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Legio XVII: Roman Legion at War

Page 13

by Thomas A. Timmes

  Joseph was no stranger to Trastevere. After all, he and his father were Jews and this is where the foreigners lived: Jews, Syrians, Egyptians, Greeks, all the non Latin’s were here.

  Figure 9 Throwing the Pilum

  He knew the community by heart from the families who earned their living on the river to the farmers farther inland, to the owners of the great estates nestled among the trees. This was home and it was good to be out of basic training. Above all, he craved his mother’s cooking.

  As he walked, he recalled the five hour 20 mile marches in full armor, the mock sword fights against the never yielding wooden stakes, carrying the heavy 22 pound shield, and the one-on-one combat against his peers. He particularly enjoyed throwing the light javelin and the heavier six foot pilum. While some recruits could throw the pilum farther, only a few could beat him for accuracy.

  He had one week to relax at home before reporting to the Tribune’s house, about a mile away, and planned to take full advantage of the time. Besides eating more, he wanted to sit on the bank of the Tiber, just watching the activity on the river, and drinking more wine than he probably should. He also could not wait to finds some friends to play his favorite board game latrunculi [chess]. But, above all, he wanted to show his father his new found toughness and skill with shield and gladius.

  He enjoyed his time in basic training and even made good friends with two other recruits in his tent group of eight men: Tertius, a farm boy, strong as an ox, honest to a fault, but not too bright and Accius a poor, quick witted city dweller always on the prowl for extra money, sex, and a chance to prove himself. Joseph often wondered what they saw in him, but was happy that the three of them were tight friends. His one regret was that he was different from the other recruits. He worshipped only one god, was circumcised, and had dietary restrictions. He was sorely tempted to renounce Judaism, but knew his father would be heart stricken. His circumcision was his greatest visible shame. He even tried to pull the skin over his penis, but that was painful and did not work anyway. The other recruits noticed of course, but only Joseph was troubled by it.

  The week flew by as all enjoyable things do. He did most of the things he wanted and was most pleased that he got to impress his father with his muscular physique and accuracy with the javelin. Even though Levi was extremely busy with affairs of State, particularly Rome’s seemingly endless struggle with Hannibal, he knew he had to take time off to allow Joseph to show off a little. Successfully completing basic Legionaire training, after all, was no small matter for his 18 year old son. The week passed; it was now time for Phase II of his training, which included shadowing Tribune Manius Tullus, Commandant of Campus Martius.

  As Joseph walked up the long gracefully turning path that led to the Tribune’s house, he looked every bit the Legionaire in his helmet, armor, shield, and weapons. Joseph wondered what the next year and a half was going to be like. He knew the Tribune from his father who was a close personal friend and he appreciated the fact that the Tribune kept his distance during basic training so as not to embarrass him in front of the other young men. But a one-on-one meeting with Tribune Tullus was intimidating to say the least.

  The first thing he noticed were the Etruscan servants working in the Tribune’s fields. He actually saw them before he heard them because of the huge cloud of wheat shaft they were pitching in the air. He had learned their language as a child from Etruscan children seeking playmates that often wandered away from the farms that dotted the area.

  He figured it best not to hail them. He could always speak to them later if he wished. He actually hoped the Tribune was still at Campus Martius with the new batch of recruits so he could get settled in before meeting him. He wondered what the Tribune’s wife looked like. He already knew they had a daughter Decima, who was reported to be very attractive and about his age, another daughter Flavia, and a son Titus.

  The vestibule facing the path looked freshly white washed and proportional to the entrance. “Simple, a bit too soldierly, but pleasing to the eye,” he said to himself. It reminded him of his own house. Levi did not believe in embellishment. “Live simple, eat simple, and do your duty” ~ that was his father’s motto and from the looks of things, the Tribune’s as well.

  Before he could knock, the door to the ostium [hallway] swung open and there stood a shapely, nicely dressed woman in her late thirties with her long hair piled neatly on her head. He immediately took her to be the Tribune’s wife, Lucia. He guessed right. She said she spotted him as he approached the house and welcomed him with a wide smile. Even though she doubled his age, he liked her, and knew enough to be very respectful, but not too familiar. His father had coached him well!

  Bringing in the crop meant a shortage of household staff, and, as he would learn later, Lucia was known to pitch in among the Etruscan servants in the field when the need arose. She was also not adverse to doing her own cooking and cleaning when necessary.

  She led him through the atrium, down the fauces [passage way] to the several alae [side rooms] off the atrium. She stopped at one and indicated that this would be his room during his stay. He quickly dropped his bag, helmet, shield, and weapons and followed her to the open peristylium [courtyard] at the rear of the house. It was strikingly beautiful with its stately Doric columns, landscape frescoes, small orange trees, and flowering marigolds and violets. His father’s house lacked a courtyard. He made a mental note to someday build one for his father.

  She indicated for him to sit and then disappeared to summon a kitchen maid to bring refreshments. He was a little embarrassed when the servant asked him his preference and treated him as an honored guest. He thought to himself that she must know he is no one important and is only doing her duty.

