Book Read Free


Page 5

by Jessica Marx

  “I don’t know. I haven’t got that far yet,” I admit.

  “Shit, bro. This sounds serious. You’ve fallen for her and you haven’t even had a taste of the pussy yet.” Jake whips his arm and makes a slashing sound.

  “Whatever, man.”

  He laughs at me and we start talking about some of the new plays. Jake is right. I’m really falling for this girl.

  Chapter 12


  “You’re kidding, right?” I ask Tim in disbelief.

  Tim is hanging out at our house with Kelly tonight. He comes by the house often - I don’t mind at all. Tim’s easy to talk to and it’s always nice to have a male perspective on things when needed. He was just as helpful as Kelly when I went through my break up with Ryder - maybe even more so.

  Tim just finished telling me about Jaxson’s academic accomplishments. Ever the avid sports fan, he knows a lot more than necessary about many of players. Being from the same home town, he made it a point to follow Jaxson’s career.

  “So he knew he had a really good chance of getting Mikey’s grade up,” I say, staring off into space. Everything makes much more sense now. I’m going to be eating my own words, along with dinner with Jaxson. I played right into his hand.

  “I’m sure he did,” Kelly says, “who cares? Go out and have some fun.”

  “Kelly’s right, Syd. The guy is really into you. Why don’t you go out with him and see what happens?”

  “Like you can tell he’s into me from the two minutes you spent in the same room?” I challenge Tim.

  “Yeah, I can.”

  “Well, he’s into a lot of girls. I’m sure you know the facts about that too.”

  “I do, but I know a crush when I see one.” I blush at Tim’s comment. “Besides, he showed up at your door for no real reason. He just as easily could have found your number and sent a text - or waited until school tomorrow.”

  “Tim’s right,” Kelly squeezes his hand, “it’s so obvious that you’re both into each other. Make it happen, girl.”

  “You guys are cute,” I say facetiously with an eye roll.

  I get up from my seat on the couch so Kelly and Tim can have the living room to themselves. These two, I smile to myself. Just because they’re in love, they think everyone else should be. Tim has a good point though. Jaxson had no real reason to be here. He wanted to be here. He made an excuse to come and see me. He wouldn’t go that far to make me think he’s into me, would he?

  Chapter 13


  I hand the blank test sheets out to the class. I’m more anxious about the grades than most of the students are. I smile at Mikey. He’s put in so much extra effort and time. I hope he does well - for his sake, of course.

  I heard he’s also been trying harder in his other classes. His math teacher told me he has done a complete turn around in his class as well - thanks to Coach James. Maybe the guy isn’t all bad. Especially that he’s using his free time to help a student out. He’s not obligated to tutor anyone. He’s doing it for himself - and a date with me - but that’s just social studies. Helping Mikey with math must mean he has a genuine interest in Mikey’s education goals. Unless Jaxson is trying to earn a date with Mr. Cafton too.

  While the students are taking the test, I begin grading the tests from my earlier classes. I made the majority of the questions multiple choice, but added a small discussion question to see if the students know what they’re talking about, or are just spewing back facts. I look up when I notice something out of the corner of my eye.

  Jaxson is standing in the hallway outside my door. When he sees me looking, he uses his pointer finger to write the letter ‘A’ in the air, then gives me two thumbs up and that cute boyish smile of his. I can’t help but smile back - even though he’s gloating. I shake my head at him. I put my hands together to form a letter ‘W’ in reply to signify ‘whatever’ and roll my eyes at him. Jaxson laughs and walks away.

  My heart is racing, I want to follow him. I want to be with him - but that’s crazy.

  I recall the countless times in this very same school that I would get this same feeling in my gut, seeing that very same guy in the halls. The only difference is that now, he’s looking back at me. He’s trying to get my attention. Jaxson James never noticed me when we were in school together - except for that one night. Trust me - I hoped and prayed and dreamed about getting my chance with him - but that was long ago. He broke my heart. I should know better now.

  The first student to finish the test places it on my desk, startling me out of my daydream. I look at the clock. There are still fifteen minutes left to finish the test. One by one, more students come up with their completed work. I glance at Mikey who is still writing. I silently cheer him on. I hope he can finish. If he doesn’t, there’s no way he will get a decent grade. That will mean no date for me - and I’m suddenly aware of how disappointed I would be.

  Mikey and the couple of other classmates who haven’t finished start writing frantically when I announce that there are two minutes left. They have had plenty of time to complete the work, but I know some kids will take longer. The bell rings and the class shuffles out into the halls. The three of them hand in their tests on the way out.

  “I tried really hard, Ms. Hayes,” Mikey comments with a weak smile. He looks worried.

  “I know you’ve been working hard. I’m sure you did great,” I encourage him. I’m just not sure he did. He looks defeated.

  My next class is already walking in, so I don’t have time to look over their answers yet. I’m very curious what the future holds - for Mikey and for me.

  Chapter 14


  I rush from my own practice today to get to Mesquite. I want to see how Mikey did on his tests - especially social studies. I get to the school just in time to peek in on Sydney’s class. She makes me smile in a way no other woman ever has.

