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Page 21

by J. M. Nevins

  They embraced briefly and Sully pulled back and nodded. “I won’t let you down.”

  Lew grinned and extended his hand to shake it. “I know you won’t, kid. Now go get some rest and talk to Kitten. If she’s icing you out, give her time. Keep at it. She’ll come around.” He winked. “I’ll see you soon.”

  He walked Sully out and returned to his study, noticing that Jonathan had returned. They exchanged a look and Lew put his hands up. “Alright, alright, I’m going to bed.”

  Jonathan shook his head and gave him a look of disapproval. He frowned. “Oh stop looking at me like that Jon. I didn’t meddle just to meddle. I did it in the name of love. Those two, they can figure it out. I had to talk some sense into him, the guy’s about to go off the deep end. You gotta trust me on this one.” He nodded.

  Jonathan sighed and then chuckled. “I would have never pinned you as a hopeless romantic, but look at you trying to get them back together and playing marriage counselor. I’ve seen it all!”

  Lew chuckled and winked. “Get ready, I may work on you and Beth next!” He laughed and started walking away.

  Jonathan shook his head, yelling after him. “That’s not gonna happen!” He then chuckled. “Goodnight, Dad.”

  Lew turned to looked at Jonathan as he stood at the base of one of the spiral staircases. He smiled and nodded. “Goodnight Jonny. You did good today, kid. Proud of you.”

  Jonathan watched as he climbed the stairs and disappeared onto the next floor. He grinned, liking how his father was so happy. It had been a while since he had seen him so full of life and excited.

  * * *

  Although the nature of the day was emotional and chaotic, Kit welcomed being in the studio and focusing on one thing only—her vocals. It was a great distraction and exactly what she needed.

  She elected to channel it all into her performance, pulling and using an emotional blend from her confusion and frustration with Sully. Having Bryan in the studio contributing his brilliant piano and keyboard stylings instantly made her feel assured and at ease as they started the first take.

  An hour later, A-Dub had what he needed. Kit was free to go, but she hung around anyway, interested in Bryan’s flourishes—one of the reasons she had called him into the project in the first place.

  A-Dub leaned in toward Kit. “You got a vocal coach?”

  She shook her head and chuckled. “No. I don’t need one.”

  He burst out laughing and then his face became serious and a sarcastic tone descended onto his words. “Yeah, right. Sure you don’t.” He shook his head as he continued. “That kind of attitude is what’s gonna get you blown out vocal chords by next year and mandatory surgery years from now. Not on my watch. Trust the process, Miss Kitty. We’re getting you a vocal coach. You will work with them or I won’t do your album. Deal?”

  Her eyes were wide and a grin broke across her face. She was shocked, yet satisfied as she knew he was setting her up for success. “Yes. Got it. On board with the vocal coach.” She put two thumbs up.

  His face then melted into a grin and he glanced through the glass at Bryan who was laying down keyboard tracks using a Hammond organ. It was a nice touch he had suggested to A-Dub who ate it up.

  He turned his attention back to Kit and pointed at Bryan. “How did I miss this Bryan Donald guy? How was he not on my radar? He’s epic. Where’s he been hiding? I may want to steal him from you.”

  Kit laughed loudly. She watched Bryan as he was navigating through the track, the sound engineer monitoring his every move. “Started playing piano at the age of four. Plays 5 instruments proficiently, sings, writes, arranges and composes. Classically trained at Julliard. Ended up in Gypsy Tango all these years as a keyboardist and recently as the musical director for the band on tour. And now, he’s a free agent. That being said, I’m sure he’d entertain any offers you may have for him. Maybe even a collaboration. As you can hear, he’s absolutely brilliant. His musicality is insane and he’s a very gifted composer.”

  A-Dub looked through the glass at Bryan. “That’s an understatement. Yeah, I wanna talk to this guy more. I would have never had the idea to bring in a Hammond for that sound and it makes the song so much richer.”

  He nodded to her. “Maybe I was a little hard on you with your producer hat.”

  She giggled and playfully curtsied. “I gladly defer to you, however, I’m always happy to put it back on.”

  He smiled. “If you want to bounce, you can. You’re done.”

