The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 114

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “Please just kill me.”

  “In due time, fuck stick.” Elmer looked at Joe and Charles. “You two ready?”

  They both started begging and pleading.

  “I didn’t ask you fuckers to ramble on. A yes or no would have sufficed.”

  Elmer went over to Jason. He was lying on his back while staring up at the lights. “How’s it hanging, pal?”

  “Leave me alone.”

  “Come on, don’t pout. You still have your balls.”

  “Fuck you! I’m not playing your fucking game. You might as well go ahead and kill me.”

  “I don’t care if you just lie there and get cut up. I’m rooting for Charles anyway.” Elmer looked over at Beth. “You ready to play?”

  She glared at him. “Why don’t you shut the fuck up and go flip the switch, you sawed off piece of shit. I’m tired of hearing your lips flap.”

  “You need to chill out, darlin’.”

  “Screw you, you nasty little bastard.”

  “Screw me? Listen here, you fucking…” Elmer thought for a moment. “You know what, I think I’m going to take you up on that. I might even fuck you in the ass. What do you think about that, bitch?”

  “You better stay the fuck away from me, asshole!”

  “There ain’t a damn thing you can do to stop me. I’m going to….” Elmer’s phone rang. He noticed it was Seth. “Yes, sir… Uh, I was just joking… No, sir, I would never rape anyone… I understand… Sure… Okay… Do I really have to do that?... Okay… I will soon as we hang up... Talk to you later… Hello, are you still there?” Elmer put his phone back in his pocket, then looked at Beth. “I’m sorry for threatening you. I couldn’t have raped you anyway because I’m not a man. Even though my penis was sewn back on, it doesn’t work because I’m a bitch.”

  She looked irritated. “I don’t give a shit about you or your dick.”

  Elmer looked worried. “Seth is angry at me for the rape threat, regardless if it was a joke or not. He said there is no excuse in sexual aggression, even if it’s towards a child murdering bitch like yourself.”

  “I just want you to get the fuck away from me.”

  “He wants you to punch me in the nuts a whole bunch of times.”

  “I’m not touching you, you creepy little bastard.”

  “If you don’t, I have to do it myself.”

  “I don’t give a shit.”

  “I’ll give you another adrenaline shot.”

  “I told you…” She thought for a moment. “Let me go and I will.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Then get the fuck away from me.”

  Elmer started pacing back and forth in front of the tables. He finally came to a stop, then started punching himself in the nuts as hard as he could. He hit himself about ten times. Afterwards, he just knelt on one knee so he could recuperate.

  Tim looked at Joe and shrugged his shoulders. Joe made a circular motion with his finger next to his head, indicating Elmer was crazy.

  Elmer noticed what Joe was doing. He became upset. “Seth made me do that. He said if I didn’t he would make me pay later.” He became upset. “He overheard what I was saying. Now he’s mad at me.”

  Tim blurted out. “Why would he be mad at you? I thought y’all were such great pals.”

  Elmer glared at him. “Don’t be sarcastic. I’m in a fucked-up predicament myself.”

  Charles was shaking his head. “You don’t have to be his fucking puppet. Get some balls and stand up to him. You can start by calling the police.”

  Beth laughed. “Like he said, he’s a bitch with a broke dick.”

  Elmer stood up and shouted. “I’m fucking sick of all of y’all! It’s time to die, motherfuckers!” Elmer took off towards the main control panel, yelling, “Die motherfuckers die!”

  The Suffering

  Everyone was freaking out as Elmer energized the main control panel. Joe and Ryan were shouting at him not to do it. Tim and Charles were apologizing for their comments. Henry was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Jason was still pouting over his penis and Beth was calling Elmer names and telling him he didn’t have the balls to throw the switch.

  When Elmer got to the control panel he pressed a button. Everyone looked up when the pipes above them started making a suction sound. “I hope you fuckers all burn in hell.” He pressed another button, activating the saw blade. “And speaking of hell.” He turned on the propane, then pressed a button, igniting the gas. The torch heads lit, engulfing the blade with flames. He pointed at Tim. “And fuck you, asshole, this is for you.” He pressed another button, activating the automated system.

