Bayou Des Enfants
Page 7
“Right.” Scott exhaled. “I had the total plan package. Wife. Kids. Then Ted—”
“And wham!” Billy chuckled. “New plan.”
“But not a worse plan. Just different.” Scott wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince Billy or himself.
“So, when are you telling the pack?”
“Just thinking of the right thing to say now. I’m going to do a broadcast call like I do for the meetings.”
“Well, good luck and we’re behind you, boss.”
“I know, and I appreciate it. Thanks, Billy. Tell Peter thanks too.”
Scott hung up. Those two little boys might never know how lucky they were to have not one set of adults but two who wanted to give them a chance at a new home and to stay out of the system.
Time’s awastin’. He’d better git ’er done.
Taking a deep breath, Scott dialed into the automated call system to record his message.
“This is Sheriff Scott Dupree. I’ve thought long and hard about what to do for Wyatt’s boys. For now, this is what is going to happen.
“Ted and I will take the boys in for the time being. It’s summer, and when Ted or I are working, my mother will watch the boys. Until someone in the pack steps forward to become their foster or adoptive parents, we’ll keep this arrangement. It’s my decision as pack alpha for those boys to stay in the pack.”
Scott halted, took another breath, and continued, “If anyone has an issue with this, Ted and I will be at the meeting hall tonight from seven until nine. Show up and let us know why, and why you’re not willing to take them. Basically, what I’m saying is put your money where your mouth is or shut up.”
Scott closed his eyes and pressed the button, signaling the end of the message. Then he hit Send.
He and Ted would just have to wait until tonight to find out the true feelings of the pack about letting two gay men raise a couple of orphan pack kids.
Deep inside, he feared a mob scene tonight. But at the edge of his mind, the hope no one would show up tickled. Maybe, just maybe, the pack members would come through for him, Ted, and the boys.
Ted rested his hand on Scott’s shoulder. “It’s seven fifteen. No one’s coming.”
“I’m not declaring victory yet.” Scott laughed. “It’d restore my faith in our pack, but I’m not going to fool myself and say everyone is cool with this.”
“Even if they aren’t, you made it clear any objectors would have to take the boys.”
Scott sighed. “Can they… Can Charles really be that bad? How can a ten-year-old be so…threatening?”
Ted sat on the chair next to Scott. “You and I both know kids his age have killed, tortured other kids and animals, hell, done all sorts of horrible things. But in all the things we’ve heard about Charles, none of that has been mentioned. Just fighting and bullying. And that can be stopped.”
“You’re right. Charles needs help. He needs to be pointed in the right direction, that’s all.”
Ted squeezed Scott’s leg. “And you’re just the right guy for the job.”
Scott snorted. “Please. You don’t have to convince me. I’m already in.”
“Maybe I’m just convincing myself.” Ted gazed out the window toward the parking lot.
“I know you’re doing this for me. And I appreciate it, I do. But are you having second thoughts?”
“Not really. It’s just… You know when we talked about this, I told you I had never thought about kids, but if you wanted them, I was with you.”
“Yeah?” Scott straightened.
“Look. My own dad was great until he found out I was gay, and then he broke off all ties to me. I’m just confused over…” He let the words fade.
“Over which father you’ll be? I get that. The great dad or the one who walked away?” Scott put his head against Ted’s. “You would never walk away. You’ll be your own type of father. You don’t have to be like your father, you just have to make sure you don’t repeat his mistakes.”
“But your dad was so great, that’s easy for you to say.”
“My dad died long before I really had a chance to get into trouble. And truthfully, I’m not sure how he’d take this.” Scott spread his hands to indicate him and Ted. “I’m not sure if he’d even speak to me if he knew.”
“Does that bother you?”
“That he would cut me out of his life for claiming my mate, whether or not that person was a man? Yeah. But I’ll never know.”
“So give him the benefit of the doubt. Believe he would have still stood up at the pack meeting and backed you.”
“Sure. Okay.” Scott grinned.
The front door opened. Billy and Peter entered. “Hey, guys!”
