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Academy of Beasts IV

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by Becca Fanning

  Academy Of Beasts IV

  Becca Fanning


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Also by Becca Fanning

  Chapter 1

  Last Time at Beast Academy

  “Tell me something,” I whispered, surprised to find my own voice dripping with something like desire. A need that I had been suppressing. “Tell me something, Enrique.”

  “Are you willing to pay a price?” he whispered. His face inched closer to me.


  It was a foolish thing to say. His hand came up to brush the sensitive skin of my throat. He inhaled my scent as he pressed his lips against my neck. With an agonizingly slow motion, he dragged his lips to my ear.

  “You’re not a late-shifter.”

  I pulled back with a gasp, but it was extinguished quickly. He snaked his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me towards him.

  Chapter 2

  “My hormones were used against me,” Enrique insisted. “I want that known in this court of law.”

  “This isn’t a trial, Enrique. For the last time,” Dracus said through gritted teeth. I wasn’t so sure.

  My name is Fiona, and I’ve found myself in quite a predicament. Actually, multiple predicaments in the last few months since being at Beast Academy. My latest mistake was getting high off my hormones during my cycle and seducing information out of the Core Council’s resident playboy, Enrique.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. Dracus lifted a hand. I ignored it. A dangerous move with the dragon-shifter and head of the Council, but I had no choice. I wanted him to know that I was serious. Serious about taking advantage of Enrique and finding out information about my recent discovery. Thanks to Enrique’s loose lips, the touch of which was still sending shivers up and down my spine; I knew that I wasn’t a late-shifter. “But, I want answers.”

  Dracus held my gaze. His stern expression was waving beneath my grim stare. I was using what I’d learn from him: the heavy pause of pressure, and the knowledge of betrayal.

  “You lied to me.”

  He couldn’t argue with that. He lifted himself briefly, smoke trailing at the edges of his mouth. Enrique scooted back as a precaution, but Dracus threw himself back into his chair with an exhausted sound.

  “No, Fiona,” he muttered. “I’m sorry.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his weary head. Enrique blinked three times and leaned forward with narrowed eyes.

  “Did you just say that you were sorry?” the blond asked.

  I stared at the lion-shifter, who hours earlier, I was in a very precarious situation with. All of that was dust under the rug, it seemed. Maybe he would give me shit for it later, but that’s why I’d chosen Enrique as an attempt for information. He was the least likely to judge a seduction attempt and the most likely for me to succeed.

  “Yes, I did,” Dracus confirmed in a strained voice. I could see the exhaustion on his face. Where was he before this? He glanced down at his desk, glaring at something. “I leave for one day, and you’re out of control, Enrique.”

  “I was seduced,” he insisted, turning towards me. “You knew what you were doing!”

  My cheeks burned. “I mean…” I turned to Dracus. “I got a little carried away. I’m not used to feeling these things.” Gods, my cheeks were on fire. I probably looked as red as a tomato.

  “Enrique, you knew what kind of state that Fiona was in,” Dracus said unsympathetically. He glanced at me briefly, not unkindly. “It’s no offense to you, but you’re not quite strong enough to handle the waxing and waning of hormonal changes here. I knew that, and instead of helping you, I thought it was best if you worked through it on your own.” His eyes darted towards Enrique. “You, on the other hand, you’re much more in control of things than you insist. Was it any wonder that you dragged her off to your lair?”

  “It’s not a lair,” Enrique insisted with his hands in the air. “It’s a comfortable meeting space between friends.”

  “Friends who are hopped up on secrets and hormones,” Dracus muttered. I flushed.

  “Dracus!” This was worse than getting lectured by a parent. Dracus’ handsome face swiveled round towards me again, calm and collected. Any sympathy that he’d been airing out earlier had quickly vanished. He was in control again. The smoke had dissipated entirely from the room. “I’m not a child,” I insisted.

  “You’re not,” he confirmed with a solemn nod. “But you are in a vulnerable state here. I’m quite aware of that.” His dark eyes dangerously flashed as he settled back on the lion-shifter. Enrique stiffened in his chair. I bit my lip. The air became tense.

  “You only had the purest intentions?” Dracus asked. His voice was half-full of mocking, almost teasing.

  Enrique pulled at the collar of his shirt. “Something like that.” I’d never seen someone make people sweat like Dracus.

  “Why was your tracker off?”

  My mouth dropped open. Dracus put a hand to signal me not to speak. I whirled towards Enrique, who scooted back another few inches away from Dracus’ desk.

  “I plead the fifth.”

  Dracus pinched the bridge of his nose again with a tired groan. “This is not a court of law. This is my office. Answer the question.”

  Enrique’s face split into a wicked grin. “Fine, fine. I didn’t want to get interrupted…in case anything did happen.”

  “A tracker,” I said. “A tracker.” Things were beginning to click into place. How was it that they kept such close movements on each other? An icy sensation rushed over my skin. I could have a tracker on me! They watched the realizations dawn on my face.

  Enrique shot me a guilty look and sucked in air through his teeth. “In my defense, you looked extra cute today, and you needed a break from wolf breath.”