  Tim was horrified as the saw began slowly moving down the tracks towards his table. Everyone was sitting up, staring in terror, including Jason and Henry, as the machine passed by their table. The sight and sound of the blade spinning while covered in flames was horrifying. Tim was panic stricken. He was chaotically jerking at the fishhooks in his legs and at his collar while shouting at Elmer. His heart felt like it was going to explode as the machine slowly moved along the tracks, getting closer and closer. He had never faced such fear. He was terrified. Suddenly, his bowels released and he started urinating.

  Everyone was petrified as they watched Tim. He was violently jerking around while screaming at the top of his lungs as feces and urine dripped off the sides of his table.

  When the machine was even with the end of his bed, a loud ear-piercing buzzer sounded for a few seconds, then the blade started moving outwards on a horizontal arm. Tim was frantically trying to tear his legs loose and screaming as the blade approached his left foot.

  Everyone else had a different set of emotions: Joe and Charles were shouting at Tim, telling him to cut off one of his fingers and stick it in his pipe, Henry was covering his face, Ryan was talking to himself, Jason was hitting his head with his fists and Beth was laughing as if she had gone mad. It was pure chaos.

  Tim was panic-stricken. His body was frozen and he was having a difficult time bringing himself to cut off one of his fingers. His hands were shaking as he held the pruning shears around his left pinky finger. About the time, he got the courage and snipped it off, the saw was inches away. His hands were trembling so much that he dropped his finger on the floor before he could get it into the pipe. To his horror, the blade cut into his foot. He screamed with all he had as blood and pieces of flesh slung all over him. The heated blade coming into contact with his body fluids was creating a lot of smoke. The rancid cloud of burnt flesh was burning his eyes, and as he inhaled between screams, the smoke would enter his lungs, causing him to violently cough. The blade moved slowly as it cut through his foot, and when it got to his ankle, he began to feel pieces of shredded bone fragments hitting him all over the front of his nude body. He was horrified when the blade passed his ankle and continued cutting up his leg. He could feel the vibration of his tibia and fibula being cut. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. His mind was flooded with terrifying thoughts: How much more pain could he take? What if the blade didn’t stop? He remembered what Elmer said about the blade snagging an artery. He started feeling weak, as if he was going to pass out. He had screamed so hard that his voice was now raspy and he could barely make a sound. Finally, the blade stopped progressing when it got to his knee, then it quickly retracted. Tim stared in dismay—not only had his leg been cut down the center, but the fishhooks were pulling the two halves apart. He leaned over the side of his table and vomited.

  Everyone was horrified as they looked at Tim. He was covered in blood and sprinkled in tiny pieces of white bone. Some of the larger bone fragments had penetrated his skin. Tim knew he was on the verge of passing out. He remembered what would happen if he did, so he grabbed one of the syringes and injected himself with adrenaline. The sudden rush of alertness caused him to become aggressive. He glared at Elmer and shouted in a raspy voice. “You motherfucker, you’re going to pay for this!”

  Elmer was sitting on a five-gallon bucket next
to the control panel while smoking a cigarette. He looked like a carnival worker manning the controls of a carnival ride— he had a don’t-give-a-shit expression and not a care in the world.

  Tim couldn’t believe Elmer was ignoring him. “Hey, I’m talking to you, fucker! Look what you did to my leg!” Tim held up his hand. “And my finger. This is bullshit!”

  Elmer ignored him as he blew smoke rings.

  The machine was now moving towards Henry’s table. He seemed dazed. Joe and Charles were yelling at him, telling him to cut off one of his fingers, but he just sat dumbfounded. Joe shouted, “Ryan! Ryan!”

  Ryan was about to have a nervous breakdown himself. He slowly looked at Joe. “What?”

  “Henry isn’t coherent. Try to snap him out of it. He needs to cut off part of a finger and get it into the pipe.”

  Ryan leaned over towards Henry as far as he could and yelled, “Cut off your finger and stick it in the pipe.”

