The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 115

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “I got a lot of shit on my mind. Plus, I have my own problems to worry about.”

  “You’re going to burn in hell for this.”

  “Whatever.” He walked over to Tim and picked up his finger off the floor. “Nice souvenir, fucktard.”

  “You’re fucking sorry.”

  “Actually, you’re gonna be.” Elmer pulled out a pair of pliers from his back pocket. “You owe me a hundred bucks.”

  “No problem. I’ll give you everything I own if you let me go.”

  “You know I can’t do that. But I can give you two options to pay me back. First, Seth bet me five-hundred bucks that you will be the last one alive. Just make sure that doesn’t happen, then I’ll actually make four hundred bucks on this gig.”

  “Seriously? You want me to die so you can make four-hundred bucks? You’re fucking crazy.”

  “I didn’t think you would go for that.” He tossed the pliers on Tim’s lap. “The other option is you can give me five of your front teeth.”

  Tim looked confused. “What?”

  “I didn’t stutter, asshole. I want six of your teeth for payment. I’m going to make a necklace out of them.”

  “You said five.”

  “See, you are listening, but every time I have to tell you, the number is going to go up.”

  “You’re fucking nuts.”

  “I’d pull ‘em out myself, but I don’t want to tear my stitches fighting with you.”

  “Seth will get mad at you if you do this.”

  “Don’t patronize me. And besides, he’s the one that told me he would give me my money back if I made him a tooth necklace out of your teeth.”


  Elmer showed Tim a text message from Seth that verified his story. “See, I told you. He likes necklaces made of teeth. And now you owe me eight. Get them fuckers out so I can start the saw back up.”

  “Please don’t do this. I was serious about giving you everything I own if you let me go: my house, cars, money, everything. And I won’t say anything about what happened here.

  “Stop trying to get out of this—we’ve already been over that.”

  Joe got Elmer’s attention. “Hey! I have about twenty-five thousand in the bank. I also have a house, two cars, gold and some guns. It’s all yours if you let me go.”

  Ryan was being quiet—he didn’t have a pot to piss in.

  Beth laughed. “I’d take them up on that offer. Maybe then you can go buy yourself some balls.”

  Elmer glared at her. “Fuck you, bitch. You’ll be getting yours soon.”

  “I’m in charge of my destiny, you fucking prick, not you.”

  “You’re awful cocky for someone in your predicament.”

  “Go to hell, asshole.”

  “You first, bitch.” Elmer looked back at Tim. “Get to pulling your teeth.”

  “You’re fucking….”

  Elmer grabbed a hold of Tim’s penis. “Pull out your fucking teeth before I rip off your cock.”

  Tim started hitting Elmer’s hands with the pliers. “Get the fuck away from me!”

  Elmer jerked his hands away. “I’ll get ‘em one way or another.” He started walking towards the control panel.

  Tim started panicking. “Okay, okay. I’ll do it if you don’t start the saw again.”

  Elmer stopped next to the control panel. “Fuck you! I’ll pull ‘em myself as you’re letting out your last breath of air.” He looked at the group. “And by the way, one finger isn’t going to greenlight ya this go around, so you better get ready to start cutting yourself into pieces.”

  Tim was horrified when the saw started back up. He was mentally exhausted. He had been on an emotional roller coaster ride. He had never experienced so many emotions in such a short period of time. He had flip-flopped between being confused, angry, horrified, scared, timid, aggressive and submissive. He felt numb inside. He had to make a choice; lie down and die, or fight to survive. Now he was experiencing a new emotion; he wasn’t going to give Elmer the satisfaction of seeing him beg anymore. He took the pruning shears and snipped off his ring and middle fingers. He smiled at Elmer as he stuck them in the pipe.

  Elmer laughed when Tim’s amber light came on. “It’s gonna take more than that, you fuckin’ punk.”