  I’ve never had trouble finding happiness in a woman. It’s just that usually it’s happening while my dick is getting wet. This can be accomplished in several different ways, all of which are extremely satisfying. With Sydney though, it’s not about that. Just seeing her gets me excited. Not that I would complain if she wanted to wrap those sweet lips around my cock. She just doesn’t have to to get my attention.

  I get caught up speaking with Coach Johnson before Mesquite’s practice. He definitely likes having me here. I was worried at first that he would be annoyed or intimidated, but he’s using it as a learning experience. It’s flattering, but he has a lot of questions today. I was hoping to check on Mikey’s grade before the final bell rang, but it’s too late.

  The team begins to file into the locker room to get ready. I stop Mikey and pull him aside, “how did it go today?” I ask. He has no idea about my bet with Sydney.

  “I don’t know,” he replies sheepishly, “I think I did good, but I’m not sure.”

  “I’m sure you did great,” I assure him. He better have. His team needs him, and I need his teacher.

  “We’ll see. Thanks for all your help, coach. I wouldn’t have stood a chance without you.”

  I beam at him. It feels good to have someone look up to me like that. He’s honestly thankful to have me around - and not just for football. I’ve never done any kind of mentoring or coaching like this. As much as I was dreading it, I really like how rewarding it is.

  I use some of my own team’s practice drills with Mesquite’s offensive line today. I’m working with the quarterback and receivers helping them find their window. It’s a great drill for teaching the receiver to concentrate, and the quarterback to focus on timing. We repeat the same steps, rotating receivers and giving the running back a turn. They seem to be responding well to this one - especially when I tell them I did it with my own team this morning.

  About an hour into practice, I catch a glimpse of Sydney walking to her car. The faculty parking lot is close enough that I could yell and she would hear me, but that would sound very desperate - which is
exactly how I feel right now.

  I watch her walk, willing her to look my way. I’m only half paying attention to the team when a ball goes whipping past my head. I jump out of the way just in time. The boys apologize and laugh. I don’t think they saw what I was looking at, but Sydney did because she’s shaking her head at me. I can see her toothy smile as she laughs at me too. She gets in her car and leaves.

  Shit. I want to know how Mikey did on his test. He was so unsure, but he had to have passed. I made very sure he knew that information backwards and forwards. Sydney knows I want to know too. She was probably laughing at me for more than just having a football thrown at my head.

  We finish out practice and I head to my car straight from the field. I think about popping in on Sydney again, but I can’t. This flirt and tease game we have going on is working to my advantage. I think if I give too much, it will turn her off. For a shy girl, she seems to be a worthy opponent in this little game. There must be a lot more under that prissy teacher act than she wants me to know - and I plan on finding out.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s Nadia. I haven’t heard anything from her in a few days. I can’t say I’m happy to hear from her now.

  “Jax. It’s Nadia.”

  “Hi, Nadia,” I say, already annoyed. I automatically feel like I’m in trouble when her voice is on the other end of the line.

  “How are things in small town U.S.A.?”

  “Ha ha. Actually, it’s going much better than I expected.”

  “That’s surprising to hear,” she sounds disappointed, “look, you’re doing a great job laying low and all. News about you coaching the Bad News Bears is everywhere. Your name is really on the up and up.”

  “Sounds like there’s a ‘but’ coming.”

  “Athletic and perceptive,” she sighs, “but,” she exaggerates, “some of your sponsors aren’t as pleased.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Well, while you’re over there hiding out and being a good boy, you’re also losing a lot of your media coverage.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” I ask impatiently.

  “Kind of. The thing is, even when you were…up to no good, every photo of you wearing or using one of the sponsor’s products, brought them business. Now that you’re no where to be seen, your reputation is much better, but their exposure is on a downslide.”

  Sometimes, being in the limelight isn’t as easy as it appears. “What is it you need me to do?” I ask.

  “Go out. Be seen. Show your face - maybe even with some women. Just keep it PG.”

  I think about my potential date with Sydney, “I can do that. I actually have a date planned.”

  “A date? Wow, small town life must really be getting to you,” she says smugly, “that’s good though. Go someplace public. Make sure people know who you are.”

  “There are like three restaurants in Mesquite and everyone knows everyone. It shouldn’t be too difficult to get noticed.”

  “Excellent. Make it happen.”

  “Sure, Nadia.” I roll my eyes.

  “If you can stand it, maybe take her out a few times. Make it look like you’re settling down. The media will eat that up.”

  I’m hoping I get to do just that. “Let me try to make it through the first date. Then we’ll see what happens.”

  “Fine. You're doing great so far, I trust you.”

  The line goes dead before I can say goodbye. Nadia isn’t one for small talk or niceties. She said her piece and she was done. It’s easy to see how she got her reputation.

  I drive home, taking a spin passed Sydney’s house. She’s right off the main drag in town, so it’s not really out of the way, which is good because I wouldn’t want to look like a stalker if she caught me. This girl is making me feel things I’ve never felt before. Without doing much at all, she got inside my head. Now, all I want is to get inside of her.