  He didn’t respond.

  “Henry! Cut off your finger before it’s too late.”

  A buzzer sounded, indicating the machine was lined up and the blade was ready to extend out. Joe knew Henry didn’t have long. He shouted out, “You need to hurry!”

  Henry turned and looked at the group as the blade approached his right foot. He had a solemn expression. “I did it… I’ve been raping my handicapped daughter. I deserve to die.” To everyone’s surprise, he just laid there and let the saw cut into him. Everyone stared in absolute horror as the blade slowly cut all the way up to his knee. Blood, bone fragments, pieces of tendons, cartilage and flesh were being spewed out from the machine like a wood chipper. Henry was lying back while arching his back as much as possible. His arms were stretched upwards while making tight fists. It looked as if he was having a seizure, but he was having to endure the pain due to the adrenaline in his IV bag. The machine was very loud, but his screams could be clearly heard. As the blade progressed past his knee, the fishhooks were pulling the two halves apart. The air was filled with a putrid odor of burnt flesh, and Henry’s entire body was completely covered in blood and fragmented body parts. When the blade reached halfway up his thigh, he lunged forward, and for no logical reason, he tried to grab the blade with both hands. As quick as he had reached out, the blade had severed most of his fingers on one hand and cut his other hand in half.

  When the blade reached his hip, it quickly retracted. Henry’s body gave out, causing him to fall back onto the table. His arms flopped off the sides, then he let out an agonizing moan as the last bit of air left his lungs. Seconds later he died.

  Everyone was taken aback. They had witnessed something very violent and sadistic. Up to this point, each person still had hope, thinking they would be saved from this nightmare. After witnessing what happened to Tim and Henry, they now realized the horrifying reality they were in.

  Ryan was next. He was petrified as the saw started moving down the tracks towards him. He didn’t give it a second thought as he cut off his left pinky finger with the pruning shears. The fear combined with the adrenaline rush completely masked the pain. He didn’t hesitate to stick the severed appendage into the pipe. The suction almost sucked it out of his hand. A bell chimed, his red light turned off and the green one came on. A few seconds later he saw his finger fall into the glass hopper on the other side of the tracks. The machine didn’t even pause as it passed him by, heading for Charles.

  Charles’ hands were shaking as he held the shears to one of his fingers. “I can’t do it! Oh my God! Someone please make this stop.”

  Joe was yelling at him. “Do it, Charles! Do it now!”

  The machine stopped at the end of his table, the loud buzzer went off, then the saw blade began extending out. Charles got the courage and snipped off his pinky finger at the middle joint. He quickly stuck it in the end of the pipe. To his horror, the amber light came on and the blade was still progressing towards his left foot. He was panic-stricken. “Oh my God! It didn’t work!”

  Joe shouted over the sound of the machine. “It’s too small. You have to put something bigger in there.”

  Charles quickly cut off the remaining stub and tossed it in the pipe, but nothing changed. “It’s fucking broke!” He started violently jerking around, trying to tear his legs loose.

  Joe shouted again, “Cut off another finger. The whole thing.”

  Charles’ eyes were huge as he started at Joe. “What?”

  “Cut off an entire finger.”

  Charles snipped off his ring finger and tossed it into the pipe. When he noticed his green light came on and the machine stopped, he took a deep breath, then shouted, “Fuck yeah!” Suddenly, flames came blowing out of the machine, engulfing him. His screams echoed throughout the building as he was being burned alive.

  Joe was shouting at Elmer to help. Elmer was still sitting on the bucket like he didn’t give a shit, but this time he was playing on his phone. Around twenty seconds later, the flames dissipated and the machine started moving back down the tracks. Joe didn’t think twice as he snipped off his left pinky finger and threw it into the pipe. As soon as he saw that his green light come on, he leaned over towards Charles to check on him. His hair was still smoking and he had been severely burned, but he was still alive. “How you doing, buddy?”

  Charles’ body was shaking. He could barely talk. “I’m cold.”

  “Just stay calm and rest. It will be a while before the machine gets back to you.”