“Hey! You here for moral support?” Ted asked.
“Of course. Figured if we formed a united front, it would give people pause. They can’t claim we’re all pedophiles, can they?” Peter grinned and jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “Look who’s right behind us!”
Bobby came in with his mate, Mark, who carried a container with four coffees. “Thought you guys might need some stimulation of the caffeinated type.” He handed them out to Scott and Ted. Mark took one, and Bobby snagged the last one. “Sorry, Billy. Peter. Didn’t think you’d be here.” Then he tossed a bag of creamers, sugars, and those little wooden stirrers onto a chair.
“No problem.” Billy waved him off. “Peter’s trying to wean me off the caffeine in the evenings.”
“He sleeps better.” Peter rubbed Billy’s arm.
Scott took in the affectionate touch. To him, Billy was the alpha, Peter the mate. Whoa. Maybe Ted was right. He was placing heterosexual roles on gay men. Familiar roles to make their relationships more…acceptable. Was that screwed up or what?
Did Peter fuck Billy? Scott’s face warmed. He should not be thinking about his deputy and his mate’s sex life. He glanced over at Bobby.
Nope. Not going there either. That was worse.
And why did it matter who fucked who? If it worked for them, whatever it was, wasn’t that enough?
But it wasn’t working for Ted. And that should matter. Should be the only thing that mattered.
After the men doctored their coffee, they arranged the chairs to suit themselves, sort of in a semicircle, facing the doors. A united front ready to take on all comers.
They chatted about the weather. At the height of summer, the mosquitoes were large enough to carry off a small dog. Where the best fishing holes were located.
They looked up as Scott’s mother entered.
“Hi, Maman.” Scott stood. “Can I get you a chair?”
“Mais oui, cher.” She padded over as he dragged a chair next to Ted. “Merci.”
Ted leaned over and pecked her offered cheek. “Darlene. How’s the cat?” His eyes sparkled with mischief, and Scott grinned. Leave it to Ted to start in on her.
“That damn cat! Wish he’d go back to wherever he came from. I’m sure someone wants him, but it ain’t me.” She frowned. “So, anyone had the balls to show?” Leave it to his momma to get down to it.
“Not yet.” Scott sipped his coffee.
She snorted.
They waited.
Mike came in, grabbed a chair, and dragged it over to the line. He spun it around and straddled it. “Am I late?”
“Nope. From the look of this group, you’re right on time.” Scott stood as four women came through the door. One of them was Ginnie.
“Evening.” Scott nodded. He’d let them fire the first shot.
Ginnie stepped forward. “Scott. Ted. Gentlemen.” She gave them all a nod. “We’ve sort of been pressed into coming here. First off, I want you to know I’m…we’re behind you taking the boys.” She looked at all the ladies, and they nodded.
“That’s good to know. The rest of the pack feel that way?”
“Mostly.” She nodded. It bothered Scott that the pack had met or something without him knowing about it, but it didn’t surprise
him. He’d rather deal with a small group than an angry mob.
“Well, that’s good to know. So why are you here?” He wasn’t a fool. This had to be some sort of negotiation party. Smart of them to send the women and not the men. Knowing the men of his pack, sending them could have led to violence.
“We just want some assurances, Scott.”
“What kind?” Ted rose and got the ladies chairs, placing them across from the line of men. As they sat, Scott looked each of them over. Most looked uncomfortable, but Ginnie seemed to be in control. Which was good. He thought.
“These are young boys. Impressionable. We want to be sure you’re not going to…”
“Molest them?” Billy blurted out, fire burning in his eyes. Scott sighed and gave his deputy a hard glare to shut him up. Billy ducked his head and clamped his mouth closed. Message received.
“Not at all!” Ginnie looked shocked. “We never thought that of any of you.”
“Thank you, Ginnie.” Scott smiled. “What were you going to say?”
“Well, we’re concerned about your behavior and its influence.”
“Are you saying you think we’ll turn them gay?” Ted snorted. “Doesn’t work like that, Ginnie. You are or you’re not, from the beginning.”
