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Scholomance 7: The Devil's Academy

Page 1

by Logan Jacobs

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  Chapter 1

  Darkness fell around me, and I found myself surrounded by emerald trees and pale moonlight. The air was cool and smelled strongly of pinewood, and as I looked around, I could hear small critters of the night as they chirped, croaked, and howled.

  “Hello?” I called out, but the only reply I received was my own echo.

  I took a small step forward, and the sound of dead leaves crunched beneath my feet as I wandered deeper into the woods. I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going, but I knew I couldn’t just remain in one place all night long.

  I had so many thoughts. Where was I? Where was my coven? And why was I wandering alone in the woods in the middle of the night?

  As I marched aimlessly through the trees, I could feel the air growing colder, and I longed to find warmth and shelter as my body shivered and my lips trembled.

  Soon, I came across a small body of water, and when I looked around to see if I could find anyone, there was nothing but dreadful solitude and silence.

  I thought about calling out again, but instead, I heard soft laughter, and it sent a shiver down my spine. Instead of turning back and slipping into the woods, I chose to get closer to the shimmering black water, and I only saw a pair of pale blue eyes staring back at me.

  Then the eyes shifted color and turned into shades of blue, silver, and green, but before I could reach down and touch the water, a voice I didn’t recognize suddenly rang through my ears and called me back to reality.

  Wake up, Cole.

  When I slowly peeled my eyes open, the first thing I saw was brilliant, tangerine-hued light gently seeping into the sweetly scented bedroom and casting a warm glow on everything it could touch. The room was quiet, and the air was cool since the fire in the hearth had died hours ago. For a moment, I wondered what time it was, but judging by the harsh, blood-orange sun, I reckoned it was sometime early in the evening.

  “What a weird, fucking dream,” I muttered to myself as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

  As I laid in the middle of my grandiose silk bed, I found it difficult to even budge an inch. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact I was surrounded by seven beautiful women, who were all deeply asleep and still trapped in their own little dream worlds.

  Akira, who was on my ride side, had her long, lean legs wrapped around my body, and her arm was secured tightly around my waist. Her chin-length black hair was splattered across her porcelain heart-shaped face, and her deep-purple lips were parted slightly open as she breathed steadily, in and out. Her long, dark eyelashes were like silk ebony feathers, and each time she stirred in her sleep, they fluttered ever so slightly and glistened under the burning, orange sunlight.

  Morgana slept by the dark-haired witch’s other side, and even in her sleep, her cheeks and lips were flushed a deep rosy-red. The bookworm’s mahogany-brown hair spilled over the red pillow like rivers of dark chocolate, and loose strands were splattered across her full, pale breasts. She breathed quietly, and every so often, small moans escaped from her lips as she smiled softly in her sleep.

  Next to the bookish brunette, the feral and animalistic Faye slept intensely and peacefully with one freckled arm draped over Morgana’s flat stomach. Her hair was so red and luminous it blended in with the silk pillow beneath her head, and as the bright rays of the early evening sun slanted across her lovely, doll-like face, it was almost as if she were a part of the bed. In fact, she was so motionless it was like she was placed under a sleeping enchantment for all eternity.

  To my left, Vesta was deep asleep and barely stirred, even when I moved my fingers through her satin, emerald locks. Her glowing, lavender skin looked even more radiant than usual as the sunlight kissed her cheeks and eyelids. Her elvish features also appeared even more prominent in her sleep, and she was so still, she reminded me of a perfect statue that expert hands must have carved.

  Next to the elvish beauty, the bright-haired Penelope muttered, twisted, and turned in her sleep like a wild fox. The clever witch was just as restless now as she was when she was awake, and her bright evening sun-hued hair was tangled into knots as she continued to stir frantically next to Vesta.

  Then I chuckled to myself as the Wicca suddenly wrapped a long, creamy-white leg across the blue-skinned witch who slept by her side on the very end of the bed.

