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Her Bratva Billionaires

Page 9

by Harper West

  “Yes, Nico, and I would like to spend some time with you. I even ordered some clothes and Nico ordered us breakfast. You can’t possibly go out without eating after a long night of drinking, sweetheart.”

  I walked over to the pile of clothes on a couch, all of it brand new with the tags. There were cardigans, jeans, boots, underwear, and even a few bras for me to choose from.

  “Oh, wow, you even got my size perfectly!” They nodded and sipped their coffee, still smiling at me as I rummaged through the new clothes.

  “Why don’t you have some breakfast with us?”

  I walked over to the table and saw all of the food. It was far too much for just three people, but then again, we were all hungover and in dire need of some food. A part of me hesitated. There was so much to be done for the project at work, but at the same time, I loved spending time with them. Plus, it was going to be at least another few weeks until the project would be finished.

  “All right,” I said while taking a seat at the table. “Let’s get something to soak up all of that booze.”

  Hugo and Nico sat across from me. We spent the next hour or so enjoying breakfast and talking. There were pancakes, muffins, danishes, biscuits, donuts, bacon, and scrambled eggs. The brothers kept trying to fill up my plate, insisting that I eat more and put on some weight.

  “Not that you don’t have a gorgeous body,” Hugo said.

  “But we also love thick women,” Nico said with a boyish smile on his face.

  Chapter 14


  Nico and I took Michelle out shopping in downtown Moscow. She was a classy woman, so we focused on our attention on high-end stores that sold designer brands. We even watched her try on some outfits, such as a violet Armani dress and red Chanel heels. The biggest surprise for her, however, was that we insisted on buying everything for her.

  “You guys don’t have to do that,” Michelle said while putting her wallet away. The sales clerk smiled at her and then us.

  We even took her to a few boutiques that exclusively sold Russian designers. Michelle’s eyes lit up as soon as she saw a pair of faux fur white boots, the kind that goes all the way up to your knee.

  “Russian women love those because they’re so warm,” Nico said while she tried a pair on. She bought those too, along with a matching faux fur handbag.

  The women who ran the boutiques immediately recognized her face. Then again, everyone in Russia knew who the Harringtons were in the United States. They also recognized Nico and me. Between the three of our reputations, salespeople were bending over backward to make us happy.

  After spending a few hours shopping, Nico and I took her to a vodka tasting. It was located just a few doors down from the Vodka Grove, where we all hung out the first night, and was being held by a new vodka distillery. It looked pretty crowded from the outside, but we were given a seat as soon as we walked in since they knew who we were.

  “I didn’t even know they had vodka tastings,” Michelle said as we entered the distillery. “Back home, Elaina and I go to a lot of wine tastings. This seems much more fun, though. I actually can’t stand wine snobs, to be honest. I’m more of a hard liquor kind of woman.”

  “Yes, Americans are more into wine and beer tastings,” I said as we sat down. “But vodka is much more popular here. Probably because it warms you up, and Russian winters are relentless. And we’re hard liquor kinds of men,” I said and winked at her. Michelle nuzzled her head against my shoulder, and I immediately smelled her beautiful blonde hair.

  After trying about a dozen different vodkas, our driver took us to all of the major museums. Our father made sure that we knew all about Russian history, and that helped us as we viewed different exhibits. I loved that Michelle appreciated the culture as much as the shopping. It showed that she wasn’t a materialistic of a person, even though she worked her ass off to make money.

  After stopping for some coffee, we took her to a few local landmarks. Michelle mentioned being interested in history, especially internationally, and Russia was steeped in it.

  “I have to say,” she said while we stared at a monument, “this has been one of my favorite days of this trip so far. You guys sure do know how to spoil a woman.”

  Nico wrapped his arms around her and gave her a long, passionate kiss. Michelle turned around, and I did the same, letting my hand lower just a little bit so that I could squeeze her ass.

  “Hugo, come on now. Show her a little respect.” Michelle laughed as she took both of our hands, then rested her head on my shoulder. It was the first time that I had been happy with a woman in years, and it was nice to see Nico fall into the steps of being in a normal, healthy relationship.

  “Are you hungry, Michelle?” She looked up at me and nodded, then over at Nico.

  “Don’t worry about me,” he said. “I can always eat.”

  “How do you not gain any weight,” Michelle said, deciding to rest her head against his shoulders.

  “I work out a lot,” Nico said while stroking her blonde hair.

  All three of us got into our car and had the driver take us to a five-star restaurant. I thought about taking her to one of our local Russian restaurants that were run by a family, but she was probably craving food that reminded her of home.

  “What kind of food do they serve,” Michelle asked me.

  “They serve traditional Russian fare, but they also have excellent pizza. I’ve heard it’s just as good as New York City pizza.” Michelle tilted her head and smiled.

  “I’ll be the one to decide that,” she said. “After all, that’s one of the things that New York City is known for.”

  The host took us to a private dining area, where we all cozied up in a booth. Once again, Michelle was between Nico and me. The waiter immediately brought us out a bottle of vodka as well as some mineral water, and we decided to share a large pizza. Michelle looked so content sitting between Nico and me, and she even took it upon herself to hold each of our hands under the table.