  She shook her head. “I’d really like to hear the playback once Bryan’s finished.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t blame you. I’m looking forward to it to. Excited about what we’ll be diving into tomorrow.” His eyes lit up and he nodded. “Tomorrow, we start working on your album.”

  Kit grinned, feeling a mixture of pure elation and heightened anxiety. Tomorrow would mark the beginning of an entirely new chapter—one she had dreamed of since she was a little girl.

  After a successful recording session, they dropped Spencer off at The Plaza and headed to Alexa’s penthouse close by. The driver pulled up to the curb and helped them both out of the car. Kit followed closely behind Alexa while the driver and the doorman navigated their luggage.

  The doorman took a moment to stop Alexa. He took her aside and discreetly whispered something into her ear. Kit noticed the look on Alexa’s face go from tired and subdued to alert and annoyed. Alexa said something back to him, handed him her keys and a folded twenty dollar bill.

  She then spun on her heel and headed toward Kit, linking her arm in hers and navigating her back to the car where the driver opened the door for them.

  Kit frowned. “I thought we were going home? I’m tired, Lex.”

  Alexa ignored her and dialed a number on her cell phone. She spoke into the phone. “We’re meeting you in five minutes. Get your ass down to the Oak Room, grab us a table, we’re having a drink.” She shut the phone and released Kit while the driver helped them into the car once again.

  Once they were situated, Kit stared at Alexa. “Would you mind telling me what’s going on? Are we doing some kind of covert meeting with Jonathan that I should know about?”

  She shook her head. “No. We’re meeting Spence. We’re going to have a drink.”

  Kit groaned. “Like I said, Lex…”

  She met Kit’s eyes and interjected. “I know you’re tired, but Sully is camped out in my lobby right now and the doorman is handling it for us. I told him we’d leave and come back in an hour. He’s putting our luggage in the penthouse. Would you rather go back and deal with Sully or meet Spence for a drink?”

  Kit sighed. “Shit. I didn’t expect him to show up here. I guess he chartered a jet and flew out right after the show ended. They’re playing the Meadowlands for the next two nights starting tomorrow so he’ll be in the area for at least the next 48 hours.”

  She nodded. “Good to know.”

  Kit pulled out her phone and dialed Sean. He answered immediately. “You know Sully is here in New York, right?”

  He sighed. “I tried to stop him. I told him that going into New York wasn’t a good idea, but he had Shannon book him on a private into Teterboro, then a ‘copter into Midtown. I take it you’ve seen him.”

  She stared out the window, seeing the city pass by as they made their way over to the Plaza Hotel. “No. I heard he’s hanging out in Alexa’s lobby. Lex and I are headed to back out to the Plaza to burn some time.”

  There was a pause before Sean responded. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  Kit chuckled. “Um, ok. Why not?”

  “Sully’s staying at the Plaza tonight. At least that’s what Shannon told me.”

  Kit glanced at Alexa as she spoke into the phone. “So you’re telling me that Sully has a room at the Plaza?”

  “Yep. Under one of his normal covers.”

  Kit grinned, remembering them well. “Which one is he using tonight? Harry Callahan or Indiana Jones?”

p; “He’s been on a Dirty Harry kick since we went back out—Harry Callahan. Sorry Kit. I couldn’t stop him.”

  She chuckled. “Oh I know how he is. Hurricane Sully is on the loose. Why do you think he’s so successful? He’s relentless. Answer this for me. Is he totally loaded?”

  “I can’t give you a definitive answer on that, Kit-Kat. The last I saw him was right after the show. I walked with him to the limousine. He was lucid and didn’t seem to be under the influence of anything except maybe a wee bit of whisky that he was sipping as we were walking and talking. He didn’t seem to be high on blow.”

  He paused for a moment and then continued. “That being said, I have no idea what he did on the plane. And before you ask, yes, he was alone. Shannon was the only one with him. Giselle asked her to go with Sully and act as his handler. Shannon is already at the Plaza. No doubt checked into her room and as snug as a bug in a rug. She set Sully up with a car and driver and most likely got his suite set up for him. Sully will be staying in New York for the Meadowlands shows. We don’t leave until later in the week.”