  “Not your decision to make,” Dracus said in a sharp tone. “Not your decision to go against orders to keep Fiona safe while maintaining proper boundaries.”

  “Orders?” I turned to him. “Exactly who is giving these orders? And why do you have trackers?”

  Enrique reached out and patted my arm, an odd buddy motion considering our last adventure together. “You won’t be able to seduce anything out of Dracus, princess. He’s only turned on for rules and regulations.” I side-eyed him with as much attitude as possible. He wasn’t doing himself any favors. We were both being bad with one another back in his lounge. Not exactly the stuff trust is built upon.

  “Dracus, I want answers.” I kept my voice as firm as possible, trying to mimic the way he usually demanded things. It was best to appeal to his common foundation. He rolled his shoulders back.

  “I’m aware that you’re looking for information, Fiona. I cannot tell you more than what Enrique has already so foolishly shared with you.” The blond winced slightly in his seat. Nice to know that Dracus’ influence was strong on everyone. “Ren is going to keep watch of you while I have a discussion with Enrique.”

  “And everyone’s going to know what happened?” I asked with a furrowed brow, gesturing to both of them. “This is what happens, I imagine. You all get into a big group to report what silly thing I’ve done and then calibrate your trackers together or something?”

  Enrique lifted a finger as if he was about to affirm my statement, and Dracus smacked his hand on the desk. He said, “You’ve done enough today.” A spark of fury ignited in Enrique’s eyes.

  “How was w
hat I did any different from the bullshit that he pulled?” she asked incredulously. Dracus’ nostrils flared as he kept his face composed. I watched his jaw clench and unclench.

  “This is a discussion between us,” he said finally. “Fiona, I’ve called Ren to escort you back to your room. I know that you’re growing impatient, but I ask that you trust me.” His eyes were filled with something that I couldn’t understand. Concern. My stomach flipped. “Please trust us.”

  How could I trust them when they didn’t tell me anything? I balled my hands into fists, bunching my dress into my hands. I wanted to scream and rage at them. There were more secrets they weren’t telling me. I knew that.

  Instead, I simply hung my head for the appropriate amount of time to appear sorry. Going off on Dracus wasn’t going to help.


  I left them to dissolve into hushed whispers as I slipped out into the hallway. A grunt next to my shoulder sent a rush of surprise through me. Ren was leaned against the wall beside the door. His eyes slid over to me.

  He didn’t look happy.

  Chapter 3

  Ren said nothing on our walk back to my room. When I attempted to apologize for potentially getting him in trouble, he snorted and turned to the side abruptly. My room was in the same state as I left it. But…I felt different. I rubbed my fingers against my chest, feeling it throb painfully.

  Of all people, I was guilty over causing trouble for Ren?

  He stalked over to the other side of my room and opened a book. No discussion. Great. I went to the bathroom, where at least he couldn’t follow me. Was he pissed that I ran away under his watch or that he hadn’t noticed me? I still wanted to ask what the emergency had been. Earlier, I’d only been able to slip away with Enrique because Theo had come running up to Ren with some emergency.

  Or was he pissed at Enrique? He’d entrusted me to him, and the lion-shifter had happily escorted me off into a shadowy corner for some sexual tension. I tapped my finger against my chin and stared at my reflection. The light pink lipstick I was wearing had smeared from my lips, but it was almost faded. I blushed. Had Ren noticed? Were they all going to discuss that I’d practically hopped into Enrique’s lap when he let some information slip? I washed my face, wiping it clean of all the makeup.

  There was homework to do. A to-go dinner to eat. Dracus said that it was best for everyone to eat in their rooms tonight. Of course, that might be a cover so the other Council boys besides Ren could gather together to talk about how scandalous and conniving I was. I chewed my lip. Still, I didn’t feel bad about wanting answers. Dracus had even apologized. I sucked in a deep breath.

  A knock sounded on the door. “Woman, are you drowning yourself?”

  “No!” I shouted back. Under my breath, I muttered, “As if you care.” I washed my hands for good measure, making sure to make the action as loud as physically possible. When I came out into the room, Ren had moved himself to the edge of my bed with his book.

  “I’m sorry if I got you into trouble with Dracus,” I said, working up the courage to throw away my pride. His eyes flicked briefly up to me.

  “Dracus doesn’t scare me,” he informed me.

  I cocked an eyebrow upwards. Then who does? The look on Ren’s face said that it wasn’t time to go digging for more information. I walked over to my desk and sat myself in the chair.

  Oddly, my incident with Enrique had robbed all of the hormonal high that my body had. I wondered if releasing the tension literally helped the hormones dissipate. I’d ask Priscilla since she’s the sole person I wouldn’t be mortified to question. She was the first true friend I’ve made at the Academy and an incredible source on any and all things shifter.

  “You’re pissed at me,” I announced as I opened my planner. “I can hear your heavy exhale and grunts while you read.”

  “I’m pissed at everything.”

