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Not Just Another Billionaire

Page 8

by Emma Kingsley

  “I spent the last two days making arrangements to move my practice here to Portland,” he said, as if he were reading her mind. He said it as though it were the most casual of revelations, but it rocked her to her core. He was serious. He loved her just like she loved him, and he was willing to risk it all to prove that.

  She took a moment to process the news. “For me?” she whispered as her eyes darted from the road to his face.

  “What do you think?” He smiled gently, his eyes fixed on the road.

  Her heart swelled. After such a promising start to the evening, Emily was annoyed by the idea that they would eventually have to talk about her recent conversation with Mimi Marshall, but she felt the need to hear his words of reassurance. Mimi wasn’t just a random person who didn’t believe in their relationship. She was, after all, Logan’s mother.

  As he had already announced, the place behind which he parked the car wasn’t a food truck. It was one of the most fashionable restaurants in the city, booked out months in advance.

  “I’ve heard of this place. It’s even harder to get into than Lucas’s restaurant. How did you manage to get us a table on such a short notice?”

  “You have your connections, I have mine, baby,” he said with a wink. “Together we’re unbeatable.” He wrapped an arm around her waist as they walked into the restaurant, laughing together.

  The maître d’ showed them to their booth.

  “You need to know that I’ve never kissed an employee before,” Logan said as he settled into his seat.

  “I’ve never kissed a boss before either,” she replied with a chuckle.

  “And I don’t want you to kiss any other boss ever again, or anyone else for that matter,” he said, a note of jealousy in his words.

  “I would be happy not to kiss anyone else ever again as long as you never kiss anyone else either, Mr. Marshall.” She used her best business voice, as though they were negotiating a contract.

  “It’s a deal.” He extended his hand to shake hers, causing her to break out in a fit of giggles.

  Emily’s expression turned thoughtful.

  “All this means you believe that what we have is going to last?” she asked, her tone hesitant.

  “Of course it’s going to last. What do you mean?” He seemed to realize something was bothering her.

  “Your mother doesn’t think so,” she said with a sigh.

  “Oh no. What happened with my mother now?” His voice held an angry edge.

  “I didn’t want to upset you before your trip to New York. I wouldn’t really like to ruin this evening either, but I have to tell you about that little chat your mother and I had in Santa Barbara.”

  “I knew it. What did she say?” He held her hand tightly as though he would never let her go.

  “She suspects there’s something going on between us. She’s never seen you like this, and she doesn’t like what she sees.” Emily bit her lip. “She sounded confident that, whatever this is, it won’t last because you’re basically out of my league.”

  Logan rolled his eyes and shook his head.

  “Look, this may sound weird to you because you’re so close to your parents. I know it’s harsh, but it’s the truth and I can’t deny it. You know how many times my mother and I had a heart-to-heart mother-son conversation? Zero. How many times she hugged me? Zero. How many times she gave me a word of encouragement or support? Zero. I don’t hold it against her anymore. I’d had issues with this for years, but I managed to come to terms with that reality. Do I wish things were different? You bet I do. Can I do something to change the kind of person she is? Unfortunately, no.”

  Before he continued, Logan inhaled a deep breath. “I find comfort in God. He’s my stronghold, and thanks to him I learnt to cope with the pain of having a mother who doesn’t really care for me. My mother doesn’t know me. She never did, and she never will. So, please, if she tells you that what we have won’t last, you can rest assured that it will.”

  Emily’s eyes filled with tears as she listened to him. She found the very idea of a loveless mother contradictory beyond comprehension. For her, a mother was a synonym for selfless love. Logan’s heart was so true and pure. She caressed his face with her fingertips, wondering how anyone in the world could not love the amazing man sitting across from her.

  “I love you, Logan,” she whispered as she pulled his hand up to her lips and covered it with kisses.

  “I love you too, Emily.”

  Chapter 16


  Emily felt as though she were living a dream she never wanted to awaken from. The next two weeks seemed to fly by, and she had never been happier. Still, she and Logan did their best to keep their relationship professional in front of their colleagues.

  “If it wasn’t for this boring company’s policy about employees conducting themselves in an appropriate workplace manner, I would kiss you senseless right here and right now,” he whispered in Emily’s ear while Bertha presented her plan for introducing Employee Excellence awards at the company.

  “We can suggest she introduce the Most in Love Couple category,” Emily said, trying to keep her voice down and her face straight.

  After the meeting ended, Logan waited for her in front of the office building, as they had previously agreed.

  “It’s sci-fi night,” he said with a grin, eager for their movie night. It seemed odd, after years of avoiding relationships, that he had so quickly come to love something so simple as cuddling with her in a theatre, sharing popcorn, and whispering back and forth.

  “Yeah, I know. Why do you think I’m dragging my feet?” She pouted her lips.

  “You’re making it sound so horrible.”

  “I’m kidding, honey.” She giggled as they walked toward his black Tesla. “Sitting next to you, watching a Hungarian soap opera with no subtitles would be fun.”

  Their tastes in movies differed, and each time they went to the theater, one of them had to make a compromise.

