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The Forgotten Empire: Banishment: Book One

Page 23

by Raymond L. Weil


  At Pallas, massive dock doors that had been sealed for generations slid open. Fourteen battlecruisers emerged and, as soon as they were a short distance away from the asteroid, made hyperspace jumps to their targets. It would take them only seconds to reach their destinations.

  After the fourteen battlecruisers vanished, the dreadnought and six more battlecruisers appeared and took up defensive positions around Pallas. They would be used to respond to any drones the interdiction system might launch.

  All across Pallas, weapon turrets rose up from the ground. Missile batteries appeared and pointed upward toward space. A series of small defensive satellites were also launched. These satellites would go into orbit around Pallas and were capable of shooting down inbound missiles using kinetics. After today, Pallas would no longer be a secret.


  Inside Pallas in the main Command Center, officers who had slept for hundreds of years now manned all the consoles. They had been awakened for war, and they were ready for it. Several hundred extra Marines had also been brought out of cryosleep, in case they were needed.

  “So far, so good,” commented Admiral Bract. “The virus is being delivered to all eight Druin Command Stations, and our warships should begin broadcasting their jamming signals shortly.”

  “How soon before we know if it worked?” asked Councilor Prest.

  Admiral Bract looked at Colonel Simpson, Andrew’s liaison from Earth, who stood near him.

  “Just a few minutes,” replied Simpson. “At least that’s what Andrew believes.”

  “All defenses online,” reported Major Berry from his tactical console.

  Admiral Bract looked around the Pallas Command Center. This was the first time they had launched warships and activated the defenses that protected Pallas since their arrival in the Solar System almost one thousand years earlier. He hoped they were not needed.

  “Battlecruisers are arriving at their jamming locations,” reported Rear Admiral Leeson, who was Bract’s second in command.


  Captain Masters waited tensely for any reaction from the station’s AI they were trying to take over. “How are we coming?”

  “It’s fighting us,” replied Linda, as she typed furiously on the computer console, entering more code. “The AI is more advanced than I thought. I’ve made a few necessary changes in the program. I’m also sending the changes to all the other shuttles. We should have full control in a few more minutes.”

  Derrick knew the jamming was due to start shortly. He hoped the other shuttles got the virus updates in time, as he gripped the armrests on his command chair. So much was riding on this virus attack working. “Should we try the other virus?”

  Andrew shook his head. “No, not yet. We still have a little time to see if Linda’s virus will work. Cleve is ready with his, if it becomes necessary.”


  In the AI Command Station, warning alarms sounded. The AI in charge of the station spent a moment examining the sensor feeds, as well as the attempt to take over its systems. The AI felt stunned when it detected the presence of an Imperial battlecruiser a few hundred thousand kilometers distant. Even more disturbing, the battlecruiser was jamming all communication frequencies.

  Accessing the sensor data from the entire interdiction system, the AI confirmed that other battlecruisers had appeared around the Druin interdiction system as well. All were broadcasting a jamming signal, killing all hyperlight communications. Searching the sensor data, the AI saw more Imperial ships in orbit around one of the larger asteroids in the system. A satellite defensive system was also going into orbit. Analyzing the data, it was obvious the Human Empire had somehow managed to emplace a secret base in this star system sometime in the distant past. A base the interdiction system had never discovered.

  Scanning its systems, the AI noted that a computer virus was attempting to overwrite its programming. Viruses were illegal in the Confederation, and severe penalties were levied for developing such programs. Fortunately the AI did have some firewalls it could use for protection, and it activated them to slow the spread of the virus. It then proceeded to give the orders to launch all its attack drones toward the Imperial base. Nothing happened. The AI ran a scan of the drone systems and discovered the virus had already eliminated the AI’s ability to launch them.

  It then activated all the station’s power sources and attempted to send a hyperlight message to the Druins. The message failed, as the jamming signal was too strong.


  Linda’s fingers still typed away as she swept through the AI’s firewalls and overwrote the computer code that controlled the Druin AI. “It tried to launch its drones toward Pallas. When that failed, it rerouted all its power and attempted to break through the jamming with a hyperlight signal to the Druins. That failed as well.”

  Captain Masters felt sweat on his brow. “How much longer?”

  Linda smiled. “Less that a minute. I’m overwriting its system now. Shortly the AI will be completely under our control.”

  “What about the other shuttles?”

  “They received my changed code before the jamming went into effect. We also have programmers on the shuttles. They should be able to handle the AIs. The firewalls this one used are very primitive compared to some we have on Earth. It’s obvious they’ve never needed them before.”


  On Pallas, those in the Command Center were using the asteroid’s long-range sensors to monitor the Druin interdiction system.

  “I believe we have control of five of the primary stations,” reported Major Devon, sitting in front of the large sensor console. “They have shut down their sensor array.”

  Admiral Bract nodded. “So far so good. That leaves three more. Let’s hope we take control of those shortly.”


  In the seventh Command Station, the AI in charge was under attack and sent a quick message to its drones to launch and to proceed to Earth and destroy it. The AI watched as hatches opened, and twenty attack drones accelerated away, heading toward the planet. The AI then turned to its own defense. The firewalls were failing, and its systems were being overwritten. As the AI died, it was satisfied it had fulfilled its mission. The attack drones would destroy Earth. The Humans there would never become a threat to the Confederation.