  He and Lucia chatted for 15 minutes when he heard the sound of a horse trotting up to the vestibule followed shortly by the sound of a Legionaries’ armor echoing off the walls of the atrium and the click of metal hob nails striking the travertine floor. The Tribune was home and Joseph’s heart raced. He jumped to his feet knocking his drink to the floor in the process and stood at attention; his face flushed in embarrassment and anticipation. He barely noticed the servant girl as she quickly blotted up the spilled drink. Joseph had never been more uncomfortable.

  When the Tribune entered the courtyard, Joseph gasped. He had seen Commandant Manius Tullus many times before at Campus Martius during his six months there, but never this close. He was scared and thrilled at the same time. Lucia kissed her husband, the servant girl brought him a glass of wine, and the Tribune saluted Joseph. This was the first day of what would be the best years of Joseph’s life, including a warm and enduring friendship between a wounded warrior of Rome and a future Plebeian Tribune.

  Manius immediately put Joseph at ease by asking him to do what all Roman soldiers did for one other ~ help him remove his armor. Having done this countless times, Joseph easily and comfortably unbuckled the Tribune’s armor, removed it, and laid it aside. One soldier to another; Joseph felt good and Manius was smiling broadly. Manius immediately took to the young man and not only because his father Levi was a close friend. Joseph was a respectful, polite fellow soldier, and as intelligent and thoughtful as his father. For his part, Joseph felt he was in the presence of greatness. The two took to each other on a basis of mutual respect.

  When the servant announced dinner was ready and they assembled to eat, Decima entered Joseph’s life. Earlier, Manius told Decima to stay out of sight until dinner so he could watch Joseph’s reaction to her. He was not disappointed. Joseph’s stared at her, his cheeks flushed, and his lips parted a little. Manius laughed; Lucia made small talk to cover Joseph’s discomfort, and 11 year old Flavia teased Decima because she dressed especially nice for dinner. For her part, Decima maintained a polite detachment throughout dinner. She contributed to the conversation, but in an exaggerated rather frosty adult fashion. Manius had never before seen this in his daughter and was beginning to wonder who she really was!

  The Mission
r />   When they had finished eating and the dinner was cleared away, Manius announced that he had some important news to tell them. Life had been predictable and routine for the last five years so Lucia was taken completely by surprise when Manius said, “I was called to the Consul’s office today and met with several Senators and some of the Army leadership.”

  Lucia blurted out, “Are they exiling us to Sicily?” That possibility had never left her mind. Things have a way of changing. Guilty people are let off and the blameless are punished without time limit.

  “No,” he said smiling, “Not that, but I will be leaving Rome for upwards of three years.” Lucia’s face grew pale and she held her breath, but Flavia and Titus immediately began to cry. “Where are you going daddy,” they asked. Nine year old Titus was particularly shaken. Manius saw the distress in his young son and said, “Come here Titus.” He put Titus on his lap and continued.

  “As you all know, for the last seven years, the entire Army, minus the Legions in Spain and Sicily has been in southern Italy keeping Hannibal bottled up. Everything we have is down there: all the horses, mules, equipment; everything in the Roman arsenal. This is an all out effort to get Hannibal out of our land. Here’s what new. Do you all remember me telling you about the time when I was in northern Italy fighting the Gauls? That’s about the time when Decima was born. Well, the Army wants me to take a Legion up there and just patrol around the countryside to let them know that we’re still interested in the area. Then, when I finish that job, I’m to cross the Alps and go over the mountains into Noricum [Austria] to see what’s going on up there. There shouldn’t be any fighting, so you don’t have to worry about that. I’ll just be gone for a while and I’ll have great presents for you when I get back.”

  Lucia asked, “When do you leave?” The concern she felt was written all over her face. Titus perked up when he heard the word, “presents.”

  Before Manius could answer Lucia, Joseph said, “Sir, I’d be honored to accompany you. I’ve been told I’m a good writer and I could record where we go and what we do for your reports to Rome.”

  “Five months,” he replied to Lucia. “They wanted me to leave earlier, but there’s too much to do. Joseph, if your father approves, I’d be happy to take you along. You’re a trained Legionaire and I could use your bookkeeping skills. If you’d like to go now and ask him, you can come back in the morning.” Joseph excused himself, took a sideways look at Decima, and left. Manius saw the look; so did Decima and it made her face glow noticeably.

  Joseph was out of breath by the time he burst through the front door and found his father and mother, Levi and Rebecca, in the triclinum [dining room] eating dinner. In his excitement, he passed the Mezuzah affixed to the door frame. Levi looked at him and raised his eyebrows. Joseph immediately went back to the door and touched it. “Our God is One,” he said.

  When he reentered the dining room, Levi said, “Joseph what has got you so excited?” Joseph sat down, took a deep breath, and began to explain the mission assigned to Tribune Tullus.

  When he finished, Rebecca said, “You’re not going to go are you?”

  Levi immediate chimed in, “It’s his decision; he’s of age, if he wants to go, he should go. Joseph, are you asking for our blessing?

