Keeping On Keeping On
Page 63
Mary Rose (ship) 304
Mason, A. E. W. 251–2
Massey, Anna 8, 154, 252
Matcham, Frank 439
Maugham, W. Somerset 198
Mayne, Michael 87–9, 207, 366
Me, I’m Afraid of Virginia Woolf (Bennett) 379, 390
Mechanics’ Institute, Leeds 135–6
Medici Quartet 85, 439, 440
Melia, Joe 293
Mells, Somerset, church at 257
Mendelson, Edward 325
Menwith Hill, RAF 110–11
Methley Church, near Leeds 24–5, 478–9
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 125–6, 348
MI5 76, 165–6
Michelangelo 65–6, 275, 519
Last Judgement 208
Midgley, John (antique shop owner) 9–10
Midsomer Murders (television programme) 70, 176, 220
Miliband, David 213, 284
Miller, Arthur 9
Miller, Jonathan 27, 38, 76, 96, 150–1, 296, 297, 307, 321, 334, 415
Miller, Karl 255, 306–7, 341
Milne, A. A. 234
Mitford, Nancy 353, 462
Monteith, Charles 270
Monty Python 5–6
Moore, Charles 13, 367
Moore, Dudley 5, 38, 64, 190, 258, 292, 311, 415, 428
Moore, Henry 24–5, 103, 191, 478–9, 480
Moore, Stephen Campbell 408–9, 414
Morecambe, Lancashire 211, 232–3, 242, 699
Morgan, Richard Lloyd 328, 395
Morley, Lewis 195
Morris, Tom 244–5
Morrissey 38, 102, 228
Moscow 166, 185, 329, 434
Mosley, Charlotte 203, 225
Mount Grace, Yorkshire 219, 338
Mullin, Chris 223–4
Murdoch, Rupert 71, 210, 258, 273
Murray, Craig 17
Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna 98
My Fair Lady (musical) 453
Myra, Aunty see Peel, Lemira
Mystery and Manners (O’Connor) 190, 445, 446
Nabucco (Verdi) 486–7
Nash, John 162
Nash, Paul 153
National Gallery 10, 84, 156, 163–4, 266, 270, 305, 346, 348, 363, 465, 477
National Health Service (NHS) 136, 172, 219, 222, 272, 282–3, 312, 369
National Parks 73, 75
National Portrait Gallery (NPG) 346
National Service 39–41, 86–7, 239, 332, 339, 363, 397–8, 471–4
National Theatre xii, 18, 48, 90, 115–16, 192, 216, 221, 242, 291, 304, 505–9
Cottesloe stage 505
fiftieth anniversary of, AB’s essay on 505–9
Habit of Art at 185, 190, 194, 195, 200, 431, 459
History Boys at 18, 407
Lyttelton stage 506, 507, 509
Nicholas Hytner and 327, 351, 372, 509, 513–14, 517
Olivier stage 316–17, 327, 505, 506, 514
People at 314, 467
Platform evenings 240, 327, 459, 509
National Trust 12, 52, 91, 92, 219, 240, 257–8, 349, 457–8, 459, 460–1, 466, 481, 509
Nature Cure (Mabey) 36–7
Naughtie, James 278, 281
Naval and Military Club, St James’s Square 234
New York 30, 31, 38, 54–8, 62–3, 71, 77, 106, 125–7, 134, 157, 165, 187, 190–2, 206–7, 209–10, 212, 292, 302, 317, 341, 348, 368, 370–2, 453
New York Public Library 370, 371–2
New York Review of Books (NYRB) 325
New York Times 58, 210
New Yorker (magazine) 148
Newsnight 26, 247–8, 391
Nichols, Beverley 212
Nicholson, William 11
Nickolds, Andrew 320
Nicolson, Adam 359
Nicolson, Ben 202
Nicolson, Nigel 359
Nidderdale, North Yorkshire 110, 111, 112, 188, 324
9/11 terrorist attacks 61, 420
Norfolk 36, 158–60, 284, 466–7
Normington, John 115–16
Norton, Graham 113
Nostell Priory 479
Not Only But Also (television programme) 38
Not So Much a Programme (television programme) 78, 122, 369
Novello, Ivor 274, 369
Obama, Barack 172
Observer 195, 509
Occupy London 263–4
O’Connor, Flannery 190, 242, 445, 446
Odeon, Leicester Square 367–8
Odeon restaurant, New York 62, 412
Old Country, The (Bennett) 242, 264, 379, 389, 433–4
Old Parsonage, Oxford 351
Olivier, Lawrence 105, 452, 453
Olivier Theatre, London 316–17, 327, 505, 506, 514
