Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1)

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Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1) Page 7

by Sarah Bailey

  “You know what, forget I said anything. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  She pulled away and he let her go. She turned her back to him, stifling a sob.


  “Don’t,” she hiccupped.

  “Ella, please.”

  He reached out to her, but she shrugged off his hand. Her sobs tugged at his heart. He’d made her cry and he couldn’t stand it. He had to fix this.


  He tugged her gently, turning her until she was facing him again. There were tear tracks down her face, her eyes watery. Fuck. He brushed her hair from her face. She gave him a dark look.

  “I didn’t mean that.”

  “Then what did you mean?”

  He wasn’t sure how to answer that. The truth stuck in his throat. He couldn’t tell her how he felt. I’m a demon. I’m not good enough for her.

  He leant towards her. When she didn’t stop him, he kissed her. She was stiff for a moment, but she melted, her hand fisting in his t-shirt as she pulled him closer. It had only been his intention to soothe her, but she ignited the flame. They were both burning, on fire.

  She pulled at his t-shirt. He let her tug it off him.


  “Don’t stop, please.”

  He couldn’t stop kissing her even if he tried. His hands crept under her shirt, brushing against her breasts. She arched into him. He took a nipple between his fingers, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. She moaned. The noise was music to his ears.

  “Lukas, I want you so much.”

  He was in danger of losing control. Her admission rocked him to the core. She was breaking through his resolve not to take her. Every time she touched him, it was like fire burning on his skin.

  “Please. Don’t you want me?” she asked.

  “I do. I want you more than anything.”

  He couldn’t lie to her. He kissed her again. Her hands ran through his hair, tugging as their passion increased.

  This wasn’t right.

  He reluctantly pulled away, looking down at her flushed face, eyes full of lust. He cursed under this breath.

  “Why are you stopping?”

  “I just can’t.”

  He shook his head.

  “Lukas, please. Talk to me.”

  “No, you don’t understand.”

  She reached out, cupping his face with a small hand.

  “Give me a reason. Help me understand.”

  “You deserve more than me. I’m a demon.”

  The light in her eyes died. It hit him like a brick.

  “I don’t care what you are. Don’t you see that?”

  He brought his forehead down to rest on hers.

  “I can’t give you what you want.”

  “You won’t. There’s no can’t.”

  “If you only knew what you were asking.”

  “Then tell me.”


  “Why won’t you tell me?”

  “Because I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “That isn’t an answer.”

  “It’s the only one I have right now.”

  She stared at him for a moment before her face fell and she shoved him away. She turned her back on him, pulling the covers around her.

  She was frustrated, but if only she knew the cost, the consequences, she’d understand. He decided it was better for the both of them if she was angry with him. He tugged the covers over himself. The two of them drifted off into an uneasy sleep.


  Ella was still pissed the next day. She’d finally got him to admit he wanted her, but it had come at a cost. He wouldn’t sleep with her and he wouldn’t tell her why. It seemed so ridiculous. I don’t know what would be wrong with us doing it. I don’t understand him.

  Sighing, she rolled out of bed and showered. When she got out, Lukas was making breakfast. The sight of it melted her heart a little. When he placed the plate of bacon, eggs and toast in front of her, he gave her a tentative smile.

  “What are we doing today?” she asked.

  She decided she wasn’t going to talk about last night. It hurt enough already without adding salt to the wound.

  “Gavin won’t be awake until nightfall.”

  “I take it he’s the vampire you’re going to get information from.”

  “Raquel’s second in command.”

  “Why would he tell us about vampire affairs?”

  “He doesn’t like the way she runs things. It got worse when she involved herself with Valehal.”

  “So, we are using her own men against her?”

  “Vamps are only a hundred percent loyal to their makers.”

  “Do they want to get rid of her?”


  She sighed, tucking into her food. This all came back to Raquel and that damn artefact. Who was this client of Lukas’ anyway? She hated him keeping so much from her.

  “Do you want to do something today?” he asked.


  She folded her arms over her chest. She would rather he left so she could be alone.

  “I get it, you’re pissed off.”

  “Yeah, people keeping things from me is a tad irritating.”

  He eyed her warily. She didn’t want to have this conversation. Not when she was hurting and confused.

  “It’s just complicated.”

  “Everything is with you.”

  He winced. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself saying anything else.

  “I’m only trying to protect you.”

  “Does that include protecting me from you?”

  He closed his eyes for a moment, rubbing his temple.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “How about you start by telling me the truth?”

  “The truth? The truth is I should’ve never allowed myself to cross the line with you.”

  It felt like a slap in the face.

  “I’d like it if you left now. Just… go.”

  She dug her nails into her palm. She didn’t want to let him see her cry again.

  “Fine. I’ll be back when it’s time to see Gavin.”

  “Why do you need me there?”


  “Fine. Whatever.”

