by Jessica Marx

  “First of all, Ashley, you may be an adult by law, but Jayson is way too old for you. He’s a grown man who owns and runs a multimillion dollar corporation.”

  I blink. I knew Jayson must make nice money just from his apartment but wasn’t aware he was doing so well. But what the hell does that have to do with anything?

  “Not only is he too old for you—way too old—but he is a womanizer,” she continues. “I’m pretty sure I told you that before. He has never been serious with a woman and probably never will. Don’t think you will be any different than any of the other countless woman he’s bedded.” She makes a sound that’s half amusement, half disgust. “You’re just a lovesick college girl with a crush on an older man. You’re falling for the oldest trick in the book.”

  Thanks for the vote of confidence, I think, but I can’t form the words. I’m too pissed. When I say nothing, Mom fills the gap in our conversation with more vitriol.

  “And what about him being your stepbrother? Tom and I are getting married, for God’s sake! You cannot be dating my husband’s son. Move on, Ashley. This relationship you think you have will never work—none of it.”

  “Nice to know you care so much, Mom.” I snarl, finally finding my voice. “You obviously don’t think that much of my intelligence or ability to make decisions. I know about Jayson’s past—it’s not a secret. I’m aware of our age difference, too. Just because Dad cheated and left you for a younger woman doesn’t mean that all men are like that!”

  Mom starts to say something, but I cut her off. I’m not done. Nowhere near.

  “Maybe he’s like his own father, Tom,” I continue. “You know Tom, right? Perfect Tom, the man you love? The one that treats you like a queen—that Tom. Jayson is his son. Maybe he inherited some of his qualities. Did you ever think of that?”

  Mom snorts, and I can tell she’s going to dismiss me again. She almost gets my whole name out of her mouth before I interrupt her a second time. I can’t help it. Rage is making my blood boil.

  “You think Dad is such an asshole for what he did—and maybe he is—but you had many years of love and happiness. People change, it’s a part of life. Who cares how old he is? Who cares if you and Tom are getting married? We’re not kids. We’re not going to be living together under the same roof. We might be in love, doesn’t that count for something?”

  I finally stop, realizing that I’ve been yelling. I hate arguing with my mother, but I feel so much better now that everything is out in the open. This conversation has been so heated, but also completely liberating.

  “Okay, Ashley,” she says after a minute, her voice much quieter and more resigned now. “I don’t know what else to say. I think I’ve said my piece and you’ve said yours. It’s a lot for me to swallow right now. I need to think about all of this.”

  I sigh, putting my face in my hand. “Yeah. I’m sorry about yelling, Mom. I just don’t think you understand, and it’s frustrating.”

  “I don’t think you understand, either, Ashley. Let’s just try not to fight about it. I want to talk to Tom and see what he has to say. Maybe he can shed some light on the situation for me.”

  “Sure,” I answer.

  “Love you, Ashley,” she tells me. I know she means it, even though there is so much tension between us right now.

  “Love you too, Mom,” I reply, and we end the call.

  Well, that went pretty much just how I expected it to go: like a fucking nightmare.

  I’m pacing around my living room like I have been since my mother started in on me. I have so much anger and frustration built up, I don’t know what to do. If Jayson wasn’t Tom’s son, she couldn’t say half of those things—she wouldn’t know or have to.

  I hope Tom can talk some sense into her. Since she thinks he’s so amazing, maybe she’ll listen to reason if it’s coming from him.

  I decide I should call Jayson and fill him in on what happened. I dial his number as I continue to pace around the room and get his voicemail. I don’t bother leaving a message, what would I say? “Told my mother about us. She hates you. Call me back.” I know he’ll return my call when he sees my number so I just hang up.

  I go into the bathroom and undress while I wait for the shower water to warm up. I step in and let the warmth roll over me and sooth my tension. Showering was a good idea. I begin to loosen up and calm down.

  By the time I emerge, I feel much more settled. I brush my hair and my teeth again and go into my bedroom to get dressed. I put on some clean clothes and I definitely feel better than before.

