Young on treatment of, 134, 277–278
Indians and Indian lands. See also
Iowa, Mormon camps in, 1, 16, 17–22,
Omaha Indians; Pahvant Indians;
18, 21–22, 48n19
Ute Indians
Irish Famine, American donations to
appeal to Polk to allow Mormons to
relieve, 47
stay on Indian lands, 27, 28–29,
iron ore deposits, Utah, 132, 136, 214
33–35, 38
Ives Expedition, 237n19
Jackson, Andrew, 113, 121, 334n15
natural history, plan to write
Jackson, Rachel Donelson, 113, 121
book on, 22
Jefferson, Thomas, 100n31, 487
office shared with Thomas
Johnson, Andrew, 388, 394n12
L. Kane, 22
Johnson, Cave, 57
physical fragility of, 36, 73n20, 215
Johnson, William E., 110n1
sleigh robe lent to, 88–89, 93, 104,
Johnston, Albert Sidney
application for leave of
travels of, 77n31
absence, 352n3
The United States Grinnell Expedition
army moved into Utah by, 276,
in Search of Sir John Franklin (1854),
165, 168, 173–174
behavior of army in Utah and,
University of Pennsylvania Medical
301–302, 337–338, 341
School, ties to, 73n19
Civil War, return to Confederacy
Kane, Elisha Kent (son of Thomas L.
at, 370
Kane), 184, 456, 498
Cumming’s travel to Salt Lake City
Kane, Elizabeth (later Shields; sister of
without army escort, opposition
Thomas L. Kane), 398
to, 255
Kane, Elizabeth Dennistoun Wood (wife
Forney’s expedition authorized
of Thomas L. Kane)
by, 295n22
on anti-polygamy legislation, 411, 414
Indians and, 281
biographical information, 151
judges, Mormon fears of army
birth of first child, 184–185, 186, 187
collusion with, 324, 333
on Civil War, 382
peace commissioners and, 271
on death of Elisha Kane, 216
supplies, rejection of Mormon offer
on death of John Kane, 260, 261
of, 245, 246–247, 248n11
on Howard Egan, 272
Jones, Daniel W., 429, 430, 501n7
on family’s financial standing, 264
Jones, Nathaniel, 214n8
funeral of Young and, 507, 509
gold Mormon ring and pin, 359
Kane, Elisha (brother of Thomas L.
image of, 152
on Kane’s first visit with Mormons,
Arctic expeditions of, 6, 77n31,
77n33, 143
88–89, 93, 104, 155, 189, 196–197,
on Kane’s illnesses, 172, 260,
Arctic Explorations: The Second
on Kane’s involvement with brother’s
Grinnell Expedition in Search of
second Arctic book, 197n25
Sir John Franklin (1856), 189n7,
law, on Kane family views of, 76n30
on Liberal Republican presidential
death of, 215–216, 226
campaign, 454
John K. Kane’s letters to, 7, 36, 73n20
on living with parents of
in Mexico, 77n31
Kane, 156n25
Kane, Elizabeth Dennistoun Wood ( Cont.)
in American Philosophical
marriage, 7, 151–156, 157, 158–159
Society, 62
Mexican interests of Kane and,
Buchanan, rivalry with, 205
216, 496
consultation on pardoning
miscarriage by, 184, 185
murderers, 161
on Mormon offer of leadership
death of, 260–262, 264
position, 417
as federal judge and political
on Mormon revelation about Civil
strategist, 6
War, 371n9
initial opposition to Kane’s
on Mormon visitors to Kane
involvement with Mormons, 7
home, 166n5
Kane and wife living with, 156n25
Mormons, on Kane’s relationship
Kane working as legal clerk in
with, 7–8, 9
courtroom of, 22, 30, 54n17, 76
on Mountain Meadows
Kane’s letters to, 17, 20
massacre, 344n4
on Kane’s Pennsylvania Historical
on New York Historical Society
Society lecture and pamphlet, 82
lecture, 331n5
Kane’s pro-Mormon lobbying and, 15,
patriarchal blessing by William
21–22, 33, 35, 93
G. Perkins, 460
McKean and Elk Land and
on plural marriage, 8, 458
Improvement Company, 284n6
on possibility of visiting Utah, 179
on physical health of Thomas L. and
on return of Kane from Utah War,
Elisha Kane, 36, 73n20
266, 267–268
Utah War and, 242
on Stenhouse, 387n3
Kane, PA, town and community of,
territorial governorship, on Kane’s
352n1, 369, 494
pursuit of, 392–393
Kane, Robert Patterson “Pat” (brother of
Twelve Mormon Homes, 13, 459
Thomas L. Kane), 36, 77n31, 263,
on Utah Central Railroad bonds, 410
264, 372n10
Utah War and, 233, 235, 237, 238,
Kane, Thomas L. See also public
239, 274n13
relations campaign of Kane for
visit to Utah (1872-1873), 13, 453–461
as writer, 13, 392, 393, 459
on anti-polygamy legislation,
on Young, 8, 9
357–359, 363, 410–416
Kane, Evan O’Neill (son of Thomas L.