On the Margin 68
Opera North 452, 485
Orlando (Woolf) 16
Orton, Joe 173–4, 379
Osborne, George 307–8, 319, 361
Osborne, John 194, 400, 452, 507
Otley Road, Leeds: No. 92A home of the Bennett family 236–7, 243–4, 272, 441
Ovenden, Richard 141, 165, 351
‘Over the Rainbow’ (Arlen/Harburg) 315
Oxford 39, 75, 333, 386–7, 411
Oxford Literary Festival 351
Oxford University 41, 42, 43–4, 45–6, 59, 149, 218, 241–2, 303, 314, 352, 365, 398, 425–6, 434, 450–1
AB’s time at 42, 59, 384–5
in AB’s works 411, 418
Bodleian Library 192–3, 334, 518
Holywell Music Room 331–2
recognition of AB by 81–2, 141, 164–5
see also specific colleges/buildings
Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Rome 276–7
Palin, Michael 5–6, 20, 189–90, 204
Palmer, Simon 481
Palmer, Tony 428
Palmers, Parkway 68–9
Pantheon, Rome 83
Paris 297–8, 352, 353, 480
Parish Churches (Collins guide book) 159
Park, Reg 129
Parker, Harry 373–4
Parkway, Camden 29, 104, 137, 340, 366–7
Peace, David 175–6
Pears, Peter 63–4, 308, 427, 428
Peel, Clarence Eastwood (AB’s uncle) 340
Peel, Eveline (AB’s aunt) 227, 369
Peel family 274
Peel, Kathleen Elizabeth see Roach, Kathleen
Peel, Lemira (Myra; AB’s aunt) 35, 315, 699
Peel, Mary Ann (AB’s maternal grandmother) 451–2, 699–700
Peel, Stan (Aunty Myra’s husband) 92–3
Peel, William (AB’s maternal grandfather) 271, 700
Penarth, Wales 253
People (Bennett) xii, 16, 66, 91, 293–4, 298, 314, 338, 457–67, 481, 509, 514
Pepys, Samuel 293
Percy, Lindis 110
Perry, Grayson 151, 280
Petherbridge, Edward 64, 76
Pevsner, Nikolaus 70, 205, 261, 273
Philby, Kim 185–6, 329
Philip II 163–4
Pilgrim’s Progress (Vaughan Williams) 485–6
Pinocchio (Collodi) 157
Piper, John 202, 229, 271, 273
Places In Between, The (Stewart) 350, 351
Plath, Sylvia 42, 203, 279
Poet’s Corner, Westminster Abbey 207
Pontefract Barracks 24, 339, 472, 473
Pope Benedict XVI 76–7
Portnoy’s Complaint (Roth) 353
Posner, Dr 331, 333
Potter, Dennis 449
Poulett monument, Somerset 261–2
Powell, Anthony 112, 154, 261, 268–9, 389
Powell, Archie 102, 198, 355, 414
Powell, Tristram 297, 313, 361, 518
Prichard, Mari 430
Prick Up Your Ears (film) 379
Priestley, J. B. 366, 404
Primrose Hill, London x–xi, 21–2, 147, 183, 213, 224, 279, 284, 285–6, 293, 303–4, 367
Primrose Hill Community Library 324
of Wales Theatre 20
Princeton University 190–1
Private Function, A (film) 115, 189–90, 340
Private Passions (radio programme) xiii, 369–70
probation service 317
Proust, Marcel 103, 141, 149, 258, 382
Quainton, Buckingamshire 493, 495
Queen’s Hotel, Leeds 106–7, 241, 262–3
Question of Attribution, A (Bennett) 64–5, 76, 126–7, 242, 264, 327
Radcliffe Camera, Oxford 81, 386
Radio Times 329, 487
Ravenhill, Mark 314, 347–8
Ravenna, Italy 97, 98
Read, Piers Paul 13
Reason Why, The (Woodham-Smith) 388
Rebanks, James 352–3
Recollections (Grigson) 229, 230
Red Riding (Peace) 175–6
Redhead, Mr (coal merchant) 305
Regent Bookshop, Parkway 29
Regent’s Park 144, 343, 352, 364, 373
Rembrandt 60, 346–7, 348 ‘Remembrances’ (Clare) 37
Reunion, The (radio programme) 281, 361–2
Reynolds, Joshua 51
Richard II 387, 226, 387, 492
Richard III 387
Richard III Society: St Mary’s, Lead desecrated by 289, 290
Richardson, Ralph 251
Rievaulx Abbey 179–80, 299, 463
Rimington, Stella 165–6
Roach, Kathleen (née Peel; AB’s aunt) 168–9, 315, 700
Roberts, Andrew 46, 244
Roberts, Michael Symmons 242
Roberts, Sue 64, 76
Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals 221–2
Rogers, Byron 71
Romans in Britain, The (Brenton) 115–16
Rome 6–7, 6–8, 8, 10, 83–4, 161, 274–7
Rooney, Wayne 66
Ross, Julia 348
Roth, Philip 60, 126, 127, 157–8, 276, 446
Rothschild, Victor 165
Round Room, British Museum 387
Roundhay School, Leeds 384–5
Roundhouse Theatre, Chalk Farm 90–1, 278–9
Rousham House, Oxfordshire 12, 283–4
Routledge, Patricia 88, 361
Rowse, A. L. 76, 307, 333
Royal Academy 278
Royal Festival Hall 107–8, 212–13
Royal Free Hospital, London 354
Royal Opera House, Covent Garden 485, 487
Ruckledge family 340
Rushdie, Salman 298, 372
Rylands, Dadie 389
Ryle, Gilbert 218, 271, 332
S. Apollinaire, Ravenna 98
Sacks, Oliver 235, 365
Sackville-West, Vita 16
Sagar, Sid 360
Said, Edward 136, 433
Sainsbury, Simon 84
St Andrew’s, Mells 257
St Cuthbert, shrine of 204–5
St Etheldreda, Ely Place 13–14
St George’s, Bloomsbury 270
St George’s Church, Leeds 384
St James’s Hospital, Leeds 204, 448
Saint Laurent, Yves 143–4
St Margaret’s, Westminster 177, 202
St Martin-in-the-Fields 262
St Mary’s Church, Primrose Hill 391
St Mary’s, Lead 289–90
St Michael’s Church, Headingley 395
St Nicholas, Salthouse 338–9
Salaman, Merula 229
Salisbury Villas, Cambridge 473
Salle Church, Norfolk 197, 308
Salvoni, Elena 204
Satyricon (Fellini): the leading actor an old boy of Leeds Modern school 129
Savile, Jimmy 262–3, 293, 306, 331
Say, Marietta 407
Scaife, John 135, 471
Scales, Prunella 76, 508
Scarborough, Adrian 80, 194, 418
Scarborough, North Yorkshire 114, 262
Scarfe, Norman 44–5, 249
Schama, Simon 314–15
Schlesinger, John 499–502, 517
Scofield, Paul 177, 202, 350
Scott, George Gilbert 205, 386
Sea and the Mirror, The (Auden): prophetic speech in 121–2, 431
Sebald, W. G. 94, 235
Second World War 20, 25, 82, 109, 111, 130, 175, 176–7, 209, 229, 232, 248–9, 250, 258, 277, 308, 333, 364, 365, 446–7, 477, 480
Secret Life of Cows, The (Young) 73
Secret Lives of Somerset Maugham, The (Hastings) 198
Sentamu, John: gap in the front teeth of 76
Service of Nine Lessons and Carols (TV broadcast) 131
Sesame (organic shop) 178
‘Set me as a seal upon thine heart’ (Walton) 88
Settle, North Yorkshire 9, 18, 36, 68, 156–7, 217, 241, 293
Shakespeare, Nicholas 231, 235
Shakespeare, William 187, 195, 243, 307, 348, 349, 505–6
Sharpleshall Street library, Primrose Hill 222, 235, 248, 379
Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford 351
Shell Guides 159, 202, 205, 249, 273–4, 338
Shepherd, Mary 163, 321, 337, 340, 343, 356–8, 371
Sherrin, Ned 122–3, 138, 320, 369
Shopping and Fucking (Ravenhill) 347–8
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge 396–7
Sillitoe, Alan 211
Sim, Alastair 366
Single Spies (Bennett) 76, 389, 507, 508
Sissinghurst Castle, Kent 66
Sistine Chapel, Rome 65, 275, 518–19
Sitwell, Edith 388
Sitwell, Osbert 202
Six Poets (Bennett) 337
Skipwith, Peyton 162
Slater, Nigel 12, 208, 278
Smalley, Beryl: carpet of defiled by AB 491–2
Smith, Clive Stafford 8
Smith, Edwin 101, 160
Smith, Janet Adam 46
Smith, Maggie 163, 317, 321, 340–1, 368
Smithfield Market 312
Smiths, the (band) 415
Smut (Bennett) 240
Snape Maltings, Suffolk 44
Snow, Jon 112
Soden, Oliver 369
Soho, London 461
Soldiering On (Bennett) 362
Solopark, near Cambridge 5
South Bank Show (television programme) 24, 414
Southwold, Suffolk 250
Soviet Union 325, 329
Spalding, Frances 202
Spender, Stephen 88, 207, 294, 389, 399
Spurling, Hilary 184
