appointed as replacement governor of Davis, Jefferson, 155, 440
Utah, 12, 228
Day, Henry, 123, 126
on army’s entry into Utah, 279n12
death penalty, Kane’s opposition to, 6
Civil War, return to Confederacy
at, 370
anti-polygamy legislation and, 356–357
drunkenness of, 331, 333, 340, 347
Buffalo Courier and Republic
fears of Mormons regarding
accusations, refutations,
collusion between judges and army
and withdrawals over Young
and, 324–325, 327, 328n25, 330
governorship, 112–122
firing on Mormon courier and, 249
Hunker (proslavery) wing, 118
instructions issued to, 229n8
Kane influenced by, 2, 6, 89, 94
Kane negotiations and, 236, 267
Kane’s move to Free Soil party from,
Kane’s representation of, 250, 252
68, 76n28
peace commissioners and, 271,
national convention in St. Louis
275, 280
(1876), 494n19
post-Utah War relationship with
popular sovereignty doctrine of,
Mormons, 293, 295, 302, 310, 321,
191–192, 199, 290, 294
336, 347
in presidential election of 1856,
on probate courts, 350n22
retention as governor, 267, 273, 331
religious toleration as tenet of,
St. Louis Republican article against,
113, 118n21
Republican use of plural marriage
on state of territorial records,
issue against, 191–192, 199, 216
306, 307
Utah statehood and, 191–192
Stenhouse and, 388
Walker Tariff of 1846 and, 99–100
supplies, view of Mormon offer
depression, 3
of, 247
Deseret National Bank, 469
travel to Salt Lake City without army
Deseret News, 105n47, 129, 155n18,
escort, 254–259, 274n13
194n15, 207n38, 227, 277, 302n11,
Cumming, Elizabeth (wife of Alfred
306, 310n5, 311n9, 321, 333n11, 387,
Cumming), 263, 283–284,
421, 446n25
286, 302
Deseret, provisional state of, 11, 65n3,
Cushing, Caleb, 169n4
70–72, 79–80, 82–84, 196,
Cutler’s Park camp, Nebraska
369, 402
territory, 25–29
Diaz, Porfirio, 496, 501n5, 505n9
Dickens, Charles, 83
Daily Telegraph (Mormon paper),
Dickinson College, Kane at, 6
387, 388
digitalis and ergot, medical combination
Dallas, George M., 15, 44, 48n21, 57
of, 86n20
Dana, Charles A., 288
disease. See medical issues
Doctrine and Covenants
drunkenness. See alcoholism and
76:9, 373n17
98:9, 374n19
duels, 292n11, 304n17, 371
101:77-80, 147n7
Dunbar, W. C., 166n5
Civil War revelation in, 371n9
Dundas, William, 300
Dodge, Mr., 296
Durkee, Charles, 392–393, 394n12
Doniphan, Alexander, 142
dysentery, 185
Dotson, Peter K., 212n1, 295, 311n9, 313,
314, 318, 320, 325
Echo Canyon, 255, 405, 429
Dougall, William, 437
Eckels, Delana, 267, 285, 293, 295,
doughface, 99
296n24, 302n12, 320, 346, 353
Douglas, Stephen A.
