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Hunters Moon, The Fae Medallion (Seer's Of The Moon)

Page 8

by Allie, Geraldine

  “Don’t worry my dear,” said Creature. “He cannot escape his cell or harm you.”

  Cecilia looked at the angry and enraged Bruno, still hissing and growling. Turning back to face her husband, she gave him a worried look. “If that was not Bruno beating at the front door, then who?”

  Upstairs, Victoria and the mythical creatures looked for the keys with urgency. Everywhere they looked, they found no sign of a single key. Victoria had checked where the keys were normally kept; she had even dared to check Bruno’s room, but still no keys. Frantic, Victoria paused in a long hallway. Seeing her standing there, all of the fey tales surrounded her waiting for her next move.

  “I don’t know where else to look.” she told them “I cannot just leave them; I need to free Percy and the others. I just need to figure out where those keys are.” A realization came upon her then. “Where are Creature and Cecilia, and where is Bruno for that matter? We made so much noise when we busted down that door, surely they would have heard us.” Victoria had not seen any sign of the three in the house, nor had she even thought of them when she and the fairy tale creatures had broken into the house. The only thing that had been on her mind at that moment was freeing the Fay.

  “Downstairs, they must be downstairs in the cell room.” Rushing from the spot she had been standing, Victoria headed down to the cell room with the fey tale creatures in tow.

  Down in the cell room, Creature and Cecilia listened as loud footsteps and the sound of clomping hooves came down the stairwell. Creature rushed from his wives side towards the door in hopes of closing and locking it before whoever was making their way down the stairs could enter the room. Creature just barely made it to the door in time and was able to lock it before Victoria and the fey tales could enter. Just before closing the door, Creature had spotted a quick glimpse of Victoria and her group. He had seen the look on her face, and he knew then he had lost all control over the girl.

  Grabbing the keys from the inside of his jacket, Creature walked towards Bruno’s cage. A thought had taken bloom in the dark recesses of Creature’s mind, an idea, one that he hoped would work.

  Noticing the actions of her husband, Cecilia raced over to his side trying to halt him from his plan. “What are you doing? Please tell me you’re not thinking of letting him out! You can’t, he would destroy us for what we have done!”

  Pushing his wife aside, Creature looked at her sternly. “Trust me Cecilia; I have an idea that may just work.”

  Cecilia backed away from him cowering to one side of the room, watching in horror as her husband went to release Bruno who by now was even more furious than when they had first come into the room.

  Banging and pounding could be heard from the door as Victoria and the rest of the creatures tried desperately to make their way in. At Bruno’s cell stood Creature with the keys in his hand, waving them like a won prize. Creature had known better than to leave them unguarded with Bruno being locked away, he was not about to take any chances.

  Trying to act the chummy part, “Bruno, I hate to see you locked in a cell like this, I wish I could let you out. But you see that witch Victoria cast a spell on me, and forced me to put you in here.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  An instant change came over Bruno, and the vampire stopped his rampage as if to listen to the words that had been spoken. Percy however had caught on to Creature and his deception, the vampire was going to blame everything on Victoria in hopes that Bruno would take his revenge out on the innocent woman and destroy her. There was no way Percy was going to let this happen.

  “Bruno,” yelled Percy “Victoria had no hand in your being placed in that cell, it was all Creatures doing, and now he hopes to take the blame off of himself and use you against her.”

  Bruno hissed and growled trying with every effort to reach through the bars and grab Creature. Fearing the vengeful vampire’s attempts, Creature backed up quickly away from the bars. Bruno would destroy him if he could reach him.

  Creature turned with disgust to face Percy. “What do I have to be afraid of Fay? It is you that is locked up, not I. Is it not the witch Victoria that brought you here, brought all of you here? My wife and I are both innocent, we are forced to do the witches bidding, well I….I am just as innocent as you.”

  Percy could feel his rage rising to the surface. “Innocent? You are way far from being innocent vampire. It is you who hold Victoria our lady as your prisoner, and it is you who force her to do your bidding. You are vile and evil, nay; it is only you that you have to blame for your plans crumbling down around you.”