  I head back into the living area and see my phone lit up. There is a text from Jayson.

  Been on the phone with my Dad. You really stirred shit up over there. Call u when I’m off. He wrote that almost fifteen minutes ago, probably shortly after I called him. Must not be going too well.

  No sooner do I have that thought than my phone rings. I already have it in my hand, so I answer it right away.

  “Hey,” I greet Jayson when I pick up the call.

  “Hello, beautiful. How’s your Sunday morning?” Jayson replies with a touch of sarcasm.

  “Just peachy,” I answer. “Guess you heard already.”

  “I did, I did. My father just called me in a panic. He wanted to make sure what Cynthia heard was true.”

  “And?” I ask, prompting him to continue.

  “It is,” he says with a laugh.

  I roll my eyes. “Ha, ha. Come on, what happened?”

  “Hard to say, exactly. He’s a little upset, but mostly because your mother is. He doesn’t care what I do with my love life but doesn’t want it having an effect on his.”

  “Makes sense,” I reply.

  “It does. We spoke about a bunch of different things. Pretty much everything Cynthia said to you. We came to the conclusion that the four of us should sit down and talk,” he informs me. Definitely not the news I was expecting to hear.

  “That sounds like a terrible idea,” I reply and Jayson chuckles.

  “It’s a great idea, Ashley, for a few reasons. Most important of which is because it was mine.”

  I make a face. “Why would you even suggest something like that?”

  “Because it’s a great idea,” he says matter-of-factly. “We can just put everything out in the open and hash it out together. It will remove the middle man and all the ‘he said, she said’ bullshit. You and I are on the same page. My father mostly agrees with me, or doesn’t care as long as it doesn’t affect your mother, so we can all just try to convince Cynthia that you and I are perfect together and there’s nothing more to it. Without ganging up on her of course.” he adds.

  “You think we’re perfect together?” I ask. That’s the only part of his statement that I retain.

  “I do.”

  “Then hopefully my mom will understand. When is this meeting taking place?” I ask.

  “As soon as possible. They’ll come in and meet with us here in Manhattan. We’ll decide when you have your schedule for the week.” When Jayson mentions my schedule, I glance at the clock. With all these other things going on, I forgot I had to work today.

  “Shit! I have to go,” I tell him. “Thanks for trying to smooth things over, Jayson. I’ll call you later.”

  “Are you working late?” he asks quickly.

  “Not too late, it’s Sunday. I should be home early enough to call.”

  “Call me anyway. Try to enjoy your day,” Jayson says.

  “Thanks. I will. Talk to you later,” I say and end the call.

  I rush around my apartment getting ready and putting on my uniform. I’m glad I took a shower instead of going for a walk. I can’t believe I was so absentminded that I forgot about work.

  I put my hair in a ponytail and collect my purse and keys. I put my phone in my pocket, step into the hallway, and lock my door. I push the elevator call button impatiently and wait for it to get up to my floor. When I reach the lobby, I wave goodbye to the doorman and speed walk to the restaurant. I get
there with seconds to spare.

  I throw my things in the office, tie on my apron, and get right to work. The Sunday afternoon crowd is loud is big and there are lots of kids. It gets a little hectic, but with all the tension and rushing this morning, I fit right in.

  I bustle through brunch and lunch working faster than usual and the afternoon goes by in a flash. I follow my usual break routine and take my lunch and drink outside to sit in peace before the dinner folks start shuffling in.

  I pull my phone from my pocket and shoot a text to Rachel:

  The deed is done. Shit has hit the fan. I don’t think she teaches on Sundays, so I expect her to get back to me and she does almost immediately.

  Shit. Guess it didn’t go so well, She types in response.

  Not really. Having a “family meeting” this week, I write back.

  Haha. Sounds like a blast. Maybe Chris and I will come in later, Rachel sends back. I take a bite of my salad and sip of my drink before typing again.

  Sounds good. Maybe c u later. She sends me a thumbs up in response.

  I send a text to Jayson while I have my phone out.