Edes, Dr., 27, 28
appointment of territorial officials
Edinburgh Review, 83
and, 102, 108
Edmunds, George (Vermont
Camp Douglas named for, 382
senator), 416n9
Kansas-Nebraska Act proposed by, 164
Edmunds, George, Jr. (associate
Pacific/transcontinental railroad
justice), 161n12
and, 157, 158
turn against Mormons, 231n11, 382
Dickinson College, Kane at, 6
on Utah statehood application,
professional education, young
192–193, 200
Mormons sent East for, 389, 487n12
Utah territory, creation of, 80
Young’s plan to establish educational
Douglass, Frederick, 83
institute, 483, 487–488
Dover’s Powder, 27
Egan, Howard, 246, 255, 268, 272, 273,
Dranesville, Battle of (1861), 371
274n13, 291, 297
drink and drinking. See alcohol;
Eldredge, Horace S., 272, 287, 291,
alcoholism and drunkenness
300, 305n18, 315, 320, 408,
drought in Utah, 186
424n22, 477n14
Drummond, William W.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 7, 82
anti-Mormon letters of, 203, 216, 219,
England. See Great Britain
220, 223, 225, 292n9, 314n20
Englebrecht, Paul, 447
conflict with Mormons, 201–203,
Ephriam, Utah, 277
ergot and digitalis, medical combination
costs incurred by, 202–203, 209n44,
of, 86n20
Ericksen, Hedevig, 277
departure from Utah, 203, 212
Ericksen, John, 277
Gunnison murder trial and, 201–202
escallop shell, significance of, 104–105
letter to Buchanan from, 216
ether, dental use of, 490n5
personal shortcomings
European mission, 6, 22, 41n10, 62, 64,
of, 202, 20945
65, 166n5, 367, 383, 386, 390n7,
on population of Utah, 194
391n8, 408n22, 424
Evarts, William, 433, 434
prosperity of Church in 1873, 469
Evening Transcript, 53n12
relative interests of Young and
Church, efforts to separate, 462,
anti-Mormon criticism of, 493n13
471, 475, 479–481
of Walter M. Gibson, 361
securities, Kane declining negotiation
of William Hickman, 427, 432
of, 462–464
of Thomas S. Williams, 314n19
tithepayer release, 475, 478
Young’s curtailment of involvement
Felt, Nathaniel H., 58, 59, 60, 61
in business interests of Church,
Ferguson, James, 166n5, 279n14, 313,
463, 464, 469–470, 477–478
316, 318
Fink, Charles, 365n7, 367
Fifteenth Amendment and Utah
First Presidency, 9, 56, 65n4, 93,
statehood, 396–398, 402–404
107, 114, 123, 126, 153n10, 203,
Fillmore, Millard
241, 390n7
appointment of Utah officials by, 79,
fish breeding, 155
91–92, 103, 172
Fish, Hamilton, 437
on Brocchus, 109
Fisher, S. H., 156
Buffalo Courier and Republic articles,
Fitch, Thomas, 431, 441, 450
refutations, and withdrawals about
Floyd, John B., 26
7, 319–320, 333n11,
Young governorship, 112–122
334n15, 370n5
opposition between Mormons and
Folsom, Amelia, 510–511
territorial officials and, 123, 138,
Folsom, Henry, 376n23
141, 142
Ford, Thomas, 33n4
in presidential elections of 1856, 198
foreign territories, Mormon
Fillmore, Utah, 134n6, 135, 202,
consideration of migration to
212, 328n25
Deseret News (1871) on, 446n25
finances and business interests. See also
Kane cautioning against, 446
mail; railroads
New Guinea, Mormon settlement
army, economic benefits to Mormons
plan for, 360–362
from presence of, 299n1, 317, 321,
Vancouver’s Island, Mormon
345, 370–371
negotiations with British
forts or blockhouses, Mormon plans
over, 17, 25
to build, 20–21, 26, 49
Young’s idea of moving Mormons to
