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Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1)

Page 17

by Sarah Bailey

  “Might I remind you that you wanted to come here?”

  She smiled, turning to look at the mountains around them. It was pretty, even though it was raining heavily.

  When they reached the cottage, the owner was there to meet them. He showed them around and gave them a little run down of the area. She was happy to be off the road finally.

  She slumped down on the sofa when the owner had left.

  “I hope it’s not pissing it down tomorrow.”

  “It’s not forecast to, but you never know.”

  He sat down next to her, flipping on the TV before curling his hand around her shoulder.

  She pulled out her phone.

  ‘Hey love, here safe. It’s pissing it down!’

  Daisy’s response was instant.

  ‘Should’ve gone to Spaaain.’

  ‘Viva Espana!’

  ‘Tell wings not to crash on his first attempt.’

  She grinned. Daisy was still working on a nickname for Lukas.

  ‘Take a piccy for me! Pretty please!’

  ‘I got your back. Just don’t tell him.’

  ‘You’re amazing!’

  “Are you two scheming again?”

  He tried to look at her phone screen, but she held it out of his reach.

  “Nuhuh! No snooping.”

  ‘He’s getting suspicious already.’

  ‘Tell him to put his big boy pants on.’

  She couldn’t help but chuckle. She leant her head on his shoulder after pocketing her phone.

  “Mmm, shall I make us dinner?” she asked.

  They’d stopped at a supermarket on the way. Self-sufficiency was paramount when you didn’t want anyone prying into your business. No pub food for them.

  “If you wouldn’t mind, sweetheart.”

  “Anything for you.”

  She placed a soft kiss on his cheek before she went into the kitchen. She unpacked the supplies they’d bought and set about preparing them a meal.

  They spent the evening in front of the TV and went to bed early.

  Tomorrow was a big day.


  They’d only been walking two hours, but Ella was already grumbling about how her feet hurt.

  “God, I’m so unfit! I thought being half and half would have some added benefits, but clearly not.”

  “Only works if you let your power out.”

  She grinned. He rolled his eyes as she let a tendril out. She cracked her neck and took off at a run.


  She felt free for the first time in her life. She knew what she was and she had Lukas. Nothing was holding her back. Not even the knowledge that her father was still after her.

  “I’m king of the world!” she shouted as she reached the crest of a hill, stretching her arms out to the sky.

  “You’re so weird.”

  “You love it.”

  He caught her up in his arms, whirling her around. Laughter echoed around them.

  “Come on, just down the hill and then the real fun starts. Race you!”

  She took off again, Lukas close on her heels. By the time they reached the bottom, her cheeks were pink with the exertion and cold air. But she didn’t feel winded. In fact, she could’ve run for hours.

  It was the first time she’d allowed her power out fully since her soul had merged with Lukas’. It was exhilarating. She bounded over to him, grinning from ear to ear.


  “As I’ll ever be.”

  The air around him shimmered as his eyes changed. One red, one blue. The result would be disconcerting to anyone else. She thought he looked magnificent.

  Brilliant white wings unfurled from his back.

  “I still can’t get over them.”

  “It feels almost natural now.”

  He shrugged and took a few steps away, flapping them slightly.

  “Not sure how this is meant to work.”

  “Just let it take over. I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

  He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. She watched him as he spread his wings. As they flapped a little, he began to hover off the ground. When he beat them faster, he rose higher. She couldn’t quite believe her eyes.

  “You’re hovering!”

  He opened his eyes, looking down at her with a smile.

  “Let’s see if I can soar.”

  With that, he rose higher and then he was off, soaring through the air like an eagle. He banked to the left and flew in two circles around her before landing nearby. She raced over to him, launching herself into his arms.


  “You’re incredible! How did it feel?”

  “Pretty amazing. It’s like my body just knew what to do.”

  She reached up, curling her hands around his neck and gave him a smouldering kiss. He had his hands under her coat, brushing against her bare skin. She groaned a little, her fingers tugging his hair. When they pulled away from each other, both were panting.

  “Mmm, we have time for that when we’re back at the cottage,” he said with a smile.

  “Go on then. I know you want to do it again.”

  She waved him away and he took off again. She pulled her phone out, snapping a picture of him mid-flight as he twirled around. He landed with his back to her and she snapped another photo before hiding her phone behind her back. Daisy was going to freak.

  “I know what you’re doing,” he said without turning around.


  “Don’t play innocent.” He whipped his head around. “You and Daisy are incorrigible.”

  “Can you blame her for wanting to see?”

  He sighed.

  “No, I suppose not.”

  “Come on, Lukas, you know she’s been all over the place since Aaron went back to his wife. And I don’t think her seeing her parents over Christmas was a good idea either.”

  He walked over and brushed her cheek with his fingers.

  “We could’ve postponed our trip. It only happened a couple of days ago.”

  “She said she’d be okay. She’s got Lucy to look after her.”

  “You got signal up here?”

  She checked her phone. A few bars. It would do. She grinned at him before she moved, putting her back to his chest and posing for a selfie with him. He rolled his eyes before kissing the top of her head. She caught a snap of it.

