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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

Page 166

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Seth opened the camper shell. “See, you don’t have to kill Wyatt, so let’s get on with our business.”

  “Hold up! You and I still have a beef.”

  Seth faced him. “Okay.”

  Barry just looked at him.

  “I’m waiting.”

  Barry looked at Missy.

  She ran her thumb across her neck.

  Barry shrugged his shoulders. “It’s water under the bridge.”

  “Peachy.” Seth dragged one of the men out of the truck bed. Kenneth, Wyatt and Barry dragged out the other three men. They were tied up with rope and their mouths were covered with tape. Their eyes were huge as they looked around and tried to talk.

  Missy went to each one and removed the tape from their mouths. She tried to ask them a question, but they were all yelling at her. She looked at Seth. “Shut these fuckers up.”

  He pulled out a knife. “The next person that speaks without being spoken to first will have an eye gouged out.”

  They became quiet.

  Missy opened a folder. “Which one of you perverts is called the Candy Man?” Robert King was a child molester. He picked up the nickname Candy Man because he lured kids with candy.

  No one answered.

  Seth kicked one of the men. “I said you can speak when spoken to!”

  Missy started pacing back and forth in front of them. “Candy Man better speak up if he knows what’s good for him.”

  They lay in silence.

  “Let me put it this way. If I don’t get some fucking cooperation, I’ll cut off your dicks.”

  They all started jerking at their restraints while yelling curse words and threats.

  She looked at Seth. “Can I get them stripped down?”

  Seth was leaning against the truck smoking a cigarette. “Your wish is Barry’s command.” He looked at Barry. “Don’t just stand there. Get to it.”

  He pulled out his knife and started cutting off their clothes.

  Seth grabbed some braided cable, cable clamps and some tools from the truck and gave them to Kenneth and Wyatt. “Cut the cable in four, ten-foot pieces and secure one to each of their right ankle.”

  Seth drove a tie-out-stake into the sand, then secured an end from each of the four cables to it. Missy gave each of the men an adrenaline injection, then cut their ropes. The men stood up covering their privates. It was an awkward situation as they stood nude and vulnerable in front of strangers, and they were hesitant to speak.

  Seth laughed. “I’ve always said you can calm a motherfucker down by simply stripping them down to their birthday suit.”

  Missy opened the folder again. She already knew who was who, but wanted them to admit to what they had done. “I still want to know who stuck their dick in a four-year-old child.”

  One of the older men got the courage to speak. “What’s going on? Why am I here?”

  Missy glared at him. “I’m the one asking questions, so shut the fuck up.”

  “Who are y’all? I haven’t done anything to you.”

  They all became unruly and started yelling at her. She looked at Seth. “I need something to get their attention.”

  He went to the front of the Toyota and pulled out a homemade flamethrower. He turned on a CO2 cylinder that pressurized a tank full of diesel. He lit a propane torch that was mounted next to the nozzle, then handed it to her.

  She pointed the flamethrower off to the side of the men and pulled the trigger. A stream of burning fuel shot about sixty feet. She smiled. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about.” She pointed it at the men. They wore horrified expressions and stood quiet. “You fuckers can do what I say, or we can have a weenie roast. I don’t care either way.”

  They didn’t say a word as they looked at her like she was crazy.

  “Now back to my question. Who did it?”

  No one spoke.

  She pulled the trigger, engulfing the group in burning fuel. They were running around in all directions screaming at the top of their lungs. They were knocking into each other and tripping over the cables as they frantically tried to get away.

  Kenneth was laughing. “Damn! This is better than Burning Man.”

  Wyatt walked over to Seth. “She’s going to kill them before we ever get a chance to fuck them up.”

  He lit a cigarette. “It’s her gig. She can burn them to a crisp if she wants.”

  She shut off the flamethrower, then looked at Wyatt. “Pay attention, you might learn something.”

  He looked at the men as they lay on the ground smoking. “Oookaaay.”

