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Touched By You (The Touch Series)

Page 4

by t. h. snyder

  “You ready to hit the road and meet up with everyone at the marina.” I ask.

  “Sure, let’s just load up the car and we’ll get going.” He replies still pouting.

  “Hey don’t be a piss head today, Derrick. Everything will work out don’t stress about it okay. Today is supposed to be fun. Smile…for me?”

  I turn to face him and wrap my arms around his neck. He still has a pout on his face and his beautiful baby blues look so sad. I touch my lips to his and give him a kiss that will hopefully snap him out of his mood. He returns the kiss sliding his tongue into my mouth and grabbing my ass. I giggle in his embrace and feel a grin spread across his handsome face.

  “Now that’s much better.” I say pulling away to look at his smile.

  “Well if you would kiss me like that all day and let me have my way, I’d never stop smiling.” He replies with a devilish smirk.

  “You keep pushing pal and just wait and see what happens.”

  “Oh Chloe, is that a promise?” He asks.

  “You’ll just have to find out later tonight.” I say running my finger down his chest and grab the waistband of his shorts.

  “Shit Chloe, you make me crazy. How am I supposed to drive and go meet our parents when you keep making my dick hard like this?”

  “Think baseball love and let’s go.” I tell him while walking out the garage door to his car.

  “You suck Chloe!” He shouts after me.

  “Yes I do and if I recall you enjoy it when I do.” I giggle tossing the bags into his car.


  It’s a simple four letter word that is easy to pass through the lips but hard to say it to a person…unless that person is Chloe Taylor. I love her more than any man has ever loved another woman and I feel so lost without her. She’s been my best friend for nearly my entire life. We’ve gone through some pretty crazy times as friends, but nothing has meant more to me than the past four years as her boyfriend. I love spending time with her whether it’s with our families, our friends or just hanging alone with her. She consumes me with her eyes, her fiery touch and the ways in which she loves me.

  This summer has been fucktastic. Chloe and I have spent just about every day together and I couldn’t have asked for anything better, that’s unless she’d agree to move in with me. I’m not going to lie, I like playing house with her. I enjoy waking up with her body curled into mine. It’s better than I could ever have imagined, but she refuses to move in with me permanently until she finds a job. Believe me I get where she’s coming from, but I don’t see why she can’t move in and look for a job at the same time.

  She makes me want to be a better man but at the same time bang my head against the wall till my eyes roll out. I just can’t get enough of her and when she has to go home I toss and turn all night without her…it just sucks. It really fucking blows.

  I need to pry myself out of this funk before she gets here. If she sees me in a mood she’s going to exhaust herself trying to make me feel better. If she’d just listen to me and let me get my own way once in a while all this shit would be past us.

  Today we’re taking the Taylor and Peters crew out on the sail boat for a day of peace and relaxation before I start back to school tomorrow. This is just what we need to close out the summer in style. A nice day, some good food and a few adult beverages…perfect.

  The door opens and I can hear her footsteps and smell coffee.

  I turn to see her standing there in a fitted Red Sox tee and tiny white shorts. Just looking at her has my heart pounding in my chest and my shorts feeling tighter around my dick. Damn this girl does things to me.

  She comments about the look I’m giving her and I can only tease her back. I love the way my intensity effects her. We banter back in forth about the fact that she refuses to move in with me and it puts me back in a pissed off mood. If this girl would just let me get my own way and allow me to take care of her everything would just be perfect. But of course Chloe is a strong and independent woman, it’s one of the reasons I love her so much.

  I manage to load the food and bags into the car with the massive hard on Chloe gave me. Too bad I have to wait till later tonight for her to help me release the pent up pressure of my now aching blue balls.

  We pull into the marina just in time to meet up with our families. Everyone greets one another with hugs and then helps bring all the goods down to the boat. With assistance from Bryce and my dad we’re set to sail the lake in no time and the ladies prepare the spread of food to keep us going for the day. Once the sails are hoisted it’s time to kick back and relax.

  I can hear the banter going on among the group and I have to laugh at the topics of conversation. Dad and Bryce are chatting up about the Red Sox making the playoffs and mom, Teresa, Charlie and Chloe are discussing the appropriate clothing Chloe should wear when she’s on TV. I shake my head at all of them and try to choose where I want to join in. Since the guys seem to be having an important conversation, I decide to break up the women’s chatter.

  “So ladies are we having fun yet?” I ask sitting down next to Chloe.