  “She’s going to love this.”

  She sent the photos she’d taken before she gave him a little shove.

  “Go on, get some more action in. I’ll set up lunch over by the trees.”

  He ruffled her hair before he took off again. She picked her way over to the trees and found a stump. Sitting down, she pulled off her backpack. She took out a couple of bottles of water and the sandwiches she’d made before they left.

  They wouldn’t have too much daylight when late afternoon came around. They’d have to head back before it got dark.

  She set the food down as her phone buzzed.

  ‘Holy mother of all fucks!’

  ‘Lukas looks fucking awesome.’

  ‘Also, the two of you are like the world’s cutest couple! Ah man, I miss you already!’

  She smiled as she opened a bottle of water, taking a large swig before she replied.

  ‘He’s having fun. I wonder if he can take me up with him.’

  ‘That would be amazeballs!’

  ‘You all right? Lucy plying you with the booooze?’

  ‘Am okay, babe. We had frozen margaritas last night. Pity party! I’m hanging to buggery.’

  ‘The twat doesn’t deserve you. You were always too good for him.’

  ‘Aww, babe, don’t make me cry again. You’re the best!’

  ‘Love you millions.’

  ‘Right back at ya.’

  She looked up to find Lukas had landed and was walking over to her. She grinned at him, but then her face fell.

  Behind him were several dark figures with red eyes and horns. They had weapons
and they were descending on him.

  “Lukas! Watch out!”

  Chapter Twenty Three

  She was on her feet within moments, her eyes glowing red and blue, hands extended. Both her distinctive weapons appeared. A flaming sword and a brilliant white staff. Lukas had turned to find the demons advancing on him.


  She ran towards them, the wind rippling through her hair as she threw the sword to Lukas.


  He wouldn’t stand a chance without it. Not when the demons had knives, battle axes and swords themselves. More were appearing in the valley, an overwhelming show of force. There was no time for fear.

  She stood by Lukas’ side, slamming the butt of her staff down on the ground. Lightning flashed in the sky, streaking out and hitting the top of her staff.

  “That’s new.”

  He turned to her, a grim expression on his face. There was a storm gathering. It had been clear when they’d set out, but dark clouds had appeared in the sky and an echo of thunder rumbled. This wasn’t to be any ordinary fight.

  The demons charged at the two hybrids. Ella parried blows with her staff whilst Lukas kept them at bay with the sword.

  Sweat dripped off her brow as she met them blow for blow. Lightning streaked across the sky again. She directed it at the demons. A few fell to the ground, but there were more to take their place. She was struggling as they surrounded her.

  “Lukas. They keep coming!”

  “Just hold on!”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a demon behind Lukas, about to slam down a battle axe on his back. Her hand shot out on instinct and a dagger flew through the air. It embedded itself in the demon’s throat. His eyes went wide as he dropped the axe and his hand went to the dagger, ripping it out. Black blood sprayed out, coating another demon in the face.

  Her attention turned back to her own fight when she was confident Lukas was no longer in immediate danger.

  She fought off the demons surrounding her with her staff. She conjured several more bright white daggers, sending them flying into various body parts. It was chaos. She couldn’t see Lukas any longer. She could only hope her soul partner was holding his own.

  The tide was not in their favour. They were both surrounded. Lukas could fly, but she was stuck on the ground.

  There was an almighty cracking sound and a huge tear appeared in the earth. Up from the depths rose a huge, imposing figure. His horns were wide and black eyes gleamed.

  She was still fending off demons, but she knew who it was.

  Beleth had risen.

  “Ella!” Lukas shouted.

  She couldn’t speak. Rage burnt in her veins. How dare he! Something shifted inside her. He had tried to kill Lukas. To take away the man she loved. And she wanted to kill her father for it.

  The final bonds holding her power at bay broke loose. She rose up in the air, lightning crackling at her fingertips and up her staff. Her hair whipped around her as the rain battered down.

  “Beleth!” she roared in a voice that no longer sounded like her own.

  The demons looked up at her in surprise. She had wings and tiny horns on her forehead. Her arms shot out wide before she directed a strike at her father. Lightning channelled through her, flashing towards Beleth, who deflected it with a huge flaming sword.

  When she looked to her side, Lukas was there, his hand curling into hers. The demons below were swarming, but they were now out of range.

  There was another almighty roar of thunder. She saw something out of the corner of her eye. Her head whipped around.

  Soaring through the sky were men and women with brilliant white wings. Angels. Several slammed into the demons below them, swords of their own appearing in their hands.

  “Beleth,” a female angel close to them shouted.

  Lukas’ grip on her hand tightened.

  “That’s your mother,” he said.

  Ella stared at the woman in shock. Beleth roared, the sound inhuman.

  “Ariel. You should not have come,” Beleth shouted.

  “You threaten our daughter. I warned you not to interfere in her life,” Ariel said.

  Her hair flew back around her as the rain battered down. But none of the angels or demons seemed to care about the raging storm.

  “Send your demons back to Hell, Beleth.”

