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Virgin Escort For Mr. Vaughn (Big City Billionaires Book 2)

Page 5

by Coco Miller

  I’ll admit when I came into the bedroom tonight, and saw her big brown eyes gazing up at me, it made my dick rock hard in an instant. I can’t remember being this hard ever before. It’s like this girl is doing something to me I’m not even aware of. Changing my anatomy. Infiltrating my brain. I don’t know how to stop the madness. Well, yes I do.

  Kissing her is a start. Touching her body helps quiet the chaos. Better yet, being inside her would calm the demons rustling around inside me, wanting her, needing her. I can’t help myself.

  My cock grows harder as my hands slide down her curvalicous frame. She feels so good.

  I lie her down, her back against the mattress, and hover over her.

  “I want you, Isabel.”

  Her eyes slay me. “Ok.”

  All of a sudden I don’t want her this way. I don’t want her to feel like she has to do this. That she’s being paid to fulfill some job obligation. Holy shit, I don’t want her thinking that I’m buying her virginity.

  No, I want her to want me too. I want her to need me with every breath in her body. When I take this woman she will be begging me for it with her last breath, and not because she’s being paid to pretend.

  “Go to bed,” I say to her as I roll over.

  Good job, Victor. Another night of blue balls courtesy of your bad impulse control.

  I shut off the lights, and try to calm my raging hormones.

  I promise myself that I’ll do better tomorrow.



  It’s showtime.

  Time for me to get out of my feelings and earn my check.

  I won’t lie about how I laid in bed all night wanting Victor. I felt it with my entire body and my whole heart, but then the moment he denied me, I felt my whole heart crack. Crazy, right? I know. It was embarrassing, but thankfully today I’ve resolved with myself not to act like a naive little girl who is upset.

  I am his fiancee. His fake fiancee. I need to act the part so that my sister won’t lose her job, so we can pay our rent, and so that Victor can get accomplished whatever it is that I’m here for. I need to smarten up. We all need this.

  It’s pretty warm today, so I dress in white shorts and a thin, flowy, white top that skims my shoulders. I feel extra pretty today, and I like the way the fabric feels against my skin. It’s a simple outfit, but it feels very expensive. I can tell that Victor or his personal shopper spent quite a bit of money on these clothes. I’ve never worn anything so lush before. I apply a bit of subtle blush colored makeup, toss a new white crossbody bag on, and head out the doors once my shoes are on.

  Victor is waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase, telling me earlier this morning that he was off using the mansion’s gym. When does this man ever sleep? He’s got a six pack that won’t quit, so I guess he has to keep that body hard as a rock somehow.

  “You look amazing,” Victor says, kissing my cheek.

  There’s a small crowd behind Victor, and I realize that I’m on the clock now.

  “Thank you, babe.” I gush.

  I nod a hello to the people all standing there watching us.

  “Let me introduce you,” Victor says, leading me over to the group.

  He introduces me to billionaire after billionaire and their wives, and everyone is actually sort of nice. I was expecting the snobs, and maybe one or two passive aggressive racists, but refreshingly enough I didn’t feel any of that.

  Then Victor introduces me to the only other black person in the room– a Mr. Jaden Kirk. Most of the men and all of the women have given me a thorough once over with their eyes today, but Mr. Kirk’s eyes linger just a bit longer than anyone else’s. He’s a relatively good looking man, probably in his early forties, but takes my hand and kisses the top of it in a very respectful way.

  “Lovely to meet you, Isabel.”

  “Please call me Bella.”

  He holds my gaze, trying his best to get a read on me. I aim my nose higher, trying my best to play the part. He must see what he’s looking for in my eyes, because he drops my hand and smiles.


  It’s not in a romantic way, but I feel a kinship of closeness to Jaden. Like him and I are instantly friends. Maybe it’s because of the color of our skin, or maybe it’s because our souls were once friends in another life, but either way, when we all sit down for brunch, I find myself sitting wedged between him and Victor.

  “You look familiar, Bella. Did you attend Howard or Spellman?”