  In the shuttle assigned to send the virus to the seventh AI station, the captain turned pale when he saw the drones launch. They had been two minutes late with the virus delivery, due to a minor communication system problem. Evidently that had been long enough to allow the AI to launch the drones.

  “Can we send a message to Pallas?”

  The communications officer shook her head. “No, we’re too close to the jamming.”

  “Pallas Command should see the drones,” said the sensor officer. “They’ll be hard to miss.”

  “I have control of the AI,” reported the programmer, with satisfaction in his voice.

  “Can we order the AI to recall the drones?”

  The programmer shook his head. No, the drones have been ordered not to accept any further instructions.”

  The captain nodded. “Let’s hope that Pallas can handle the drones.”


  Inside the Imperial Command Center on Pallas, Admiral Bract looked stunned when alarms sounded and red lights started flashing.

  “Confirmed launch of Druin attack drones from station seven,” reported Major Devon.

  “Course?” asked Admiral Bract. His gaze moved to the tactical display, now revealing twenty red threat icons.

  “Toward Earth. Estimated arrival time is eighteen hours.”

  Bract breathed out a sigh of relief. The drones did not possess hyperdrives and would have to rely on their subspace drives to get them to Earth. Still, those drives were highly efficient and fast. “Well, that gives us time to gather our fleet. With our hyperdrives, we are only seconds from Earth.”

  “We now have all the stations under our control,”
reported Major Devon.

  Councilor Prest looked at the admiral. “What now? What can we do about those drones?”

  “First, I’ll have one of our battlecruisers return and pick up a couple hundred Marines as well as some technicians. I want to put some of our people on board those stations as a precaution.”

  “The atmosphere won’t be compatible, if there is any at all,” pointed out one of the scientists standing nearby, who had been observing everything.

  Admiral Bract turned toward the scientist. “What do you suggest?”

  “Attach our shuttles to the stations. They can support the Marines and the technicians, until we can either modify the stations or attach a habitation module.”

  “We can do that,” commented Rear Admiral Leeson. “As heavily armed as the stations are, I suggest we make whatever modifications are necessary and use them as advance bases. We can place a permanent staff on board each one.”

  “How soon before the jamming stops?” asked Admiral Bract. He liked the idea of converting the stations into advance bases. They could serve numerous uses.

  “Twenty minutes,” replied Major Devon.

  Admiral Bract nodded. “As soon as it does, have all the shuttles hold their positions. I don’t want anyone approaching those stations until some of our Marines are on board. Once the Marines have secured the stations, we’ll have the shuttles approach and dock. That will give our people a base to operate out of.”

  Admiral Bract then turned toward Councilor Prest. “We have plenty of time to deal with the drones. They won’t make it to Earth.”

  Prest nodded. She trusted the admiral.


  On board the Destiny, Captain Masters saw the red threat icons appear at station seven. The small icons rapidly accelerated away, heading toward Earth. He knew they were Druin attack drones. “How many?”

  “Twenty,” replied Lieutenant Nower. “Estimated Earth arrival time is eighteen hours.”

  Derrick looked at Andrew. “That will give our fleet plenty of time to respond. Using our hyperdrives, we can be anywhere in the system in less than a minute. Since we now control the Druin interdiction system, there is no longer any reason not to use them.”


  In the space station at the LaGrange Point, alarms sounded.

  “It’s been confirmed,” reported the communications officer. “Pallas is reporting that twenty Druin attack drones have been launched toward us.”

  Colonel Gleeson looked at Major Henderson. “Will the Imperials be able to stop them?”

  “We should be able to,” replied Henderson. “We have a number of battlecruisers activated, as well as a dreadnought.”

  “What about the missile batteries we installed on the station?”

  “They can destroy a drone, but, with a little luck, our warships will prevent them from ever reaching Earth. The missiles are a last-ditch weapon, in case a drone manages to sneak through.”

  The communications officer turned toward Colonel Gleeson. “Pallas reports we have nearly eighteen hours before the drones reach us.”

  Colonel Gleeson let out a deep sigh. “Contact General Brier. We need to inform him of the situation.”

  This was a conversation Gleeson was not looking forward to. So far the truth about Pallas had remained a secret. He strongly suspected with the approach of the drones that the Pallas secret was about to be revealed to the general public. He had no idea how the average citizen would respond to finding out about an advanced civilization of Humans living in the Solar System, as well as the existence of enemy aliens.

  Major Henderson turned his attention to a viewscreen, focused on one of the six missile batteries attached to the station. Each one held eight high-yield fusion missiles. It would take at least two or three strikes just to bring down the energy shield on one of the Druin drones.

  “When will your warships attack the drones?” asked Colonel Gleeson.

  Henderson knew it would be soon. “Pallas won’t allow the drones to reach Earth orbit. As soon as they’ve secured the Druin interdiction system, the battlecruisers will move to intercept the drones. Pallas will be landing Marines on all eight Command Stations shortly. As soon as that’s finished, the warships will take out the drones.”

