Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1)

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Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1) Page 6

by Sarah Bailey

  Chapter Seven

  They flew back to the UK the next day and arrived at Ella’s flat as evening fell. She’d noticed all his bruises had faded before Lukas pulled on a t-shirt that morning. Maybe it was another part of his demonic nature. The ability to heal quickly.

  “I need to go take care of some things. Don’t leave your flat, it’s not safe.”

  He brushed her cheek with the gentlest of touches.

  “But they don’t know where I live.”

  He shook his head.

  “Just stay here.”

  She fought against her instinct to reach out to him and bury herself in his chest. She didn’t want him to leave.

  He picked up his bag and walked to the door, pulling it open. Looking back at her, his eyes darkened. The door slammed as he strode towards her, taking her face in his hands.

  An explosive kiss followed. Her hands tangled in his hair as the temperature between them rose.

  Drowning. This is what drowning felt like.

  She needed to come up for air, but he was dragging her down with him. He released her mouth, leaning his forehead against hers.

  “What are you doing to me?” he muttered.

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead before he left. She could only stand there, eyes wide as her world continued to flip further upside down with every kiss, and every touch he gave her.

  Lukas was digging his way into her heart, burying himself deep in her soul. How could this happen so soon? And the more pertinent question, did he feel it too?

  She picked up her bag, chucking it on the bed before unpacking and putting a load of washing on. She opened the fridge and frowned. It was almost bare. In the craziness of the last few days, she’d forgotten she needed to pop down the shops. But he’d told her to stay in the flat. Her local wasn’t far. She wanted to cook if only to get her mind off the enigmatic demon.

  She shrugged on her coat, making sure to lock up behind her before she set off. She had to walk down the alley where she’d first encountered the demons. Nothing is going to happen to me. Fifteen minutes later, armed with a few shopping bags, she made her way back to the flat.

  “Hello, little girl.”

  She stopped in her tracks. Two men were in front of her. No. Not men. Demons. There was no point pretending she didn’t know what they were. The red mist around them was shining bright like a beacon.

  “What do you want?”

  “Our boss is looking for you.”

  “And why would a demon be looking for me?”

  “Not just any demon,” the other one cut in. “But that doesn’t matter, time to come with us.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  This damn alleyway! It had been a stupid idea to come out. Why hadn’t she listen to Lukas? She placed her shopping bags on the ground by the wall. The demons smiled at her, a wicked gleam in their eyes.

  “You think you can take us on?”

  The taller one laughed. He looked human, but it was an illusion. His eyes glowed red, so dark they were almost black.

  “I said I am not going anywhere with you.”

  Her hands shook, but she mustered all the courage she had. She would not let these demons take her. One of the demons lunged at her, but she stepped out of the way. She heard his growl as the other one grabbed her arm.

  “Let go of me!”

  She tried to pull her arm out of his grasp, but he was unnaturally strong. Something was building deep inside her.


  It burnt hotter as she struggled in his grip. The other slammed a hand around her throat, backing her up against the wall.

  “I won’t tell you again. You’re coming with us.”


  Terror ripped through her, but there was also something else. It drove right through her fear. The demon holding her throat frowned as she put her hand over his. She peeled back his fingers one by one. His eyes grew wide, staring at something in her expression with horror.

  She shouldn’t be able to do that.

  She shoved the demon away from her.

  “I said no.”

  She wrenched her arm from the others grasp, her fist connecting with his jaw. He fell back at the impact.

  “Shit! It’s happening.”

  She stood panting. The rage inside her swirled with an intensity she’d never experienced before.

  “Get away from me.”

  “Come on, Yaz, we should go. Tell the boss, she’s waking up.”

  She stared after the demons as they picked themselves up and backed away from her. When they were out of sight, she slumped against the wall, the anger leaving her as fast as it had come. What had happened to her? How had she got those demons off her? It shouldn’t have been possible. And what was this about her waking up? It made no sense.

  She shook her head as she looked up at the darkening sky. She needed to get back before Lukas found out she’d left. Shit. Lukas. How was she going to explain this to him?

  She made her way back to the flat in a daze. Nothing was adding up. She put away the shopping on automatic before she pulled out a chopping board to start dinner.


  The front door opened. She was busy stirring homemade tomato sauce whilst boiling a pot of water for pasta. She’d given Lukas her spare key and the code for the front door. She didn’t turn to look at him. She’d decided not to tell him about her little incident with the demons, unsure of what his reaction would be.

  “What’s cooking?”

  He came up behind her and peered over her shoulder. She glanced at him.

  “Pasta, nothing special.”

  She hoped he hadn’t noticed her voice shaking on the words.

  “Smells good.”

  He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek before brushing away her hair from her neck and placing another there. She shrugged away from him. Her neck was a little sore after her encounter with the strange demons.

  “It’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

  She didn’t dare look at him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He turned her around, his eyes full of concern.