  “No, I stayed in the area, but I always thought I might be a Howard girl.”

  Jaden chuckles. “Yeah, you definitely are. You’re still young though. Maybe Victor will let you go to grad school there.”

  “Not letting her out of my sight, Jaden.”

  Victor places his hand on top of my thigh somewhere between my first mimosa and second, and his thumb draws lazy circles against my heated skin. It’s difficult staying neutral around this man. It’s hard to remember that this thing he’s doing right now is just theatre. It’s not real. Honestly, it’s a bit cruel.

  He has to know that I am sexually crazed right now. It’s like he took me somewhere amazing and then just snatched it away all in an instant. I’ve obviously never had sex, but I feel myself yearning so hard for it over the last 24 hours. Victor doesn’t seem to notice the emotions swelling inside me though. Feelings so big they might burst and spill out of me. All he sees in me is a means to an end.

  I run my fingers over his hand, bringing his hand slightly higher, slightly closer to the spot where I want to feel him most.

  Mr. Bertford addresses the table, “I’m so happy to be hosting this year’s billionaire’s retreat. At the end of this weekend we will have a billionaire’s ball, and I’m excited to see everyone dressed in their finest.”

  I lean close to Victor. “I’m excited for the ball.”

  He leans in even closer and kisses me, a quick peck on the lips. “I am too.”

  I wish Natalia were here. I wish she could see me now. See how well I’m doing with keeping up appearances and playing the part. I worry about her at home. I wish I could have stayed home to take care of her, and I want desperately to check on her, but I don’t have my phone with me today. Victor said no electronic distractions when we’re out among the billionaires. He doesn’t want me to blow my cover.

  I tuck the thoughts of Natalia safely away in my mind, and focus on the here and now. I try to keep up with the different conversations scattered around the table but it’s hard. Everyone speaks in riddles, about Wall Street, bonds, finances, private jets and private clubs.

  It’s all so overwhelming.

  Instead, I eat my eggs. I glance around at the other women at the table and they all are just like me--silent. I wonder if this is how the women married to billionaires are supposed to act. Remain quiet. They’re only around for appearances. Like furniture.

  Ugh, that sounds boring. That would not be me. If this were real life, if this wasn’t all a hoax, I’d learn everything I could about my husband’s business so I could be an asset– not just another pretty face. Of course this is their reality, not mine. Maybe I don’t know what in the ham sandwich I’m talking about.

  “Have you see the mansion?” Jaden asks from beside me.

  I grab Victor’s hand. “Not yet.”

  “You’ll have to let me show you and your fiance around then.”

  “We’d love that,” Victor answers for me and I smile.

  Because since we walked into this place, I’ve wanted to see every single nook and cranny of it.



  Shoot and score. This whole thing is working out better than planned. I knew Jaden would eventually take a liking to Isabel, but I wasn’t expecting it to be so suddenly.

  It almost makes me a little jealous. Almost. I mean I’m not sure. The feeling is all so foreign to me, I’m not even sure if that’s what I’m feeling, because I’ve never been jealous in my life.

lly when I have something I want, no one dares to try to take it from me. So Jaden plays nice, not showing interest in Isabel in that way, and I appreciate it. He knows she’s into me. She’s a perfect little actress. A perfect little fiancee. And she plays the part so well, that Jaden would be an idiot to think he could persuade her into liking him, which he’s not. It’s more like they’ve formed a familial bond with one another, and it is exactly what I had hoped when I hired her.

  I smile to myself, hoping my plan comes together perfectly, and for the first time since we’ve arrived, I feel like it just might. After brunch, Jaden takes Isabel and I on a tour of the grounds first and then the massive mansion.

  I’ve always lived in penthouse suites, never a home with land. It’s something I want. A big house with a lot of land. Maybe a wife and a few kids. Wait, did I really just think that? I mean I do want a son to carry on my legacy, but I feel like I have plenty of time for that down the road.