  She handed Seth the flamethrower, then opened the folder. “Who’s the Candy Man?”

  A heavy-set man lying on his stomach raised his hand. She looked at Wyatt and laughed. “See, pussyfooting around only wastes time.”

  “Yeah, but now they’re too fucked up to move.”

  “Bullshit.” She yelled at the fat man. “Candy Man! Get your ass over here before I burn off your fucking cock!”

  The man slowly stood up. He was short, round and had a baby face. It was painful for him to move. Sections of his skin were red and most of the hair on his body had been singed. He didn’t say anything as he stood in front of her covering his privates.

  “Tell me about yourself.”

  “I don’t want to die. Please….”

  “I didn’t ask you if you wanted to live or die, asshole.” She looked at Seth. “Give me the flamethrower.”

  The man raised one of his hands. “Okay, okay! I’m Robert King. I’m forty-nine and live in Midland. I was born in Dallas and graduated high school in….”

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass about that shit. I wanna know why you like to touch kids.”

  “I don’t understand what you’re asking.”

  “Are you fucking retarded?”


  “Then answer my question before I do something really fucked up to you.”

  “I… I don’t know why I did it, but I served my time.”

  Kenneth was sitting on his truck’s tailgate next to Wyatt. “I knew that was coming.”

  Wyatt laughed. “These fuckers will give you the runaround no matter what you do to them.”

  “We’ll see about that.” She aimed the flamethrower at Robert and pulled the trigger. As the burning fuel engulfed his body, he rolled around on the ground, screaming at the top of his lungs. When she shut it off, most his body was bright red and blisters were starting to form. “You wanna tell me that you served your time again?”

  He was in so much pain he could barely speak. “No ma’am! I’m sorry! Please don’t burn me anymore. I’ll do whatever you ask!”

  “Then tell me why you like to touch kids.”

  “I’m sick.”

  “That’s a copout.”

  “I ... I… I, uh….”

  “Say it, you fat pig!”

  “I find them arousing.” He started crying. “Please just kill me.”

  She looked at Seth. “I wanna save this one for later.”

  Seth was sitting on his tailgate. He motioned to Barry. “Go hogtie the fat fuck.”

  As Barry restrained Robert, Missy looked at the folder. “Who’s the college prick that raped the woman behind a dumpster?”

  A skinny man in his mid-twenties raised his hand as he sat on the sand. The flames had burned majority of the hair on his head, leaving just a few blonde patches.

  “Get your ass over here.”

  He stood up, then slowly walked over to her.

  She pointed the flamethrower at him.

  “No need in that.” He looked at Robert as he lay on the ground crying. “I’ll tell you whatever you want.”

  “Then get to it.”

  “I’m Brian Chandler from El Paso. I was accused of rape, but we were both drunk.”

  She started to pull the trigger.

  He held his hands out. “Okay, okay! I did it! I drugged her!”

  She tossed him a syringe with a long needle. “Go have a seat.�

  He held it up, noticing it was filled with a yellow substance. “What is this for?”

  “I said sit your ass down!”

  As he walked away, she looked at the folder. “Who’s Jerry, the internet predator?”

  A tall slender man stood up. He had dark, brown hair and a neatly trimmed goatee. “I am.”

  “I see that you like to use the internet to pick up underage girls.”

  “I did, but that was in the past. I paid my debt to society. And you have no right doing this to me. You’re going to be in serious trouble if you don’t let me go.”

  “Thanks for the legal advice.”

  “This is cruel what you’re doing. You have no right to do this.”

  She tossed him a syringe. “Go sit your ass down before I make you think cruel.”

  He sat on the ground next to Brian and Robert. “You’re gonna pay for this.”

  “Keep talking and see where it gets you.”

  He glared at her.

  “Don’t fucking look at me, asshole!”

  He turned around, putting his back towards her.

  She walked up to the last man. He was fifty-eight years old, had wrinkled skin, and his hair and beard were long and unkempt. She was holding a machete in case he, or one of the other men, tried to attack her. “You must be Brandon. The asshole who raped homeless women.”