  Kit rolled her eyes and drawled sarcastically. “Great.”

  Sean sighed. “He heard your song.”

  Her breath caught in her throat for a moment. “And?”

  “And he was very… moved.”

  Kit shook her head. She had gotten very good at reading between the lines with Sean. “In other words, he had a meltdown. Where did he hear it?”

  As Sean gave her a recap, Alexa stepped out of the car, Kit following closely behind into the Oak Room, her cell phone still plastered to her ear. Alexa waved to Spencer who had grabbed a table for them in a corner. Kit concluded her call and took a seat.

  Spencer had taken the liberty of ordering a bottle of Cristal champagne for all of them. As the server opened it and poured it into flutes for them, Kit frowned. “What are we drinking champagne for?”

  He chuckled and shook his head as the server left the table. “You’re really asking that? Kit-Kat, your new single is on fire! It’s the most requested song on two coasts. It’s already had a ton of orders on pre-sale alone and you signed a million-dollar record deal tonight. On top of all of that, you’re being appointed as CEO tomorrow to one of the most legendary record labels. I know you’re tired and things with Sully aren’t all that good right now, but don’t let that steal your thunder. You earned this!” He raised his glass. “To you, sis.”

  Alexa nodded and smiled. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.” She raised her glass.

  Kit followed suit and clinked glasses with them. “Thanks. But I thought we were coming here to dodge Sully.”

  Alexa chuckled. “We are, but Spence is smart to use this time productively. A lot has happened in the last twenty-four hours. Let’s take a moment to enjoy it.”

  As Alexa finished her sentence, Kit heard her phone ring. She picked it up and stared at the display, Sully’s mobile number.

  She shook her head. “He’s calling me again.”

  Spencer gave her a look of warning. “Do not pick that up. Put it away in your purse or something.”

  Once it stopped ringing she nodded. “I’ll do better than that. I’m turning this sucker off. I’ll talk to Lew and Jonathan in the morning. Lila is running everything publicity related through Lex and you can just call me over at Lex’s if you need something, Spence. I’m covered.”

  Alexa grinned. “You inspired me to do the same. I’m sure Lila won’t need anything. I talked to her a little while ago. All is well.”

  Spencer nodded, pleased. “I’ve got mine turned off too. Let’s celebrate.”

  Kit giggled. “And hope that Sully doesn’t find us in here. He’s staying in this hotel, y’know.”

  Spencer rolled his eyes. “It’s a big hotel, Kit. Let yourself enjoy this time, c’mon.”

  She smiled. “Ok.”

  The champagne had left Kit feeling tipsy and sleepy. When she returned to Alexa’s she had no trouble falling into bed around two a.m. She was dead asleep hours later when she started to rouse hearing Alexa’s voice and a gentle nudge in the darkness.

  Alexa sat on the side of the bed. “Kitty? Kit. Kit, wake up please.” She leaned over and turned on the lamp on the bedside table.

  Kit frowned and squinted her eyes. “Lex? What time is it? Why are you waking me up? It looks like it’s still dark outside.”

  Alexa appeared distraught. “That’s because it is. It’s almost six a.m.” She met Kit’s eyes and struggled to keep herself composed as she sighed. “God, how do I tell you this?”

  Kit immediately sensed that something was terribly wrong. Her sleepiness vanished in an instant. She sat up and stared at Alexa.

  She recalled her conversation with Sean and his description of Sully’s meltdown hearing her song. She thought about him being alone in a hotel room, calling her over and over again and getting her voicemail. She silently prayed that he hadn’t gone to extreme measures.

  Her brow furrowed, swallowing hard, she hastily inquired. “What happened? Sully’s ok, isn’t he? He didn’t do anything crazy did he?”

  Alexa sighed and shook her head. “This has nothing to do with Sully.” Kit frowned. She was relieved, but completely confused now. Alexa took Kit’s hand in hers and shifted her gaze down, unable to hold the tears back. She finally summoned the courage to meet Kit’s concerned emerald eyes once again.

  Her voice trembled. “Kitty, Lew is gone.”

  Kit stared, wide-eyed, completely perplexed. “What do you mean by gone?”