  Beleth growled, stepping towards them. The demons around him moved out of the way as they fought with the angels. A brilliant white sword with a blue flame appeared in Ariel’s hands.

  “She should’ve let me kill the boy,” he said.

  “That was not the deal. You know what is coming,” Ariel said, her blue eyes blazing. “Leave or I will strike you down.”

  “You do not have the power.”

  Ella wasn’t going to wait to see how this played out. She released Lukas’ hand. Lightning cracked around her.

  “She might not, but I do,” Ella shouted.

  She lifted her staff, calling the lightning to her.

  “Ella. No!” Lukas called.

  She shot upwards before banking around and diving, straight for her father. Her weapon changed. The staff was now a sword. It matched the one her mother held. In her other hand, Beleth’s flaming sword appeared. She brought them together, the tips pointing straight for Beleth’s heart.

  Her father deflected her before she got a chance to get close to him. She growled before she flew at him again. He was there, his sword in hand as she used the both of hers to attack him.

  “You are not my father!”

  “Oh, dear Eleanor. I most certainly am,” he taunted.

  Her eyes blazed as she came at him again, but he was too fast. His sword swept up towards her. She banked to the side, narrowly avoiding having her wing hacked off by his sword.

  There was a roar as Lukas flew towards them, his sword raised. Beleth stepped back, raising his own to meet Lukas’ blade. She used the opportunity to attack Beleth from behind. Her sword dug into his side. He howled in pain as she darted back.

  Suddenly, Ariel was at Beleth’s side, her own blade digging into his chest.

  “Now, Ella,” she shouted.

  She stared at her mother for a moment. She joined her swords together and drove them into Beleth’s back, right where his heart lay. The demon shuddered, roaring as she tore the swords out. Beleth fell back, clutching his chest.

  “You!” he shouted. “I will come for you, Eleanor!”

  He shrank back down to a normal size. He lay in the field, black blood seeping into the grass. The demons around him picked him up, carrying him back through the crack in the earth as they retreated. She watched as the last demon jumped down and the earth closed back in on itself.

  She floated down to the ground as her weapons disappeared. When her feet touched the ground, she let go of the power raging inside her. She fell to her knees, panting as her wings and horns faded and she became human again.

  She felt a warm hand on her chin. She raised her head. Lukas was kneeling in the grass in front of her, back in his own human form.

  “Sweetheart,” he whispered.


  They threw their arms around each other, profound relief filling them. She’d wounded Beleth dearly. She knew it in her bones. He would not rise back to Earth any time soon.

  His hands were cupping her cheeks as he pressed his mouth to hers. She kissed him back with ferocity. They were alive and unharmed. She couldn’t ask for more.

  When they drew apart, he helped her to her feet. She looked around. All the angels had disappeared apart from one. Ariel stood a few feet away, watching the two of them with a small smile. She took his hand, tugging him with her as she took a step towards the lone angel.

  “You’re my mother.”

  “Yes,” Ariel replied. “I am sorry your father chose this path. He broke our agreement. You have gravely wounded him. He will not return to Earth with haste.”

  “What was your agreement?”

  “Neither of us would interfere in your life directly. We were not meant to meet each other, but Beleth forced my hand. He would’ve killed you had we not intervened.”

  “Why did you make us?”

  The question had nagged at her ever since Lukas had told her what her mother showed him. Ariel was silent for several long moments.

  “A darkness is coming. It will consume all the planes of the world. Heaven. Earth. Hell. We cannot stand in your defence when our own borders are threatened. We agreed to create beings capable of preserving humanity. We do not know when it will come, only that it threatens us all.”

  “What darkness?”

  Her grip on his hand tightened.

  “I cannot say. I am sorry. I have already said too much.”

  She frowned. Why tell them anything at all?

  “You have grown into a strong, capable woman. I am proud of you, Ella. I’ve always loved you, darling girl,” Ariel continued. “Look after each other.”

  Ariel’s winds extended and she started to rise.


  She let go of Lukas’ hand, running towards her mother. She reached out. Ariel landed back on the ground as Ella wrapped her arms around her mother. Ariel returned her embrace.

  “Be well, my daughter,” she whispered.

  Ella released her mother and stepped back as Ariel took to the skies. She turned back to Lukas.

  “Can we go back now?”

  He nodded. They walked over to where she’d left her backpack and picked up their belongings.


  A few hours later, they’d returned to the cottage and taken a long, hot shower together. Ella had her head in Lukas’ lap whilst they watched TV together.

  “I ached everywhere,” she complained. “My back especially. You didn’t tell me having wings would strain muscles I didn’t even know I had.”

  “I didn’t expect you to sprout them. You get used to it.”

  He stroked her arm.

  “Do you want to talk about what happened?”

  “Not especially,” she said. “Beleth is gone for now. Meeting my mother was strange and I can summon way more weapons than I imagined. All in all, a rather eventful afternoon.”

  He chuckled.

  “I should say so. Not every day the ground splits open and a horde of demons pour out and angels appear from the sky.”

  “No, I guess not. Pretty weird. We’re still here though… don’t think Daisy would’ve forgiven me if I didn’t come back from our little trip.”


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