Kane possibly suggested as business
British Columbia, 436–439
advisor, 417–419
Forney, Jacob, 281, 295n22, 296, 311n9,
Kane public relations campaign and
312, 330, 333, 336, 339
funding drive, 43–50
Forney, John W., 109, 288, 393, 394
Panic of 1873 and subsequent
Fort Bridger, 233, 246, 251, 268, 284,
depression, 464n7
285, 347, 373, 428, 429
Perpetual Emigration Fund (PEF),
Fort Cedar, 339, 341
64, 66, 418
Fort Douglas, 443
Fort Fillmore, 337n5
Grand Island, Nebraska Territory,
Fort Laramie, 21, 149
20–21, 22–23, 508
Fort Leavenworth, 16, 17, 24, 27, 35,
Grant, Caroline Van Dyke (wife of
77n32, 228, 280, 373
Jedediah Grant), 42
Fort Limhi, 224, 225, 246, 252
Grant, Jedediah
forts or blockhouses, Mormon plans to
as conveyor of letters, 123n1, 127
build, 20–21, 26, 49
death of, 203, 206, 222
Franklin, Sir John, and Franklin
greetings between Kane and, 163,
expedition, 88–89, 155n17,
166, 189
165n3, 189n7
as Hyde’s assistant in Kanesville, 127
Franklin, “state” of, 70
image of, 139
Free Soil Party, 68, 69, 76n28, 84, 91,
on Kane as congressional delegate for
95, 392, 394n12
Utah, 173, 174, 182
Frémont, John C., 198, 199, 200
Kane recuperating in tent of, 27
fruit raising in Utah territory, 188
on Mormon regiment for
fugitive slave law, 83
Mexican-American War, 78n34
Fuller, Frank, 422, 441, 450
opposition of territorial officials,
rebutting, 123, 138, 140–143
Galphin, George, and Galphin
in Philadelphia with Kane, 42n14, 43
scandal, 96
plural marriage explained to Kane by,
Gardo House, 481n8
138–139, 144
Gay, Ebenezer, 338
Reformation movement lead by, 203
Geary, John W., 416n13
The Truth of the Mormons (Grant and
Gehin, Antoine, 155n18
Kane pamphlet, May 1852), 142
Gerrish [Gerresh], William, 211, 213, 248
Utah geography, correspondence with
Gettysburg, Battle of (1863), 380
Kane about, 143n28
Gibson, Walter M., 360–362
Grant, Julia Dent (wife of Ulysses
“Gila” route, 467
S. Grant), 414
Gilbert, Samuel, 296
Grant, Ulysses S.
Godbe, William S., 298n31, 418, 475
anti-polygamy legislation and,
Gokee, murder of, 161
gold and silver
George C. Bates appointed as
Comstock Lode and Cherry Creek
U.S. attorney for Utah by, 441, 442
deposits, 363–364
cipher letter regarding hostility
Mormon minting of gold
of, 437
coins, 64–65
Indian policy of, 466n8
new willingness of Mormons to allow
Kane’s break with Republican Party
exploration for, 422–423, 424
and, 453–454, 465
seal rings, Mormon gold made into,
Kane’s efforts to lobby on behalf of
88, 93, 104–105, 385
Mormons, 465–467
Sevier Stake, 489
Kane’s fishing expedition with,
Woods mining scandal, 451n16
McKean appointed by, 420
Halfbreed Tract, Iowa, 32
Mexico, Kane’s trip to, 496
Hamlin, Hannibal, 142
on Mormons, 465, 467
Hanks, Ephraim, 246
statehood of Utah and, 445n24, 465
Harding, Stephen, 382–383, 422
territorial governorship, Kane’s quest
Harnet, William, 230n9
for, 392–395
Harper’s Weekly, 270
third term, Kane urging, 494n19
Harris, Benjamin D., 357n2
Young’s proposal to move Mormons
Harris, Broughton D., 92, 110, 123–125
to British Columbia and, 437
Harrisonburg, Battle of (1862), 380
grasshopper plagues, 186, 188
Hartnett, John, 306n2, 307n4, 308, 311,
Great Basin, as Mormon destination,
314, 321, 346n9
25–26, 43
Harvey, Thomas H., 29, 30n20, 31n22,
Great Britain
34, 37, 46n13
European mission to, 6, 65n4, 166n5