  He didn’t look at her as he put on his coat and shoes. She bit down on her lip, hard. She wanted to take back what she’d said. Her heart ached. Does he regret what happened between us? He paused in the doorway.

  “Ella. I’m sorry. I’ve said shit I don’t mean and I’m just fucking up whatever this is between us. You don’t need all that on top of everything else.”

  Before she could respond, he walked out. She couldn’t hold back her emotions any longer. Tears spilt out as she wrapped her arms around herself. A sob escaped her mouth.

  She’d taken a giant leap of faith last night. Finally asking the questions that had been plaguing her. It had spectacularly backfired. Now, she’d pushed him away right when she needed him the most.

  It hurt. She felt the pain in her chest. Right in her heart. How could she feel this way about someone she barely knew? Had it even been a week? It felt longer.

  She dragged herself back to bed, huddling under the covers. She couldn’t stop crying as she hugged the pillow he’d slept on to her chest. She could smell his cologne on it.


  What had she done?

  Chapter Nine

  When Lukas returned after evening had fallen, she mustered enough strength to be civil with him. They had a job to do. She’d dressed up a little but still wore her black Vans in case they ran into any trouble. Ella wasn’t keen on high heels.

  They made their way across the city, neither of them in the mood for conversation. She felt a little uneasy when the two of them stood outside a large block of luxury flats. She said nothing to Lukas as he spoke to someone through the intercom. The door buzzed. They went through, taking the lift up to the tenth floor.

rather smart looking vampire with glasses let them in. He was neatly dressed in dark chinos and a light blue shirt. His hair was light brown and a set of bright green eyes looked at her with interest.

  “Lukas, it has been too long.”

  They followed the vamp through into a large open plan living area. He gestured to them to take a seat.

  “Can I get you a drink?”

  “I’m fine, thanks,” Lukas replied.

  “A glass of water would be nice,” Ella said with a smile.

  The vampire nodded and set about taking out a glass and filling it with water from the Brita filter in the fridge. Ella wondered why a vampire would have such human commodities. She thanked him when he handed her the glass.

  “I take it this is the girl Raquel is after.”

  “Ella, this is Gavin.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Ella said.

  She shook the vampire’s hand before he sat down opposite them.

  “So, what can I do for you?”

  Gavin folded his hands in his lap. Ella didn’t expect Raquel’s second in command to be so civilised. She hadn’t met many vampires. It would be foolish to assume they were all like Raquel.

  “Val was banished. Why?”

  If the question surprised the vampire, he didn’t show it.

  “You heard about that.”

  “We paid Val a visit. It seems the shifters in Budapest hate him as much as you lot do.”

  “Raquel had no choice when he started killing people.”

  “He what?”

  Gavin leant forward.

  “It seems the fox got a taste for human flesh.”

  Her mouth dropped open in shock. Lukas frowned.

  “And I take it she was lenient with him.”

  “She should’ve had him killed on the spot. We don’t need that kind of attention. Missing people, bodies turning up. It was messy.”

  “Yet you kept it under wraps.”

  Gavin shrugged as he leant back.

  “We all wanted Val gone. He’s Raquel’s blind spot. Banishment was preferable to her doing nothing.”

  Lukas glanced at her. He reached out and took her hand, giving it a little squeeze. The gesture did not go unnoticed by the vampire.

  “What’s the fox got mixed up in now? You wouldn’t care about vampire and shifter affairs otherwise.”

  “Val has something of importance to Hell.”

  “I see. That’s why you came to me.”

  “Will you tell her I was here?”

  “I have no wish to get between the two of you.”

  “This isn’t going to end well.”

  “If she is foolish enough to clash with Hell for that fox, she has no business leading the city.”

  There was no doubt in her mind Gavin would be happy if Raquel was dead.

  Permanently dead.

  He spoke of her with a general air of disdain. Did it mean he would take over if she was gone? Maybe he was the lesser of two evils. She had no real idea what the vampire in front of her was like beneath his facade of civility.

  “Well, we have taken up enough of your time. Thank you for the information.”

  Lukas stood, pulling her up with him. She’d entirely forgotten they were still holding hands.

  “I can see why Raquel is interested in your companion.”

  “Should I be concerned about your interest?”

  Gavin smirked.

  “I respect your claim over the girl.”

  Lukas nodded and they left without another word. She tugged her hand away and turned to him when they were in the lift.

  “He’s different.”

  “Gavin prefers to blend in with human society. I’ve never had any trouble with him, but he is dangerous.”

  “Aren’t all vamps?”

  He chuckled.

  “Yes. I suppose they are.”

  “We need to take Valehal down, don’t we?”

  “Yes. Raquel won’t make this easy, but I don’t see any other option. This business about him consuming human flesh complicates things.”

  “That’s kind of sick.”

  “I’ve seen worse.”

  She could well imagine. She suppressed a shudder.

  “Do you think Gavin would make a better leader?”

  “He would keep the vamps in line.”