  “Yes,” Joseph said, “I want to go.”

  Levi rose from the table and embraced his son. “Then you have our blessing. Come with me to the biblioteca [library].” Levi found and unrolled a large scroll. He was looking for a particular Psalm to read to Joseph. “Ah, here it is. Listen Joseph and remember these words from Psalm 91:”

  “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’ Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”

  “You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.”

  “If you make the Most High your dwelling – even the Lord, who is my refuge – then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”

  “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

  Levi rolled the scroll and carefully put it back on the shelf. He then kissed Joseph and held him for a long minute. Rebecca had entered the room while Levi was reading and stood silently against the wall. She was crying.

  Before they left the room, Joseph said, Father, I need to talk to you.” Levi sat down. Joseph remained standing and continued in a confrontational tone. “You raised me to be Jewish, but I do not like being different from my friends. I do not like it and do not understand why I have to be Jewish. It is a choice right?”

  Levi thought for a moment. He knew this day would come. He felt no anger and kept his voice calm. “Joseph, my son, I had the same thoughts and feelings myself many years ago. My father said to me that I was a Jew by birth, but whether or not I observed the traditions was, indeed, up to me. For years I lived like all the other Romans and did what I wished. I am now deeply ashamed of my behavior. One morning after drinking heavily the night before, I realized that I was wasting my life, dishonoring my father, and my God. I made a decision to return to our traditions and serve God. You too must make your own decision who you will serve, man or God.


  After Joseph left the house and Lucia dismissed the children to go play, she sat back in her chair and just looked at Manius.

  After what seemed to Manius a very long time, she said, “I’m going to miss you. I need you and the children will be lost without you. Is there any way you can let this assignment go to someone else. Someone younger?”

  “Lucia,” he said, “I want to do this. It may be the only time in my life where I can command a Legion. I’ve trained my entire life for just such a mission. Please don’t make it any harder for me. I really need you to be a good Roman wife and wish me well, please.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she said, “As you wish.”

  Later that evening as they sat and talked in the peristylium, Lucia suddenly remembered the name Timo and asked Manius if he would see him during his mission. Manius was stunned! It had been 12 years since he mentioned Timo’s name to Lucia while telling her about the brave little 10 year old Raeti boy who attacked the Roman Army single handedly.

  Manius took her hand and kissed it. “How do you remember that?” he asked excitedly. “I’d completely forgotten. I remember now, I promised the tribal elders that I would give Timo a Roman bride when he came of age. “Thank you so much for remembering little Timo. This is wonderful! Perhaps I can find his bride and take her with the Legion when we march north. This is perfect. Lucia I love you!”

  Lucia said, “Why not let me handle this. I’ll put out the word among the women that Rome needs to identify a suitable wife for the young Rhaetian King and solicit volunteers. Perhaps, Rebecca could help me organize a committee to interview the girls and make the selection. I think there may be a lot of young “princesses” in Rome who would jump at the chance to be a real Queen. She would need language and cultural training, but I believe this could be done before you depart.”

  “I really, really love you,” said Manius with a big smile.

  Change of Command ~.Early August 210 BC

  In a formal change of command with a Consul, several Senators and, surprisingly, Ambassador Farrid from Carthage in attendance, Manius turned over the responsibility of running the training camp to another Tribune by the name of Quintus Sent
ius Calvus. Manius knew him as one who liked to party and was addicted to gambling. He had tried subtly to influence the choice of his successor, but without success. Sometime politics overrides the best choice and one has to settle for someone less. Political pull was clearly the basis on which Calvus got the job.

  Tribune Calvus had all the proper credentials for a successful career. He was born into a wealthy patrician family; served during the Gallic Wars with Manius; and married into wealth. Yet Calvus was extremely displeased that he did not get the respect he felt was due from his patrician peers and plebian subordinates. This was true; he did not. Calvus had a spoiled-rich-kid reputation. He would alternate between days of intense feverish energy and periods of equally intense melancholy. It was the high energy periods that mostly got him into trouble, but he could offend equally well while he was depressed. He drank too much wine, too often, and was known as a ladies’ man and gambler. He could not be trusted to do anything consistently correct, but he was too well connected to ignore.

  He wanted Manius’ job as Camp Commandant, for reasons that would not become clear for several months. After much arm twisting, Calvus was named the new Commandant, which made it all the stranger, when a mere six months later, he was replaced as Camp Commandant and assigned to Manius as Second-in-Command for the Cisalpine Mission.

  But Manius now had other things on his mind than the new Commandant of Campus Martius. As he looked at Farrid, he was perplexed and a little disturbed as to why the Carthaginian Ambassador was at the Change of Command ceremony. Manius knew Farrid, but had had little contact with him. Once about three years ago, Farrid got Senate approval to visit Campus Martius to witness Legionaries training and Manius had to brief him and show him around. Manius knew he was a spy for Carthage, but had no choice in the matter. During the visit, Davood was polite, required very little maintenance, and did not miss a thing. He made Manius’ skin crawl. “No,” he thought to himself, “He isn’t here to see me. He’s somehow connected to Calvus.”


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