  Nyx barely moved in her sleep, even next to the dreaming Penelope, and as she slept, her long azure hair contrasted sharply against the bright red pillow. As she slightly moved her head back and forth, her crimson-colored horns caught the sunlight and glittered like fresh, spilled blood. Her entire sapphire-colored body was exposed, and it was difficult not to marvel at her perfectly sculpted breasts, her generous wide hips, and her flat toned stomach.

  Finally, at the foot of the bed laid Circe, our newest addition, and her long, flowing golden hair spilled over her face as she slept quietly and deeply, like a wearied cat. Her porcelain skin glowed like moonlight, and I noticed her serpentine features were not as distinct when she slumbered. Then, as if she could feel me watching her, she gently peeled her eyes open and stared right at me before her full pink lips curved up into a small smile.

  “Good morning,” she mewled as her sharp, serpentine eyes bored into mine. “How did you sleep, master?”

  The way she uttered the word master sent a pleasant chill coursing through my entire body. She made it sound like it was the most precious word to ever leave her mouth, and the mixture of desire and eagerness to please embedded deep within her snake-like orbs made the smile on my face grow even wider.

  “Good evening,” I corrected. “Take a look at the window… it would seem we slept all day long.”

  “But, of course,” Vesta’s voice purred as she also stirred awake. “We fucked all night long… we needed our rest.”

  “I’d be up for another round, though,” Akira muttered with her face half-buried in the pillow. “Satan… even after fucking countless times, I still dreamt about your magnificent cock, master.”

  “So did I,” Penelope sighed as she rubbed fiercely at her eyelids. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you, Cole.”

  “Thank you,” I chuckled as I sat up and leaned against the bed frame. “I could say the same about each of you.”

  “Aren’t you glad you joined us, Circe?” Morgana asked, and her voice was thick with sleep.

  “Beyond glad,” the blonde beauty answered without missing a beat. “I’m filled with rapturous joy… I don’t think I ever felt such a beautiful connection before in my lifetime.”

  “I felt the same way when I first joined,” Nyx added in a smooth voice. “The feel of Cole’s glorious cock deep inside me was better than any drug, and that’s saying something.”

  “But now… we have to wonder who will be the next to join our growing coven,” Faye mused as she slowly sat up and tossed back her blood-red hair.

  “I think it should be Beatrix,” Penelope said with her chin raised. “She may be awkward and strange… but she’s been quite useful when times were dire.”

  “Well, what about one of the sirens?” Faye probed with raised, red eyebrows. “They are clearly fast enough learners--”

  “But the women from hell are just as capable,” Akira interjected before I raised my hands and softly chuckled.

  “Ladies, easy,” I reassured the group. “We h
ave plenty of time to decide who will be the next lucky woman to join us.”

  “You’re right, master,” Nyx muttered. “I suppose we just got carried away.”

  “And I appreciate the effort.” I winked. “Truly.”

  “Hold on,” Vesta said in a hushed voice. “Do… do you hear that?”

  “Hear what?” Akira asked.

  “I can hear tapping,” the elvish witch responded before her silver eyes danced around the room. “Listen.”

  I strained to hear, and sure enough, there was a small, scraping sound coming from behind the door. It grew louder by the second, and finally, the grating turned into tapping, and it was so impatient that I knew one of us had to open the door before whatever was behind it tried to break through.

  “Circe, please answer the door,” I said since the blonde Wicca was closest.

  “But of course, master,” she answered.

  I watched with hungry eyes as the naked Wicca leapt from the end of the bed and sprinted toward the door, and when she gently pulled it open, a frantic owl swept inside and batted its ivory-colored wings frantically as it flew around the room with a rolled-up piece of parchment in its beak.

  The women all gasped as the nervous bird darted around the room, and it appeared unable to decide where to place the note.

  “Come here, little one,” Faye cooed as she stared at the bird with shimmering, golden-green eyes. “It’s alright. We won’t hurt you.”

  At the soothing sound of Faye’s voice, the bird seemed to calm down and fly toward her extended, freckled arm. Then the beautiful creature perched itself on her wrist and dropped the roll of parchment on the bed.

