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Merlin's Awakening (An Untimely Error Book 1)

Page 12

by Tom Larcombe

  He shook his head in confusion as his train of thought continued.

  There were veiled references to increasing the occurrences of special treatment, and that doing so would provide a massive increase in their power base. I don't know what they mean by that but I've discovered enough to make my decision.

  Whatever they mean, Dieter was correct when he said they were evil incarnate. I need to get out of here if possible. I should take Dieter with me, Gunter if he wants to leave as well. Perhaps we can rescue Johann and have him fly us out?

  Merlin set a part of his brain to working on an escape plan for as many people as he could convince to leave. In the meanwhile he would have to continue to act normal despite his growing revulsion at the situation he found himself in.

  * * *

  Chapter 13

  Merlin rose early and sent Anguis out. The distant laughter of the children as Anguis played with them was a balm to Merlin's soul, soothing the rawness acquired during the previous night's search. In addition, the extra power that Anguis brought back would soon be put to good use.

  Merlin had a plan. He needed to talk to Dieter and Gunter first but he was pretty sure he could get them all to the airport. From there, fighting might be involved. He had no idea of what there was for security at the airport. He didn't look for it the one occasion he was there since he was still adjusting to this new time. He thought that Gunter would know and needed to speak with him.

  I've got a class to teach tonight, I'll talk to Dieter then. See if any of the other students might want to leave. He claimed he wasn't the only one that was here under coercion.

  I'll check on Gunter every now and then and see if he's in an area where I can accidentally run into him. Even here, two friends talking when they meet by chance shouldn't occasion much suspicion.

  When Anguis returned, Merlin asked him to transfer the power he'd acquired. After that he headed for breakfast. When he returned to the cottage, there was a messenger boy waiting for him.

  “Merlin, sir? Herr Schreiber has requested that you report to him as soon as you can.”

  “I'll be along momentarily.”

  “I'm to wait for you and make sure you get right in to see him.”

  “Give me a minute or two lad and we'll be on our way.”

  Merlin swept up the living staff. Anguis was already around his neck and the bone didn't matter now. He wanted to be sure he brought the minimum he would need to get himself free of this place in case the interview was not what he suspected it would be.

  “Lead on, lad,” Merlin said.

  The messenger led the way to Herr Schreiber's office, passing check points and secretary alike without a word.

  “Here he is sir,” the boy said.

  “Thank you. You may be dismissed until after lunch. I have some serious matters to speak of with Merlin and we should be here a while.”

  “Thank you sir,” the boy said, turning to leave the office.

  “Merlin...” Herr Schreiber said.

  The pause after the first word drew out to the point of discomfort before he continued.

  “I'm unsure how to phrase my next question. The night before last I thought I detected your presence in a matter of extreme personal importance to me. Was I simply imagining things?”

  “Sir, you needn't mince words. The night before last I took it upon myself to remove a spell from your head that was slowly destroying your mind. The term we normally use for that condition is spell-ridden. I, and one of my students, removed the spell and protected you as best we could against any further instance of the same being done to you.”

  “I would not be so open with my words if I were you, Merlin,” Herr Schreiber said, his eyes darting about the room.

  “I will not keep my actions secret after the fact sir. What was done to you was wrong and has no justification that is acceptable to me. I feel very strongly about magic used to control people and I make no bones about it.”

  “That would explain Horst's fear of you. You put the fear of God into him Merlin, or at least the fear of you. He came here to me and asked for a transfer anywhere else. The spell riding me was in control of all policy and facility decisions and immediately forced me to send out several missives asking if a man with his talents could be used.”

  Herr Schreiber shook his head sadly.

  “I received three offers to take him off my hands in less than two days. All of them, to my shame, from branches of the military that I once possessed a great respect for. Fortunately the spell allowed me my own personal decisions or I'm sure that it would not have allowed you to treat my lungs.”

  “I was unaware of it until just recently sir, otherwise I would have attempted to remove it sooner.”

  “I'm not complaining, just letting you know why you lost your student.”

  “Thank you sir. Might I treat your lungs again? There is still much that can be done and I should like to take care of that while I can.”

  Herr Schreiber looked at him curiously.

  “Go ahead then.”

  “I'll need to get close and make physical contact with you.”

  Herr Schreiber gestured for Merlin to move closer.

  Merlin placed his hand against the man's chest and, at the same time, moved his head close to the man's ear.

  “Herr Schreiber, whoever used that spell wanted control of this facility and the wizards in it,” Merlin said softly.

  Herr Schreiber's reply was equally soft.

  “I was aware of that before, on some level. Now I am consciously aware of it as well. While under the spell there was much of my memory I couldn't access. Now that I know what I did while under it, I need to try to undo it.”

  “Leave that to me sir. Perhaps protecting yourself would be a good idea. Your mind is mostly protected from a similar attack now but who knows what they'll try next.”

  “I know already,” Herr Schreiber said before lapsing into silence.

  Merlin took a minute or two to further the healing of Herr Schreiber's lungs. Then he stepped back.