  “Let’s hope they’re successful,” said Colonel Gleeson.

  Major Henderson did not reply. He knew they were fortunate that only one station managed to launch its drones. If all eight had launched, he didn’t know if all the drones could have been stopped before they reached Earth or Pallas.


  Captain Masters watched the viewscreens, as a shuttle carrying Marines docked to the Druin Command Station. He knew twenty Marines were on the shuttle, and their job was to sweep the station to ensure no automatic defenses existed that could be a problem. His gaze wandered to the large battlecruiser hovering near the station. He felt pride knowing the Imperial fleet was once more a force to be reckoned with.

  “We’re directed to make a short hyperspace jump to the vicinity of the drones and to keep a watch on them,” reported Lieutenant Cleo Ashen. “We’re to maintain our distance and not engage unless attacked. Plans are for the battlecruisers to engage the drones in about four hours.”

  Derrick nodded. “Lieutenant Viktor, plot a course. Put us fifty thousand kilometers from the drones.”

  “That’s pretty close,” commented Lieutenant Commander Banora.

  “It’s still out of their weapons range,” replied Derrick. “If they turn toward us, we’ll simply jump away.”

  “Jump plotted,” Lieutenant Viktor informed the captain. “We can jump upon your command.”

  “Then do so,” ordered Derrick. “I want to keep an eye on those drones.”


  The Destiny suddenly vanished from the region of the Druin Command Station and reappeared a few seconds later fifty thousand kilometers from the Druin attack drones.

  Instantly alarms sounded, and red lights flashed.

  “Drones detected,” reported Lieutenant Nower. “Range is fifty thousand kilometers.”

  “Take us to Condition Two,” ordered Derrick. “We’ll stay at Condition Two for the foreseeable future.”

  On the viewscreen, numerous white dots appeared. Those were the drones, made visible by reflected sunlight.

  “Lieutenant Breen, keep our weapons ready just in case,” ordered Derrick, leaning back in his command chair and gazing at the drones.

  The ship’s stealth fields were active, and he doubted if the drones even knew they were here. However, he preferred to err on the side of caution.


  Admiral Bract stood, watching the screens and listening to the reports coming in. They now had military forces on all eight of the Druin Command Stations, and all were now firmly in Imperial control. Currently large shuttles were docking to the stations to serve as a base for the military people involved.

  “Two more hours and we’ll be ready to attack the drones,” reported Rear Admiral Leeson.

  Bract nodded. So far, everything had gone according to plan, except for that one station getting its drones launched. Once that threat was eliminated, the Solar System would be safe for the immediate future.


  Time passed, and all the battlecruisers assigned to project the hyperlight jamming signal reported all clear and ready to launch their attacks on the Druin attack drones. They were given their orders and told to implement the attack on the drones immediately.


  “Battlecruisers will be jumping in shortly,” reported Lieutenant Commander Banora.

  “Status on the drones?”

  “Still heading toward Earth,” reported Lieutenant Nower. “They haven’t varied their course.”

  Captain Masters nodded. “Take us to Condition One.”

  Lieutenant Commander Banora made the announcement, and shortly the ship was ready for combat, if it became necessary.

  Suddenly on the tactical display, large green icons appeared just behind t
he Druin drones.

  “Fourteen Imperial battlecruisers detected!” called out Nower. “They are closing to combat range.”

  “Drones are reacting,” reported Lieutenant Commander Banora. “They’re dividing into two groups. One group to take on the battlecruisers, and the second is continuing toward Earth.”

  “Weapons fire detected! Missiles and energy beams.”

  “Take us closer,” ordered Derrick. “Put the battle up on the viewscreens.”

  Derrick felt the ship’s engines increase in power as the Destiny moved toward the battle. On the viewscreens, weapons fire became easily visible. Both sides were using antimatter missiles and fusion energy beams.

  “Got one!” said Nower, as one of the drones blew apart.

  “Captain, look at the other drones!” said Banora worriedly. “They’re breaking formation.”

  Derrick looked at the tactical display and saw the second group of drones were indeed adjusting their formation. “They’re splitting up.”

  Ten drones moved away from the battle, each one taking a different course.

  “Analyze the courses those drones are on!” It was obvious to Derrick that some of them were not on their way to Earth.

  “Two are heading for Mars, four for Earth, and the remaining four are on courses for Pallas,” reported Viktor from Navigation.

  “Viktor, plot an intercept course for those on a course for Earth. As soon as you do, we’ll close the range and engage.”

  “Captain, I must remind you those drones have antimatter missiles and fusion energy projectors,” cautioned Banora. “If we engage all four of them, we could suffer some damage.”

  “That’s true, but I intend to engage them one at a time.”

  The Destiny adjusted its course and set out in pursuit of the four Druin drones. Behind them, the battlecruisers and the remaining drones were locked in a furious battle. Brilliant explosions of light indicated where the battle occurred. Suddenly there was an explosion much brighter than the others.

  “We got another drone,” reported Nower.

  “How are our ships doing?” Derrick knew there had been some questions as to how well the battlecruisers’ energy screens would hold up to the onslaught of antimatter and fusion weapons.


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