  “Fair.” I flipped to my current week. There was a homework assignment for Shifter Mechanics that I needed to finish. My body felt drained of energy, but I’d have to march through it. Maybe I could convince Ren to walk me down to the kitchen to grab coffee. I glanced at him covertly. He glowered at his book. Never mind. I’d just get through it. I rolled my wrists and picked up my pen, opening up my Mechanics textbook.

  “You should be careful.”

  It was as if someone had taken an ice cube and roughly traced it down the length of my back. I curled inward and then turned to glance at Ren over my shoulder. He was looking right at me. His gaze was dark, murky, full of mysterious weight.

  “Be careful of what?” I asked and squinted. There was no saying how much Ren knew, but he’d be likely to know soon. “Of kissing Enrique while hopped up on hormones?”

  “Enrique isn’t as innocent as he seems, I’ll admit,” Ren said. His grave tone was sending sparks through my entire body. I wanted to run far, far away from Beast Academy. “But I’m not talking about him. There are other people that are out there. Don’t forget that.”

  Without meaning to, I asked, “Like Mr. X?”

  His eyes might’ve widened a centimeter, but I was already lost in thought. My fingers touched my lips, recalling that intense kiss from the mysterious masked man. When I realized that Ren hadn’t answered, I found him smirking and shaking his head.

  “You’re insane.”

  I flushed. “He exists.”

  Ren was still one of my suspects for the mysterious Mr. X, but when I’d confronted him about the stranger the last time…He acted as if he didn’t know who I was talking about.

  “Sure, he does,” he muttered. His eyes were back on his book, and he made no motion to look up. I didn’t think I’d get another word out of him tonight. I sighed and turned back to my work. Turning my desk lamp on, I put in my headphones (something I’d finally thought to request from the staff) and tried to get through my assignment. By the time dinner arrived at the room, I was nearly done with my work.

  I thanked the staff member, a petite woman. The staff members weren’t used to being thanked here. Ren snorted as I shut the door. I know the Council boys thought I was trying to make some grand statement, but it was what I was taught to do by my parents. My heart beat faster as I sat back down at my desk, unpacking the dinner. I left Ren’s on the bedside table. If he didn’t eat, maybe I’d finish his off too. I was starving. There was an empty feeling inside of me, clawing at me.

  Dracus had asked me to trust him.

  What other secrets did Dracus have? I frowned and dug into the chicken and rice with vegetables that Moony prepared. Sometimes, it felt as if I had a few allies in the Academy.

  Again, Dracus had asked for me to trust him. To trust all of the Council boys. Could I?

  I took another bite and swallowed, feeling weariness take over me. I wanted to finish my homework, take a shower, and climb into bed. Maybe when I climbed back out, I would be a normal girl again. Maybe I’d be with my parents, alive again. I didn’t care if they might not be my real parents, as my strange visions insisted. I shivered and went to work back on my assignment, shoveling in food now and then.

  Ren didn’t say anything else that night.

  But sometimes, I felt his handsome gaze upon my back.

  Chapter 4

  “Jasper’s on duty for you today,” Ren informed me when we went downstairs.

  “Tired of me?” I asked playfully, trying to lighten the mood. He was still pissed. Over exactly what, I wasn’t sure, but I’d known that I’d messed up somehow in his book. To my utter horror, I saw a head of blond hair.

  Jasper. I breathed a sigh of relief. Ren grunted, sticking his head into the dining room, but not following me.

  “She’s your problem for today,” he snapped. Without another word, he was gone. I stared at the empty doorway.


  Jasper snickered. The fox-shifter was hard to read. I couldn’t tell if he was laughing at Ren’s behavior or if he’d already heard the sordid tale of me seducing Enrique for information. He
glanced at me when I sat down.

  “Ren’s just tired,” he assured me, but his voice lacked warmth. I wondered if he’d mistaken my concern for his thoughts as caring about what Ren thinks. I decided to play along and shrugged.

  Today’s breakfast was a hearty meal of eggs, bacon, and plenty of pastries. I opted for a fresh croissant and some eggs with a small piece of bacon. Training this morning hadn’t been too bad, but it was supposed to be Dracus training me on Dragon Fist, the unique form of martial arts from the Land of Dragons. He had to be absent. Theo wasn’t there either, which meant Ren watched as I threw myself as best as I could through the workout routines that Theo had taught me.

  “How are you, Jasper?” I asked. I hadn’t seen him in a while. Some part of me was happy about that. In some ways, he was the most dangerous Council boy. You could never tell what he was thinking, and it often felt like he was enjoying a private joke that nobody else got. He smiled at me.

  “Well-rested,” he replied easily and folded his hands carefully in front of him, leaning his elbows on the table. A charming gleam came to his pretty eyes. “I think I might be the only resident not exhausted today.”

  I decided to play coy instead of choking on my croissant. “What do you mean?” I asked, swallowing the bite of delicious pastry. Moony had outdone himself as usual. I wish I had time to stop and chat with him this morning. Jasper regarded me closely over the rim of his coffee cup.

  “Everyone seems exhausted,” he said simply. “You know what I hate?”

  I grabbed my own coffee, trying to steal warmth from its hot surface. A sudden chill had come over me.

  He winked. “Closed doors. I don’t like things being hidden from me.”


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