Book Read Free

The One

Page 19

by Holly C. Webb

  “Does he know you’re in love with Savannah?” Sylvie asked, almost flooring me with her question. I stared at her for a moment, having no clue how I should even respond to her. “I guess he doesn’t.”

  “How did you know?” I asked, setting the spoon I was holding down on the table. It was strange, part of me felt like I was letting her down as much as I was letting Jared down. She had always taught us to have each other’s back, and I felt like I was failing her as much as Jared.

  “Sweetheart, I’ve always been able to read your face since the first time you lied to me to cover for your mother,” she replied, giving me a knowing smile. “You’ve always worn your heart on your sleeve, Seth; unlike Jared. At times that boy is a mystery to me. But you, every emotion you feel is written across your face. I’ve known since the night of the family dinner you were falling for her, just like I also knew you were conflicted between your feelings for her and doing what you thought was the right thing.”

  “Sylvie, I’m so sorry…” I began to say, but she quickly stopped me mid-sentence.

  “What are you saying sorry for?” She asked, giving me a smile. “Seth, we don’t choose who will fall in love with. You don’t get to decide who your heart picks.”

  “But she was Jared’s girl,” I said, hating that I had let everyone down.

  “Seth, I don’t think Savannah was ever Jared’s girl,” Sylvie said with a smile as she returned her focus back to decorating the cake. “Not really. Oh sure, she liked him, but she never looked at him the way she looks at you.”

  “But he loves her,” I sighed, recalling the conversation I had with him the night before. “And he is never going to understand or forgive me.”

  “He thinks he loves her,” Sylvie chuckled. “But I think Jared was more in love with the idea that he was in love. He is not ready to settle down.”

  “Still, I don’t think he is going to be happy about Savannah and me,” I sighed once more, wishing that I could have been stronger.

  “No,” Sylvie replied, but then smiled and added. “But he loves you, and I think he will get over it. I just wish I knew what the hell was going on with him. I’m worried about him.”

  “Jared is Jared,” I said, giving her a reassuring smile. “He somehow always lands on his feet. He will this time too. I promise you. And I will do whatever it takes to help him.”

  “Thank you, Sweetheart,” Sylvie replied, giving me another smile. “So, you and Sav?”

  “Yeah,” I said, unable to hide the smile as I thought about Savannah. “She is just amazing.”

  “I can see you and her together,” Sylvie smiled. “It’s funny, the first time I met her, I actually thought she was more like someone you’d bring home than Jared.”

  “Really?” I asked, surprised she would have ever thought something like that.

  “Sure,” Sylvie laughed. “You forget I know all my boys better than they know themselves.”

  “That’s you do,” I said as I pushed up from my seat. “But right now, I think this boy better get started. I think I have bought every balloon in Pullman.”

  “Good,” Sylvie laughed. “I want tonight to be perfect for Jolie.”

  “Me too,” I said as I walked around the table and kissed Sylvie on the cheek. “And I promise, once the party is over, I’m going to tell Jared the truth about me and Savannah.”

  “I know you will,” Sylvie smiled, giving me another smile, before I turned and headed towards the door. “Seth!”

  “Yeah?” I replied, stopping at the door, turning back to look at her.

  “Did Jolie say anything about your mom?” Sylvie asked as a worried look filled her eyes. “I think she’s worried about her turning up today. Did she say anything to you?”

  “We talked the other day,” I replied, recalling the brief conversation we had in the diner. “Honestly, I don’t think my mother will turn up, but if she does, I will get rid of her, and make it clear, she is no longer welcome here.”

  “Did she ever tell you what your mom said to her that night?” Sylvie asked, but the look on her face said she already knew the answer.

  “No,” I sighed, wishing I could have given her a better answer. “But I know she spoke to Savannah. She didn’t tell me what Jo had said, but she did say that she wasn’t in danger in anyway. I just hope she will eventually talk to me.”

  “At least she’s talking to someone,” Sylvie sighed, smiling once more.