“Scott wasn’t.” Ginnie pointed to Scott, and Scott couldn’t help the burn filling his cheeks.
“That was different. My wolf was gay.” Scott cleared his throat. “Anyway, that’s what I thought at first.” He glanced at Ted. “Then I realized, it must have been a part of me, deep inside, and it took finding my mate to open my eyes. I’m gay now. Maybe I always was, maybe only my wolf was. I don’t know, and I don’t care. But you have to know, Ted and I would never ‘encourage’ the boys to be anything they aren’t. Both of them are so young.” He shook his head.
“I believe you.” She pressed her hand over her heart. “So, can we have some assurances? We need to know you’ll…”
Scott held up his hand. “Ted and I discussed this, and here’s what we decided. The boys get their own room in our home. Ted and I will sleep in our own room, with the door closed and locked. We will wear clothing at all times. No displays of affection between us any more than what you or your husband might show. That means handholding, a quick kiss, that sort of thing. No swearing. No drinking. Watching only age-appropriate television or movies. No dirty magazines lying around. Take it or leave it.”
Ginnie blushed. “Well, you did think about it, didn’t you?”
“We’re serious about this. We’re not taking the responsibility of the boys lightly, Ginnie.”
“I can see that.” She turned to the other ladies. “Any other questions?”
They shook their heads and stood, purses in hand.
Ginnie stepped forward and stuck out her hand. “Frankly, I can’t think of anyone who will be a better influence on those boys than you, Scott. And Ted. Better than their father, for sure.”
Ted leaned in, took her hand, and shook it. “You’re just relieved you don’t have to take Charles,” he whispered.
She rolled her eyes. “That’s not the only reason.” Then she turned to the ladies. “Let’s go. I need to get home before Mark lets those three boys destroy the house.”
And they filed out, leaving the men staring after them.
“Well, I sure as hell didn’t expect that.” Bobby laughed.
“What’s wrong with these kids?” Mark asked, suspicion lacing his voice.
“Nothing. It was their father and his influence on the older one.” Ted shrugged. “Wyatt had a…reputation, I suppose.”
“Damn straight he did. As an asshole, a bully, and a jerk,” Billy added.
Mark chuckled. “Tell us how you really feel, Billy.”
Everyone laughed, and Billy blushed. “Sorry. I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.”
“Well, I guess we can go now.” Scott started to put the chairs away, stacking them in the corner. “I want to thank y’all for coming out tonight and supporting Ted and me.”
“No problem.” Billy and Peter added their chairs to the stack. “See you at work tomorrow.” Then they left.
Bobby and Mark followed them out, leaving Scott and Ted and Darlene.
“So, son. It’s a done deal. You got a family now.” She pulled out a pack of smokes.
“A family for a few months. It’s not permanent, Maman. And no smoking around the kids.” He raised his brows. “Or in here.”
She shoved the pack back into her purse.
“Damn it. Guess those rules go for me too? Can’t smoke. Can’t drink. Can’t curse. What does that leave me?” She grumbled all the way to the door.
“Guess you’ll just have to be sweet and loving!” Ted called out.
She waved her hand back at him with a growl. “Later.” The door shut behind her.
Ted gathered up the used coffee cups and threw them into the trash. “Let’s go home. We can figure out what we’re going to do next later. I have an early morning tomorrow.”
“How’s the job going?” Scott asked as he locked up.
Ted went to the truck and got in. “Slow. I’m interviewing the people at the store tomorrow, so I want to be there before it opens at ten a.m.”
“Good luck getting any info from them.”
“No reason they shouldn’t be honest with me. Unless they have something to hide.”
“Right. But you’re a PI, and it makes people nervous, just like if you were a cop.”
“That’s why I’m posing as an insurance adjuster.” Ted grinned.
Scott chuckled. “Good idea. Damn, I’m beat. Can’t wait to climb into bed.”
“With me?” Ted wiggled his eyebrows.
“With my pillow.”
