Medill, William, 30, 31n22, 33, 34
on, 213n5
merchant trains, 343
European mission, 6, 22, 41n10, 62,
Mescalero Indians, 494n15
64, 65, 166n5, 383, 386, 390n7,
Methodism, 4, 270, 420
391n8, 408n22, 424
Mexican-American War
to Indians, 132, 134, 214, 224,
Kane’s hopes for field command in, 16
466, 491
Mormon regiment in, 1–2, 15–24, 46,
Missouri, evacuation of Saints from, 3,
47n15, 58, 78n34, 112
26, 274n12
Missouri Republican, 309
civil war in, 496, 501
Missouri River, Mormon crossing
Indians of, 491, 493–494, 495
of, 23
Kane’s travel to (1876), 491, 492–493,
Mitchell, Robert B., 21, 29, 32, 34
Mormon theocracy/theodemocracy, 10,
La Reforma period (1855–1876), 491
13, 83, 174n13, 199, 224, 433n13
Mormon settlement in, 465–467,
Mormon women. See also plural
482, 487, 491–506
racial amalgamation in, Kane’s views
Brocchus rebuking, 125
on, 498
characterized as slaves of elders, 223
Elizabeth Kane’s defense of, 13, 459
nail machine, importation of, 343
meeting between Elizabeth Kane and
National Academy of Sciences, 502
Young’s wives, 458
National Era (newspaper), 114
outnumbering Mormon
Native Americans. See Indians and
men, 138–139
Indian lands
predominance in Omaha
Nauvoo, Battle of, 41n11
camps, 47n15
Nauvoo College, 63
professional education in East,
Nauvoo Covenant, 45n9
chosen for, 389
Nauvoo, Ill., 16, 21, 23, 28–29, 32–35,
protests against anti-polygamy
51–52, 81
sentiments, 125, 411–412
Nauvoo Legion, 134n7, 228, 249,
soldiers denigrating, 339n10
252n13, 428
soldiers socializing with, 180, 382
Nevada territory, creation of, 364
The Mormons (Kane Pennsylvania
New Guinea, Mormon settlement plan
Historical Society lecture
for, 360–362
and pamphlet, 1850), 80–84,
New Mexico, as U.S. territory, 83
85–86, 130
New York City, branch mint at, 99
Morrell, Hiram, 295, 302, 310n5, 320
New York Daily Tribune, 430
Morrill, Justin S., 192, 201, 356, 357, 363, New York Herald, 140–142, 199–200, 381, 410
269, 287, 288, 388, 397n6, 466,
Morris, Isaac N., 316, 319
Morris, Joseph, and Morrisites,
New York Historical Society, Kane’s
421–422, 425
lecture defending Cumming
Mountain Meadows massacre
before, 331
Cradlebaugh efforts to prosecute,
New York Sun, 39, 40n5
322–323, 330, 346
New York Times, 220, 223–224, 230n10,
Indians and, 323, 333n12, 344–345
288, 315, 317, 360
John D. Lee executed for, 346, 507
New York Tribune, 39, 88n25, 93, 119,
George A. Smith letter on, 345, 349
198, 288, 296
Utah War and, 228, 256, 295n22,
New York Weekly Herald, 275n14
296, 313n15
New York World’s Fair (America’s
Young’s letter on, 334, 344–351
Crystal Palace Exhibition or
Munson’s Hill, Confederate occupation
Exhibition of the Industry of All
of, 372
Nations, 1853–1854), 156
murder. See also assassination;
North Line Pacific Rail Road, 98–99
Mountain Meadows massacre
Gokee, murder of, 161
oil mill, 343
May, William, pardon for, 161, 164,
Omaha Indians
165, 168–169
Mormons on lands of, 27, 28–29,
Parley P. Pratt, murder of, 224
36–37, 41n11, 42, 48, 58–61, 77
Yates, Richard E., murder of, 427–431,
raids on Mormon camps
by, 46–47
opposition (to Mormons). See also
Panic of 1873 and subsequent
McKean, James; public relations
depression, 464n7
campaign of Kane for Mormons;
paper mill, 375
Utah War
anti-polygamy legislation, 192, 201,
gubernatorial powers regarding, 161,
356–359, 363, 381, 410–416, 504
164, 165, 168–169
ant-polygamy prosecutions, 13, 382,
Utah War, presidential pardon for
421, 431, 442
Mormons in, 271, 327n20
Burton indictment, 421–422, 425,
Parowan, Utah, 132, 135–136, 162
427, 448
patriarchal blessing
Drummond’s anti-Mormon letters,
of Thomas L. Kane by John
203, 216, 219, 220
Smith, 28, 86, 106, 129, 154n16,
federally appointed councilors or
185, 426n29
commissioners, proposals to run
of Thomas L. and Elizabeth Kane by
Utah by, 357n2, 477
William G. Perkins, 460
Kane’s family opposition to his
Peel, Longford, 292n11
support of Mormons, 7–8, 436
PEF (Perpetual Emigration Fund), 64,
in presidential election of 1856,
66, 418
Republican use of plural marriage
Bucktail Regiment from, 370,
issue, 191–192, 199, 216