  I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her into my embrace. Kissing the top of her head I can smell her sweet mango shampoo and suddenly I’m fully relaxed.

  “Yes honey of course we’re having a good time. Are you?” Mom asks me.

  “Yup.” I reply stretching out my legs and leaning back against the side of the boat.

  “This really is a beautiful day to be out on the lake. Thanks again for inviting us Derrick.” Teresa says.

  “Chloe and I figured we might as well spend the last day of summer out here with all of you. Once classes start up and Chloe goes to work, I don’t know how much free time we’ll have to spend together as a family.”

  Chloe turns and smiles at me as I rub my hand up and down her back. Looking at her my mind is at peace and I know that I’m the luckiest man in the world to be by her side. Everything has worked out for us. Through all of our struggles, between the stress of school and the distance we were apart, our relationship only grew to be stronger. The next few years will be just as good because Chloe will be there to help me get through the rough patches and I’ll be there to do the same for her.

  The next stage of our lives is already paved out for us. Now all we have to do is put our best foot forward and make it happen. There’s no doubt in my mind that this woman and I are meant to be together and the day I graduate from law school is the day I’ll ask her to be mine forever.

  Finally giving into Derricks need for me to live with him, I made the decision to move into his condo after the holidays. Since I’ve been working for the local news agency, WZDH Channel 7, I figure it’s time to make our living arrangement more permanent. Besides, I’m practically living here anyway.

  “Moving is absolute hell, well at least for me it is.” I complain to Char.

  “Chloe, it really isn’t going to be that bad. More than half of your shit is already at Derrick’s condo.” She replies.

  “Yeah, I know that. It still sucks having to pack up everything here at mom and dad’s house and then move it over there.”

  “Then why not hire a mover?” She asks.

  “Nah, I don’t have enough shit for that.”

  “Ugh, you drive me crazy Chloe. What can I help you with while I’m here?”

  Thankfully Char is the nicer sister out of the two of us and she helps me pack up my room in less than two hours. Now I just need Derrick to come over with his parent’s SUV so we can load it all up and get a move on. Moving is not one of my favorite things to do and although I don’t have a lot of stuff, I still feel like it’s taking forever.

  “Look, see that wasn’t so bad now was it?” Char asks.

  “For you maybe not, I just hate doing this stuff.”

  “Well at least we’re done.”

  I look up and see Derrick walking into my bedroom. He’s wearing an old Palmer High School tee-shirt and a pair of sweat pants that are riding low
on his hips. Taking a mental picture of this man is a must. How can he look so good on the day we’re moving. He comes over to me and grabs my hands to pull me up off the floor.

  “You look hot today.” He says.

  Char lets out a loud laugh and walks out of the room shaking her head.

  “Come on Derrick, I’m a mess and haven’t even showered today.”

  “I don’t care. You still look cute in your sweats and your hair falling out of this pony tail.

  Derrick grabs at my pony tail holder and pulls it from my hair.

  I shake my hair loose and it falls into my face.

  “That better?” I ask.

  “Holy shit! We better get this stuff back to our place so I can have my way with you.”

  “Yeah sounds good. But only if we can start in the shower.” I say with a giggle and a wink in his direction.

  Derrick pulls me in close to his body and nips at my lower lip and then slides his tongue into my mouth.

  “Yum, you taste good love. Let’s get this stuff in the SUVs before I can’t move from this hard on.”

  I punch him in the arm and grab a box to carry downstairs.

  “Well let’s go Derrick. The faster we move now, the slower we can take it later.”

  “Damn it Chloe, you’re killing me.” He replies while grabbing three boxes, stacking them and running past me down the stairs and out the front door.

  “Whoa there killer, what has him in such a hurry all of a sudden?” Char asks.

  I laugh at her question and follow Derrick out the door with Char on my heels. “Let’s just say I gave him an incentive to hurry up and get us home.”

  “I don’t even want to know…do I?” Char asks.

  “Probably not little sis.” I reply with a giggle.

  In a half hour, Derrick, Char and I have the Range Rover and Expedition packed and ready to head over to the condo. Char decides to tag along in her own car to help us unload. What a great kid sister I have. Really, she’s always there to lend a hand and I can always count on her when I’m in need of a friend. We’ve grown a bit closer now that I’m home from school. I just hope me moving out of the house doesn’t push us back apart.