  As the words rolled off her tongue, she knew exactly what it meant. She felt it deeply in her gut, yet she didn’t want to accept it as truth. She wanted to stay safe in her denial.

  Alexa wiped her tears and met Kit’s eyes. “Honey, Jonathan called me here on the house phone a few minutes ago. He had been trying to call us on our cell phones but they were turned off. Lew had a heart attack. It was fatal. Sherri found him unresponsive about an hour ago. Paramedics said he was already gone when they arrived.” She squeezed Kit’s hand. “I’m so sorry.”

  Kit stared straight ahead rendered speechless for a moment. She told herself it had to be a bad dream. But seeing Alexa’s reaction, she knew it wasn’t. She absorbed the news slowly. The impact of it reached her in a slow wave as an ache from the seat of her soul that led her into heaving sobs. She reached out and clung to Alexa for dear life.

  The emotional pain was unbearable and she found that while being there with Alexa was good, she knew who she really wanted to be with her in that moment. The one person who had been her rock for the last nine years.

  Surprised he came to mind, she initially resisted and then finally looked up at Alexa, composing herself temporarily. “Get Sully over here, please. Tell him what happened.”

  She wiped her tears and met Alexa’s violet eyes. “I know you’re gonna hate this. And I know this is so beyond fucked up and non-conventional, but Lex I need him. I need him in a way that you may not understand right now. Lew was a very big part of both of our lives. In many ways, Lew was like a father to Sully too. He was like immediate family.”

  Alexa nodded solemnly. “I get it, honey. When it all boils down, he’s still your husband. I’ll call him. I’ll tell Spence to stay put in his hotel so you and Sull can have some time to work through this. I think having Sull and Spence in the same room right now isn’t a good idea regardless of the situation and the last thing you need is more drama to worry about.”

  She stood up and her maternal instinct kicked in seeing Kit so distraught, heart-broken and vulnerable. She looked like a lost teenager.

  Alexa leaned forward and kissed her atop her head. “Will you be ok while I go call Sull?”

  Kit fell back onto the bed, the tears welling up again. “Yes. Go call him, please.”

  Sully roused from his sleep, ready to curse out whoever was calling him in his hotel room. He sleepily answered the phone, surprised to hear Alexa’s voice on the other end. When he heard the news she shared
and Kit’s request, he found himself immediately alert and struggling to throw on his jeans and a t-shirt while chatting on the phone.

  Ten minutes later, he was knocking on Alexa’s front door. She opened the door and hugged him. As she pulled back, she met his eyes. “Be gentle with her, Sull. Don’t pressure her for anything, you hear me?” She gave him a look of warning.

  He nodded and met her eyes. “You have my word. I’m here for her in whatever capacity she wants. I have no agenda other than that.”

  Alexa surveyed him. “Ok. She’s in the guest room. Do you remember where that is?”

  He nodded and headed to the room. He opened the door slowly and noticed Kit curled up in a ball, sobbing. Upon seeing her in that state, he felt tears welling up in his eyes. She looked destroyed by the news and it didn’t surprise him. Lew was her mentor and he was most definitely more like her father.

  He felt deep-seated sorrow over Lew’s death too, but he knew it was hitting her much harder. He headed over to the bed and sat on the edge next to her.

  He found himself easily stepping into the role of taking care of her, being her rock, and he relished it. It wasn’t often that she’d let him step into the role. He made a commitment to find more ways to step up for her in the future and make her feel cherished.

  He gently leaned over and stroked her forehead and her hair, speaking softly. “I’m here, baby. It’s gonna be ok. I don’t know how yet, but it is.”

  She started sobbing as she sat up and reached for him. He held her tightly, feeling saddened again by the news. Lew had been a powerful paternal and professional force in his life too. He credited his success to Kit and Lew. In that moment, he was grateful he’d had a chance to meet with him personally the night before.

  After a while, she finally stopped crying, still remaining in Sully’s arms, feeling more calm and safe. She looked up at him. “Sull, I don’t know how to do my job without him.”

  He gazed down into her grief stricken green eyes and stroked her cheek gently. “Yes you do. He wouldn’t have wanted you to be CEO if you didn’t.”


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