  I smiled too before I turned and walked out of the kitchen.

  “What time is Jo due back?” Danny asked as he mixed his famous fruit punch. I wasn’t really sure what he put into it, but anything more than two glasses, and you could barely remember your name.

  “I asked Savannah to bring her back about eight o’clock,” Sylvie replied as she set the birthday cake in the middle of the table. “She and Callie were taking her for something to eat before they bring her back here.”

  “Callie and Sav are coming tonight?” Jared blurted out from where he was sitting talking to Matt and Kim.

  “Of course they are,” Sylvie replied, giving him a surprised look. “Jolie loves Savannah. She wants her here.”

  “But why does Callie have to come too?” He asked, looking like he was going to be sick.

  “She’s Sav’s best friend,” Sylvie said, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. “Jared, I know you and Sav aren’t together anymore, but tonight is about Jolie.”

  “Fine,” he said as he stood up, and downed the bottle of beer he was drinking in one long gulp, before he slammed it down onto the table and headed out to the back yard.

  Sylvie looked at me, giving me a look that said she needed me to go talk to him.

  I set my bottle of beer down on the table, before I headed towards the back yard too.

  “Hey,” I said, as I stepped out into the night air, finding Jared sitting on the back-porch swing, staring out into the darkness of the backyard. “Are you doing okay?”

  “Not really,” he said without turning to me.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked as I walked across the porch and sat down next to him.

  “There’s nothing to say,” he sighed, then blew out a long breath. “This night is just turning into a fucking nightmare.”

  “I thought you and Savannah had cleared the air the other night,” I asked, not fully understanding why he was so bothered Savannah was coming to the party.

  “Trust me,” he groaned as he rubbed his eyes, then his face. “Savannah is the least of my troubles right now.”

  I stared at him for a moment, trying to understand why he seemed so put out about it he didn’t have a problem with Savannah coming. Then I remembered what he’d said to his mother. He asked why Callie had to come too.

  That’s when it hit me.

  Callie was the girl he’d gotten pregnant.

  “Oh Shit!” I exclaimed, realising that Jared really had fucked up big time. “It’s Callie.”

  Jared didn’t respond. Instead, he just closed his eyes, as his shoulders slumped.

  “Jesus, Jared, how could you be so stupid?” I asked, in a hushed voice. “It’s bad enough you were with her best friend but getting her pregnant!”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” He hissed as he gave me a desperate look. “It was never meant to happen. I don’t even know how it did. I was going into the bar a few weeks ago to see Sav singing, and I bumped into her in the parking lot. She was upset because she’d broken up with some asshole she’d been seeing. I offered to take her for a coffee, but we ended up back in her place. She was supposed to be making coffee, but then she pulled out this bottle of bourbon. It just happened.”

  “So, it was just one time?” I asked, but looking at Jared, I knew it was a lot more than one time.

  “It was supposed to be,” he replied. “But she turned up at my place the following week, and then the week after that. She knew Sav was singing at Joe’s… I tried to end it, but Callie wouldn’t let it go. She pushe
d me to end things with Sav so I could be with her. When she found out she was pregnant, she said I needed to make a choice. But before I could, Sav ended it, now Callie is pushing me to tell Sav the truth about us.”

  “Jared, you were supposed to love her!” I said, feeling angry for Savannah. I knew that it seemed strange for me to be angry, after all, we were together behind Jared’s back. But Savannah had always tried to do the right thing. Even when she thought me and her didn’t have a future, she knew she didn’t love Jared, and she ended it. Why had Jared tried to win her back knowing he had gotten her best friend knocked up?

  “I did,” he sighed. “I do. It’s just. I panicked. I don’t think I am ready to settle down. I know I’m not ready to have a baby, that’s for sure. Things just seemed so much easier with Sav, but I had to go and fuck it up.”

  “And what about Meggie?” I asked, giving him a questioning look.

  “Meggie?” He asked, looking confused. “Nothing is going on between me and her.”