Ted snorted. “Fat chance. No way is my wolf going to lie naked next to his mate and not want sex.”
“Okay, with my pillow shoved under your hips and me fucking you.” Scott started the engine and pulled out, pointing the truck toward home.
And no less than an hour later, that was just where Scott had Ted. Flat on his back, a pillow under his hips, with Scott fucking him.
Despite the way things turned out tonight, Scott’s need to release the tension built up in his body bled over into his desire for release. He’d fucked Ted the night before, and he’d left Ted sleeping when he went to work, without waking him for a quickie. After their talk, Scott wanted to avoid the subject of getting fucked by Ted.
Luckily, Ted hadn’t mentioned it.
Being a werewolf, stamina had never been a problem for him, but he had to give Ted time to recuperate. Although they were about the same age, Ted’s bounce back wasn’t as fast as Scott. And Ted was the one taking the punishing end of Scott’s rock-hard dick.
Could he do it? Let Ted shove his thick cock inside his ass? Just the thought of it, the imagined pain, the stretch and burn, the accommodating of his mate, it fucking turned him on. He couldn’t lie about it, not to himself.
So why was he lying about it to Ted?
Because it scared him. And he’d never been scared about sex in his life. He was the alpha. The man.
And Ted was his mate.
Fuck. There it was again. Putting Ted in a role that only pigeonholed him as…what?
Because Ted was all man. And it turned Scott on like never before. Fucking a man turned him on. Why shouldn’t being fucked by a man turn him on also?
Fuck. His cock throbbed, his balls hung heavy, swinging with each thrust to slam against his lover’s body. Denying this to Ted was wrong, and he knew it.
Pushing into his mate, Scott closed his eyes and let the feel of Ted’s chute gripping him tight, the feel of Ted’s hard dick between them, the smell of their mixed scents, drive him wild.
God, he loved this man. He’d give him anything.
“Baby, you’re so fucking hot.” Scott opened his eyes and stared into Ted’s gaze. His hair, longer than Scott’s, haloed around his head. Tendrils of sweat-dampened dar
k silk clung to Ted’s forehead and neck.
Scott buried his face where Ted’s neck met his shoulder and inhaled. He growled.
“Smell so good.”
Ted gasped, more a sound of arousal than surprise. Scott knew what turned Ted on, and he was about to go there.
Made Ted lose it every fucking time.
Scott grabbed Ted’s jaw and held it. “Mine.” Then he captured Ted’s mouth, demanding, bullying his way inside. Ted groaned, opened, and let him in. Scott swept his tongue around, tasting his man. They fought, tongue to tongue, until Scott caught Ted and sucked him. Hard.
Ted shuddered and dug his fingers into Scott’s back. Leaving dents. Marking his mate. “Mine!” Ted cried out. “My wolf.”
Seemed like Ted knew what turned Scott on too, damn him.
Scott’s balls drew up, his cock filled, and with a final thrust and swallowed cry, he came.
Ted arched up, jerking his dick pressed between their bodies, shot hard and hot, bathing them both in his cum.
Scott inhaled again, deeper. “God. Love the way we smell together.” He dropped to the side, pulling out of Ted, who groaned. “You okay?”
Ted nodded. “Fine. More than fine.” He winked and caught his breath. “Are these walls soundproofed? ’Cuz if they aren’t, I gotta tell you, man, we’re going to have to seriously change how we do this.”
Scott laughed. “I know. Gotta keep it quiet. Even if they are half a house away, sometimes you can rattle the windows.”
“Me?” Ted snorted. “When you’re in wolf mode, you practically howl when you come.”
“That’s ’cuz it’s so damn good. Gotta let the pack know I’m taking my mate.”
Ted rolled his eyes. “I’m sure they appreciate that. Totally.”
Scott snickered. “Not so much.”
Ted grew serious. “So I have those interviews. When are you going to get the boys?”
Scott sat up and leaned against the headboard. “I thought first we’d go talk to them, explain the situation. Then give them a day to think on it. Then we’d pick them up, go to their old house, and let them select what they want to bring here for now.”