  “I’m glad you can read.”

  “Oh, a smart-ass. I’m going to have fun with you.”

  “You don’t know shit, lady!”

  “I know that you’re a fuckin’ rapist, and that’s enough.” She tossed him a syringe, then stood in front of the three men. “I’m fixin’ to make y’all’s fantasies come true.”

  They just glared at her.

  “Such an enthusiastic bunch.” She held up one of the syringes. It had an eight-inch long needle. “This is industrial strength polyurethane resin. When it comes into contact with water, or in this case, body fluids, it triggers a chemical reaction that causes the resin to form into an expanding gel. I want you fuckers to poke that needle in the end of your dicks, slightly above your urethra, and shove it all the way down the center until you get to the base. Then I want you to inject the resin evenly as you pull it back out.”

  Jerry was glaring at her like she was crazy. “What the fuck? Why would you want us to do such a thing?”

  “I told you, to make your fantasy come true.”

  “That doesn’t make since.”

  “Every man dreams of having a big dick. I’m going to make yours a fucking python.”

  Brian was scared. “Please don’t do this! I beg you!”

  Brandon was shaking his head. “There ain’t no fuckin’ way I’m going to do this.”

  “It’s not that difficult of a task.” She sat on Robert’s stomach, facing his crotch. “Candy Man said I could demonstrate how it’s done on his dick.” She grabbed his penis and shoved the needle all the way through the center. “See, it goes right the fuck in.”

  Robert’s hands were tied behind his back and his legs were tied together. He tried to throw her off, but she had her legs tightly against his sides. She started injecting the resin as she slowly pulled out the needle. When she was done, she stood up and stepped away from him. “See how easy that was?”

  Kenneth grabbed his crotch. “Damn, woman! What the hell?”

  Wyatt laughed. “You know you’re going to have to almost kill them to get them to do that.”

  Robert was staring at his penis in horror as the resin began to swell. Within seconds, his penis had grown to its normal erection size. Shortly after that, it had grown so much the skin was starting to stretch to the point it looked as if it was going to tear.

  Seth started laughing. “Damn! I should have been using that shit instead of expanding foam.”

  Missy looked at him. “See, you need to bring me along more often.”

  “No shit.”

  Wyatt had a serious expression. “You have any more of that stuff left?”

  She nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Good. Barry needs some since his dick don’t work.”

  Barry was sitting on the ground next to Seth’s truck. “Screw you, asshole! My cock works just fine.”

  “Before or after Seth cut it off?”

  He stood up. “That’s it! I’m going to beat your ass!”

  Wyatt raised his hands. “Sorry, dude. Didn’t mean to piss you off.”

  “What the fuck is your problem?”

  “I was just messin’ with you.”

  Missy snapped her fingers. “Y’all stop bickering.”

  Barry sat back on the ground. “I didn’t do anything.”

  She looked at the three men. “Now that I’ve shown you fuckers how to do it, get to it.”

  They just looked at her.

  “We can do this the painful way, or less painful way. It’s y’all’s choice.”

  Brandon stood up, then tossed the syringe on the ground. “You can go fuck yourself, bitch!”

  She pulled out a knife, then cut off Robert’s balls. She tossed the sack on the ground at Brandon’s feet. “Yours is next?”

  He stepped back. “Oh fuck! You’re… You’re fucking crazy!”

  She glared at him. “I bet that got your fuckin’ attention.”

  The other two men stood up, staring at Robert’s crotch as blood squirted all over the place. They didn’t say anything, but the expressions on their faces stated they knew she was serious.

  She held up the machete. “And I’m not going to be as gentle with y’all as I was with Candy Man.”

  Kenneth was shaking his head. “Shit just got real.”

  Seth tapped Barry on the shoulder, then pointed at Robert as he lay on the ground screaming. “Go stop his bleeding before the fucker dies.”