  Tim didn’t expect that. He started to panic, not knowing how many fingers he was going to have to cut off. He started to snip off his index finger, then thought about what he would do after that. He only had so many appendages. That realization scared the shit out of him, knowing he was going to have to start cutting off other body parts. Mentally he went into a downward spiral. He began jerking at his collar and legs again, as he had done the first time. He had to get control of himself and come up with something before the saw sounded its buzzer. There was no way he could bear that much pain again, and he didn’t want to be burned like Charles. Without thinking, he sliced off his right ear with the knife, then quickly stuck it in the pipe. His heart seemed to stop when the amber light stayed on. He began to freak out.

  Joe had been watching to see if the system would accept separate pieces, combining them for the required amount, or if it would need one large item at a time. He shouted at Tim. “You have to add something larger. Small pieces spaced out don’t count.”

  Tim was horrified. That meant he had wasted two fingers and an ear. He shouted at Elmer. “This isn’t fair! What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”

  Elmer was leaning against the control panel. He grabbed his crotch and shook it.”

  Tim was devastated. There was no way in hell he was going to cut off his dick and balls. By now the machine was approaching his table. He had only seconds to make a decision. Without giving it another thought, he jabbed the knife into his thigh and began violently cutting. The pain was almost too much to bear as he cut a hockey puck sized circle. When completed, he tried to pull out the piece of flesh, but it was stuck. He quickly realized he should have angled the knife to the inside of the circle as he was cutting to sever the bottom of the plug. In a state of panic, he started prying at the plug with his knife while working it around. When he got most of it cut loose, he gripped it with both hands and ripped it out. He held on to it for dear life, making sure not to drop it as he stuck the piece of meat into the pipe. Relief overcame him when his green light came on. Even though he was relieved, he knew he was going to have to do it all again. And to make it worse, there were less people, meaning the saw would be returning more quickly. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take. He became nauseated as he looked at his mutilated body. It was bad enough that his leg had been cut in half up to his knee, but the halves were being pulled apart. He could see the inside of his leg: white bones, ligaments, cartilage, veins and muscles. The cuts were smooth and kind of shiny. His leg reminded him of a science prop designed to show the inner working of the body. It was very disturbing. Then he looked at his left hand; that pissed him off. He thought he looked like a freak sporting only a thumb and index finger. Then he looked at the hole in his thigh. He quickly looked away—the tendons and veins hanging out of it grossed him out.

  Suddenly, he heard an ear-piercing scream. When he looked, he noticed the saw was sitting in the center of Ryan’s crotch. Oh my God, he thought, Ryan’s getting it bad. He had been too preoccupied with himself and didn’t see what caused it. Then Ryan made the same mistake Henry did; he grabbed at the blade in a desperate attempt to stop the pain. The blade mutilated the majority of his hands. There wasn’t much left except for the palms and a couple of fingers dangling by tendons. Then Ryan did the unexpected; he shoved his head into the blade, instantly killing himself. When the saw backed away, he remained in the sitting position. The chain was holding him where he was leaning slightly forward. His head was hanging downwards and oozing brain matter.

  Tim was horrified. Henry, Jason and Ryan were already dead, and Charles was on the verge of death. He knew from the beginning that the game was going to be bad, but never dreamed it was going to b
e this barbaric and sadistic. He thought about killing himself and getting it over with. Waiting until the saw was on the furthest end would be the best, he thought. That way it wouldn’t have time to get to him and cut him like it did Jason. He looked at Elmer. He wasn’t paying attention as he played on his phone. What a fucking prick, he thought. People were being tortured and dying and this asshole was goofing off. Wait a minute, he thought, Elmer was supposed to be on suicide watch. This might be his chance. He took his knife and started to cut his wrist while keeping an eye on Elmer.

  About that time, he heard Charles screaming. He looked over and noticed the saw was cutting up one of his legs. He was just lying there, screaming. It appeared he didn’t even try to feed the pipe. His body must be in shock from being burned, or he must have simply given up, he thought. The blade didn’t stop until it reached his hip. Tim knew there was no way Charles was going to survive much longer. He only had two competitors left, Joe and Beth. Elmer had referred to this as a game, but it seemed more like some twisted way just to mentally fuck with them. Just like with the hooks pulling his leg apart. The hooks weren’t done to prevent anyone from escaping. They were done for psychological torture. He looked at his leg that was cut in half. Who wouldn’t be grossed out by that, he thought. Now that he had an understanding of how Elmer and Seth operated, he had to decide if it was worth the extra pain to win this so-called game. They would probably kill him anyway if he somehow managed to outlast everyone else. Either way, he decided to see what the others were going to do first. He could probably handle a few more rounds, if need be.