  Miss u a lot today, I write and send. I haven’t really opened up to him like that before. Only as a response to his own statements. He writes right back.

  Miss you too. Everything will be ok. Let’s hang tonight. I smile as I read that. I would love to see Jayson tonight. I’m not sure if Rachel and Chris are definitely coming by the restaurant later, but I’ll figure it out.

  Sure. I’ll call when I’m done, I reply and put my phone away.

  I only have a couple of minutes left and want to finish my lunch. I eat what’s left of my food and finish my iced tea in the same rushed manner I’ve been doing everything else in today. I clear the table and bring everything into the kitchen, then go to the ladies room to clean up. If this evening continues like the rest of the day, this shift will be over in no time.

  Luckily we are very busy and the night is flying by. As it begins to wind down, I work on cleaning and resetting my section. I’m looking forward to getting out of here and want to be ready to go when the time comes. I notice Rachel walk in and give me a little wave. I don’t see Chris, so maybe they had a change in plans. She sees I’m busy and makes her way to the bar where Brooke greets her. I know Rachel would prefer to see Sam, but I won’t be long anyway.

  I am at the coffee station making some cappuccinos for one of my last tables when I catch a glimpse of Jayson making his way to the bar. I wasn’t expecting him to come in, but I’m happy to see him. I don’t know if he and Rachel will remember each other, but it should be amusing if they do.

  I deliver the coffee and cappuccino to my customers and ask the other table I have if they would like anything else. They order some dessert and coffee—figures.

  I keep an eye on the bar to try and see what’s happening, if anything, between Jayson and Rachel. I’m surprised to see them sitting next to each other talking and smiling and it makes me very happy. It’s important that my best friend and my boyfriend like each other. Jayson definitely did not make a good impression the first time we met, so I’m glad he has a chance to redeem himself.

  I catch Brooke looking at them, also. She is sneering, probably wondering if he’s more of a player than a faithful boyfriend and planning to make her own move on him. She knows Rachel is my friend, though, so maybe that’s in my head.

  I deliver desserts to my last table and pick up the check from the other. I finish cleaning and doing my side work so once the last table pays their bill I’ll be done. I go to the ladies’ room to fix myself up a bit while I wait. I don’t want to hover over them, anyway.

  I forgot that I ran out of the house this morning without doing my hair or putting on makeup, and at this point, I look like a hot mess. I do the best I can to pretty myself up and go back out to the dining room.

  I wave at Rachel as I pass the bar. Jayson has his back to me and she gives me a thumbs-up in return. I am relieved things are going well, even more so when the last table asks for their bill and promptly pays it. I clear their table after they leave and I’m ready to hit the bar.

  I walk over to where Rachel and Jayson are sitting and take a seat next to Rachel. I smile at Brooke hoping she will come over and offer me a drink. She is not as friendly as Sam is, so I’m sure it will be a few minutes.

  “Hey, guys. Looks like you remembered each other.”

  “Actually, Jayson didn’t remember me at all,” Rachel responds.

  “Sorry. I only had eyes for one girl that night,” Jayson says, and I roll my eyes remembering the blonde I saw him with that same night.

  “It’s fine. I actually had a little fun with him when I got here. It was my payback,” Rachel says, smiling slyly.

  Jason rolls his eyes. “Yes. It was a lot of fun.”

  “What am I missing here?” I ask as Brooke finally makes her way over and asks what I would like. She takes a little longer than necessary to set the wine glass down and pour, probably so she can hear what’s going on.

  “I thought it would be fun to use some cheesy pick-up lines on Jayson,” Rachel says “Kudos to him, though. He told me he wasn’t interested because he has a serious girlfriend. If I was giving him the ‘are you faithful’ best friend test, he totally would have passed.”

  “Glad you found it so amusing,” Jayson says with a smile.

  “I did. And I don’t think you’re a douchebag anymore, so it kind of all has a happy ending,” Rachel tells him, looking at the both of us. “Seriously, though, it’s been nice getting to know you a bit for myself, not just through what Ashley tells me.”