  “Once again sir, be sure to drink plenty of extra fluids over the next two days. You may have more of that dust to cough up as well.”

  “I'll keep that in mind Merlin. Oh, and this is for you. It may make your job easier.”

  Herr Schreiber handed him a sheet of paper and Merlin scanned through it.

  “I may take up to five items at a time out of the vault now?”

  “With what I know of you now Merlin, if you wanted to escape...”

  Herr Schreiber nodded deliberately, twice, and his eyes turned to stare southwards.

  “then you could do so without the items in the vault. Since you haven't done so, I'm inclined to a measure of trust.”

  He coughed lightly into his hand.

  “In addition, since I am to be replaced in several days, I would prefer that more discoveries be made and credited to me as opposed to my successor. Not that I have anything against the SS officer that will replace me, but there has always been an ongoing competition for prestige between the SS and the regular army.”

  “Are you to be promoted then?”

  “No, it seems that my superiors are aware of my recent illness...”

  Herr Schreiber tapped his index finger to his temple.

  “and my ongoing struggles with it. They've decided that in my current condition I am unable to run the research facility in the manner they would prefer. So I am to be retired. I'm sure they intend a permanent retirement and even if I should somehow recover I would be unable to resume my military service.”

  “My condolences then sir. I was under the impression that you enjoyed your work.”

  “Parts of it Merlin, parts of it. As with all jobs there are parts that are detestable.”

  Herr Schreiber held another paper in his hand. He glanced at it before hesitantly extending it to Merlin.

  “Here is another authorization that may increase the prestige of the regular army. There is a magical power source in
the basement of this place. It's only as efficient as crystals, or nearly so. The amount of power stored in it is far more than any previous crystal, so the natural drain of energy constitutes a significant loss. You've worked with a spell that makes the storage efficiency higher, have you not?”

  “Yes sir,” Merlin answered.

  “Then this is an authorization to examine that storage system in hopes of increasing its efficiency. Please read it to confirm that it is what I've stated.”

  Merlin unfolded the sheet of paper, to find another paper folded within it. A glance at the larger paper showed that it was the authorization Herr Schreiber spoke of. Merlin looked at Herr Schreiber to give him the confirmation he wanted but the man shook his head and pointed to the second sheet.

  Merlin opened the second sheet and began to read:


  Destroy this message after you read it, it would be unpleasant for both of us were anyone else to see it.

  Thank you for restoring my mind to me. I'm horrified at the things I've done over the past several months. I could claim that it was whatever controlled me that did it, but it was still my voice that gave orders and my hand that signed authorizations. I believe that you are unaware of what is truly occurring in this facility and thought that you should know.

  I'll have referred to a energy storage device before giving you this message. I don't know what powers it but simply being in its presence leaves me shivering and feeling filthy. I would attempt to describe it for you but I do not have the words. You'll receive authorization to view it yourself and, hopefully, you'll know what it is and what to do about it.

  I'll be leaving before my replacement arrives. Should I remain, I'm sure that my wife and I would simply end in a shallow grave. I know far too much for their comfort, far too much for my sanity. You would not believe some of the things I've knowledge of. As it is, I can distance myself from parts due to being controlled, but the memories will haunt me for the rest of my life.

  I am providing a means to make it easier for you to flee as well, should you desire. There will be nothing good coming out of this research center once the SS are in control of it. I was happy that you were teaching healing skills among the other, more aggressive, ones. But the SS will put a stop to that. They want weapons, not a means to help the common soldier after he's been wounded. They want armor for the elites, not a way to keep more of our youth from dying. From what I've seen, this will not sit well with you and now you are forewarned.

  Erhard Schreiber...'

  Merlin glanced up at Herr Schreiber. Her carefully chose his words before speaking.

  “I confirm that this is authorization regarding the power source you referred to.”

  The relief in Herr Schreiber's eyes showed Merlin that his thoughts were correct. The man didn't want him to increase the efficiency of the storage device. He wanted Merlin to judge whether it should be destroyed, and to do so if necessary.

  “Very well then Merlin. You're dismissed and thank you again.”

  Merlin turned and left the office. On his way out he ignited the personal message, destroying it as Herr Schreiber requested. The flaming paper was tossed into an open fireplace in the office before Merlin left the room. He regretted that he would soon be short an ally. Having an ally that was in charge of the facility would have been useful but he couldn't regret the man taking action to save his life and that of his wife.

  Once out of the office he headed for his cottage. His guard was there when he entered.

  “Herr Schreiber has increased the number of items I can remove from the vault at one time. He wants me to identify their functions more quickly and thought that it might speed things up this way,” Merlin said.

  He handed the authorization to the guard who read it and grimaced.

  “You'll be wanting to go back down to the vault then?”

  “Yes please, there are some items there that may make it easier, and quicker, for me to determine the properties of the rest of them.”

  The guard led the way to the vault. Merlin scanned the items stored there. In most cases form followed function on the items whose properties he now knew. His eyes were caught by a small pin worked in the shape of a shield.