  “I was skeptical at the beginning, but I have to say that rom-com last time wasn’t that bad,” he admitted.

  “You see, what’s not to like about a good love story?”

  “My thoughts exactly. What’s not to like about a good science fiction story?”

  “It’s not the same. Love is everything. Love is everywhere,” Emily explained, gesturing enthusiastically. She was a born romantic, which was why closing her heart to love and focusing on her career always felt like an imposition rather than a free choice. Logan finally gave her a chance to be true to herself again.

  “I don’t know if it’s everywhere, but I’m sure it’s here.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it against his heart. “And it’s all for you.”

  “You see, a rom-com screenwriter is hiding inside of you. If you ever fail in architecture or business, you have something to fall back on. You’re a natural, baby,” she said with a chuckle.

  When they arrived at the theater, a chubby man standing at the end of the ticket line grabbed Logan’s arm.

  “I can’t believe it. Logan Marshall,” the man said with warm recognition.

  “Oh, look who that is. Mike Kempinsky.” Logan gave the man a hearty handshake and patted him on the back with his other hand.

  “It’s been so long, man. Where do you live now? The last time I heard, you were in New York.”

  “I was in Chicago until recently, but I’m back to Portland now.”

  “Portland, really? What a surprise! It’s great to have you back.”

  “You should thank this young lady here.” Logan gestured toward Emily. “This is my girlfriend, Emily. Emily, this is my old buddy Mike.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mike.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Emily. This is my wife, Amanda.” The man introduced a short brunette standing next to him with a smile on his face.

  That was the first time Emily had heard Logan refer to her as his “girlfriend,” and her cheeks blushed with excitement. She still couldn’t get used t
o the idea that she wasn’t only part of Logan’s everyday life but also part of his future plans and dreams. Despite the fact that he had women falling at his feet wherever he went, he had a way of making her feel like she was the only woman in the world.

  After a brief chat with the other couple, they stopped to buy popcorn and sodas and headed to their auditorium.

  “I told my mother about us,” he informed her.

  “How did she take the news?” she asked, suddenly worried. He might not be close to his mother, but she wasn’t a woman who took defeat lying down.

  “She hung up on me.” He took a long sip of his drink. “Don’t worry about her. I just wanted to let you know that it’s official. They all know it now. Robbie, my father. They all know I’m yours,” he said with a wink.

  “You sound like a Valentine card.” She giggled. “What did Robbie say?”

  “He was happy for me. He said we make a beautiful couple. You know, with all our family drama all these years, we had our problems and grew apart quite a bit, but this experience has brought us together again.”

  “I’m so happy to hear that.”

  “I feel like he’s my only family. I really need that sense of belonging,” he admitted.

  Emily looked into his eyes and pictured him and Robbie as two little boys, enjoying all the material riches, but in desperate need of love and warmth. She curled her arm around his waist, thinking how she would love to give him a family to call his own.

  “I promised my niece I’d take you to meet her next weekend. I’d really like you to finally meet my brother too,” she told him, feeling closer to him than ever.

  “I’d love that. We could have lunch at your brother’s place and then take your niece somewhere fun.”

  “She would be thrilled.” Emily smiled at the thought of all the questions the inquisitive little girl would ask her about Logan.

  “I love playing with kids. There’s something so genuine about them. Adults are so complicated, while children need so little to be happy.”

  “You’re so right about that. It’s fascinating how they can truly enjoy the little moments in life. It’s a shame most people lose that good habit as they grow older.”

  “I haven’t lost it,” he said, looking for his seat. “I’m thoroughly enjoying this little moment. Popcorn, a nice movie, the person I love next to me.”

  “Not necessarily in that order.” She pinched his arm.

  “Ouch! You’re right, sweetie. Popcorn, the person I love, a nice movie.”

  “Let’s see how nice a sci-fi movie can be,” she said, interlacing her fingers with his.

  While the images of space stations and mutant aliens played before her eyes, Emily rested her head on Logan’s shoulder, occasionally peeking over at his face to see how he reacted to twists and turns in the story. When the movie ended, she admitted that she found it more engaging than she had initially expected.

  Logan took her to his favorite pizza place, where he talked to her about how his grandfather was an early fan of science fiction novels and how he introduced him and Robbie to the genre. With that emotional backstory in mind, Emily felt that the experiences that she previously saw as dull and uninviting, with Logan seemed worth exploring. Immersed in easy conversations and laughter, the time flew by and they arrived at her doorstep after midnight.

  “You could come to my place for dinner tomorrow,” she offered.

  “Thanks for the invitation, Miss Taylor. It will be a pleasure.” He brought her palm to his lips and kissed it softly.

  “But be warned that, if you try my blueberry cobbler, you’ll never want to leave me.”

  His arm wound around her waist and drew her closer. “I’d never want to leave you anyway. But I’ll take you up on that blueberry cobbler,” he said, towering over her. He chuckled into her hair, and she felt the vibrations from his chest. She rose on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck as she pressed a long goodnight kiss on his lips. She felt so safe in his arms that it seemed like nothing could get in their way anymore.