  That’s part of why I’m here. I need Jaden’s company, so that I can expand my company, safely secure my legacy, and finally calm my stockholders. I’m so close, and I won’t let anything this weekend ruin my plans. I need to be careful and make sure everything goes off without a hitch. Just like me and Phil planned. I want to own it all and I will one day.

  Isabel laughs at all of Jaden’s jokes, and I find myself laughing as well. He’s a pretty cool guy. Funny and different from what I pictured. I wasn’t expecting to like the fucker, but as we go through each room of the house, I find myself liking him more and more. Doesn’t matter though. By the end of this weekend I will have his company. Friends or not. This is business.

  After the tour, Gregory asks everyone outside for a few outdoor games. Golf. Badminton. And a few easels set up for the ladies to paint.

  I hate this part. I’m going to have to suck up to Jaden and play some of these stupid games to get his ear. This isn’t me. I’m usually the one being sucked up to. I usually have people falling all over me to get a piece of me.

  “Why don’t you hang out with the ladies,” Jaden says to Isabel.

  I don’t like the way he is speaking to her. I mean the guy is cool for the most part, but I’m discovering that I don’t like how he’s offering her direction on what she should do for the day. Who the hell is he?

  “No, I don’t paint. I plan on playing some of the games, and I also plan on beating both of you at whatever game you’re playing.”

  I laugh out loud as my eyes widen with shock.

  “That’s my girl,” I say as I lean over to kiss her cheek.

  Never in my life have I encountered a woman quite like Isabel. She’s a mystery to me. So many layers: tough, innocent, confident, humble. All the other women I’ve dated in the past would have gladly sat on the side and oil painted daisies. And even though I do want to discuss business with Jaden, the fact that Isabel wants to play with us kind of turns me on. I was worried that maybe she wouldn’t fit in with the other trophy wives here, but that’s exactly the point right? She doesn’t fit in. She’s so much better.

  Jaden turns to me with a wide grin stretching from ear to ear. He seems to be impressed by Isabel as well. “So what would the lady like to play then?”

  Isabel’s eyes meet mine. “Let’s play that.”

  She points to where a few of the older gentlemen shuffling weighted discs along a sandy floor shuffleboard.

  “You sure?” I ask her.

  “Yes, and prepare to lose,” she teases as she wiggles her eyebrows at Jaden and I.

  I hardly ever laugh at something a woman I’m dating says, but I can’t help but grin at Isabel’s playfulness. This is all new for me. She’s different. Never in my life have I been around a woman quite like Isabel before.

  After a few minutes we get situated with our cues and find a free shuffleboard to play on.

  “Ladies first,” I say to her and she smiles, lining up her cue against the disc. She hits it and it glides down the table, stopping right on the marked scoring area.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Victor, did you bring a hustler?” Jaden chuckles as he jokes about Isabel’s talent.

  I wrap an arm around Isabel’s small waist. “Wow, impressive.”

  She winks. “I’m just getting warmed up.”

  I’m turned on by her confidence. It’s super sexy, and this is a whole new side of her I’ve never seen before. When we first met I assumed that she was this shy, one-dimensional woman, but a lot can happen in 24 hours. I’m realizing that there’s more. More layers. And I’m peeling them back one layer at a time. I wonder what I’ll discover next.



  I’m going to be honest here. I have no idea what I’m doing. Like shuffleboard? I’ve never heard of the game, but how hard can it be, right? Evidently it’s not so hard, because I win the first round and both men seem to be impressed with me. Victor even demands a rematch.

  He laughs as he says ‘I demand a rematch’, and I sigh with relief that he isn’t one of those men who hates losing to a woman. Jaden on the other hand seems to be a different story. He’s doing his best to act indifferent, but I notice that he’s uneasy. He didn’t like losing to me or maybe he doesn’t like losing at all.

  It’s obvious by the amount of time we’re spending with Jaden that Victor needs him for something. I’m not sure what yet, but I know he’s important to him. So for the second game, I make sure to let Jaden win. And you know what? I think Victor let him win too. Actually, I think Victor let us both win, but I don’t mind. What really has my blood pumping are the little ways Victor touches me as we play. A brush of his hand against my wrist, showing me how to hold the cue properly. Giving me a wink here or there. I was almost downright giddy.