Arctic expedition proposed by,
Kane), 184, 478, 481
Kane, Harriet (daughter of Thomas L.
belongings forwarded from Utah,
Kane), 184–185, 186, 187, 456,
291, 297–298, 320
458, 493n12
biographical information, 6–7
Kane, Jane Duval Leiper (mother of
biography of Brigham Young,
Thomas L. Kane), 6, 40, 156n25
intention to write, 434–435, 453,
Kane, John K. (father of Thomas L.
454–455, 460
birth of first child, 184–185, 186, 187
in Civil War, 370, 371, 374, 378,
Mormons visiting, 166n5, 177
378–382, 399–400
motivations in assisting Mormons,
Coahuila (American Philosophical
1–2, 6–7, 25–22
Society lecture and pamphlet,
nature of relationship with
1876), 498
Young, 7–9
congressional delegate for Utah,
New York Historical Society lecture
refusal to run for, 92n5, 94,
defending Cumming, 331
173–177, 179–183
patriarchal blessing by Wil
liam G.
conversion to Christianity, 7, 234,
Perkins, 460
235, 266
patriarchal blessing by John
“culture of honor” and, 115n10
Smith, 28, 86, 106, 129, 154n16,
Democrats influencing, 2, 6, 89, 94
185, 426n29
family opposition to support of
on Pennsylvania Board of State
Mormons, 7–8
Charities, 393–394
financial situation of, 183,
personal meetings between Young
263–265, 359n13
and, 9, 18–19, 241–243, 453–461
funeral of Young attended by, 503,
physical fragility of, 1, 17–18, 40,
72–78, 79, 80–81, 84, 85–86, 144,
as gentleman scientist, 487n12
172–173, 184, 185, 215–216, 260,
gold Mormon ring and pin, 359
267–268, 275, 285, 399–400, 456,
homes and households, 156n25
457, 459–460, 498
illness contracted in Mormon camp,
plural marriage, discovery of practice
2, 27–28, 29, 32, 36, 73, 74
of, 11–12, 138–144, 151, 153
images of, 378, 484
pressured to give recommendations
involvement in Elisha Kane’s second
for all Utah officials, 110–111
Arctic book, 189n7, 196–197n25
Republicans and, 392, 453–454,
as land agent for McKean and
465, 494n19
Elk Land and Improvement
as surveyor, 157, 221, 352n1
Company, 284n6
The Truth of the Mormons (Grant and
Liberal Republicans and,
Kane pamphlet, May 1852), 142
453–454, 465
Utah governorship, efforts to obtain,
marriage of, 151–156, 157, 158–159
Mexico, travel to (1876), 491,
Utah governorship refused by, 92,
492–493, 495–506
142, 181
Mormon offer of leadership position
Utah territory, invitations to visit,
to, 417–419
49–50, 89, 149, 179, 181, 182, 188,
Mormonism preached to, on death
226, 368, 376, 386, 401, 426, 448,
of father, 260–262
451, 453
The Mormons (Pennsylvania
“Verastus” letter attacking, 220
Historical Society lecture
West Indies, visits to, 73, 86, 149, 154,
and pamphlet, 1850), 80–84,
159, 215
85–86, 130
will of, 77n31
Kane, Thomas L. ( Cont.)
proposed as government official in
will of Brigham Young drawn up
Utah, 68, 70
by, 462–464, 465n1, 466, 468,
Utah War, Kane’s negotiations with
471–482, 485–487, 507
Mormons during, 241
writing style of, 8, 141
Kimball, Hiram, 285, 300, 303–304
Kane, Thomas Leiper, Jr. (son of
Kimball, Presendia, 47n15
Thomas L. Kane), 184
Kimball, William, 166n5, 246, 253, 254,
Kane, William (brother of Thomas L.
255, 313, 430, 440, 441
Kane), death of, 143, 144, 146
King, William R., 109
Kanes, Daniel, 313n17
Kinney, John F., 161n12, 176, 178, 202,
Kanesville, Iowa (Council Bluffs), 17,
216, 383, 422, 425
34n7, 44, 45, 48, 49n22, 57, 58n9,
Kirtland, Ohio, 5
65, 116n13, 127, 165
Kjurlf, Christian, 277
Kanosh (Pahvant chief), 345
Klein, Philip, 218n12
Kansas territory, army in, 230n8, 322
Know Nothing movement, 270
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 164, 198,
Kossuth, Louis, 140
199, 207n38
Kearny, Stephen W., 16, 18, 77
Land Liberty, 98
Kemble, Fanny, 365
Las Vegas, Mormon settlement at,
Kendall, Amos, 15
214n6, 237
Kennedy, Joseph C. G., 140
Lay, George, 322n1
Keokuk, Iowa, 32
lead mining, 214
Kesler, Frederick, 287
Lee, John D., 346, 478n18, 507
Kickapoo Indians, 494n15
Leiper, Jane Duval (mother of Thomas L.
Kimball, Heber C.
