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The World According to CHAD

Page 4

by Alexander Ulysses Thor




  There comes a time when it becomes necessary to dissolve

  The old ways connecting us to the past

  And begin a new way of thinking that separates

  Knowledge from Belief,

  Truth from Myth,

  The Laws of Nature from Faith in a Divine Presence,

  So mankind can rise from the ashes

  To once again assume among the powers of earth

  And prosper from the inalienable right

  That everyone is born equal and

  Deserves the Liberty of Life, and the Pursuit of Happiness

  Therefore, a new society, a new beginning,

  Cannot solely be founded on

  The moral doctrines or structured legislature

  Of any legal institution, system of belief, or form of government

  Responsible for past atrocities against mankind

  Through either religious persecution,

  Administrative corruption, the bonds of slavery,

  Or any other form of oppression inflicted on man or woman,

  At any time throughout our history

  However, we will not abandon

  Any positive contributions from the past

  Proven compatible with present conditions and surroundings,

  And no matter what harsh measures

  We may take to prosper over the land,

  We will no longer be beasts that just sleep and feed

  And shall endeavor as a species to treat each other

  With the same decency and respect we all deserve,

  Not because we are told to do so,

  But because it is the right thing to do

  Thereby, giving us the cause, the will, the strength,

  And the means to find our purpose

  Forever united together in everlasting peace.

  With these precepts in heart and mind,

  We will start anew and rebuild

  Our nation on the following:


  1. Equality for All: reserving our right to freedom of speech, a free press, and the right to assemble peaceably, no form of discrimination, racial prejudice, or harmful protest will be tolerated, granted inherent excuse, or considered acceptable behavior on part of any citizen living in New America.

  2. No Wealth/No Currency: will be printed or minted, nor will any citizen accumulate or create any form of legal tender for payment of service, or for barter of trade, or used to amass personal fortunes to hold over others; and regardless of age and/or any disability preventing someone from taking an active part in society or the work place, the Country shall fairly provide for the needs of each and every citizen.

  3. No Conflicting Belief Systems: of religious, political, or personal foundations will be funded by government subsidiaries, be the basis for policy of law, or be recognized as official holidays. Nor will any citizen be morally bound to any form of religious dogma or spiritual belief, but instead be guided by their own self-conscious morality of inherently knowing right from wrong.

  4. Population Control: must be maintained through responsible reproductive behavior on part of our citizens to provide the necessary time to replenish our depleted natural resources and prevent over populating our food supplies, if not, it will be done by government decree and strictly enforced.

  5. A Universal language: must be implemented in order to prevent communication breakdowns among different cultural backgrounds and to also eliminate any suspicious mistrust of foreign words used as coded communications to plot against others, with English being our country’s language of choice.

  “Say, I think my stomach just reminded me that it must be lunchtime,” Michael said with blushed cheeks after feeling a slight, but audible, grumble coming from his gut.

  “My car is this way,” Eve said, giving Michael a quick tug on his sleeve as he started heading back the way they came.

  Flanking the New Constitution were the portraits of the two founding fathers of New America. Eve stopped Michael in front of the Prophet Warrior’s portrait.

  Marlon Rosemary, the fastidious museum caretaker hurried past them, alerted to some pressing matter. Michael and Eve noticed what was calling his immediate attention as the caretaker went by the New Constitution display and stopped in front of the portrait of General Cain. A blinking red light located above the portrait sent out a silent alarm after detecting a foreign substance.

  Michael and Eve went to see what the commotion was about and saw the gradual appearance of dark lines forming the letters F W F across General Cain’s portrait, developing like an old Polaroid photo.

  “I do not understand it,” Caretaker Rosemary said with his hands on his hips, shaking his head in disgust.

  “Doesn’t FWF stand for Free Will Forever? I’m not really up on these fringe groups.” Michael said.

  “They are nothing but a bunch of ungrateful punks who think they know better how to keep things in order,” Caretaker Rosemary said. “But what baffles me is how they managed to get away with it without tripping our sensors.”

  “I guess, where there is a will, there is a way,” Eve said with a light girlish laugh, trying to play down the incident.

  But Michael’s inquisitive nature got the better of him as he took a closer look at the darkening letters before offering his deduction. “It must be a slow developing, reappearing, invisible spray of some kind. Your sensor didn’t detect it until it started to appear. No telling how long before it was applied.”

  “Well, this is all very fascinating, but we should get heading back,” Eve said with a slight nervous apprehension.

  “Huh. What? Oh, yeah,” Michael stuttered through his lost in thought moment, getting back to social conventions. Just realizing in order to get a closer look at the graffiti strewn painting, he had to let go of Eve’s hand. Now feeling the vacant emptiness, he stepped back over and retook her open, waiting hand.

  “Sorry for your troubles, Mr. Rosemary. But please let me know if you figure out how they did it. I would kind of like to know.”

  “Oh, we will get to the bottom of this, I assure you. These punks may think they are pretty smart, but so are we.” Caretaker Rosemary said with conviction.

  “I understand the need for asking questions about the way things are, but I just don’t see how vandalizing public artworks will solve anything.” Michael added before leaving with Eve.

  Walking hand in hand toward the exit, leaning on each other in affectionately close proximity, Michael and Eve appeared to be the perfect young couple heading into a bright future filled with loving bliss.

  “I believe at heart the FWF has the best intentions behind their cause, but free will at what cost. In the end, it was our selfish need to say or do whatever we wanted that bred the arrogant belief we were better than other people were just because we lived in a free land. We became prisoners of our own freedom. There needs to be a balance, which is why you and I are here, today.”

  “To restore the balance,” Eve added as they exited the museum’s rear entrance leading out to the back parking lot.

  Feeling the late day sun on his face, Michael just smiled at the thought a moment before replying. “Maybe we are. Let’s not ponder on these philosophical matters too long and go get some lunch.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Eve agreed.

  After the initial ease in which she accomplished the first part of her mission, a growing uncertainty started to creep up in the back of Eve’s mind. Nothing could have prepared her for the next part. The quandary of her decision to reveal to Michael she was really a member of the FWF, especially selected for him by the rebel group, and she was the one who marked General Cain’s portrait on specific orders to gage his reaction. Or the most difficult part, how to tell him about a recently rediscovered DNA sample proving he was the only living heir and a direct descendant of the Prophet Warrior.


bsp; The End of Prelude to Volume One: Forever Tomorrow of

  The Book of Tomorrows

  Also available from Alexander Ulysses Thor in EBooks & Print:

  Bright Night Past Yesterday

  Book One: Forever Tomorrow

  Volume One: The Book of Tomorrows

  Dark Light Present Today

  Book Two: Forever Tomorrow

  Volume One: The Book of Tomorrows

  Coming soon

  I, Messiah

  Volume Two: The Book of Tomorrows

  The Prophet Warrior

  Volume Three: The Book of Tomorrows

  Evening Dawn Future Tomorrow

  Book Three: Forever Tomorrow

  Volume One: The Book of Tomorrows


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