Harwood, H. J., 413n12
mining scandal and, 451n16
Haxo, Joseph, 155
negotiations for moving Mormons to
Hayes, Rutherford B., 433n3,
British Columbia, 436–439
494n19, 502
Vancouver’s Island, Mormon
heart failure, 490n5
negotiations with British over, 17, 25
heart, Kane’s promise to deposit in Salt
Great Salt Lake Valley. See Salt Lake
Lake City temple, 72, 76, 77n31
City; Utah territory
Heywood, Joseph L., 18, 64, 65, 66, 92,
Greeley, Horace
176, 201n14, 209n44, 212n2
on army in Utah, 336
Hickman, William, and Yates murder,
on “Bleeding Kansas,” 198
427–431, 441n6
death of, 456
history of relationship with Mormons,
gold seal ring presented to, 88, 93
Kane’s manuscript of, 72, 77,
Kane paraphrasing, 491
78n35, 130–131
Kane’s friendship with, 88n25, 94n14
Hockaday, John M., 299, 314
Kane’s invitation to Reconstruction
Hollman, Joseph, 176
policy meeting, 393
home industries, Young’s interest
Kane’s pro-Mormon articles and, 39
in, 186
as Liberal Republican presidential
honeybees, Mormon significance
candidate, 454
of, 70, 104<
br />
lobbied on Utah statehood, 381
Hooper, Samuel, 416n9
Greene, Evan Molbourne, 48, 57
Hooper, William H.
Greene, John, 27
Alexander Wilson and, 339–340
Grimaldi, Joseph, 85
on anti-polygamy legislation, 357,
Grinnell, Henry, 89n30
Grow, Almerin, 315n19
Kane and, 336, 343n17, 352, 357–359,
Grundy, Isaac, 214n8
366, 367, 368n8, 380
Gunnison, John Williams, 178, 201–203,
letter of introduction for, 342
219, 292
Utah borders and, 364
Hooper, William H. ( Cont.)
army behavior, Indians reacting to,
as Utah delegate to Congress, 336,
337–339, 342
337, 367, 402
California trail, Indian attacks on,
Utah statehood and, 369–370, 381,
400, 402
in Mexico, 491, 493–494, 495, 506
Yates case and, 433, 438n8, 444, 445
Mormon missions to, 132, 134, 214,
ZCMI and, 477n15
224, 466, 491
Household Words, 83
Mormons accused of inciting, 312–313
Howe, Abigail “Nabby” (mother
Mormons accused of leaguing with,
of Brigham Young), 3
113, 116
Howe, Timothy, 415, 416n9
Mountain Meadows massacre
Huguenots, Mormons compared to, 437
and, 323, 333n12, 344–345
Hunker Democrats, 118
Piute, 333n12
Hunter, Edward, 65, 66, 365
Pottawatomie Indians, Mormons on
Huntington, Dimick B., 276–277
lands of, 21–22, 30, 33, 48, 60
Hurt, Garland, 188n5, 202, 208n42,
raids by Indians, 21, 46–47
295, 302, 311, 314, 320, 354
reservations, territorial legislative
Hyde, Orson
assembly petitioning Congress
funding drive and, 44–45, 46, 48
for, 315n24
in Kanesville to coordinate westward
selling or giving liquor to, 428
migration, 127
Shoshone and Bannock attacks,
letters and telegrams conveyed
246, 337n6
by, 58, 59
Sioux, 21, 46
nominated as territorial justice, 142
territorial officials accused of
on pamphlet by Kane, 83
prejudicing Indians against
Utah War, Kane’s negotiations with
Mormons, 208
Mormons during, 241
Timpanogas Indians, theft of animals
Yates case and, 441
by, 202
Tintic Indian War, 202
illness and injury. See medical issues
Ulysses S. Grant, Indian policy
India rubber boats, 175
of, 466n8
Indian agents, Mormon request to
Utah War and, 228, 276–278, 281–282
serve as, 38
warnings from Indian agents
Indian head obtained by Kane, 29n16
regarding Mormon camps, 29–31
Indian Intercourse Act (1834), 28
The Prophet and the Reformer Page 73