374, 416n13
strong public anti-Mormon sentiment
Walker Tariff of 1846, 99–100
(in 1857), 221, 223–226, 230n10
Pennsylvania Board of State Charities,
strong public anti-Mormon
Kane’s appointment to, 393–394
sentiment (in 1870s and 1880s), 13,
Pennsylvania Enquirer and National
Gazette, 54n15
of territorial officials in Utah, 123–131,
Pennsylvania Historical Society lecture
138–144, 201–214, 216–217, 219–221,
and following pamphlet ( The
Mormons, 1850) by Kane, 80–84,
Yates case, 427–431, 433–448
85–86, 130
Pennsylvanian (newspaper), 39, 40, 42,
boundaries, 97n20
109, 113, 114, 118n21, 119, 121
statehood, 70, 193
Perpetual Emigration Fund (PEF), 64,
Organic Act, 161, 208, 209n43, 349, 350
66, 418
Osborne, Anthony, 237, 240
Phelps, John W., 339n10
Phelps, William W., 111, 127
Pacific Telegraph Company, 387
Philadelphia Inquirer, 421
Pahvant Indians
Phillips, Wendell, 82
massacre of Gunnison surveying
Pierce, Fr
party by, 178, 180, 201–203
appointment of territorial officials by,
Mountain Meadows massacre
161n12, 176–177, 201
and, 345
May case referred to, 169
Pacific/transcontinental railroad
Point aux Poules (Trader’s Point), 29, 32
and, 155
police force
reappointment of Young as governor
in Provo, 324
and, 171–172, 206n37
in Salt Lake City, 299, 301, 309,
Piute Indians, and Mountain Meadows
Massacre, 333n12
political and territorial Mormon goals,
Piututs [Tin Tuts] (Ute subchief), 312n14
11–13. See also statehood for Utah
Platte Route, 156
appointment of Mormons as
Plumb, Edward, 487n14
territorial officials in Utah,
plural marriage
91–106, 171
anti-Mormon public sentiment based
Compromise of 1850 and, 83–84
on, 223–224
establishment of U.S. territorial
anti-polygamy legislation, 192, 201,
government in Utah, 26, 43,
356–359, 363, 381, 410–416, 504
56–59, 67–70, 79–80, 83–84
anti-polygamy prosecutions, 13, 382,
neutrality, Kane’s recommendations
421, 431, 442
of, 69, 70, 90, 96–100, 112–122, 129
Cobb divorce and, 51–55
popular sovereignty and local control,
federal government concerns
11, 26, 67
regarding, 67
political/religious persecution,
Elizabeth Kane on, 8, 458
prosecution of Young for Yates
Kane’s defense of Young against
murder viewed as, 440
charges of, 112–113
politics, Kane’s moral ambivalence
Kane’s discovery of practice of, 11–12,
about, 76, 94–95
138–144, 151, 153
Polk, James K.
in Mexico, 491
death of, 77
Morrisite disavowal of, 421
federal government, Mormon
opposition of territorial officials to,
relationship with, 20–22, 26–27,
123, 124, 125
38, 56–59, 67, 74, 75
as public relations issue, 13, 112–113,
funding drive for Mormons and,
121–122, 141, 143, 178
26–27, 38, 44
religious freedom arguments in
Indian lands, Mormon appeal to stay
defense of, 145–150, 151, 153, 412, 414
on, 27, 28–29, 33–35, 38
slavery linked to, 191–192, 199
Kane’s access to, 15
as special dispensation due to large
Mexican-American War,
numbers of Mormon women,
commissioning of Mormon
regiment for, 1–2, 15, 78n34
statehood for Utah and, 83–84,
patriotic letter from Young to, 112, 119
445–446, 450n13
Polk, Sarah Childress (wife of James
Strang and, 117n14
Polk), 44
of Young, 13, 51, 52, 188n6, 431, 458,
polygamy. See plural marriage
popular sovereignty, 11, 26, 191–192, 199,
pneumonia, 203
284, 290
Porter, Fitz-John, 246, 251, 255
public relations campaign of Kane for
Pottawatomie Indians, lands of, 21–22,
30, 33, 48, 60
Buffalo Courier and Republic
Potter, Robert, 42
articles, refutations, and
Powell, John W., 293n14
withdrawals about Young
Powell, Lazarus W., 271, 273n7, 279,
governorship, 112–122
292n9, 293
Cannon, Kane’s advice to, 287–288
Pratt, Eleanor McComb McLean (plural
Cobb divorce affecting, 51–55
wife of Parley Pratt), 224, 227
end of, 143
Pratt, Orson
funding drive, 43–50
as emigration supervisor in East,
Kane’s belief in importance of,
366, 367
39, 40–42
on European mission, 62–63, 132
letters and articles, 39–42, 53
Iowa, Kane’s arrival at Mormon
Mexican-American War, recruitment
camps in, 17
of Mormon regiment for, 1–2,
Mexican-American War, commissioning
15–24, 46, 47n15, 58, 78n34, 112