  Joe leaned towards Jason. “You need to cut off a finger before the machine gets to you.”

  Jason was lying on his back staring up at the lights. “Leave me alone.”

  “Don’t just lie there—the machine is approaching.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “You can survive this.”

  “Why would I want to? I don’t have a penis.” He rolled his head over to face Joe, then held the knife to his neck. “Sorry, Joe. I would rather go out on my own terms.”

  “Listen to me, son, you don’t have to….”

  Within seconds, the machine had quickly moved down the tracks and extended the blade into Jason’s crotch. Joe was in shock. One moment he was trying to talk Jason out of cutting his neck, then the next moment he was watching as Jason was being mutilated by the machine. Joe stared in horror as the blade slowly cut Jason through his abdomen. Blood, feces and pieces of intestines were being slung everywhere. The heated blade was creating a huge amount of smoke as it ripped through his insides. He screamed at the top of his lungs for the last few moments of his life. When the blade reached his ribcage, it stopped, then quickly retracted, dragging pieces of intestines with it.

  Joe was speechless as he looked at Jason. His abdominal cavity lay wide open and most of his ravaged intestines had slid out onto the floor, and a few pieces were hanging out like spaghetti. Joe thought about how the machine had quickly moved, not giving Jason a chance. He shouted at Elmer. “What the fuck happened? Your fucking machine is broken. What kind of bullshit is this?”

  Elmer just sat dumbfounded, as he had been doing.

  The machine was now heading back towards Tim. He became hysterical as he looked at Elmer. “Why is it coming back towards me?” He pointed at Beth. “What the fuck about her?”

  She held her hand up, showing that she was missing a pinky, then she flipped him off with the same hand. About halfway down the tracks, the machine stopped and the blade started slowing down. Elmer came walking up with a frown as he looked at Jason. “Look at this fucking mess. I ain’t cleaning this shit up, pun intended.” He fanned the air. “And it smells like burnt ass.”

  Tears were running down Joe’s cheeks. “You’re a fucking insensitive asshole. He didn’t deserve that.”

  “That’s what he gets for trying to kill himself. He knew the rule.”

  “What are you talking about? What rule?”

  “Seth told me if someone tries to kill themselves to engage the execution mode. He wanted to make sure they would suffer before they died, even
if it was for a short bit of time.”

  Joe became angry. “You sorry motherfucker! He wasn’t trying to kill himself. It was just the way he was dealing with the stress.”

  “Then I guess it was his lucky day.”

  “Fuck you, pendejo! You had no right to do that!”

  “And you had no right doing what you did, so get off your high horse.”

  “Who made you God? You ain’t no better than any of us.”

  “Does it really fucking matter? There’s only going to be one survivor. The rest of you fucks are going to be dead soon anyway.” Elmer looked at Jason. “At least he didn’t suffer long.”

  Joe nodded towards Charles. “What about him? He’s still suffering.”

  “I’m sure—his fucking skin is peeling off and half of his dick is charred.”

  Charles had been lying motionless until Elmer mentioned his dick being charred. He could barely move his arms as he reached for his penis. His hands were trembling as he felt around his crotch. “Oh my God! Is it really burnt? I can’t feel it.”

  Joe looked at him. “It’s okay, Charles. Your penis is fine. Just try to relax.”

  Elmer laughed. “Your dick is fucking toast, pal.”

  Charles started crying. “Oh no! This can’t be happening. Please call an ambulance.”

  Joe glared at Elmer. “Leave him alone, asshole. You’ve already done enough to him.”

  “I didn’t do shit to him.”

  “Yeah you did. You burned him.”

  “He waited too long to feed the pipe. Being burned is the punishment. That part is automated. In fact, everything is automated except for the execution mode, and that’s the only reason I’m fucking stuck here with y’all assholes. Seth didn’t want any of you fuckers getting off too easy and he couldn’t figure out how to make that part automated.”

  “You could have told us that, you fucking prick.”

  “I thought I did.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Oh well, I guess I forgot.”

  “You forgot? That was kind of fucking important, don’t ya think?”


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