  Chapter 17


  The next morning, Emily woke up with a smile, pondering what to cook for Logan that night. Before leaving for work, she checked what ingredients she had in the fridge and quickly made a list of what else she needed. Blueberries! I mustn’t forget blueberries, she thought.

  She picked up her phone from the kitchen table and sent a text to Maggie.

  Emily: Logan’s coming over for a blueberry cobbler tonight.

  Maggie: He’s going to try your blueberry cobbler? That means the next text I’ll be getting will contain the words “proposal” and “engagement ring.”

  Maggie ended her text with a string of smilies.

  Humming to herself, Emily almost skipped with joy on her way to the car. After an easy commute, she arrived at the Marshall Resorts headquarters. But the grin faded from her face the moment she entered the office building. As soon as she stepped foot past security, she felt the tense and awkward atmosphere. People were whispering in hallways and looking at her with an expression she couldn’t quite place. When she got into her office and put her bag down, Petra came in behind her, closing the door.

  “Robbie Marshall asked me to tell you to go to his office as soon as you got here this morning.”

  “Any idea why?”

  Petra shook her head. “No, but I don’t think it’s good. People are whispering. Mimi Marshall is here, and so is the head of our IT department. Something really strange is going on.”

  Emily inhaled deeply, wondering why she, of all people, would have anything to do with a meeting involving IT.

  “The head of the IT department?” she asked, confused.

  “Yes. It’s Rupert Abbott, Mrs. Marshall’s cousin.”

  “Mimi Marshall’s cousin is the head of our IT department?”

  “Yes. He’s been with the company for decades.”

  The walk down to Robbie’s office suddenly felt endless. When she entered the room, the talking quieted down. As Petra had warned her, Mimi was there, along with an older gentleman in a wrinkled suit. Robbie was at his desk. Logan was seated in a chair next to the window. All eyes turned to her except for Logan’s. His gaze was frozen in front of him, his face twisted with an emotion she couldn’t identify.

  “Hi, Emily,” Robbie said, his voice shaking.

  “Good morning.” She sat when Robbie motioned to the chair on the other side of his desk. She didn’t really like the setup. It felt like being in the high school principal’s office, but with nosy onlookers.

  “I’m going to cut to the chase.” He released a long sigh. “Some evidence has been brought to our attention that you might have been in contact recently with a competitor of ours.”

  The atmosphere in the office thinned, and it was suddenly hard to breathe.

  “What?” she squeaked.

  Robbie looked to Logan, who remained motionless in his chair. Behind her, she heard Mimi let out a little snort.

  “We’ve had access to your correspondence with the Carlton Group.”

  Her stomach dropped, and her throat tightened. “My correspondence with the Carlton Group? I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Mr. Marshall. I’ve never contacted the Carlton Group,” she protested, standing up.

  “Don’t try to deny it. We already know everything. You leaked all the information,” Mimi Marshall growled.

  Emily ignored her remark. “Please, believe me. I would never do that,” she pleaded, her eyes darting between the Marshall brothers.

  Robbie slowly pushed a small stack of stapled papers across his desk toward Emily. She glanced at the printed e-mails and immediately went to the sender line. It was her work e-mail account. She picked the papers up and flicked through dozens of e-mails. There was information on the megaplex project and the rebranding campaign. A recently dated e-mail caught her eye.

  “I’ve gained the trust of the younger Marshall brother, and I anticipate that I’ll soon be
able to influence his decisions. This will cost you more, but the value of this connection should prove to be priceless.”

  Tears welling in her eyes, she looked at Logan. He was finally meeting her gaze, his face flooded with pain. “Logan, I never wrote these things.”

  “He’s not Logan to you. He’s Mr. Marshall,” Mimi chided her.

  Once again, Emily didn’t pay attention to her. “You have to believe me. Someone’s setting me up.” The fact that Logan wasn’t saying anything was breaking her heart. She needed him to believe her. She didn’t care about any of the rest of them. She just needed to know that he supported her.

  His elbows resting on the desk, Logan buried his face in his hands and sighed.

  “I was right all along,” Mimi said triumphantly. “You just wanted to use my son.”

  “That’s a lie,” Emily shouted, her voice breaking.

  “I must admit I’m shocked. I really trusted you, Emily,” Robbie continued.

  “But I wasn’t even on the executive team when the information on the megaplex was leaked. That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “We’ve been informed that you had an accomplice on the executive team while you were in L.A. We’re looking into that right now.”

  “This new position at the headquarters was a perfect opportunity for you to get a firsthand access to our secrets so you wouldn’t have to split the money with your collaborator anymore,” Mimi chimed in.

  “Until we finish our investigation, we have to ask you to leave the premises and hand over your employee badge. We’ll let you know the outcome when we’re done,” Robbie informed her, lowering his gaze.

  Emily rose from her chair, blinking back the sting of tears. Mimi Marshall smirked at her while the head of the IT department appeared concentrated on a stack of papers in front of him. Emily looked at Logan once again.


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