  That one, he thought, it should have some protective qualities to it.

  He also took a candle whose note said it originated in ancient Roman times, a silver feather covered in tiny runes, and a compass whose needle was constantly spinning.

  He replaced the bone but kept the staff. The guard confirmed that he had only five items and then led the way out of the vault.

  The rest of the day until dinner time was spent trying to determine the full functions of the items he chose.

  The shield was easy. There was a phrase inscribed on the back of it. When the phrase was spoken within earshot of the artifact, it created a shimmering shield against physical objects. The projected shield was, unfortunately, only the size of an average knight's shield. But the protection afforded from objects striking it was complete, as far as Merlin could determine.

  This could be useful, he thought as he pinned the shield to the cuff of his shirt sleeve.

  The candle took a bit more effort. Merlin found that it could be lit and the wick would stay unburnt while flames danced upon it. The wax would not melt no matter how long it burned. He was sure that there was something else to it though. He detached a portion of his awareness to view it through non-physical eyes and was rewarded by finding a section of the candle that was subtly different. When he probed it, pressure to that section sent a ball of flame shooting in the direction the candle was pointed. In this case that was the roof. Quick action kept the roof from igniting and Merlin extinguished the candle and tucked it away.

  Merlin held the compass and spared a moment for a whimsical thought.

  The spinning needle's a fine analogy for how I currently feel, buffeted from recent revelations and lost as to where to go and what to do.

  The needle steadied for just a moment before it began to spin again.

  What did I do? It steadied for a bit there when I thought about being lost, he thought.

  The needle continued to spin and Merlin broke down the thoughts he'd been having when it steadied.

  Buffeted, he thought.

  The needle continued its crazed spin.

  Revelations, left the needle spinning

  Lost, Merlin began to feel dizzy from his concentration and the continually spinning needle.

  Where to go, the needle steadied, pointing to the southwest. After a moment Merlin realized that it was pointing to the area where he was found by the Germans. As soon as the thought of where to go left his mind, the needle began to spin again.

  So, he thought, it tells me where to go. But is that where I wish I was, where I should be, where I can do the most good? I have no idea. I hoped its purpose would be more clear to me. Herr Schreiber was also looking south when he suggested I escape though, so south it shall be.

  Merlin found himself too tired to begin his study of the silver feather. Dinner would be available shortly and after that he would teach his class. He anticipated an interesting discussion with Dieter after assigning the rest of the class things to work on.

  After a half hour resting in the sun, he headed to dinner. The mood in the cafeteria was less friendly than when he first arrived at the facility. A glance around showed more SS members than he remembered being here as well. He was happy to finish eating and head for his class.

  Merlin entered the room to find another unpleasant surprise. Conrad, the only remaining soldier in the group after Horst left, was wearing SS tabs on his collar. Manfred and Karl were hovering close to him, obviously envious. Conrad's proud grin let Merlin know it was either voluntary or, at the very least, something he was happy about.

  “Alright, tonight I want to see demonstrations on what you've worked on since our last class.”

  Merlin didn't pay much attention as he went through the students and watched what they'd
done. He uttered words of congratulations or advice, as needed. Until he got to Ernst. Ernst held a silver coin in his hand and Merlin's attention was caught as it began to rise into the air. At the same time, he felt a pressure in his pocket. His hand slid into his pocket as he spoke.

  “Ernst, well done indeed! This is far from the other things you were working on. How did you figure this out?”

  “I looked back at all the coincidental things that happened to me over the years. I tried to determine which of the categories they would fall into from those that you described. There were quite a few where the remote manipulation category fit so I started working on it after listening to you coach Karl.”

  “Well done indeed. I'll note a few of my transcripts for you to read that might help. But to get to levitating a coin on your own, only by listening to another person's coaching, tells me that it may be a strength for you.”

  Merlin's hand, as he spoke to Ernst, found the silver feather where he'd placed it in his pocket. It levitated in unison with the silver coin Ernst was using to demonstrate. It did so forcefully enough that Merlin needed to use his own magic to keep it from rising out of his pocket and dragging his hand along for the ride.

  “Very well done indeed,” Merlin said before moving on to Anselm.

  “Have you advanced at all Anselm?”

  Anselm walked to the window and threw it open. He began speaking with his back to Merlin.

  “I'm more of a night owl myself so I do most of my practicing at night. When I noticed this fellow flying around outside I discovered that I could not only make humans trust me, but animals as well.”

  Anselm turned around, a long-eared owl perched on his wrist. He reached out and scratched the owl's head, between its ears.

  “I don't know if it's advancement or not since it's still based on the trust I can create. But it's interesting to me at least.”

  “Well done Anselm. You might consider trying to communicate with your owl. If you can engender trust in it, then your mind can already reach its mind. If you establish communication with it, you can ask permission to fly with it. Some of my fondest memories are of flying in the mind of my owl. Their perceptions are different of course, but you get used to that.”


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