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Dangerous Stranger (Beautiful Entourage #4)

Page 5

by E. L. Todd

  “Thanks…I really admire Max. He’s strong and doesn’t let the negatives drag him down. He faces everything head on without blinking. He’s a really cool guy. You’re lucky to have him as your brother.”

  “I know I am.”

  “And your support means a lot to him—to both of us.”

  I rested my hand on his and felt the scorching heat. He looked down at our joined hands. “I’m just glad you guys are happy. That’s what I want for my older brother. He deserves it.” When I pulled my hand away, he still stared at the area where we once touched.


  “So, how long have you been gay?”

  “Uh…” He sipped his drink again. “Since I became an adult. I just came out to my parents and told them the truth. It’s been fine ever since.”

  “And they support you?”

  “Yeah, they don’t care,” he said quickly.

  “That’s nice. I hope my parents feel that way soon.”

  “Give it time,” he said quietly. When he glanced around the Shake Shack he spotted a blonde at the counter. Like he was afraid, he turned to me and pivoted his body so his back was to her.

  I thought his behavior was odd but I didn’t ask him about it.

  He kept his face averted and tried to pretend everything was normal—even though it clearly wasn’t.

  The blonde turned his way after she paid for her drink. Then her eyes narrowed in recognition.

  “She’s coming over here.” I thought it was fair to give him a warning.


  She reached him and tapped him on the shoulder. “Hi, Jett. Long time, no see.”

  He sighed then turned in his chair. “Hey, Lizzie.” He didn’t seem happy to see her.

  She was very pretty. Even I was checking her out. She had bright blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a body most girls would kill for. “So, you didn’t have time to call me back?” Attitude was in her voice.

  “I guess I lost track of time,” he said with a shrug.

  What the hell was going on here?

  She put one hand on her hip and glared at him with hatred. “So we have a wonderful time together—”

  “Look.” His voice grew serious, like he was about to command soldiers into battle. “I never said I was going to call you. It’s your fault for making the assumption. I told you exactly what I wanted from the beginning. If you want to be treated differently, I suggest you behave differently.”

  For a moment, it looked like she was going to throw her shake all over him. But she took the high road instead and marched off.

  When she was gone, Jett relaxed. “Sorry about that…”

  “What was that about?”

  “Sometimes when I meet girls…” He suddenly faltered and cleared his throat. “When I make friends with a girl, they understand that I’m gay. But then they…fall in love with me and hope that I might possibly be straight—for them. And when I’m not, they get really upset.” He finished the rest of his shake.

  I would have thought that was a weird explanation if I hadn’t spent time with Jett first. He was very charming, charismatic, and of course, gorgeous. It wouldn’t be difficult to fall for him, not with those blue eyes and messy brown hair. And he was fun to be around. My brother landed the jackpot. “That must be tough.”

  He shrugged. “It is what it is.”


  When I came home, Cameron was standing outside my door. I froze because I wasn’t expecting him. After the way Jett sucker punched him, I hoped he would stay away.

  I guess I was wrong.

  His lip wasn’t swollen anymore, and the bruise around his eye had disappeared. When he spotted me he straightened and faced me head on. “You have a boyfriend now?” His voice was cold.

  That was the first thing out of his mouth? That was all he cared about? “Yeah. And he’s just as good in bed as he is at punching people.” I walked to my door even though he was right beside it.

  “What the fuck, Ophelia? You get mad at me for checking out a waitress but you’ve had a boy toy on the side?”

  I crossed the threshold then turned around, blocking the door. “I never had someone on the side. Is it really that hard to believe that another man would want to scoop me up?” Jett’s words came back to me. “Because I’m memorable to someone even if it isn’t you.” I slammed the door and locked it.

  Cameron banged on the door and called my name.

  I ignored it. He would go away eventually.

  Max came out of his bedroom. “You want me to take care of him? And not in the way Jett handled it?”

  “No. He’ll give up eventually.” I tossed my gym bag and purse on the table.

  Max eyed me in my spandex. “Good workout?”

  “Yeah, actually.”

  He nodded. “So…I wanted to talk to you about something.” He sat down at the kitchen table and proceeded to ignore Cameron as he banged on the door.

  “What’s up?” I grabbed a bottle of water then sat across from him. My muscles were sore from working out with Jett. With a body like that, he clearly knew his way around the weight room. I was a little embarrassed he caught me checking him out. But he was probably used to it even though he was gay.

  “What do you think of Jett?”

  That was an odd question. “I love him. Why?”

  “He…doesn’t make you uncomfortable?”

  “No…why would he?” Was I missing something? He was funny and sweet. He was a bit cocky sometimes but he honestly had something to be cocky about. He was too handsome for his own good.

  He shrugged. “Just curious.”

  “He and I worked out together today.”

  Both of his eyebrows shot up. “You did?” He didn’t seem pleased.

  “Yeah, he showed me a few different exercises and pushed me when I wanted to slack.”

  He nodded slowly. “And you enjoy spending time with him?”

  “I told you, I love him. I think he’s great, Max. Honestly, you landed the jackpot with him.”

