and Andrew followed. They were in a small conference room. An officer in an Imperial captain’s uniform sat at the head of the table. Seeing the four of them, the captain stood. “I’m Captain Masters of the stealth light cruiser Destiny. If all of you will sit down, I will try to explain what’s going on.”

  Andrew took a seat, and the three women sat down as well. All turned and looked expectantly at the captain.

  “I’m sure all of you are wondering why we’re not rescuing the other three escape pods.”

  “Yes,” said Rachael, the aggravation showing in her voice. “We have friends and fellow shipmates on board those pods. Very shortly they will run out of life support.”

  Captain Masters let out a deep sigh. “It was a very difficult decision. There was a serious debate about whether we should even risk rescuing your pod. The only reason we did is because of Mr. Wilcox’s presence and the fact he had in his possession a hyperlight transmitter. This is the only stealth ship Sanctuary possesses, and it’s over one thousand years old.”

  “So, you’ll just let them die?” Rachael could not believe what she was hearing.

  “We have little choice,” replied Captain Masters. “Just rescuing the four of you carried significant risk. The Druin interdiction system monitors the entire Solar System for signs of any suspicious activity. We dare not lead them back to Sanctuary. Too much is at stake. Even now we are monitoring the Druin system. If there are any signs we’ve been detected, we can’t return.”

  “You said you rescued us because Andrew was on board. Why?”

  Captain Masters looked at Andrew. “We’ve been monitoring Earth for centuries. We were well aware that some of the advancements made on the planet were coming about too quickly. It was obvious some group was manipulating various scientific discoveries on the planet. We suspected it was descendents of the Imperial survivors who were banished there over one thousand years ago. When we detected the hyperlight message from Andrew, it pretty-well confirmed that. Our leaderships wants to speak to Andrew to get a better understanding of what is happening on Earth and what Andrew’s people are planning. It is far too early for Earth to draw the attention of the Druins. The planet needs to continue to advance until it has a unified government and its technology reaches the level of the Empire when we left it. That part will be difficult, as Earth must not develop hyperlight travel. That would bring an immediate response from the Druins.”

  “The Alcubierre Drive we’re working on,” said Rachael, her eyes widening. “We’re only a few years away from testing it.”

  “That must not happen,” said Captain Masters. “Faster-than-light travel needs to be delayed for at least another one hundred years.”


  Andrew decided to speak up. He had been listening carefully to everything Captain Masters had said. “It won’t work as expected. My own people are involved in the project. The Alcubierre Drive needs some exotic matter to function properly. What will be used only allows a top speed of just below that of light. It will make more of the Solar System accessible but still keep Earth away from the nearer stars. We don’t believe the Druins will react to the new drive system as long as it stays below light speed.”

  “Perhaps,” replied Captain Masters, his gaze focused on Andrew. “Our leadership will be interested in hearing from you. As I said before, it was the primary reason we decided to risk rescuing your escape pod.”

  “I still wish we could do something for the others,” said Rachael, feeling guilty about being rescued while the others would be left to die.

  “It was a difficult decision,” said Captain Masters. “You must realize, as far as we’re concerned, we’re still at war with the Confederation. Sometimes in war, sacrifices must be made, even very unpleasant ones. I promise you, if I could safely rescue the other pods I would do so.”

  Andrew understood the reasoning. They had experienced some of the same things on Earth in the past. “How soon before we reach Sanctuary?”

  “Six hours,” replied Captain Masters. “There is food available in the galley, if you are hungry. As far as answering more of your questions, that will have to wait until we reach Sanctuary. I’m sure you have many more, but I’ve told you all that I’m allowed to.”

  Captain Masters pressed a button on a small screen in front of him, and moments later an ensign appeared.

  “Please escort Mr. Wilcox and these ladies to the galley and show them how to operate the food preparation systems. I’ll be returning to the Command Center.”

  The ensign nodded. “I’m Ensign Brenda Allert. “If you will follow me, I’ll take all of you to the galley.”


  As the group left, Captain Masters stood, a look of worry on his face. He hadn’t told them that none of them would ever be allowed to leave Sanctuary. He also still felt badly about not being able to rescue the other pods.

  Chapter Nine

  Major Henderson was in his quarters at the space station, gazing worriedly at the blank screen of his hyperlight communicator. Andrew had missed his last two check-ins.

  “Still nothing?” asked Brett over the communicator.

  “No,” replied Henderson. “I can come up with only two explanations. Something happened that destroyed the escape pod, or they were rescued by a ship from Sanctuary.”

  “Have you received a message from the Endeavor? I’m certain Captain Greer would have sent one, explaining the situation.”

  “I arranged for that message to be intercepted and routed to my quarters. For the time being, it will appear the ship has vanished.”

