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Page 28

by Jessica Marx

  “I was afraid last night was just a dream,” she says.

  “Nope. It happened. I was pretty fucking amazing though, so I can see how you might think that.”

  Beth laughs, “yes, you were. Feels like you’re ready to go again,” she says, noting my morning wood.

  “I’ve been waiting eight years, babe. We have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

  Beth reaches her hand back and grabs my ass, pulling me into her in agreement. I massage her breasts in my hands, both of us enjoying the feeling. I run my hands over her belly and down between her legs. She’s already wet and ready for me. I sink myself inside her and groan.

  Fuck. I love this woman. I’m never going to let her go - not again.


  “So, what happens now?” I ask Shane. He’s getting dressed for a meeting.

  “You can stay here and look pretty until I get back.”

  “I’ve been here for two days now. I think I have to get back to work.”

  “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “Definitely not. That’s a terrible idea.” I laugh at the thought of walking into work with Shane on my arm.

  Shane and I spoke about me going back to work with the Westbrooks. It’s going to be weird. Even if they want me to stay, I can’t. I have to find a new job with a different agency.

  I have a feeling they don’t know about Chad and I yet. I would think Claire would reach out to me if she did. Chad’s been texting me that we need to talk, but I haven’t answered yet. Whatever he told his parents doesn’t matter. I’m going to make sure they know the truth. Fuck him.

  Normally, I wouldn’t care what they thought about me, or why Chad and I are breaking up but the Westbrooks have a lot of power around here. If I want to keep my reputation in tact, and be able to find work anywhere, I need the truth to be told.

  “I’m going to take care of it today. I can’t hide out here forever.”

  “Sure you can,” Shane replies, raising his eyebrows, “I’ll keep you here as my sex slave. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “Sounds fantastic,” I joke. “Speaking of ‘not telling anyone’, what are we going to do about my father?”

  “Big Dan? Don’t worry. I’ll take care of Big Dan.”

  “Want me to go with you?” I offer. I still have no idea what happened between them, but I love Shane. I want things to go well this time around.

  “No, thanks. You take care of your business and I’ll take care of mine.”

  Thinking about what might transpire concerns me. Shane can see it in my face.

  “Don’t worry, babe. I got this. We got this.”

  I walk over and hug him, “you’re right, babe. We got this.”

  Shane drops me off at my house on the way to his meeting. I don’t expect to run into Chad - I told him not to come back. Besides, he’s such a creature of habit, he wouldn’t be home this time of day anyway.

  As soon as I enter, I’m disgusted. I hate this house and everything it represents. All the white, pristine furniture. Everything neat and tidy. The fancy gadgets. The huge television. Everything Chad ever wanted - I agreed to. What an idiot I was. That’s not like me. This house isn’t like me. Now that I’m finally free, I see everything for what it is. I’ve been living a lie.

  I walk upstairs to shower and put on some fresh clothing. I want to look professional when I go to the office today. I take my time getting ready, I’m procrastinating, dreading the day ahead.

  Since I’m wasting time anyway, I decide to call Abby. I should fill her in on what’s been going on. She answers just before her voicemail picks up.

  “Hey, sista,” she greets me.

  “Hey, Abby. How are you?”

  “Pretty good. The semester is just about over so I’ll be able to relax again soon. How are you?”

  “Good. I’ve had an interesting couple of weeks.”

  “So I heard,” Abby replies.

  “You heard? What? From who?”

  “Come on. Just because I’m not around doesn’t mean I’m out of the loop.”

  “Seriously?” who would she have spoken to? “What do you know?”

  “Let’s see. I know Shane’s back - you told me that. I also know Chad is now officially the douchebag we all thought he was.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Tommy told me. He wanted to run a couple things by me.”

  “Shit. I didn’t realize you guys spoke so often.”

  “We don’t speak often - only when our sister’s boyfriend is a cheating asshole and her ex-lover who disappeared for eight years returns to try and win her back.”

  I laugh, “you make my life sound so interesting.”

  “Are you kidding? Your life is like a made for TV movie. I mean, right now it is, anyway.”

  “I guess when you break it down like that, it sounds pretty crazy.”

  “So tell me what’s going on with Shane. Is he still gorgeous?”

  “I knew you always had a crush on him,” I kid.

  “Of course. What girl didn’t back then?”

  “True. I was lucky, wasn’t I?” I reply, dreamily. “Well, Chad and I are over.”

  “Thank God.”

  “I never knew everyone disliked him so much.”

  “No one really disliked him. We just didn’t care for him - not for you anyway.”

  “I wish someone would have pointed this out sooner,” I say matter of factly, “would have saved me a lot of trouble.”

  “You wouldn’t have listened. You’re stubborn like that.”

  She’s right. “Well, Shane and I have been hanging out.”

  “Hanging out?”

  “Yeah. I guess we’re kind of back together.”

  “Kind of? Like, you’re fucking?”

  “No! I mean, well, yes, but not really. It’s so much more than that.”

  “You guys always did have something special,” Abby says seriously.