  I was surprised that Jaxson didn’t come by my classroom before practice yesterday to see what Mikey’s grade was. For a second, I even expected him to show up at my door again -I was kind of hoping he would, actually - but he didn’t.

  My first period class is dragging on. I’m lecturing the students about early American history, but my head is in the clouds. Each time someone passes by my classroom, I glance out into the hall. I know Jaxson isn’t on campus this early. He has his own team practice to attend. Looking for him is beginning to become a habit though.

  I don’t have Mikey’s class until after lunch. I wonder what his reaction will be when he sees his paper. I know what mine was when I graded it. This day feels so long already. I spend my lunch hour in the faculty lounge making conversation and trying to keep my mind off of Jaxson. It’s not working. I can’t wait to see his face.

  When the afternoon finally arrives, and my class is seated, I hand back their tests. Mikey doesn’t know how much I was rooting for him - or why - so I don’t show any emotion other than a kind smile when I hand his test back. He looks up at me with wide eyes. He’s as surprised as I was.

  I write some notes on the board and go over some new material. I glance at the clock a few times, most of my students do the same. Everyone gets antsy this time of day. We each have our reasons. The bell finally rings. One more class to go before Jaxson shows up to hear the results. He didn’t specifically tell me so, but I know he will be here.

  When the final bell of the day rings, my classroom quickly empties. I erase my board and make myself busy collecting papers and tidying up. Who am I kidding? I’m wasting time in the hopes that Jaxson will appear. Where is he, anyway?

  After a half hour, I’m out of things to do. I bend down to replace a stack of books onto one of the shelves under the window.

  “Well, that’s a side of you I haven’t seen yet.”

  The sound of Jaxson’s voice and his inappropriate comment draw a smile to my lips. I relish in the feeling for a moment before putting on my serious face and turning around.

  Jaxson looks gorgeous. He’s leaning against the doorway. He has on jeans and a tee shirt that looks like it’s struggling to stay together around his bulging arms. His dimple highlights that crooked smile that makes me melt a little bit more every time I see it. His gray eyes sparkle as they look right through me. Every bone in my body is aching to touch him right now. Fuck. How does he do that?

  He lets me take him in a minute longer before standing up and walking in.

  “You ever listen to Van Halen?” he asks.

  “That’s a pretty random question, but I have, yes. Why?” I look at him curiously.

  “Every time I walk into your classroom, Ms. Hayes,” he takes several steps closer to me, “I hear the opening riff from the song ‘Hot for Teacher’.”

  He’s standing right in front of me. I shuffle from one foot to the other. I can’t stand still. “You’re crazy.”


  He takes another step toward me. He’s close enough that I can smell his fresh showered body. He must have come straight from practice. I take a deep breath, taking his scent in. I picture him in the shower, but have to stop myself. I’m really turned on now, but I’m in my classroom - at school - my job. This is as close as we’re going to get.

  “I assume you’re here to see what Mikey’s grade was?” I ask quietly.

  Trying to keep my professional demeanor while imagining Jaxson in the shower is not easy.

  “There you go assuming things again.” Jaxson teases.

  He’s smirking. He’s reading my mind - I know it. I roll my eyes and try to look annoyed. I don’t think it’s working.

  “Well, Mikey has his test now. You can ask him, if you like.”

  Jaxson chuckles, “playing hard to get, are we?”

  I blush, “no.”

  He leans in a little closer, “why don’t you tell me his grade then, Ms. Hayes.” The way he’s speaking and the sound of his voice convey much more than what he’s asking me. I feel like I’m being propositioned for…I
don’t know what - but whatever it is, I want it.

  “He got a ‘B’,” I say, almost whispering.

  Jaxson looks disappointed, “a ‘B’ or a ‘B plus’?”


  His impish grin spreads into a full blown smile, “well, well, Ms. Hayes. Looks like you lost our little bet.”

  “I should have left it at an ‘A’, I would have been safe.”

  “Safe is never as much fun.” My nipples harden. He’s talking like this on purpose - he has to be.

  “I guess I have to go out with you then,” I concede.

  “No, you don’t.”

  His reply knocks me off guard, “what?”

  “You don’t have to go out with me. I would never force a woman to do anything she didn’t want to.”

  “Oh.” Shit. A little piece of my heart breaks. He was playing a game with my head and I fell for it.

  Jaxson’s face lights up. He gazes into my eyes, “I mean, if you want to go out with me, that’s different.”

  I blush again, “I might.”

  “You might what?” he prods an answer out of me.

  “I might want to go out with you.” Oh my God. This is so embarrassing, “why are you making me say it?”

  “I want to be sure you want me. I mean - to go out with me,” Jaxson purposefully mistakes his words and winks at me, “plus, I like watching you squirm. It’s hot.”

  I wish I could stop myself from blushing, but I can’t, “I never said I wanted you. I only said I might want to go out with you.”

  “Same thing.”

  “You’re too much,” I giggle.

  “You have no idea,” he replies seductively, “so are we doing this, or what?”

  I relax with those words and laugh, “yeah. I want to do it,” I say, realizing what that must sound like to a man who speaks in sexual innuendos, “I want to go out with you.”

  “Same thing.” He winks again, “I’ll pick you up at seven.”


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