  “You think?” he asked in surprise.

  “You don’t…?” Was Max totally blind to his own man?

  “Of course I do,” he said quickly. “But…he doesn’t make you uncomfortable? You aren’t lying to me?”

  What on earth was he talking about? “Absolutely not.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I like hanging out with him. He’s my friend. Isn’t that a good thing? I assumed you would want your sister to get along with your boyfriend.”

  “Of course I do. As long as he doesn’t bother you.”

  “He doesn’t bother me, Max.”

  “Okay.” He finally backed off, and the sound of Cameron banging on the door continued. He glanced at the door then turned back to me. “Determined, isn’t he?”

  “It’s the first time he’s showed any determination for our relationship in a year,” I said. “How flattering…”

  “You doing okay?” he asked with a sympathetic look.

  “I’ll be fine,” I said dismissively.

  “I’m always here to talk. You know that.”

  “Yes, I know.” I gave him a quick smile. My brother wasn’t just my family but he was also my friend. When he said he needed a place to live, I didn’t mind letting him live with me. In fact, I liked it. It was nice not to feel alone in my large apartment.

  “Just making sure.” He rapped his knuckles on the table before he headed back to his room.


  When I got off work, I got a text message from Jett.

  Sweetheart, how about that yoga?

  I involuntarily smiled when I spotted his name on the screen. You aren’t going to survive.

  That’s what you think. There’s a class in fifteen minutes. You game?

  For a gay guy, he talked like a straight guy. I’m game.

  See you then, sweetheart.

  Even when I put my phone away, I was still smiling. Perhaps Jett was making my breakup a
lot easier. He gave me confidence when all I felt was doubt, and he reminded me I was worth something even if Cameron acted like I wasn’t. He distracted me, spent time with me. And he made me smile while he did it.

  After I changed into my yoga pants and sports bra, I grabbed a mat and walked inside the work out room. Jett was already there, in the back corner with a black yoga mat. He was shirtless like last time we worked out together. And of course it was distracting. Extremely distracting. I hadn’t seen a guy this good-looking…ever. I was glad Cameron thought he was my boyfriend. I’m sure that stung.

  Jett turned his gaze on me when he noticed me, and those blue eyes darkened a shade. His eyes quickly scanned my body, looking at my stomach and hips, before he turned back to my face. There was a dark smolder deep within, and his face was clean like he’d shaved that morning. I couldn’t tell what I liked more; when he shaved or when he didn’t. That’s how beautiful he was. “I thought you were going to chicken out.”

  “Me?” I asked, distantly offended. “I don’t back down from anything.” I lay down the mat then sat on top of it and began to stretch.

  Jett watched me with his full attention.

  “You aren’t going to stretch?” I asked as I moved.

  “You stretch after a workout.” His arrogance was right on the surface.

  “Well, this is a different kind of workout.” I pushed my feet together and made a diamond with my legs.

  He turned to see a man leaning over his wife as he pressed her legs back, stretching her hamstrings and quads. Then he turned back to me. “How about I help you stretch instead?”

  A shiver ran down my spine and I had no idea where it came from. I completely misinterpreted what he said and I had no idea why I did it. Jett was gay and spent the night with Max often. Why was I distantly hoping he was straight, seeing things that weren’t really there? “I think I can handle it.”

  “I’m always here if you change your mind.” He winked at me.

  I lay on my back then lifted my hips into the air, stretching my quads.

  Jett watched me, his eyes centered on my stomach. “You have a beautiful body.” His voice carried his seriousness.

  I relaxed and lay on the mat. “Are you checking me out?” One corner of my mouth curled into a smile.

  “It’s not rocket science to understand when someone is attractive.” He looked away, staring at the wall.

  “So, that was a yes.”

  “I appreciate art, and I think a fit body is art.”


  Now his lips curled into a smile. “Maybe I was checking you out. Maybe I wasn’t.”

  “Well, I’m not your type. So you’re wasting your time.”

  He turned back to me and his gaze bore into my skin. But he didn’t speak.

  The instructor emerged and started the class.

  “Since I’m a nice person, I won’t tease you,” I said.

  “Since I’m a gentleman, I’ll still take you shopping even when I win.”

  “You’re the cockiest man I’ve ever met.” I sat up and crossed my legs.

  “Well, look at me. I have something to be cocky about.”

  I smacked his arm playfully. “How does Max put up with you?”

  “He looks at me. That’s how.”

  I rolled my eyes dramatically.

  He playfully pushed me over, making me roll onto the mat. “Keep it up and I’ll tickle you next time.”

  The instructor began the class and we did light stretches. Jett didn’t struggle with those. But I knew he would falter the more intense the workouts became. He was a muscular guy, and men tended to be less flexible than women.

  When we moved into the crane, Jett struggled to remain upright. Eventually, he couldn’t keep his balance and fell over.

  A quiet laugh escaped my lips and I tried to hold it back.

  He shot me a glare and tried again but he couldn’t get it.

  Then we moved onto another complex move where we had to touch our fingers to our toes. Jett could barely reach past his knees.

  “I wonder what mall we should hit…”

  “Brat,” he whispered.