of Mormon troops for, 20
The Mormons (Pennsylvania
Yates case and, 440, 445
Historical Society lecture
Pratt, Parley
and pamphlet, 1850), 80–84,
Mexican-American War,
85–86, 130
commissioning of Mormon troops
opposition of territorial officials,
for, 20
rebutting, 138–144
murdered, 224
plural marriage issue and, 13, 112–113,
southern Utah expedition, 132
121–122, 141, 143, 178
Presbyterians, 40, 113, 151
William Smith petition
presidential election of 1856, 198–201,
affecting, 79, 85
205, 207, 214
success of, 92–93
Price, Eli K., 82, 393n5, 471, 479, 481,
The Truth of the Mormons (Grant
482, 486
and Kane pamphlet, May
probate courts in Utah territory, 202,
1852), 142
224, 347n10, 349–350, 353, 354–355,
Washington lobbying, 36–37, 38
410, 421
professional education, young
Quakers, 82, 373n14, 466n8
Mormons sent East for,
quid nuncs, 99
389, 487n12
Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 53
protective tariffs, 396–397, 398,
Quorum of Twelve Apostles
402, 404
on European mission, 65
Protestant evangelicalism, 2, 7, 8,
Little blessed by, 24
450n12, 466n8, 491
Pratt as member of, 63
Provo, Utah, 167, 251, 256, 277, 279,
pro-Mormon publications of Kane
280, 281, 322–325, 327, 328n25,
read by, 40
330, 344, 350n20, 408n22, 483
Strang and, 117n14
successorship of Young and, 509
Reformation movement within
Young as president of, 2, 5, 56
Mormonism, 203
regeneration, doctrine of, 75
racial amalgamation in Mexico, Kane’s
religious freedom
views on, 498
as defense of plural marriage,
145–150, 151, 153, 412, 414
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad,
Democratic principle, religious
426, 467n9
toleration as, 113, 118n21
bonds, 405–409, 410, 412,
prosecution of Young for Yates
423n18, 476n11
murder viewed as religious/
Central Pacific Railroad, 405, 408
political persecution, 440
funeral of Young, Kane’s trip to,
Remy, Laurent, 155n18
Republic (newspaper), 113–121
gauges, 424
Kane as route surveyor, 157, 221
emergence of, 191
in Mexico, 487n14, 494n17, 498
Kane and, 392, 453–454, 465, 494n19
mining exploration and, 422
national convention in Cincinnati
overextension concerns, 467
(1876), 494n19
Southern Pacific Railroad, 466
plural marriage issue, use of, 191–192,
Texas and Pacific Railroad, 467n9,
199, 216
487, 488n14
in presidential election of 1856,
transcontinental railroad, 98–99, 155,
157–163, 164, 165, 167, 169, 176, 217,
Reconstruction policy of, 393
397, 401n7, 426, 453, 467
Utah statehood application
Union Pacific Railroad, 405–409,
and, 191–192
418, 425–426, 509
Utah Central Railroad Company,
American Constitution given by, 147
405–409, 410, 412, 418, 423n18,
on Civil War, 371n9
424, 469, 476n11
of Morrisites, 421
Utah Northern Railroad, 451n18
Revolutions of 1848, 65n4
Utah Southern Railroad, 466,
Rhodes, Joseph, 313n17
468, 476n11
Rich, Charles C., 241, 279n14, 376
Randolph, John, 96n20
Richards, Franklin D., 65, 279n14
ratio of representation, 100, 194n15
Richards, Heber John (son of Willard
Raymond, Henry J., 288
Richards), 389–391
Read, Lazarus H., 161n12
Richards, Willard
as amanuensis, 9, 24, 26–27, 49, 63,
Grant’s death following performance
66, 126
of, 203
as church historian, 22, 130–131
of Zerubbabel Snow, 92
correspondence with Kane, 31,
Reconstruction, 393, 396
40–42, 93, 107, 111, 117n15,
Reeside, John, 175
123–131, 150
Richards, Willard ( Cont.)
theater, 375–376
Deseret News, as founding editor
Salt Lake Herald, 511
of, 105n47
Salt Lake Tribune, 430
on funding drive, 44
Salt Lake Valley. See Utah territory
gold seal ring for, 88, 105
San Antonio Daily Herald, 496–497
illness and death of, 162, 206
San Francisco Bulletin, 306, 308n7
opposition of territorial appointees
Sargent, John O., 118
and, 123–131
Sarpy, Peter, 17, 21, 29n17
proposed as government official in
Sayre, Lewis A., 389
Utah, 68, 70, 103
science, as gentlemanly amateur
statehood, Mormon pursuit of, 70
practice, 487n12
Ritchie, Thomas, 118
Scott, John, 398n7
Robbins, Charles B., 355, 364
Scott, Thomas A., 467, 488n14,
Robbins, John R., 355
The Prophet and the Reformer Page 75