Kane), 6, 40, 156n25
baptism of Gibson by, 361
Lerdo, Sebastian, 496, 501
conversion to Mormonism, 5
letters between Brigham Young and
correspondence with Kane, 93, 107,
Thomas L. Kane, 1–13. See also
Kane, Thomas L.; Young, Brigham
on funding drive, 44
early lives and careers of Kane and
gold seal ring for, 88, 105
Young, 2–7
greetings between Kane and, 163,
editorial methodology, xv
166, 189, 232, 305, 343, 376
Mexican-American War and
at meeting on Mormons’ intended
beginning of, 1–2
destination, 25
nature of relationship between Kane
oil factory started by, 343
and Young, 7–9
opposition of territorial officials
personal meetings between Kane and
and, 123–131
Young, 9, 18–19, 241–243, 453–461
peace conference, participation
political and territorial Mormon goals
in, 279n14, 280, 281
and, 11–13
preaches Mormonism to Kane,
value of, 9–11
writing styles in, 8
“lewd and lascivious behavior,” Young
Mormon efforts to secure contracts
indictment for, 13, 431
for, 21, 26, 49
Lewis, Catherine, 52
Y.X. Carrying Company (Brigham
Liberal Republican Party, 453–454, 465
Young Express and Carrying
Liberty Party, 394n12
Company), 205, 213–214n6, 227,
Lincoln, Abraham, 381, 382–383
248n11, 299–300
Lion House, 188n6, 458, 460, 462, 510
malaria, 27
Lipan Indians, 494n15
manuscript history of Kane’s
Little, Feramorz, 313
relationship with Mormons, 72, 77,
Little, Jesse C.
78n35, 130–131
journey to Mormon camps in Iowa, 16
Marcy, William L., 15
Kane’s initial encounter with, 1, 15
Mariscal, Ignacio, 494
lawsuits against, 313
martial law, 233, 245
as letter carrier, 45
Mason, James, 363
Mexican-American War,
May, William, pardon for murder, 161,
commissioning of Mormon
164, 165, 168–169
regiment for, 1–2
Mayhew, Henry, 83
return to church duties in the east, 24
Mayo Indians, 506
Young receives information about
McCrary, George W., 502n9
Kane from, 19
McCulloch, Ben, 220, 222, 228, 271,
Logan, Cache Co., 390
273n7, 278
Loring, William Wing, 280
McElrath, Hugh McDougal, 282, 317n7r />
Lovett, Robert, Sr., 104
McKean and Elk Land and
Lyman, Amasa, 52, 63, 65n4, 237, 241,
Improvement Company, 284n6
279n14, 376
McKean, James
Lynch, John G., 306n2, 411n9
C. C. Wilson on, 444n21
Lynde, Isaac, 337, 338
biographical information, 420n3
Burton prosecution, 421–422, 425
Madison, Dolly Todd, 44
Clinton v. Englebrecht case, 447–448
Magna Charta, 149
intention of depriving Mormons
Magraw [McGraw], William M. F., 175,
of power, 420–421, 427
204, 213, 214n6, 299
plural marriage, prosecution of,
421, 431
Civil War, guard on mail route
Yates case and, 427, 431, 441, 443
during, 373n16, 382
Young alluding to depredations of,
Council Bluffs, efforts to establish
421, 424–425
post office at, 48–49, 57–59
McKee, Hiram, 360
McLean, Hector, 224
contracts, 175, 204, 213, 214n6, 299
McNeil, Franklin, 313
Mormon contracts for, 204, 205,
medical issues. See also alcoholism
213–214n6, 227, 285, 299–300,
and drunkenness
cholera, 185
medical issues. ( Cont.)
railroads in, 487n14, 494n17, 498
dental use of ether, 490n5
Young on American annexation of, 372
dysentery, 185
migration. See also foreign territories,
ergot and digitalis, medical
Mormon consideration of
combination of, 86n20
migration to; western migration of
ether, dental use of, 490n5
heart failure, 490n5
Civil War, emigration from Europe
Kane’s Civil War wounds, 371, 380,
affected by, 276
381–382, 399–400
Perpetual Emigration Fund (PEF),
Kane’s illness contracted in Mormon
64, 66, 418
camp, 2, 27–28, 29, 32, 36, 73, 74
Orson Pratt, as emigration supervisor
Kane’s physical fragility, 1, 17–18, 40,
in East, 366, 367
72–78, 79, 80–81, 84, 85–86, 144,
Millennial Star, 367
172–173, 184, 185, 215–216, 260,
millennialism, 193, 203, 421, 491
267–268, 275, 285, 399–400, 456,
mining. See also gold and silver
457, 459–460, 496
American Bureau of Mining
Kane’s sickness during visit to Utah
Information for Utah, 451n16
(1872–1873), 459–460
coal deposits, 132, 136
malaria, 27
iron ore deposits, 132, 136, 214
in Mormon camps generally, 27, 46
lead, 214
pneumonia, 203
minting of gold coins by
tuberculosis/consumption, 3, 4, 51
Mormons, 64–65
yellow fever, 154
“court house” Mormons sent
The Prophet and the Reformer Page 74