  “Yeah. It was special. It is special. It’s nothing like what I had with Chad.”

  “That’s a good thing. Have you told Mo and Big Dan yet?”

  I hesitate, “No. Why? Did you or Tommy?

  Abby laughs, “Hell no. That’s all you. I’m just glad I’ll be there next week to see it all go down.”

  “You’ll be too late. It’s going down tonight.”



  “Are you scared? There’s a fair chance dad might try to kill Shane.”

  “We’re adults now, Abby. I think they can talk it out - whatever it is - or was.”

  “You keep telling yourself that.”

  “Ugh. I know,” I admit, “I’m a little nervous.”

  “Don’t be. Shane seems like a good guy. He’s got his shit together now. He owns a successful business. He’s donating a fucking community center! Come on. You can’t get much more wholesome than that. He’s not just the kid from the bad side of town anymore. Even dad will have to recognize that.”

  “You’re right,” I grin, “he’s a man now. A good man. Dad will be able to see that. Hopefully he can swallow his pride and move on. Seems the rest of us have.”

  “I’m sure he will. I just hope he lets Shane speak before he tries to kill him. Otherwise, they won’t get anywhere,” Abby laughs at her own joke. “I have to get going. I’ll see you next week when Zach and I get into town.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  “Me either.”

  “Thanks, Abs.”

  “Any time. Love ya like a sister.”

  I chuckle, “love you too.”

  I’m so glad I called Abby. She’s always good for a laugh. She also makes everything seem so simple.

  I finish dressing and collect my things. I have some catching up to do, but first, I need to face the Westbrooks.

  I drive into town feeling pretty good about myself. I have nothing to be scared or ashamed of. Chad is the asshole here, not me.

  I shouldn’t feel guilty about sleeping with S
hane. It never would have happened if Chad wasn’t cheating on me. Even if there’s a chance it could have happened, we’ll never know. As far as I’m concerned, this is Chad’s fault.

  Matter of fact, I should be thanking him. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be with Shane. I would never know what true love really feels like - God knows he was never going to show me. Thanks, Chad, you dick. I guess in the end he was good for something after all.

  I take a sigh of relief when I don’t see Chad’s car in the lot. I may not give a shit about him, but that doesn’t mean I want to see him either. I take my purse, making sure everything I need is still in there. This is it.

  I push open the door with purpose. I walk in like I own the place. I’m ready for whatever this power couple throws at me.

  “Good afternoon, Beth,” Claire greets me, “how are you feeling?”

  I look at her, confused.

  “Chad told us you’ve been feeling under the weather,” she clarifies.

  “Did he?” I ask, not sure how to approach the situation now. I came in ready to battle.

  “Are you okay?” Claire asks, confused now as well.

  I notice the office door behind her is open. Arnold must not be here. I’m glad. Now I only have to face one parent. Let Claire pass on the news.

  “I’m fine, Claire. Thanks,” I say, searching for words.

  “You don’t seem like yourself, Beth - no offense.”

  “Actually, I don’t feel much like myself.” Here we go, “I’ve recently found out some disturbing news.”

  I’m coming off very business like.

  Claire looks at me expectantly, “is it one of your listings? Did something happen?”

  “No. Well, yes,” I’m losing my fervor, “Something happened with Chad.”

  “Oh my God! Is he okay?” Claire asks nervously.

  This really isn’t going how I thought it would. Apparently, I’m not very good at this, “Chad’s fine.”

  I think I should shut up and let the evidence speak for itself. I reach in my purse and pull out the manilla envelope Tommy gave me. I walk over to Claire’s desk and put it down in front of her.

  Claire looks up at me, unsure. I nod and she proceeds to open the envelope. I see the expression on her face change as she flips through the incriminating photos of Chad and his lovers.

  “Oh, no.”

  “Yes,” I reply.

  She turns the photos over so she doesn’t have to look anymore, “you’re sure he’s sleeping with these women?”

  Is she kidding? “Very sure. I caught him in the act.”

  “Oh, sweetie.”

  “Yeah. It was pretty unpleasant - for both of us.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “He has an apartment he keeps just for this purpose,” I inform her, taking the photos back. I don’t know why, but I feel like I need them.


  “I was pretty surprised myself,” I admit.

  “I thought he was different.”

  “What?” I ask, not sure what she’s referring to.

  “I thought he’d be different than his father. I thought after seeing Arnold disrespect me so many times…” she trails off.

  “What are you saying?” I’m not sure how Claire is managing to make this about her, but I want to know what she’s referring to.

  “Arnold. He cheats. He’s done it many times. Sometimes out in the open - like he doesn’t care who knows.”

  “I never knew,” I respond, astonished.

  “It’s not something we usually talk about,” she replies dryly, “but most of our circle knows.” Claire puts her head down.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I can’t say I’m happy that my son has turned into his father,” she admits, “but I’m glad you’re not going to turn into someone like me.”

  My jaw drops. Is society’s queen really admitting that she hates what she’s become? I feel bad for her, but so relieved I won’t share the same fate.

  “I don’t understand. Why have you stayed with him all these years?”