  Jett couldn’t even attempt the final move of the session and just watched me. My ass was in the air and I had the strangest feeling he was staring at it but I knew that couldn’t be right. He was probably staring at the guy in the front row.

  When we finished, we rolled up our mats then stacked them in the corner.

  I gave him a smug look. “Not so cocky now, huh?”

  He looked away as he walked beside me. “Yoga is lame anyway.”

  “For people who can’t do it…”

  He nudged me in the side playfully. “Did it ever occur to you that I might have let you win? Because I’m a nice guy.”

  “No,” I blurted. “You just suck.”

  He nudged me again. “I’ll tickle you if I have to.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” I challenged. We were near the locker rooms and I was almost free.

  Jett shoved me against the wall then pinned me down. Then he tickled me fiercely.

  I started giggling. “Stop! We’re in public.”

  His chest pressed against mine and he blocked me in. Mercilessly, he tickled me and made me laugh uncontrollably. “Watch your mouth next time.” He tickled my stomach for a moment before he finally stopped. But he remained pressed against me with his face above mine.

  I was suddenly aware of how close he was. His chest was sweaty and it was broad and strong. His breathing fell on me, and I suddenly thought of things I shouldn’t. Never in my life had I been attracted to a gay man, but sparks were flying on my end. Perhaps my feelings were just misplaced because I hadn’t received any attention or affection in a long time. I hoped that was the case. Jett was my brother’s boyfriend. If I were truly attracted to him, that would make me a horrible person. I cleared my throat then walked around him. “I’m going to shower.”

  “I’ll see you in a few.”

  When I got into the shower, I made sure it was on cold.


  Jett wore basketball shorts and a t-shirt while he waited for me outside the gym.

  I wore leggings and a loose top, wanting to be comfortable because I was exhausted. I’d probably take a long catnap the second I got home.

  “So, when do you want to go shopping?” he asked in a disgruntled voice.

  “Sore loser, huh?”

  “I just let you win because you’re pretty and you’re my boyfriend’s sister. So, don’t get too arrogant.”

  “Like you?” I countered.

  He glared at me with his eyes but his lips contained a smile. “Where do you want to go, sweetheart?”

  “The mall, of course.”

  “And I’ll carry your bags for you like an obedient dog.”

  “Great,” I said excitedly. “And since I’m such a nice person I’ll have dinner with you afterwards. It’s a win-win.”

  His eyes lightened in excitement. “Yeah?”


  “Sweet.” He nudged me in the side. “You’re pretty cool, Ophelia. You must rub off on Max.”

  “He rubs off on me,” I corrected. “He’s my hero.”

  “He is a pretty cool guy,” he agreed.

  “Alright. How about tomorrow after work?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” he said. “You want to meet there?”

  “Sure. Outside of Bloomingdale’s.”


  I didn’t want to go home because Cameron would probably be there. I released an involuntary sigh, which came out louder than I meant.

  “Everything okay, sweetheart?” Concern was in his eyes.

  “Yeah. I just don’t want to go home.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Cameron will probably be waiting outside my door like usual.”

  He quickly became rigid. “You can come to my place. You’re always welcome.”

  “No, it’s okay. I have to face the music

  “Then I’ll go with you.” He started walking.

  “Whoa, wait.” I caught up to him. “You don’t need to do that. I can fight my own battles.”

  “You don’t have to.” He walked forward with a determined expression on his face.

  “Really, it’s fine.” I grabbed his forearm and felt the muscles and veins.

  He let me touch him and didn’t pull away. “I’m not going to let him harass you. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Don’t hit him,” I said quickly. “Please.”

  “Why?” He looked me in the face. He deserves a lot worse for treating you like dirt.

  “Violence doesn’t solve anything. Don’t lower yourself.”

  He sighed and kept walking. “Fine. But I’ll still give him a piece of my mind.”

  At least he agreed not to hit him.

  When we reached the hallway of my apartment, we saw Cameron standing outside the door. He looked up when he saw me, and he opened his mouth to speak but abruptly closed it when he spotted Jett.

  Jett sauntered forward, his shoulders squared and his jaw tense. A maniacal gleam was in his eyes, and even I was a little scared of him. He came right up to Cameron and got in his face. “Leave my girl alone. Or I’ll snap your neck.” He continued to pressure Cameron until Cameron backed up into a wall. He held Jett’s gaze for a moment before he looked away, finally acknowledging that Jett had more power. “Do you understand me?”

  Cameron wasn’t easily subdued. He was aggressive and territorial. The fact Jett could scare him and make him look like a total pussy was impressive.

  “I didn’t hear you.” Jett didn’t back off.

  “I’ll just go…” He stepped away.

  Jett grabbed him and shoved him against the wall again. This time he pinned him down by the throat. “I didn’t hear you.”

  Cameron grabbed the hand that covered his throat but didn’t try to pull it off. “Okay…I understand.”

  “Do you really?” Jett asked with a dark voice. “Or am I going to see your sorry ass next time I take my girl home?”

  “I’ll leave her alone,” he said quickly.

  Jett finally backed off. “Now run.”


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