  Magnus shouted through his bars. “Do not believe him Bruno, he lies to you!”

  Creature hissed at the outspoken Fay before turning his attention back to Bruno. “You see my friend; even now they try to destroy us by driving us apart. Cecilia and I only came down here to free you, but when Victoria and her minions learned of our plan, they tried to stop us.”

  “His plan was never to release you Bruno, he only runs down here to hide like the coward that he is!” said Percy

  Creature was angry now, and his eyes were a deep red glow. With eyes of red fire and long protruding fangs, he lunged at Percy hissing. “I am no coward! I will tear you from limb to limb and wear your carcass as a trophy Fay!”

  Percy smiled. “Then by all means, let me out and show me.”

  As usual, Creature only hissed and growled, there was no way he would let him out. It was true, Creature was a coward. Instead, Creature went to Bruno’s cell and before opening it said, “Avenge us my friend!” Pointing in the direction of the door where a loud banging could be heard.

  On the opposite side of the door, the unicorn beat unrelenting at it with its back hooves. But instead of rushing to the door and taking out his rage on Victoria as Creature had hoped, Bruno grabbed a hold of Creature instead.

  Creature never had a chance, in one fast movement; Bruno smashed Creature against the cell bars that had held him. Creatures flesh began to burn and sizzle against the Holy water doused bars. Creature tried to fight his way out of the clutches of Bruno’s large hands, but Bruno was much stronger even with the lack of a recent feeding. Looking into Creatures terrified eyes, Bruno smiled and tilt his head back, and opened his mouth wide. Screaming out a horrible cry that was an ear piercing shriek that caused the Fay themselves to clasp their hands over their ears and tightly press their hands against the sides of their heads, Bruno continued with the eerie cry. It felt as if every fiber of their being would come apart.

  The scream seemed to go on forever. In anguish, the Fay went down to their knees in a torment of pain. Finally, the overwhelming cry of Bruno stopped, and with a terror that shown in Creatures face, Bruno yanked Creature towards him and buried his fangs deep in his neck. With one quick jerk, Bruno ripped out his throat as a geyser of blood spurted from Creatures neck. Bruno released his hold on the vampire, and Creature’s body slumped to the floor in front of the cell, he was no more. And on the other side of the room, Magnus could be heard, “My son’s death has been avenged.”

  Bruno was not done with his blood lust, Cecilia would be next. Cowering in a corner, Cecilia looked at the body of her husband who lay motionless slumped by the cell bars in horror. Looking up, she scrambled from her corner in the room as she realized Bruno was coming for her now. She glanced over the room frantically trying to find a way of escape from the large hulking vampire. Looking towards the door, she made a mad dash.

  As Cecilia unlocked it, she never had a chance to make her way through it.

  Bruno was on her before she could turn the knob. He spun Cecilia around to face him, and with both huge hands he ripped her head from her body, letting the headless carcass fall where it did. Bruno threw Cecilia’s head across the room with such force that when it hit a wall it smashed like a pumpkin leaving brain matter dripping down the wall in a sick oozing mess.

  Victoria and the fairy tale creatures rushed into the room as the unicorn was finally able to bust down the door. Vic
toria gasped in disgust and revolt. It looked as if an explosion of body parts had gone off, blood spray and flesh lay about the room. Bruno stood on one side of the room watching her, he did not move but his eyes followed her every movement.

  Percy yelled out to her. “Get the keys, they lay next to Creature.”

  Victoria looked at the bloody mess that had once been Creature. The keys lay next to his body in a pool of blood. Victoria’s stomach lurched but she paid no mind to it. Reaching down to grab the keys, she then rushed to Percy’s cell releasing him, and he was free. Immediately, he went to the other cells releasing the entire Fay. Once they were out they went for the door, only to find it blocked by Bruno’s massive body.

  Reaching for Victoria, Bruno finally spoke, “Mine.” The vampire had not been mute after all. “What’s mine is mine, and I will have what rightfully belongs to me.” Bruno’s voice was so deep and gravelly, almost as if he were talking through a wet bubbly slosh of liquid.