  About halfway during our meal, Michelle’s phone went off. She briefly glanced at it, but then quickly put it back in her purse. I assumed it was her father, given the look on her face, but didn’t want to press the issue. It was starting to bother me how much he didn’t trust her, and I kept wondering if I really should have just called him myself and told him to chill out.

  She wasn’t happy to hear from whoever had texted her, though. Which was a shame, since she deserved a day of fun for all of the hard work that she did.

  “Is everything all right?” She shook her head at Nico and then went back to eating her pizza.

  “It’s just a text message from my father,” she said. “I’ll get back to him later.”

  “He sure likes to keep tabs on you, doesn’t he?” Michelle nodded as she tore apart her pizza crust.

  “I actually have plans for my own real estate company,” Michelle said. “My father is extremely hard to please, and I’d love to be on my own someday.”

  “That’s fabulous,” Nico said. “What kind of real estate are you interested in?”

  “National and international private real estate. I don’t want to do regular, run of the mill stuff. I want to sell to the elite and be my own boss. It’s time for me to be successful on my own for a change. I’ve been living in his shadows for years, and as much as I love him, I’m yearning to break free.”

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” I told her, “and I’m sure you’ll be good at it, too.”

  “Hopefully. My father said that he’d fund it too, but only if I’m successful with this deal.” The way Michelle spoke was breaking my heart. I could see her insecurities starting to come through. Even though she was one hell of a businesswoman, she had self-doubts about running her own company.

  Something wasn’t adding up.

  I was glad that she at least had dreams of her own, though.

  After dinner, we all piled back into the car and headed back to my place. It was much more classic in nature, whereas
Nico’s was fairly modern. It was about the same size as Nico’s, though.

  “Both of you guys have huge places,” Michelle said while walking around my living room. “And I love the Renaissance decor. My place is decorated almost the same way.”

  I brought out a bottle of wine, and we all snuggled together, with Michelle lying across my lap while Nico massaged her feet. We were on the couch in front of my fireplace, just enjoying each other’s company after a long day.

  Michelle must have felt my cock getting hard in my pants because it didn’t take her long to get turned on. She let out a slight moan, and then sat up, looked down at me and smiled.

  “I think tonight’s about to get very interesting.”

  Michelle slid off her white turtleneck, exposing her perfectly plump breasts. I leaned up and put one in my mouth, just as Nico got behind her and cupped the other one. As he massaged it, Michelle leaned back and began kissing him on his lips. Eventually, she fell back against him, her legs spread apart on my lap, and I took it upon myself to slide her leggings off. As she fell all the way back on the couch, I reached up and slid her black G-string off with my teeth.

  By that point, Nico was on his feet, with his pants draped around his ankles, and his shaft in her mouth. I was quickly unzipping my pants as she sucked on his cock. Once I was completely naked, Nico and I lifted her up and put her on the bearskin rug.

  She laid on her back, spread her legs, and said, “I want each of you this way.”

  Nico got on top and buried his shaft deep inside of her. Michelle’s moans were seductive and erotic, and as I watched and stroked myself, I realized that I could climax just by doing it this way. Seeing her be pleased by him while waiting for me was fucking hot.

  Within minutes, Nico exploded deep inside of her. I waited for her to climax, too, but instead, he pulled out, and she motioned me to go inside.

  I buried my shaft deep inside of her warm, wet cunt and pounded her harder than Nico. Her breasts kept bouncing up into my face, and each time they did, I tried to suck them. As Michelle wrapped her legs around me, I could feel her getting close to having an orgasm, and I wanted to time it at the right moment. We looked into each other’s eyes and came together, both of us screaming the other’s name.

  After we were done fucking, all three of us put on bathrobes and sat outside by my fire pit.

  “I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve been having with you guys,” Michelle said.

  “Nico and I feel the same way, Michelle. And it’s important that you have fun.”

  “Especially since your father is so hard on you. I know you love and respect him, but don’t let him be too hard on you.”

  “Do you want to continue seeing us, though?” Michelle turned to look at Nico and me, and I could sense some hesitation in her eyes. I knew that she liked us, but something was holding her back. The more we got to know her, the more evident it became that it was most likely her father.

  “Of course I do,” Michelle said with a smile on her face. “What woman wouldn’t want to spend time with two smoldering hot Russian brothers?”

  Chapter 15

  Three weeks later


  I was sitting in my hotel room, chatting with Hugo and Nico about our dinner plans for that evening. All three of us were going to another five-star restaurant. The brothers wanted me to try some more authentic, local Russian food. Since I had been in their country, I had mostly stuck with American food like pizza and cheeseburgers, so I was looking forward to trying something different.

  “I can’t wait to see you again,” Nico said. “And you’re going to love this restaurant.”

  “He only says that because he’s there every day, Michelle,” Hugo said.

  “Which means that it’s a good restaurant,” Nico shot back, defending himself.

  “You guys are too funny.”