  “But she’s always acting so strange around you,” I said, surprised by his response. “And you seem so pissed off with her.”

  “Because she’s a crazy bitch,” he sighed. “I went on one date with her before I met Sav. Now she can’t get it into her head that there is nothing between me and her. But there is nothing going on with her, I don’t know why you could even think that.”

  “I heard you arguing with someone last week,” I explained. “And then she was crying.”

  “God knows why she was crying,” Jared sighed. “She is always involved in some drama or other.”

  Before I could respond, Matt appeared in the doorway.

  “If you ladies are finished,” he said with a smile. “Savannah has just pulled into the driveway.”

  I stood up and headed for the back door, but Jared called me, stopping be before I walked into side.

  “What are you going to do?” He asked, giving me a worried look.

  “I’m going to go wish my sister a happy birthday,” I said, trying not to say more than I should. I knew I was less than blameless in the whole mess, but at least Savannah and I had always tried to do the right thing.

  “I mean about Savannah and Callie,” he said, giving me a pleading look.

  “Tomorrow, I think we all need to sit down and talk,” I said, knowing I needed to do the right thing too. “But tonight, is about Jo. I need you to try for her sake Jared. She’s been through enough, she deserves tonight.”

  “Okay,” Jared said with a smile as he too stood up and followed me into the house.

  As we all gathered in the kitchen Danny switched off the lights, and we all waited for Jolie to make her way into the house, then into the kitchen.

  “SURPRISE!” We all shouted as Jolie stepped through the door, and Danny turned the lights back on.

  “OH MY, GOD!” She cried as her hands covered her mouth and tears suddenly pooled in her eyes.

  “Happy Birthday, Kiddo,” I said as she rushed towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Surprise!”

  “Thank you, Seth,” she whispered against my ear as she hugged me so tightly. “I love you so much.”

  “Love you too, Jo,” I said, holding her just as tightly. This kid was everything to me. For so long, she’d been my life. All I’ve ever wanted was for her to be happy and it made me happy that finally, she was.

  As she released me and turned her attention to Sylvie, while I searched for Savannah, and was rewarded with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I walked to her and gave her a hug.

  “Thank you for your help, Savannah,” I said, trying to make it seem that was the only reason I was hugging her. “I’m so grateful.”

  “It was my pleasure,” she replied, smiling once more, melting my heart. God, I loved this girl so much.

  “Thank you too, Callie,” I said, forcing a smile on my face, as I turned and gave her a hug too. Part of me knew it was wrong of me to judge her. I was in the exact same position as her in some ways. But I knew in my heart, I had tried my best to be the friend Jared deserved, I couldn’t help but wonder if Callie could stay the same. Savannah was so sweet and kind, she deserved a better best friend than she got.

  But then I remember what Sylvie had said earlier. You don’t get to decide who your heart picks. Maybe Jared was to her, what Savannah was to me.

  “Thanks, Seth,” she replied, giving me a smile, and I wondered if she knew that I knew.

  For now, I was going to try to put this whole mess out of my head and enjoy the night. After all, tonight was about Jolie.

  Over the next hour, we had so much fun. Jolie got to open all her presents and her friends squealed and clapped excitedly, especially when Sylvie announce that, as part of her gift, Sylvie had put Jolie’s name on her car insurance so she could practise to get her own car.

  Then Danny and his boyfriend Tom made cocktails for everyone, of course they were none alcoholic for Jolie and her friends, despite Jolie’s protests. But I promised her she could have one glass of champagne.

  Finally, Sylvie lit the candles on the cake as we all gathered around to sing happy birthday to Jolie. I don’t think I remember a time Jolie ever looked happier. It was such a wonderful thing to see.

  As we all sang, the sound of the doorbell chimed.

  “I’ll go,” Callie said, giving me a nervous smile, and I knew she was worried about what I thought of her. I figured that Jared had probably told her by now that I knew about him and her, and the baby.