  “What is it?” Circe asked with narrowed eyes.

  “I’m not sure,” Faye said as she caressed the owl with gentle fingertips.

  “Here, I’ll open it,” Akira offered before she snatched the parchment from the sheets.

  We all watched as the ebony-eyed witch slowly unraveled the golden parchment, and her dark eyes quickly scanned the crisp, golden-brown letter.

  “Well?” Morgana urged in an impatient tone. “What does it say? Does it mention anything about classes?”

  “No,” Akira scoffed as she rolled her inky eyes. “It says all students are required to head down to the banquet hall for a feast to honor the High Court women’s temporary stay. Formal attire is mandatory, and everyone is required to attend. No exceptions.”

  “Oh, Satan,” Morgana gasped as she flipped the covers off her naked body. “We’d better get a move on, then, shouldn’t we?”

  “I suppose so,” Vesta yawned as she stretched her long lavender arms. “I would like to look my absolute best.”

  “Wait, hold on,” Akira growled as she glared at the paper with a spark of venom in her eyes. “Doesn’t anyone else think it’s a little unfair that this banquet is to celebrate the High Court women? I mean… sure, they stayed behind to ensure Scholomance was safe, but it was us who actually got our fucking hands dirty. I say we ditch as a form of protest.”

  “I can see why you’re irritated, Akira,” I said in a gentle tone, “but I think the wisest course of action would be to simply abide by their request… besides, there will be plenty of wine to go around.”

  Akira’s deep-purple lips twitched up into a small smile as she crossed her arms over her chest and giggled. “Well, I suppose I can set my annoyance aside for one night.”

  “So, let’s stop talking about the damn dinner and actually get dressed!” Nyx said before she bounced off the bed. “I’ll need to smoke a strong pipe before I go… I need the strength to keep a genuine smile plastered on my face for hours on end… these dinners can be so dull.”

  “May I borrow something from one of you, ladies?” Circe purred as each woman neared the door.

  “Of course,” Vesta answered without hesitation. “I have countless gowns that would look splendid on that perfect body of yours.”

  “We’ll see you in a few minutes, Cole,” Morgana giggled.

  “See you,” I chuckled as the women scurried out of the room all stark naked and blushing.

  I smiled to myself before I tore off the satin sheets and padded barefoot into the bathroom. The room was dark, but when I stepped past the threshold, all the candle lights lit up at once, and I basked in the warm glow and spiced perfumed aroma.

  “Shall I prepare a lavender-lemon concoction for you, sir?” the ghost-like maid asked in a high-pitched voice. “I can add a pinch of fairy dust if you’d like?”

  “That would be lovely, Cordelia,” I sighed as I rolled back my sore shoulders.

  “Right away, sir,” she purred as the water began to run in the tub.

  The bathroom immediately clouded with thick, rosy mist, and the smell of lavender, lemon, and roses instantly filled the air. Then, when the water was filled up to my liking, I sank my body inside the tub and submerged myself in its undeniable comfort. As I melted into the hot, sweet-smelling water, my head slowly cleared, and I suddenly felt rejuvenated and ready to take on anything. My muscles completely relaxed, and the drowsiness I felt wholly washed away.

  When I finished bathing, I grabbed a soft, white towel and wrapped it around my waist before I headed back into the bathroom and found a black satin suit lying on my bed, paired with a crimson necktie, a wool cloak, and a pair of leather boots.

  “Thank you, Cordelia,” I said as I let the towel drop to the floor and began to dress.

  Once I finished buttoning up my black satin shirt, I tossed my cloak over my shoulders and slipped on my boots. Then I headed to the sea glass mirror, brushed back my black fringe, and looked at my clear, blue eyes. My cheeks and lips were flushed from the steaming water, and my pale skin contrasted sharply against the black attire.

  “You look dashing, sir,” Cordelia commented with a small giggle. “Oh, if only I were young and alive.”