  Brett was silent for a moment. “I’ll use our connections with the space program and the government to make an announcement that the Endeavor was lost to an unknown hazard and that we’re currently investigating to discover what happened to the ship.”

  “I guess all we can do is wait and see if we hear from Andrew. Which brings up another subject. What will we do about Kala Wright’s father?”

  “That’s being taken care of. I have him meeting with a government official and several of our own scientists. While he’s doing that, I have a crew under Alan Foster, clearing out the cave. When Professor Wright returns, all he will find is an empty cave and a few pieces of broken pottery. The paintings and writings on the wall are being removed and replaced with primitive drawings.”

  “He won’t be pleased with that,” said Henderson. “I sort of feel sorry for the man.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Foster will be there when he returns, and after he sees the cave, Foster will take him to the side and explain what has happened and the reason why.”

  “What will we tell him about his daughter?”

  “Nothing yet, not until we know more.”

  Henderson understood the reasons for all the caution. “Let’s just hope we hear from Andrew soon.”

  “We’re all hoping that,” replied Brett. “I’ll go see his parents later today and explain what we think may have happened. Let’s just hope, if he is at Sanctuary, they allow him to communicate with us.”


  Andrew was in his quarters, talking to Kala, when Ensign Aller
t came in. “We will be docking at Sanctuary in twenty minutes. Mr. Wilcox, Captain Masters has requested your presence in the Command Center.”

  Andrew was both surprised and pleased by this request.

  “I guess I’ll talk to you later,” said Kala, as she stood to go to her quarters.

  Andrew followed Ensign Allert through the ship to the Command Center. Upon entering, Andrew looked around, stunned at all the modern equipment. It made the Command Center of the Endeavor look archaic. Large viewscreens covered the walls, and numerous manned consoles were strategically placed about the room. Captain Masters sat on a slightly raised platform in the center, where he could easily see everything.

  “How has your stay been so far, Mr. Wilcox?” asked Captain Masters.

  “Wonderful,” replied Andrew. “I never expected to be on an Imperial warship.”

  Captain Masters smiled. “We’re not much of a warship. We’re a stealth vessel, and our best offensive weapon is not to be seen.”

  Andrew nodded. “Where are we going?”

  Captain Masters gestured to one of the viewscreens, showing a magnified view of an asteroid.

  “Pallas,” gasped Andrew, recognizing the asteroid. “I scanned Pallas and could not detect anything.”

  “That’s because everything is buried deep beneath the ground. We only have a few sensors and communication devices on the surface, and they’re camouflaged.”

  Andrew watched as Pallas grew larger on the viewscreen. When they were close to the asteroid, a large hatch disguised as a crater slid open, revealing a dimly lit interior. The Destiny moved slowly inside and then lowered itself onto a waiting spacedock.

  “This spacedock was built specifically for the Destiny,” explained Captain Masters. “It was believed there might be occasions where we had to take the ship out. As I said before, it’s the only ship we have that’s fully stealth capable.”

  On one of the viewscreens, the hatch slid shut, and a green light flared up on one of the consoles. Instantly the lights outside the ship brightened to full intensity.

  “Atmosphere and temperature are normal,” reported Lieutenant Keela Nower from her sensor console.

  “What now?” asked Andrew. On the viewscreens, he could see numerous uniformed people moving around outside the ship.

  “Ensign Allert will show the four of you to your quarters. Then someone will come to take you to a meeting with our Imperial Council. I’m sure you have a number of questions you would like to have answered, and the Council will have some they would like you to answer.”

  “Are we held as prisoners?” asked Andrew.

  Captain Masters let out a deep sigh. “No, but I don’t know if you will be allowed to return home because of the added security risk. It probably would not be a problem with you, but for the other three it may well be.”

  Andrew didn’t know if he would feel comfortable going home and leaving the others here. It was something he would have to think about.


  Ensign Allert led Andrew and the three women to their new quarters. Stepping inside, Andrew looked around in amazement. The room was quite comfortable and even had a small kitchen in one end.

  “The bedroom is through that door,” said Brenda, “and through the other door is the restroom. You should find everything you need. I’ll have someone come by and measure you for a proper uniform and civilian clothes for the three women.”

  “Thank you,” replied Andrew. He looked at Brenda and asked a question that he was curious about. “Were you born in the Empire?”

  Brenda hesitated and then nodded. “Yes, I was born on the capital world of Golan Four, which is the birthplace of the Human race. I was fortunate to be included in Project Exodus and placed on board the Destiny. Captain Masters is one of our best commanding officers.”

  “Are any Royals here?”

  “I can’t answer that,” Brenda replied uneasily. “You must ask the Council that question.”

  Andrew nodded. From her answer, he was certain there were. He wondered who it was. “Do you know how soon I will be summoned to come in front of the Council?”