  “You need to make a wish,” Matt called out to Jolie as she leaned in to blow out her candles. She looked up at him and smiled, but then her smile instantly faded, and tears instantly pooled in her eyes.

  “Jo,” I said, giving her a worried look. “What is it?”

  She didn’t reply. Instead, she just stared at the kitchen door. I turned to see what it was that had upset her so much.

  The minute I turned around; I saw exactly what had upset Jolie.

  “Hi Seth,” my mother said from the doorway of the kitchen. “Aren’t you going to give your mother a kiss?”

  Chapter 19


  “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, taking a step closer to her. It’s funny, she was my mother, but standing there looking at her, I felt nothing but contempt for her.

  “I’m sorry, Seth,” Callie said from behind her. “She just pushed past me.”

  “It’s okay, Callie,” I said, closing the distance between me and my mother, before I grabbed her by the arm. “She’s just leaving.”

  “I came here to see, Jolie,” my mother began to protest as I forcefully lead her back out into the hallway.

  As we walked back out into the hallway, I could smell the alcohol off her and I realised she was drunk, so I knew I needed to get her out of Sylvie’s house as fast as possible.

  “Well, she doesn’t want to see you,” I hissed back at her, and I didn’t slow until we reached the door. “You shouldn’t have come here.”

  “SHE IS STILL MY DAUGHTER, SETH!” My mother screamed in my face as she pulled her arm free from my grasp. She spun around, stumbling back a little as she tried to focus on me. “You don’t get to tell me I can’t see my own kid. JOLIE!”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Liz,” I said, calling her by her first name, because there was no way in hell, I was calling her mom. “You don’t get to come back into her life and mess with her head again. She is safe and she is happy, now stay the hell away from her, or so help me. I will march her down to that police station and this time nothing you say will make her change her mind.”

  “I JUST WANT TO SEE HER!” She screamed up into my face, but this time she looked a little less sure of herself. “JOLIE!”

  “She doesn’t want to see you,” I said as I opened the door. “Now, get the hell out!”

  “Seth, please!” She begged, as tears pooled in her eyes, but the one thing I knew about my mother was she could turn on her tears as easily as turning on a faucet

  “Your tears don’t work on me anymore,” I sighed, knowing that she would try anything to get to me. I took hold of her arm once more, forcefully guiding her towards the door. “I’m not a nine-year-old boy anymore. You might be our mother, but you’re not our Mom. Sylvie is. She’s more of a mother to Jolie and me than you’ve ever been. So, why don’t you crawl back under whatever rock you’ve been under and leave us the hell alone.”

  “You’re just like your father,” Liz hissed at me as she stepped closer to me, her tears gone, but the venom in her face was unmissable. “He was a sanctimonious asshole too.”

  “And yet, even though he walked away, he was still a better parent than you,” I retorted, feeling my blood boil deep inside me. “Now get the hell out.”

  “I should have let him take you when he wanted you,” she retorted, completely flooring me with her comment. I let go of her arm and stepped back. “But I was never going to let him win. Just like I will never let you win too. You think you’re so perfect, but she is my kid. So, you and Sylvie, and the rest of you can go to hell. SHE IS MY DAUGHTER!”

  I stared at her for a moment, my heart drumming in my ears.

  “Dad wanted us?” I asked, feeling like my heart was shattering into pieces.

  “He wanted you,” she replied with a smile that said she was actually enjoying tearing me apart. “Jolie, not so much.”

  “I… I don’t understand,” I said.

  “You were always so protective of her,” she continued as she stumbled back once more. “You always liked to remind me that I was a failure as a mother.”

  “That’s because you were,” I shot back, wanting to hurt her as much as she was hurting me. “You were never there for us. She was a little kid, and you pretended she didn’t exist. You let that…that animal beat her up, and then you bullied her into keeping her mouth shut. What kind of mother does that?”

  “You made it clear that there was no room in your life for me,” she continued her words almost slurred. “It was always you and her.”


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