  “Thank you,” I chuckled as I smoothed down my cloak. “Well… I’d better be off.”

  “Have a beautifully macabre evening, sir,” she said as I headed to the door.

  “Thank you.” I grinned. “Let’s hope.”

  When I headed down to the common room, I wasn’t surprised to see all the familiars curled up into their love pile in the corner. Alexander’s bright-red eyes immediately widened when he saw me, and when he lifted his head from Silvia’s thick, furry hide, his mouth curled up into a human-like smirk.

  Wow, Cole, he said. You look sharp as a knife.

  “Thanks, man,” I answered while the other familiars barely paid any attention to me. “How are things going with Silvia?”

  Much better, he responded without missing a beat. Clearly, she can’t get enough of me.

  “Glad to hear,” I snickered.

  “What are you glad to hear, master?” Circe’s voice purred from the top of the stairwell.

  When I spun around, I had to stop my jaw from dropping to the floor in utter amazement. All my women were garbed in beautiful gowns, and it was impossible to look away since all the women were dressed to perfection.

  Circe was dressed in a shimmering combination of gold, silver, and green. Her flowing, multicolored gown reached the floor, and her dainty wrists were adorned with stacks of large, gem-encrusted bangles and bows of silk. Her ears were decorated with diamond, tear-drop earrings, and her long blonde hair was pulled up into a wavy updo. Her plunging neckline revealed the curve of her full, creamy breasts, and the snake-like color combination of her dress made her serpentine eyes stand out even more.

  Next to the blonde beauty stood the breathtaking Akira, and she was dressed in a skin-tight ebony dress with a diamond choker and small stud earrings to match. The black-haired witch decided to wear a pair of dark velvet shoes with towering heels, and her lips were painted two shades darker purple than her natural color. She also opted to wear a pair of fingerless, leather gloves, and her long nails were painted a deep, midnight-green.

  Faye stood below the two women, and her blood-hued hair tumbled across her p
orcelain, freckled shoulders and down to a sleeveless purple gown. Her full breasts protruded from her skin-tight dress, and she’d decided to wear a black satin sash tied tightly around her hourglass waist. Her golden-green eyes were coated with dark eyeliner, and her lips were painted the same shade of red as her thick, wavy hair.

  Next to the gorgeous redhead, Morgana smiled from ear-to-ear and wore a long, vibrant red gown that contrasted beautifully against her creamy skin. Her dress was strapless, and her skirt was full, which made her slim waist and her generous breasts stand out even more. Her long, dark-chocolate hair was pulled into a wavy half-do, and it cascaded down to her waist in full, perfect curls. The bookish brunette also wore a delicate gold necklace around her swan-like neck and matched it with a pair of long, shimmering feather earrings.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Nyx stared at me with darkly shadowed, indigo eyes and deep-blue lips. She opted for a long ivory gown with a sweetheart neckline and long, elbow-length gloves with shimmering bracelets and small, star-shaped earrings. Her white dress contrasted gorgeously against her velvety, royal-blue skin and long, flowing cobalt locks.

  Next to the red-horned Wicca, Penelope swayed her full hips in a short, pale-pink gown with specs of diamonds embedded on the edge of her hem. She’d paired her light-colored dress with a pair of knee-high leather studded boots and thick, black bracelets wrapped around her wrists. Her dark-brown eyes were coated with several layers of black mascara, and she reminded me of a darkly made up, porcelain doll. To match the entire aesthetic, her long, bright-orange hair was pulled up into a tight bun on the top of her head and was adorned with glittering hair gems.

  Finally, Vesta decided to wear a pale silver dress that was the same shade as her shimmering eyes. The gown reached the floor and was almost sheer under the dim light of the common room, and I could make out the curvaceous outline of her flawless body. Her sage-colored locks were loose and framed her heart-shaped face, which was lightly made up with a tint of pink lipstick and a touch of rouge on her prominent cheeks. She also wore a pair of long, diamond earrings and a matching pendant that dangled in between her lilac breasts.


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