  I had been working extremely hard while seeing Nico and Hugo on the side. I had been pulling long days at work, too, and found that seeing them helped relieve a lot of my stress. It wasn’t just the sex part, either. Although that was a lot of fun. Nico was always making me laugh, and Hugo was always bringing out the seductive part of me.

  “Unless you want us to skip dinner and just come straight to your hotel room,” Nico said.

  “Do you think about anything other than sex, man?” I could hear Hugo smiling, but he was still surprised at what his brother had suggested. I knew that he was just joking, though. All Nico seemed to do was eat, sleep, and have sex.

  “Of course I do,” he said. “I think about making a lot of money, buying more luxury cars, and seeing Michelle.”

  “God, Nico. That was so corny. Wasn’t that corny, Michelle?”

  “You guys are too much,” I said while applying some makeup to my face. Even when we were apart from each other, we were either talking on the phone, video chatting, or texting each other. All three of us wanted to be near each other as much as possible. It was a strong connection that we couldn’t explain, but the chemistry was right.

  “So, we’ll send a car to pick you up in about an hour,” Hugo said. “And like I said, it’s a pretty casual restaurant. Plus, someone as beautiful as you doesn’t need to wear anything fancy in order to stand out.”

  “Oh God,” Nico said, and I could tell that he was rolling his eyes. “Would you stop with the corny ass flirtations, man? You got her, we got her! Give it a rest!”

  “All right, guys,” I said while laughing. “I’m gonna get dressed, and I’ll see you in a little while.”

  I tossed my phone on the bed and went to choose some clothes. As soon as I opened the closet, however, there was a knock at my door. I wasn’t expecting anyone, though, unless that was room service with something the guys had sent up. Then I realized that knowing Nico, they had probably been there during our whole conversation. They loved to play practical jokes on each other, and now me.

  “Were you guys outside my hotel room this entire time?” I said it loud enough so they could hear me. It was just like Hugo and Nico to want to fit in a sex session before going out to dinner. “Leave it to you guys to want to have sex before instead of after dinner. Well, we might have a few minutes.” I opened the door with a smile on my face, excited to see both of them, but that faded as soon as I saw who was really standing there. “Daddy? What the hell are you doing here?”

  “What am I doing here? What the hell are you still doing here, Michelle? I heard all about your fun little escape when you knew damn well this was all about business! And don’t lie to me either, Michelle. I know that you’ve been fooling around with both Nico and Hugo Stepanov. I trained you to impress our clients, not spread your legs for them!”

  My father walked in and closed the door behind him, then turned to glare at me. His toupee was badly positioned on his head, and his face had turned from pale white to the deepest shade of red I had ever seen. In fact, the only time that I’d seen him angrier was when he found out that I had failed science class in high school.

  “Look, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but the project is moving along just fine, Daddy! And how the hell would you know if I’ve been doing anything in my private life! That’s none of your business, Daddy! I’m a grown woman and can do whatever I want! So again, the project is fine, and you need to leave!”

  “Yes, yes, it is Michelle. I’m not here because I’m upset about the project. You’ve actually done a great job. I’m proud of you. But some sources have told me that you’ve been seen gallivanting all around Moscow with the brothers, so your little trip is over with. It’s time to come back to the United States.”

  I felt my throat tighten up as I tried to find the words to speak. “No, not tonight, Daddy! There’s still so much to do! In fact, I have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning. Who’s going to take care of that? Please, just give me another week, and then I promise that I’ll come home!”

  “You knew the deal, Michelle. Plus, I’ve already picked someone for you to marry. You�
��re going to love him, although that’s really of no importance to me. What’s more important is that you stop fooling around with these brothers and get your priorities straight, young lady.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You can’t run Affinity Finance if you’re having sex with the Stepanov brothers, okay? Let me be brutally honest. But the man that I’ve picked for you, well, he’s a brilliant businessman, Michelle. Almost as brilliant as I am, but you can teach him the rest. I’ve taught you well. Anyway, when the time comes, he’ll do a fantastic job of running Affinity Finance.”

  I defiantly put my hands on my hips and walked closer to him. Even though I was a few inches shorter than him, it was time that I showed him that I refused to back down. That I would be in charge of my own life, regardless of what he said or wanted me to do. At that point, even if it meant losing my real estate business funds, I told myself that I would not succumb.

  “No, Daddy.”

  “What the hell did you just say to me?”

  “I said no, Daddy. I will not marry this guy. Marriage is not business! It’s about committing to being with someone for the rest of your life because you love them, not because they know how to make your company money! I’m not like you! When will you finally accept that? And so what if I’ve been dating both Nico and Hugo! Did you ever stop to think that it’s possible to love more than one person at the same time?”

  My father let out a huge sigh. “That’s fine, Michelle. And you’re right. You’re not like me. With the exception of how you conduct business deals, for the most part, you’re not like me. Yes, I married your mother for business reasons. And no, you don’t believe that marriage should be run like a business. I accept that we’re different.”

  I stood back, shocked at what he had said. My father had actually accepted that I was my own person. I had never expected him to say those words, to actually acknowledge that he and I were not on the same page.


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