  “It’s just how I was brought up,” she explains, “and Arnold takes care of me. I have everything I could possibly want. We are admired in the community. I don't want to give that up.”

  “As long as you’re happy living that way, it’s your business.”

  I don’t need to drag this on. I will never understand how or why Claire chooses to stay in her situation. To each their own. She can stay with a man that treats her like another one of his belongings, but I won’t.

  “I’m going to clean out my desk. I think it’s best if I don’t work in the office for now.” I approach my desk but there’s not much there to take. Just some files and contact information. There’s a framed photo of Chad and I but I definitely don’t want that.

  “I would hate to lose you from the business. You’ve become a quite notable agent,” Claire states somberly.

  “I just don’t know what to do right now, Claire. I love my job, but I don’t want anything to do with your son.” That sounded nastier than I meant it to be, “no offense.”

  “I understand, Beth. This week seems to be full of unpleasant surprises.”

  “Did something else happen?” I ask, leaning into my bottom drawer. I’m asking more out of courtesy than concern.

  “Honestly, I don’t know what’s going on. I was already having a terrible day before you came in and told me about Chad.”

  She sounds distraught which is very out of character. I look up, “are you okay?”

  “No, not really,” Claire explains, “there have been some official looking men here the last couple of days. Today they came in and asked Arnold to come in and answer some questions.” She sighs, “he’s not under arrest and he told me not to worry about anything, that they’re looking into something he might have some information about. I just… I don’t know. Perhaps it’s best if you left for now. Who knows what’s going on? You don’t need to be involved.”

  Holy shit. What is she talking about? ‘Official men’? What kind of situation could the Westbrooks be involved in? Maybe something happened with one of their developments - or their clients.

  In this case, I shouldn’t think too much about it. Whatever is happening, she’s right, it’s nothing I want to be involved in. If the agency is any part of it, the authorities will find me I’m needed. Regardless, the best thing I can do now is just get out of here.

  “Thank you for everything Claire,” I say, throwing the full bag of belongings over my shoulder, “but I think you’re right, I don’t need to be involved.”

  “We’ll work something out so you can at least finish the transactions you’re in the middle of now. Hopefully we can think of another arrangement for the future.”

  I don’t think so, “thanks, Claire. That means a lot.”

  I start to walk towards the door. I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to be.

  Claire stands and reaches for me, “for what it’s worth, Beth, my son is an asshole for screwing this up. You deserve better.” She embraces me. This is the most emotion Claire’s ever shown me.

  “Thanks,” I reply. I’m not sure what else to say.

  We release each other. Claire shuffles back to her desk, I walk out the door.

  I glance through the large window on my way past. Claire looks so broken sitting in the office all alone. I never thought about it before, but knowing what I know now, maybe I meant something to her. Not just as her son’s girlfriend and one of her agents, but like a soul sister of sorts. I feel bad now - leaving her. She’s a Westbrook though, she’ll be fine.


  This is it. This is the moment of truth. I’m about to confront the man who sent me away - forced me to leave. I have to make things right with him. If Beth and I want to be together, I have to face my demons.

  Standing on the porch, I feel like I’ve been transformed back to my teenage years. It’s not that I’m scared of Dan - I’m not. I’m fea
rful of the unknown. Only him and I know exactly what happened that fateful night. The fact that his family believes he paid me to leave and that’s all there was to it says a lot. Did they ever think to ask where he came up with that kind of money? Probably not. No one questioned Big Dan.

  I stand in the doorway collecting my thoughts. No matter what happens, I’m not leaving here without Dan’s blessing.

  I take one final breath and ring the bell. I hear movement inside and doubt sets in. What if he closes the door in my face? I won’t let him. Dan’s a stubborn man but I know something about him that no one else knows. If I need to pull that card - I will.

  The sound of the lock opening calls me to attention. I straighten up. The door opens. Silence.

  The face looking at me is just how I remember it - just older. Big Dan doesn’t look as big as he used to though. Maybe because I’m grown, maybe because he’s aged.

  He stares back at me, taken aback. I’m sure the last person Dan thought he would see on the other side of the door was me. He looks stunned - but hasn’t closed the door yet. That’s a good sign.

  I take advantage of his shock, “Hi, Mr. Kaminsky.”

  “Shane?” he replies, as if confirming it’s really me.

  “In the flesh. Mind if I come in?” I ask boldly.

  “What? Sure, why not.”

  Dan pulls the door open and steps aside. This is going better than expected - so far.

  “What brings you here? You know all the kids are grown and moved out now,” he explains, walking to the kitchen.

  I follow him. I can’t determine if he’s telling me this because he thinks I don’t know, or he’s making conversation.

  Dan opens the refrigerator, “beer?” he offers.

  “Sure,” I accept.

  He pops off both tops and hands one to me, “I always knew this day would come.”

  Dan takes a long sip of his beer and leans back against the counter, “heard you’re going to build a community center.”

  “You heard correctly.”

  “That’s admirable. I assume that’s why you’re back,” he says, but it sounds more like a question.

  “Mostly.” This is the hard part.


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