  “That didn’t answer my question.”

  “Gavin is a capable second. We shall just have to see.”

  She lapsed into silence, unsure of what else to say. There was still tension between them. So many things left unsaid.

  “Do you want me to take you home?”

  His fingers brushed hers to get her attention. They were standing outside the building. Ella shook her head. She couldn’t help it. She craved his company. If he was surprised by her answer, he didn’t show it.

  “Can we get dinner or something?”

  “Of course, as the lady wishes.”

  He bowed to her. She rolled her eyes and shoved him.

  “You’re not as funny as you think you are.”

  “Why, Ella, you wound me.”

  “Come on, idiot. I’m starving.”

  She took his hand, dragging him off to the Underground station. She smiled up at him and his returning one had her heart pounding in her chest.


  Ella’s head ached. She cracked an eye open and found she didn’t recognise her surroundings. Where was she? What happened last night? The last thing she remembered was eating dinner with Lukas. There’d been a lot of wine involved.

  She could feel someone breathing on her neck. Turning her head slowly, she found the demon himself, fast asleep next to her. Their limbs tangled up together. Was this his place they’d ended up at? Disengaging from him might wake him up, but she desperately needed the loo. She pushed him.


  “Mmm, go back to sleep.”

  “I need to go.”

  He opened his eyes, giving her a wicked grin.

  “Seriously, if you don’t want me to wet, what I assume is your bed, you’ll get off.”

  He made an effort to untangle himself from her.

  “The second door on the left.”

  “Thank you.”

  She slipped out of bed, finding the bathroom with ease. She looked at herself in the mirror when she was washing her hands. This wasn’t her t-shirt. She frowned. No, that’s what he’d been wearing yesterday. The fog hadn’t lifted from her brain quite yet.

  She leant against the doorway of his bedroom, rubbing her temple.

  “Come back to bed,” came the muffled sound from under the covers.

  She took a few steps towards it. A hand reached out and tugged her down. She screeched in surprise. He wrapped himself and the covers around her.

  “Mmm, that’s better.”

  “Is this your place?”

  “Yes. You’re quite bossy when you’ve had too much to drink.”


  “You wanted to see where I live. Wouldn’t take no for an answer. Then passed out on my bed.”

  “Did you undress me?”

  “No, you did that all by yourself.”

  “Why am I wearing your t-shirt?”

  “Well… you took it off me and said you were keeping it because you like the way I smell.”

  She groaned as the memories flooded back. He was right. She had demanded that of him. He tilted her face up to him, which had been buried in his chest.

  “It was cute.”

  “Cute? Hardly! More like embarrassing.”

  He smiled at her before he inched his face closer to hers. There was a hesitant expression on his face. She closed the gap, pressing her mouth to his. His hand tangled in her hair. It felt so good despite her lingering headache. Last night had dissolved all the tension between them.

  The doorbell went. The noise sent a wave of pain through her skull. Too loud. He released her.

  “Stay here.”

  He let her go and climbed out
of bed. She admired his bare chest before he pulled a t-shirt on and a pair of jeans. He winked at her before he left the room as the doorbell went again.

  “You took your damn time,” a gruff voice echoed down the hallway.

  She sat up, pulling the covers around her.

  “What do you want?”

  “Finn wants to know why he doesn’t have his artefact yet.”

  Was this someone who worked for Lukas’ client? She assumed it was someone from Hell. Was this man a demon too?

  “You’ve heard of a phone, right?”

  “Are you going to let me in?”

  “No. I have company.”

  “Sly dog. Who is it this time? Bet it’s that girl I saw you with a couple of weeks ago. Did she scream when she found out what you really are?”

  She pressed a hand to her mouth. Had the man just insinuated Lukas took women back to his place often? How often?

  “Seriously, Tom? That was just fucking business.”

  “Ha, whatever man, you’re always mixing business with pleasure. I know about your deals.”

  “Just tell Finn I’m working on it. There are some complications.”


  “You do know who Valehal’s mate is, right?”

  “That stuck up vamp bitch, yeah.”

  “She runs London, Tom. She’s a big deal. Anyway, look, I’m busy.”

  “Whatever man. Just get the artefact.”

  She heard the door slam and Lukas’ footsteps before he came back into the bedroom.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “What did he mean about mixing business with pleasure?”

  He froze for a moment before sitting down on the bed. He ran a hand through his hair.

  “You heard that?”

  She arched an eyebrow. They hadn’t exactly been quiet.

  “You know what I am, Ella. Demons make deals.”

  “I… Am I just another one of those girls?”

  “No. You know you aren’t.”

  “Because we’re working together?”

  “I promised I’d protect you. The other stuff, that’s… different.”

  She wanted to ask how it was different, but the words stuck in her throat. She didn’t want another argument with him. She wanted them to go back to the easy relationship they’d had before she’d pressed him on why he wouldn’t sleep with her.


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