  Percy pulled Victoria closer to him. “She does not belong to you vampire and never will.” Percy held Victoria even closer to him now and out of the reach of Bruno.

  Bruno became enraged and lunged towards Percy. Just before Bruno could reach him, Percy’s skin took on an ominous golden glow again. As Percy raised his hand, a bow appeared, and as Percy shot an arrow directly into the heart of the vampire, a horn burst through the vampire’s chest from the opposite side. The unicorn had charged forward ramming Bruno through the heart. As the vampire screamed in pain and slid off the unicorn’s horn, he fell to the floor and slumped against the door not far from Cecilia’s remains.


  Walking through the smashed remains of the door upstairs, the entire group of Fay inhaled the sweet fresh air that greeted them. Heading towards the woods located next to the house that had once been their prison, the Fay went into them never looking back. Victoria and Percy were the last to enter them. Holding Victoria close, Percy strung his fingers through her hair, gently caressing the side of her cheek with the other. Victoria looked into deep rich eyes with such love and devotion. Percy leaned down close to her face and took in her scent, and he smiled at the sweet aroma that met his senses.

  “I love you Victoria, even when I only knew you from my dreams, I have always loved you.”

  Victoria smiled and her heart overflowed with joy. She knew that she loved this Fay, her Fay. “Always, my heart shall always belong to you.”

  And for the first time outside of their dreams they had shared, their lips met in the first kiss of true love. Two souls, two mates standing in the first rays of dawn, the beginning of a life shared together.

  As they turned to follow the other Fay that had already made their way into the forest, the fey tale creatures scurried alongside them as they took their first steps into the trees that lay before them.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Back in a little sea side town sat a cottage. An older woman sat in her rocking chair on the porch as her younger daughter tended to the flowers of a small garden. The sun was high in the sky shining its warm rays down on the earth. The girl from the garden looked up from her work to see a band of three figures walking down a little lane towards the cottage. Wiping the back of her hand across her forehead, she squinted her eyes through the bright sunlight trying to get a better look at the trio.

  “Mama, I think we have company.”

  Getting up from her rocking chair, the woman stood on the edge of the porch trying to get a better view. Each was dressed in leathers that were brightly sheened to a shiny luster. Two men she guessed, and the last one, a cloaked figure in rich velvet gold. “A woman maybe?” she thought. As they came closer, both women stood watching as the trio came up to the cottage and stopped just a few feet of where the woman and young lady stood.

  Removing the hood, Victoria let the soft golden material fall around her shoulders. Her eyes were filled with tears as emotions of love flowed over her. She saw the two women looking at her as if they were trying to recognize her. “Mama, Madeline.”

  The older woman broke into tears herself as she ran to the side of her daughter, wrapping her arms tightly around her. At that single moment, Madeline was beside them both, holding both her mother and older sister.

  Victoria was home.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Halfway across the ocean in a town located next to a bay, sat a little thatched house. Ocean waves rolled gently against the sands and receding as little hermit crabs scurried along the beach. Just up the shore a few feet, a young woman with a basket collected sand dollars and seaweed as she allowed the waves to wash over her bare skin.

  Daily, the woman would come out to collect the items for ingredients in her recipes, while the sand dollars could be used as decorations around the garden, the seaweed held many medicinal purposes.

  As she went about her daily chore, a wave came in, crashing against her legs. Trying to step away, she looked down as the water receded from the beach. Something shiny caught her eye, as she bent down to retrieve the object; she noticed it was a ring that had been half buried in the sand. Picking it up, she brushed away the bits of sand to get a better look at it. It was a beautiful ring with a deep blue sapphire setting. Around the band were Mer folk encircling the ring.

  “Such an exquisite ring” she mumbled “It must belong to someone.”

  Taking the ring and slipping it into her smock, she grabbed her basket and hurried back up the hill to her house. As she went about her way, two eyes watched her from out in the bay.

  “The ring of Mer has been found” he said aloud. Then diving back into the depths of the water, a magnificent aqua fluorescent tail shimmered in the suns light before disappearing under the waves.