  Tim hadn’t been paying much attention to what Joe and Beth had been doing. It had been pretty much chaos for everyone since the saw had started. But now he was focused on them. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Joe had cut off his left hand. What a dumbass, he thought, now he only had one hand. That was going to make it difficult for him to cut something else off. He wasn’t sure what Beth was up to. She was frantically cutting at one of her legs as the saw approached her. Was she cutting off a kneecap, he wondered. That was actually a good idea, especially for him since his left leg was already mutilated. Right before the saw got to her, she rolled off the table.

  Tim yelled out to Joe. “How did she get loose?”

  “She cut her legs off at the knees.”

  Tim was confused. “How did she get through the bone?”

  “She probably cut through the tendons.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Sitting next to the table on the floor. She can’t go anywhere because of her chain. But it looks like she’s trying to pick the lock with the knife.”

  Elmer heard what was being said. He stood up. “Well I be damned. I didn’t see that coming.” He looked at Tim. “Looks like I might win the bet after all.”

  Tim knew he had to do the same thing. He had plenty of time—the saw was at the other end. He grabbed his knife and started to cut into his knee.

  Elmer yelled at him. “Hold up! Are you trying to kill yourself?”

  Tim shook his head. “No. I’m going to cut off my legs.”

  “You can’t do that. That would be considered a suicide attempt and I will have to engage the execution mode.”

  “Chill out, dude, I’m not trying to kill myself.”

  Elmer shut off the saw, then walked over. “Don’t call me dude. And it will be if you cut into an artery.”

  “I’m not going to.”

  “Apparently, you didn’t take anatomy in high school. You can’t cut off your fucking leg without cutting arteries, dumbass.”

  Tim was confused. “You didn’t have a problem with Beth doing it.”

  “I didn’t catch her in the act.”

  “I think you’re trying to cheat. Seth has already warned you about that.”

  Elmer looked guilty. “I, uh… You know what, just do what the fuck you want to do.”

  Tim injected himself with another adrenaline shot so he wouldn’t pass out from the pain. Right before he started to cut into his leg, Joe yelled out, “She’s dead! Don’t do it, Tim.”

  He looked at Joe. “What?”

  “She bled out.”

  Tim looked at Elmer. “Did she not have the clotting agent?”

  “Of course, she did.”

  “Then why in the fuck did she bleed out?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess ‘cause she was a stupid cunt.”

  “Can you be serious for once?”

  Joe had an idea. “Maybe the clotting agent couldn’t stop the larger arteries from bleeding.”

  “My leg is cut all the way to my knee and I’m not bleeding that much.” He thought for a moment. “Fuck, I know why. My leg was cauterized by the blade.” Tim was glad he didn’t cut off his legs. He would have bled out too.

  Elmer pointed at Tim. “See, you were trying to kill yourself. Prepare to die, asshole.”

  Tim’s eyes opened wide. “Hold up! I’m not doing it.”

  “Rules are rules, you fuck. I have to execute your ass.”

  Tim was horrified. “Please don’t. I beg you.”

  Elmer was smiling like a possum eating shit. As soon as he turned to head for the control panel he tripped on the tracks, causing him to fall. His head slammed into the concrete, causing him to lose consciousness.

  Mind Incarceration

  Elmer could feel his head pounding as he woke. The impact had knocked off his beer hat and his IV bags fell out of the hat’s holder. He grabbed his neck as he laid on the floor. The IV lines had jerked the shit out of his catheters. When he caught his composure, he sat up, put his IV bags back in the holders, then put the hat back on. He tried to stand up, but a sharp pain shot through his stomach. The fall had jarred his guts and stitches. He took a knee, worried that he had torn something.