Spurriergate café, York 187, 188
Stagecoach 343, 344
Stainburn, North Yorkshire 310
Steel, Mark 111
Steiner, George 135
Stella (Rupert’s aunt) 225, 243, 253
Stevenson, Dennis 305
Stoppard, Tom 134, 225, 336–7
Story of the Jews (TV programme) 314–15
Stravinsky, Igor 122, 166, 190
Stravinsky, Vera: and Stockhausen, Doris 190
Straw, Jack 6, 14, 17–18, 129
Strong, Roy 268
Stubbs, George 269–70
Sunday, Bloody Sunday (film, dir. Schlesinger) 501, 502
Sunday Half Hour (radio programme) 256
Supper at Emmaus (Caravaggio) 10
Swaledale 60, 330, 349
Sweden 157–8
Swift, Joe 278
Sykes, Christopher Simon 294
Syrian War 372–3
Talking Heads (Bennett) 133, 361–2, 519
Tavern on the Green, New York 56
Taylor, A. J. P. 43, 264–5, 332, 347, 493
Taylor, Elizabeth: a heavy burden on AB’s knee 243
Temple Newsam House, Leeds 230, 458–9, 477, 479
Terracotta Army 119–20
terrorism 23–4, 26–7, 47, 95, 108–9, 115, 128–9
Thatcher, Margaret 69, 71, 180, 201, 202, 209, 259, 260, 261, 306, 306–7, 334, 354, 367, 466
Theatre Royal, Leeds xi, 451–2
Thewlis, David 366
Thief ’s Journal (Genet) 265
Sceptred Isle (radio programme) 154
Thomas, Diana (Rupert’s mother) 52, 225
Thomas, Graham (Rupert’s stepfather) 52, 225
Thomas, Owen (Rupert’s brother) 52, 354
Thomas, R. S. 73
Thomas, Rupert (R., AB’s partner) ix–x, 4, 18, 38, 48, 72, 107, 117, 154, 182, 196, 198, 204, 240, 250, 300, 310, 313, 320, 333, 335, 351, 361, 367
and AB’s behaviour/turns of phrase 35, 118, 137, 160, 240, 339
and animals/nature 35, 74–5, 139, 140, 146, 147, 148, 174, 181, 206, 287, 290, 336, 344, 355
and antiques/furniture 70–1, 184, 195, 206, 230, 240, 250, 364
in churches/abbeys 61–2, 97, 152–3, 171, 179, 197, 205, 219, 285
civil partnership with AB of xi, 50, 52
compares AB to Heathcliff 189
in country houses 15–16, 66, 109, 283, 294, 338
and Debo 167, 203, 319
in disagreement with AB 115
drawing by 261
family of 225, 243, 253, 271, 354
in galleries/museums 65, 118–19, 120, 126, 175, 274–5, 278, 346
gifts to AB from 101–2, 301
and health/illness 80, 140, 146, 156, 368–9
in Italy 83, 97, 274, 277
missed by AB 54
in New York 58, 371
in Paris 297–8
party at Dorchester for 227–8
reading matter of 129–30, 206
and religion 14, 88, 97, 197, 205, 219, 238, 285, 328, 355
work as editor 52, 66, 227–8, 265, 266, 274–5, 277
Titchmarsh, Alan 225, 291, 331
Titian 164
Today (radio programme) 136
Tóibín, Colm 17, 117, 271
Tomalin, Claire 34
Tony Awards 62–3
Tottenham riots 254
Tour de France 330
Tovey, Russell 185, 345, 421
Townsend, Sue 325
Towton, North Yorkshire 290
Trafalgar Studios 173
Trevor-Roper, Hugh 218, 222, 260–1, 271, 284
Trewin, Ion 222
Tribeca, New York 58
Tristan and Isolde (Wagner) 485
Troilus and Cressida (Walton) 485–6
Trollope, Anthony 382
Trooping the Colour 144
Trudeau, Pierre 454
Tunbridge Wells 149
Turner, J. M. W. 478, 482
Turpin, Randolph 134
Tynan, Kenneth 17
UKIP 319
Ullman, Tracey 28–9
Un ballo in maschera (Verdi) 487
Uncommon Reader, The (Bennett) 38, 100, 118, 182–3, 245, 313, 319
Union Square, New York 77, 371
United States (US) 8, 36, 38, 68, 110, 111, 128–9, 148, 172, 312
see also New York
University Appointments Board, Oxford 82
University College Hospital (UCH) 141–2, 222, 286
Unquiet Grave, The (Connolly) 106
Untold Stories (Bennett) xi, 15, 28, 49, 192, 445
Updike, John 147, 186–7, 430
Upper Armley National School, Leeds 59, 255–6
Uses of Literacy (Hoggart) 259, 341–2, 449