  Then the memory of last night slams through me. Victor’s refusal. It was painful, and it hurt me way more than I anticipated. Maybe I’m too boring for him. Maybe I’m not his type. Maybe I’m just a plaything for the week, and he doesn’t want to confuse me. I don’t know, but trying to figure it all out is crushing me.

  I shouldn’t care that he denied me. I’m not here to make a point of losing my virginity. I’m here on a job, a very well paying one, and I need to remember that. Natalia is sick and waiting at home, waiting for me to complete this job to pay the bills.

  How would I even begin to explain to her that I ruined our chances of getting the rent, because I threw my virginity at the boss for free and he passed on it. She’d kill me, especially because she didn’t even really want me to take this job for her to begin with.

  She was worried that it would change me or ‘contaminate me’. She told me once that she didn’t want me to end up like her. She feels that I’m a good person, one that has my whole life in front of me, and that I can be anything I want to be.

  What she doesn’t understand is that being whatever I want to be is not in the cards for someone like me. I can’t just abandon her and the bills to go off and be whoever and whatever I want. Whatever the hell that is. Honestly, I really don’t think I have any dreams. I think I’m destined to follow in the footsteps of my older sister and be an escort just like her.

  And why not? So far, I’m loving it.

  Victor makes it easy to love. Pretending to be his fiancee is not like any work I’ve ever had to do. When in my life would I ever wear such nice things, eat such nice food, and be around such high-class people? Never, that’s when.

  Ed and Carlos at the corner store aren’t exactly pillars of the local community. I shouldn’t strive to be like Lucy, our landlord. With her disappearing hairline and cigarette habit, it’s no wonder she is single.

  This life with Victor though? This is the life I want. I want to live among the rich and famous. It’s exciting and amazing to be able to have whatever you want, whenever you want it.

  Victor holds my hand as he leads me over to a picnic table. “Are you hungry?”

  I smile. “I’m ok.”

  He asks for a beer from the waiter walking by. Yes, you hea
rd me right, the waiter. With a silver tray in his hand and a black bowtie, he walks among the guests, taking drink order after drink order.

  “Water,” I change my mind. “I’ll have a water, please.”

  Victor asks the waiter for a bottled water and a few minutes later the waiter returns with a bottle of Evian water and a stem glass for me and a beer in a pilsner for Victor.


  I sit down at the table and pour my own drink. I’m sure I could have asked the waiter to do it, but I don’t want to be a obnoxious. I’d definitely not too good to pour my own glass of water.

  “You played a really good game. Where did you learn to play shuffleboard?” Victor’s eyes gleam in the sunlight.

  “That was my first time playing,” I say. “Funny thing though is that now that I’ve played, I recognize that this was a game some of the women in my grandma’s nursing played.”

  He nods, taking a sip of his drink. I’m thankful that he doesn’t ask me anything about nana, because she was everything to Natalia and I. We never knew our father, and when I was only four years old, our mother left us. Natalia was eight. We were too young to have this life handed to us, but Nana Jean stepped in, taking us to school, helping us with our homework, and driving us to and from dance practices. She was our everything, and then a few years ago she got sick with alzheimer's.

  It was devastating. We had to finally put her into a home, where she died shortly after, and not too long after that came the bills. Natalia was the oldest so much of it fell on her shoulders. We tried to survive with part-time jobs, but I was only sixteen at the time, and Natalia insisted that I finish high school.

  After graduation, Natalia encouraged me to attend community college, but I wanted to help with the bills. It wasn’t fair for her to carry all the weight. We didn’t seem to catch a break until Natalia met Doris from the Executive Choice Escort Agency. After only a few ‘dates’, we went from being seriously broke to being able to breathe for a bit. Which brings us to Victor. This date with him will pay the bills for at least three months. I couldn’t just allow us to lose that money, because my sister didn’t want this part of her life to stain me.


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