  “You told me not to go out, but I had nothing in the flat.”

  “So, you left to get food?”


  “And nothing happened?”

  She shook her head. His eyes narrowed. Her hands trembled. He knew she was lying.


  He turned away and shuffled out of the kitchenette. She stifled a sigh of relief.

  When the food was made, she popped the plates down on the coffee table along with a couple of beers. She switched the TV on when he said nothing. She found a random comedy, started eating. He watched her, but he soon tucked into his own meal.

  The silence between them was deafening even with the sound of the TV. She tried not to look his way. She felt terrible for keeping things from him. The guilt gnawed at her heart. But how could she tell him what she’d done? She didn’t even know how it happened.

  He took the plates, washing them up in the sink along with the pots she’d used to make dinner. She watched him. It seemed so strange. A demon engaging in such a mundane task, but he had been human once. Had he retained any of his humanity since he’d been turned? She couldn’t be sure. He looked after her with such tenderness. It was at odds with his teasing nature and the brutality he’d used to kill those demons the first night they met.

  He raised an eyebrow when he caught her staring and she looked away hastily. Her cheeks burnt. She pressed her knuckles into them. Would he always have this effect on her? He sat back down, but rather than talk to her, he pulled out his phone.

  An hour ticked by without a word between the two of them. Fed up with watching crap, she switched the TV off and changed for bed. She could feel his gaze on her although she didn’t look at him. She made a quick trip to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She stared at him when she walked out, but he wa
s engrossed in his phone.

  “Are you staying?”


  “Okay, well I’m going to sleep.”

  When he said nothing else, she pulled the curtain across a little. She slipped between the sheets and turned out the lamp on her bedside table. She turned away from the light in her living area and stared at the window. She was full of nervous energy. There was absolutely no way she was falling asleep now.

  She scrolled through Facebook on her phone, but nothing interesting was going on in the world. Plugging it in to charge, she popped it on the bedside table. Shifting onto her back, she stared up at the ceiling.

  She would have to tell him what happened tonight at some point or this guilt would eat her up. She had no idea why keeping things from him felt like a knife in her gut. It tore through her organs and had her in knots. This was ridiculous. They didn’t really mean anything to each other. This was business with a little pleasure mixed in. They were forced together under strange circumstances.

  Who am I kidding? We’re drawn to each other. Two flames burning in the night. Ella’s heart was well and truly involved no matter how hard she tried to deny it. He made her laugh. He cared for her and gave her the most intense orgasms she’d ever had. So, why wasn’t he taking this to the next level? Why didn’t he go all the way? Lukas really was an enigma.

  She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear him moving around the flat until she heard the click of the light. The flat plunged into darkness. She felt the covers pulled back and the bed dip beside her. She could hear him breathing as he settled down next to her. Several moments ticked by as she listened, but the rhythm didn’t change.

  “I know you encountered demons tonight.”

  She stiffened. How?

  “I tasted them on your skin, Ella. Did you think you could keep that from me?”

  “I… no, I guess not.”

  “What happened?”

  She turned towards him, shuffling onto her side. His eyes met hers, darkness swirling in their depths.

  “They tried to get me to go with them. Something about their boss looking for me. I don’t really know what happened, but I got them off me and they ran off. They said I’m waking up and their boss needed to know.”

  “Did they say who it was?”


  “How did you get them off you?”

  “I told you, I don’t know. Something weird happened. It was like a rage inside me I couldn’t control. I took one of their hands off my throat and punched the other one in the face.”

  “You hit a demon in the face?”

  “Yeah, he flew back. It was weird.”

  He continued to stare at her. Confusion lurking in his expression.

  “I just… didn’t want to make you angry with me for going out when you told me not to and finding trouble like you knew I would.”

  She wanted to bury her face in her hands. The truth had come spilling out yet again. Why couldn’t she keep things from him?

  “I’m not angry.”

  “What… what’s happening to me?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He reached out, brushing the strand of her that had fallen across her face out of her eyes.

  “I don’t know how much more of this I can take. A vampire and a werefox are hunting me, demons are after me. Now, I have some freaky strength thing happen when I’m about to get kidnapped again. Not to mention my intensifying sensing power. I just… this is all so fucking weird. How am I meant to understand any of this? It’s happened so fast.”

  She dragged a hand across her face in frustration. Nothing made sense. And on top of it all, her heart was being stolen by the devastatingly handsome demon next to her. He was the most confusing aspect of it all.

  “I wish I had the answers for you.”

  “Will… will you just hold me? Please.”

  She normally wouldn’t ask for comfort, but she was tired and overwhelmed. He pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her and tucking her head under his chin. His fingers traced lines down her back.

  “Why me?”

  “You’re strong, Ella. You’ll get through this.”

  She shook her head. I’m not strong. I’m weak, a weak human who has no idea what’s happening to me. It wasn’t strictly true. She was something so much more than just human. She wished she knew what the inhuman part of her was.