  Brian fell to his knees. “Oh my God! I don’t want to die!”

  Missy knew the importance of hope when it came to making people hurt themselves. It was something she had picked up from Seth. She also knew she could force them to do it, but it would be more psychologically painful if they voluntarily did it. She approached Brian. “I would be lying if I said you weren’t going to be punished for what you’ve done, but, if you do what you’re told, you will live.”

  Tears were running down his cheeks. “Please let me go! You’ve already taught me a lesson!”

  “I can’t do that. You owe that girl you raped some justice. Just pick up the needle and get it over with.”

  “But… But I don’t want to lose my penis.”

  “Who said you’re going to lose it?”

  He looked towards Robert, then back at her. “I saw what it did to his. There is no way it would be normal after that.”

  “It’s just expanding gel. There is no reason why the hospital wouldn’t be able to remove it.”

  “But I don’t….”

  She put her finger across her lips. “Shhh! I don’t want to cut off your penis or have to burn you anymore, so please don’t make me.”

  He picked up the syringe.

  Brandon had been listening to their conversation. “Fuck this crazy bitch. She’s fucking lying. They’re going to kill us regardless of what we do.”

  Jerry agreed. “Yeah, they can go fuck themselves. I’m not going to stick shit in my dick. They might as well go ahead and kill me and get it over with”

  Brian dropped the syringe. “I can’t do it.”

  “You fuckers are going to wish y’all were dead.” Missy was a little aggravated as she picked up the flamethrower.

  Seth approached her. “The mind-rape shit doesn’t always work for me either. Don’t let it get to you.”

  “It’s all good. I’m going to burn these motherfuckers into submission.” She pointed the nozzle at the men. “The pain will stop when everyone’s dick is as big as a cucumber.” She pulled the trigger.

  Ass Vandals

  The men screamed and begged for her to stop as she burned them. They were chaotically running in circl
es as far as their cables would allow. They were tripping and falling, running into each other, and rolling around on the ground.

  Brandon finally fell to his knees and shoved the needle into his penis. The pain of injecting himself was overshadowed by the excruciating burning sensation that was radiating throughout his body. Missy stopped burning him and concentrated on the other two. Brian and Jerry finally fell to their knees and shoved the needles into themselves. Brian’s hands were shaking so much that he could barely hold onto the syringe. Missy released the trigger. “See, it’s not that hard.”

  When the men were done, they fell to their backs, breathing heavily while their bodies shook. They had been burned so badly that they had patches of skin that were black and leathery in texture. The air was lingering with the strong odor of diesel mixed with the putrid smell of cooked flesh and burnt hair.

  Seth laughed. “I bet y’all wish y’all had chosen the less painful way.”

  Wyatt, Kenneth and Barry were standing next to Seth, watching the men as they lay on the ground crying. With each passing second, their penises were getting bigger and bigger. Brandon’s penis was swelling mostly in the center. Missy stood over him holding the machete. “Hey, dumbass, that’s going to be a problem.” She poked his penis with the tip of the machete.

  He raised his head, noticing it was shaped like a small football. “Oh shit! That’s bad!”

  “That’s what you get for not listening and injecting the resin unevenly.”

  He had a worried look. “Please do something. I don’t want to lose my dick.”

  Jerry’s penis had grown to the size of a banana. “It fucking hurts! I think the skin is going to tear. Please call an ambulance!”

  Brian was crying as he held his. He had injected the resin unevenly like Brandon had done, but his penis looked like an hourglass. “Please get me some help too!”

  Missy shook her head. “You motherfuckers are all burned to shit and all y’all are worried about is your fucking dicks.”

  Kenneth yelled out, “My God, woman! Look what you did to them. I’d be crying too.”

  Wyatt laughed. “I’m sure they are upset. Fucking up a pervert’s dick is like cutting off a pianist’s fingers.”

  Seth had a twinkle in his eye. “I think it’s a freakin’ work of art.”


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