  Tim could tell Elmer was hurt. He felt showing concern could work to his benefit. “You alright? Is there anything I can do?”

  Elmer was holding his stomach. “Fuck you, you little bastard. You’re really gonna get it now.”

  “Hold up! I didn’t cause you to fall.”

  “Fuck you anyway. I’m going to make sure the saw cuts you into pieces, starting with your fucking dick. You’re going to be in so much pain that….” Elmer’s phone rang. He noticed it was Seth again. He answered it. “Hold up, boss.” He stood up and eased off to the side so no one could hear him. “Yes sir… Sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on hold… I know, I’m your bitch. It won’t happen again… I was just messing with him… I’m not trying to cheat you out of your money… I’m not lying… I’m sorry… I know… Oh! Okay… I will… Sorry, boss… Hello, you still there? Boss?” Elmer put his phone in his pocket. “Fuck me runnin’!” Under his breath, he said, “I hate this fucking transmitter. Fucker can hear everything I say.” He looked at Tim. “Now Seth is mad at me again, asshole. He said I deserved to bust my head on the concrete. He said if he was here he would have done it himself. You got me in trouble, you little prick.”

  Tim was still scared shitless, but was glad Seth had called. Now he didn’t have to cut off his legs. All he had to do was outlast Joe. Charles was on his way out, so he wasn’t concerned about him.

  Elmer was angry. “I know what you’re thinking, so fuck you. You’re still going to have to cut yourself apart, and I get to watch.” He took off towards the control panel.

  Tim needed to get something in the pipe. He remembered the kneecap idea. It was obvious to take the one on his leg that had already been cut.

  “Fuck you, bitch,” shouted Elmer as he started the saw.

  Without hesitating, Tim sliced the skin across the top of his knee. He started gagging as he pulled the skin apart, exposing the white bone. He tightly grasped his kneecap and pulled back on it. How is this damn thing attached, he thought? After cutting away more skin, he noticed there were tendons connected to it. Big tendons. He wasn’t expecting that. He started to cut them, then paused. His stomach was nauseated and his hands were trembling. He wasn’t sure if he coul
d do it. Then he heard Elmer heckling in the background. That pissed him off. He shouted, “Fuck you, asshole!” then he started cutting at the tendons with the knife. Within seconds he was holding his kneecap in the air. He was absolutely sick of Elmer. He stuck the bone into the pipe, then shouted, “How you like them apples, you piece of shit?”

  As soon as the saw reversed, he decided to have the next item ready. Even though his leg was split from his foot almost to his knee, the upper portion of his tibia, the epiphysis, was still in one piece. He jammed his knife into the top of his tibia, then wiggled it, snapping the epiphysis in half. Now his tibia was in two complete pieces. He started prying on the bone on the inner side of his split leg, but it was still connected. After he severed all the tendons and ligaments on the upper portion, he started twisting the bone to tear the tendons at the other end that were attached to his ankle. When it pulled loose, his eyes opened wide. Dangling from the end of his tibia were other bones and their attached ligaments. He looked down at his foot and noticed half of the bones had been pulled out. At that moment, he knew he was going to outlast the other two. Not only did he have several more rounds in his hand, he had the other bones in the other half of his leg to go if he needed them. His leg being cut in half turned out to be a big advantage. Not only had it provided him with plenty of items for the pipe, but it was also numb, or at least partially numb, reducing the pain.

  He glared at Elmer, then raised the split bone into the air as the smaller bones hung from the end of it. He waved it like a flag. “How do you like me now, dickhead?” He looked at Joe. “You’re fucked, pal. You might as well go ahead and cut your throat.” He looked at Charles as he was barely breathing. “And you, you black piece of shit, you can go to hell.” He looked back at Elmer. “This is what you get for betting against me.”

  Elmer shook his head. “That’s fine—it’s only money. And besides, after getting to spend this quality time with you and seeing who you really are, I’m glad that you’re going to win this and the prize. You really deserve to live for a very long time. Seth was smart picking you.”


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