  “Yes, it has. Although I’m sure she only tells you good things,” Jayson replies.

  “She tells me all the good things,” Rachel says with a wink.

  “Well, I’m glad you guys got that all ironed out. I think. What happened to Chris?” I ask Rachel.

  “He has to work early and didn’t feel like going anywhere. I thought I would come solo, anyway. I wanted to get the scoop on your mother, but maybe this isn’t the best time.”

  “It’s fine. Jayson is aware of everything that’s going on, obviously.” I take a long sip from my glass before I retell the story from this morning to them.

  “Oh, shit,” Rachel replies. “Your mom can be so harsh sometimes. Sorry, Ash.”

  “Whatever. It’s pretty much the reaction I expected. Luckily, Jayson suggested we all meet and settle everything together,” I tell her with a note of sarcasm.

  “Oh! Can I come?” Rachel jokes.

  “Sure! You can take my place.”

  “Come on Ashley, it won’t be so bad.” Jayson interrupts. “I’ll help Cynthia understand everything and we will be one big, happy family.” Rachel laughs and I roll my eyes again.

  “We’ll see what happens. For now, what should we do tonight?” I ask.

  “I think I’m going to head home. You have company now and Chris is probably all lonely without me,” Rachel says with a wink.

  “Okay. We can walk you, if you’d like,” I offer.

  “I’ll be fine. It’s just up the block. Thanks, though.”

  We all get up from our stools and take the last couple of sips of our drinks. I say goodnight to the few people from work who are still there and the three of us walk out the doors.

  “It was nice to meet you, Rachel—for real, this time,” Jayson says.

  “Nice to meet you, too. I’m glad we bumped into each other,” Rachel replies. She gives each of us a quick hug and walks in the direction of her apartment.

  “Where would you like to go now?” Jayson asks.

  I shrug. “I don’t know. What do you feel like doing?”

  “You,” he responds with a sly smile.

  “Come on, I’m serious,” I say.

  “Me too. Where do you want to go?”

  “Let’s go to my apartment. I rushed out today and would like to change out of these clothes and chill on my couch. Is that okay?”
/>   “Sure. I just want to be with you tonight. Doesn’t matter where.” He really knows how to make me feel special.

  “All right, then, let’s go,” I say. We reach our hands out simultaneously, which makes me smile, and walk back to my building hand in hand.

  It’s a Sunday night, so there aren’t many people out on the streets. We walk slowly and talk about this morning without getting angry or upset. Jayson has a way of making me feel good, like everything will just be okay, always. He lifts my worries and fears and replaces them with love and hope.

  By the time we reach my building, I’m not dreading our first official “family meeting” anymore. I’m not looking forward to it, either, but I know we will get through it.

  I say hello to the doorman as Jayson and I pass. We are still holding hands as we wait for the elevator. We ride up to the twenty-first floor and walk into my apartment. I pour us both a glass of water and open a bottle of wine I’ve had sitting on my counter for several weeks now. We clink glasses and each take a sip.

  “Why don’t you hang out here? I want to shower and change, if you don’t mind,” I suggest.

  “Sure. Unless you want some help,” Jayson offers.

  “I think I have it under control,” I reply.

  I toss the television remote at him and take a couple more sips of my wine before I walk into the bedroom. I don’t want to leave him out there for long, so I hurriedly turn the water on and undress. I shower quickly, soaping up my body and just rinsing my hair before getting out. I wrap myself in a towel and give my hair a fast comb through, then head back into the bedroom to get dressed.

  After a couple of steps, I stop in my tracks. Jayson is sitting on the edge of my bed. He pats the spot next to him indicating I should sit down there. I raise my eyebrows as I look at him.

  “Don’t be scared, Ashley,” Jayson teases me, patting the bed again.

  “You don’t scare me,” I say with a smirk as I walk over and stand next to the bed. “What’re you doing in here?”

  “Nothing. Just thought I would make myself comfortable while I waited. Are you going to sit down?” Jayson asks.


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