  The author of two books and counting for teen and young adult, Geraldine Allie writes fantasy, historical and contemporary novels and novellas. Her 2013 short holiday novel, A Merry Frost, is her first book in print and soon to be on shelves by Christmas, followed by her second book in print, Hunters Moon: The Fae Medallion. Now living in Kansas, she keeps her days occupied with reading and has her own personal library in her home from the amount of books she owns. When she is not writing, she can be found reading, dreaming up new stories and spending time with her two Yorkshire Terriers.

  Books by Geraldine Allie

  A Merry Frost (Holiday, YA)

  Hunters Moon, The Fae Medallion (YA Series)

  All titles by this author can be found in ebook format and paperback, and soon on audiobook.

  Please watch for the next books in this YA series.

  Modern/ Historical Arthurian Fantasy Series

  There are four more books to come in this series that will take you back into a land of Arthurian legend where a final climatic battle unlike any other will take place.

  Book One: Hunters Moon, The Fae Medallion

  Book Two: Blue Moon, The Ring Of Mer (Release Summer 2014)

  Book Three: Wolf Moon, Wolves Honor (Winter 2014)

  Book Four: Ice Moon, Forged By Dragons (Fall 2015)

  Book Five: Wake Of The Sleeping King, The Sword Of Arthur (Spring 2016)

  Meet The Narrator For The Audio Book Version ofHunters Moon, The Fae Medallion

  Alex Hyde-White is a London born, California raised second-generation actor who has appeared in over 80 films and TV shows since starting in 1978, at age 19 as one of the last contract players in Hollywood, at Universal Studios. Recent appearances on show include The Mentalist, Dexter, and The Christmas Pageant for Hallmark.

  He had a cameo in Tintin: Legend of the Unicorn, his third time with director Steven Spielberg, for DreamWorks, and for HBO as Sen. Lindsey Graham in the Emmy-award winning Sarah Palin/John McCain telepic Game Change. Fans of the Disney smash Pretty Woman will remember him as David Morse, the polo-playing industrialist grandson of scion Ralph Bellamy.

  He has worked with Warren Beatty (1985 in Ishtar), as well as his wife Annette Bening (on stage at L.A.'s Geffen Theatre in 2010's
Female of the Species), is the son of the wonderful British light-comedian Wilfrid Hyde-White (Col. Pickering in My Fair Lady), and the father of two boys, one of whom is an actor.

  London born, and raised in America, he has a natural facility, and good ear for, language. Since winning the 2011 Male Narrator Contest from Audible and ACX, Alex has become a sought over narrator and Audiobook producer through his Los Angeles based collaborative, Punch Audio (

  Starting on the stage as a young actor on Broadway (Kingdoms, Dangerous Obsession), although his career took him back to Los Angeles, he has played various interesting roles in some of the small theatres in Hollywood. They include Antigone, Marat/Sade, and Of Mice and Men.

  Primarily a film and TV actor, and now an Audiobook producer as well, his background and theatrical legacy inspired a most unique story that resulted, in early 2013, in his first-person documentary Three Days (of Hamlet). The film, a philosophical reading of Hamlet, juxtaposes the characters from the play with the lives of the players; a sort of Shakespeare in Love for the reality set. Also starring Peter Woodward, Richard Chamberlain and Stefanie Powers, the experimental first-person doc weaves a hero's journey from the most unlikely of arenas as it follows a troupe of actors who gather for three days to rehearse and perform a staged reading of Shakespeare's Hamlet. The film won Best Documentary at three festivals, International Family Film Festival (Hollywood, spring 2012), L-Dub (Lake Worth, FL, fall 2012), and Eugene Int'l Film Festival (Oregon, fall 2012).

  His audiobook production outfit Punch Audio services the growing audiobook market through Audible, Amazon and ITunes with diverse titles and genres ranging from fantasy, "Paladins", to commentary, "I Am John Galt", and "Jesus: The Missing Years". Other artists at Punch Audio include the British actors Ian Hart, Juliet Mills and Maxwell Caulfield.


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