  All this time, it had remained under the surface. Her sensing powers had only awoken when she turned eighteen. But they had grown when she’d met Lukas. Was he linked to all this? Was it why she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame?

  “I know you’re overthinking this.”

  She pulled away, looking up at him in confusion.

  “You get all quiet when you’re thinking too hard.”

  How does he know that?

  “I… it’s just… a lot.”

  He smiled, brushing a thumb over her bottom lip. It made her shiver. There was a glint in his eye as he looked at her mouth. She was aware of what he wanted. She didn’t want him distracting her again. This had to stop. He couldn’t just kiss her, touch her, drive her wild and not talk about what was going on. She was terrified of asking him. Terrified of the answer. Of rejection.

  She buried her face in his chest again, ignoring the disappointment in his eyes. She pushed away the guilt she felt. He kissed the top of her head and settled back on the pillow. He would not push her.

  Sleep came easily after that. Tucked up safe in the demon’s arms, she relaxed, listening to the thumping of his heart against his chest.

  Chapter Eight

  This damn girl would be the death of him. Lukas lay there with Ella sleeping soundly, tucked up in his arms. He couldn’t sleep. Not when she was so close, her soft skin brushing against his. He wanted her with an intensity he’d never experienced before. There’s no way I can cross that line.

  It had taken every ounce of self-control he possessed. He wanted to tear off their clothes and bury himself in her up to the hilt. She was so soft, so inviting. The way she looked at him drove him insane. She glowed like a beacon, enticing him to have his way with her.

  Ella had barrelled her way into his life and he knew he was in danger of never wanting to let her go. No. He wasn’t letting her go, no matter what. Even if it cost him everything. Because she was everything. Damn it. He had no idea what he was doing.

  When they’d met, the offer of a job had come tumbling out of his mouth without question. After she’d told him what she was capable of, he knew anyone who got their hands on her would abuse her powers. He would not let that happen. Something primal rose up inside him at the thought of anyone else with their hands on her.

  Now, she was in danger from the vamps, shifters and demons and it was his fault for dragging her into this. Ella didn’t deserve any of this shit happening to her.

  When she told him, she’d hit a demon this evening, it worried him. There was something inside Ella that wasn’t human. Her powers were growing. She was terrified. He had no idea how to make it all better for her. If it meant she could defend herself, perhaps it was a good thing. He wouldn’t always be nearby to protect her.

  His arms around her tightened. This damn girl. So beautiful. So smart. So damn sexy. He wanted her. The burning need to take her never disappeared, but he wouldn’t do that to her. I can’t.

  He shook his head. He shouldn’t have even kissed her that day in the hotel, but he couldn’t hold back. Not after she had pressed herself against him and looked at him with desire burning in her eyes.

  Her lips were so soft. He wanted to kiss her now, to feel her against him. She was so pliant, yielding when he touched her. She wouldn’t refuse him, but he had to stop himself. Losing control was not an option. The consequences far too steep.

  “Why aren’t you asleep?” she murmured against his chest.

  He hadn’t realised she’d woken up. How long had he been lying here, lost in his thoughts?

  “I told you
, sweetheart, demons don’t sleep as much as humans.”

  She turned her face up towards him. Her eyes were full of confusion.

  “Isn’t that weird?”

  “Not really.”

  “Are you sure it’s not because of me?”


  “Are you worried about me?”

  She hadn’t really questioned him about how he was feeling before. He was glad. He wouldn’t be able to lie to her about the way she made him feel if she did. And that was a conversation he most definitely did not want to have.

  “Always. You have a habit of getting into trouble.”


  “Not your fault.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Yes. She could distract him with her kisses. That couldn’t happen.


  “Lukas, why do you shut me out?”

  He stared down at her. How did she have the ability to catch him off guard all the time?

  “I’m not.”

  “You do. I never know what you’re thinking about.”

  “I’m working out our next move. If it was important, I’d tell you.”

  The look in her eyes told him she knew he was lying. He wanted to growl in frustration. She would be the death of him.

  “If you say so. I feel like you keep me in the dark all the time.”

  Did she mean about their job? It felt like she was referring to something else. She couldn’t possibly be talking about what was between them, could she?

  “I just want to know you,” she said.

  The words hit him square in the chest. Right in his heart.


  “You don’t know?”

  “Know what?”

  She let out a frustrated sigh.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  She turned her face back into his chest.

  “I just wish you’d tell me how you really feel,” she mumbled, her words muffled.

  He was silent. Her words turned over and over in his head. How I feel? That was a loaded question if ever there was one.

  “We work together.”

  She jerked in his arms. He’d said the wrong thing.

  “Is that all?”


  What could he say? He couldn’t tell her the truth. She was the only light he’d found in the darkness that had consumed him since he’d become a demon.


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