  “Tomorrow,” answered Brenda. “It will be best for the four of you to have a good meal and then a night of rest. Tomorrow may be a long day for all of you. I know the Council is particularly interested in hearing from you. They will have a lot of questions about what your people have been doing on Earth and what their future plans are.”

  “I’ll answer as best as I can,” promised Andrew. He hoped they would answer his questions as well.

  “I know you will. I need to contact the store’s clerk and have him send someone to come by and measure you for your uniform. He will also check with the women to see what they would like to wear. If you want, I can be present to give them some suggestions so they won’t feel out of place. Not everyone on Pallas is military. We have a quite large civilian population as well.”

  “That would be great,” replied Andrew. “I’m sure they will appreciate that.” He wanted the women to feel as comfortable as possible. He knew what was going on had to be difficult for all three of them. Particularly after losing the rest of the crew.

  Brenda nodded and left Andrew, closing the door behind her. Andrew noticed it was not a metal hatch but a regular door. He explored his quarters, finding nearly everything was recognizable. Even a computer station but he couldn’t access it as it asked for a password. He found a video screen on the wall in the bedroom with a remote control. Turning it on, he found several entertainment channels and one news channel. He sat on the bed, listening to the news channel as it reported the destruction of the Endeavor and the rescue of part of its crew.


  “The question was raised with the Council as to why they risked the revelation of Sanctuary in order to rescue one of the escape pods from the destroyed ship. Supposedly a descendent of the Imperials was on board, from those stranded on Earth over one thousand years ago. Even more important, this Imperial knows about the Empire and is fully aware of the war with the Confederation. He and those with him were rescued so he could be questioned about the current progress of Earth and if more Imperials are on the planet.”

  The newscaster paused. “In order to rescue the escape pod without revealing Sanctuary’s presence, the crew of the Destiny were awakened. For those of you who don’t know, the Destiny is an Imperial light cruiser with full stealth capabilities. It rescued the pod and its four occupants without exposing its presence.”

  “Everyone is curious to hear what this Earth Imperial has to say. We’re all hoping more Imperials are on Earth, as it would be a great help in what we here on Pallas are trying to accomplish.”


  Andrew lay back on the bed and spent the next several hours watching further newscasts. It was a good way to learn more about the Imperials living inside the asteroid.

  A knock came at his door, and a young man wearing an ensign’s uniform came in.

  “I was sent to measure you for your uniform,” the ensign informed Andrew.

  “Go ahead,” replied Andrew.

  “Just stand straight, sir.”

  The ensign took out a small scanner and played it over Andrew’s body. “That does it. I’ll have several uniforms made up and delivered in a few hours.”

  “Are you going to the women’s quarters next?”

  The ensign nodded. “Yes, Ensign Allert is already with them and waiting on me.”

  “Then you better get going.”

  The ensign started to leave and then paused. “Ensign Allert asked me to invite you to the evening meal. The other three women will be coming as well.”

  “Sounds fine to me.”

  “I’ll tell them.” With that, the ensign left.

  Andrew returned to the bedroom to watch more of the news. He wanted to know as much as possible about Pallas before he met with their Imperial Council.


  Several hours later the ensign returned with the uniforms as well as other clothin
g, including a formal dinner jacket as well.

  “Wear the jacket with your uniform when you meet the Council,” suggested the ensign. “It will make an impression on them and show respect.”

  “Thank you,” replied Andrew.

  “If you want to go ahead and change, I’ll wait and take you to the dining hall for the evening meal.”

  “Give me a few minutes,” said Andrew, as he picked up one of the uniforms and a few other articles. He headed off to the bedroom to change clothes.


  A few minutes later Andrew returned, cleaned up and wearing his new uniform. It had no insignia other than a patch on each shoulder, identifying him as an Imperial. It was also extremely comfortable. Andrew wondered what type fabric it was made out of. “Let’s go.”

  The ensign nodded and led Andrew out the door and down the corridor. They walked for a considerable distance and took several turbolifts, until they reached the level where the dining hall was located.

  Going inside, Andrew was surprised to see its size and immediately noted several hundred people were present, eating their evening meal. The ensign led him to a table where the three women sat, as well as Ensign Allert.

  “Andrew,” said Kala, standing and smiling. “You look absolutely stunning in that uniform. Here. Sit down next to me.”

  Andrew noticed that all three women wore simple blouses and colorful skirts. He sat down. Rachael frowned slightly.

  A steward came over and stood at the table, looking at the group. “What would you like for tonight?”

  Andrew looked at Brenda. “We have no idea what food you have available here. Why don’t you order for all of us?”

  Brenda nodded. “No problem. Later I’ll have one of the stewards bring a menu over, and I’ll explain what all the food items are.” Brenda quickly placed the food order for all and then leaned back, relaxing. “This will be my first real meal in over one thousand years.”

  “What!” exclaimed Rachael, her eyes widening. “I don’t understand.”


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