  We all arrive at the condo one vehicle following the other into the driveway. Feeling tired from all this moving I just really want to get these boxes in the house and relax for the rest of the day. But knowing Derrick, he’ll want to organize where this shit should go right away. Maybe I can coerce him to wait till tomorrow if I offer him sex. I can always persuade him with some hanky panky. Yes that’s exactly what I’ll do.

  Derrick doesn’t hesitate to wait for Char or me to approach. He just starts to grab boxes and move them into the house. Damn it, there goes that idea of waiting to put them where they belong. Oh well, guess I better help out and get this shit put away. Then I’m showering and relaxing with him for the rest of the weekend. I think I like that plan much better. Derrick always knows what is best for me, even when we don’t communicate verbally. I’m one lucky lady.

  Watching Derrick run in and out of the house with boxes makes me laugh. He’s still motivated by our early conversation and I can only love him that much more that he’s busting his ass knowing sex is waiting for him.

  “Seriously Chloe, did he chug an energy drink on the way over here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him move that fast. Not even on the football field.” Char says.

  The expression on her face and her comment makes me laugh so hard I double over. Derrick comes running out of the house and over to us. His face is flushed and sweat is dripping down his face. Even though it’s freezing outside I can still see that he’s sweating under his sweatshirt.

  “What the hell is so funny ladies?” He asks wiping his brow and taking a swig of his water bottle.

  “Char asked what has you in such a hurry to unpack the boxes and I just had to laugh.”

  Derrick throws his arm around my waist and picks me up like I’m a football.

  “Well Char, you see. Your sister told me the faster I got her moved in the slower I can fuck her later.”

  “Oh my god, I think I just threw up in my mouth.” Char says holding her hands in front of her face.

  “Shut the hell up Char. I’m plenty sure Marc has his way with you when you two are alone.” Derrick says while carrying me into the house.

  “Regardless of what I do with my boyfriend, you surely don’t need to tell me about you and my sister’s sex life.” Char says.

  Derrick continues to carry me through the house and sits me down on the kitchen countertop. Even with their banter, I know that Derrick and Char love each other like brother and sister, they sure as hell fight like they’re related.

  “Can I get you something to eat or drink before you head home Char?” Derrick asks handing me a bottle of water and an apple.

  “Nah, I’m good. Do you guys need anything else before I head out?”

  I hop down off the counter and walk over to her giving her a big hug. “Thanks for all your help Char. It means a lot that you helped us out today.”

  “No worries Chloe. Well I better get going. I’m heading back to school tonight to go to Marc’s frat party. See you guys next weekend.”

  “Love you Char.” Derrick and I say in unison.

  “Love you guys too.” She says with a wave and is out the door.

  The past few months have mentally exhausted me and to think I have two and half more years of law school. Becoming a lawyer is something I’ve wanted since I was younger. I knew it was my calling and I wanted to make my Papa proud. My parents told me I could be whatever I wanted while I was growing up, but I felt like I was destined to do this.

  I knew that my courses would be challenging and believe me I love to bust my ass, but the next few years are going to give me a run for my money.

  Today, however, is the day I’ve been anticipating for five and half years. Ever since Chloe and I started dating I wanted to take her away and keep her for myself forever. Now we’re making things a little more permanent by her finally agreeing to move into my condo. It makes a lot of sense for us. She pretty much stays here every night anyway. But now she’s going to be here for good. I love the idea of knowing I can wake up every morning and she’ll be right there for me to curl into her warm body. Even better she’ll be here every night for me to fall asleep with.

  I make my way over to her parent’s house to grab the last few things she should be packing. We worked it out that her mom would take Chloe’s car today in exchange for the Expedition and I did the same with my mom. Having the two larger vehicles will hopefully mean we can get this all done in one trip. Tomorrow we’ll worry about switching cars back to their rightful owners.

  Walking up the stairs to Chloe’s room I hear her and Char chatting. I look into her bedroom and see that they are both sitting on the floor amongst a floor filled with boxes. Chloe sits there looking exhausted, but there’s still something that makes her look irresistible. She’s wearing black yoga pants and pink GAP hoodie. Her dark brown hair is somewhat pulled up into a ponytail, but for the most part it’s falling out in pieces around her face. She actually looks hot.

  I catch her giving me a once over and no doubt she’s thinking some dirty thoughts herself. We’re such a pair.

  Now to get her stuff packed into the cars and over to our place.

  Within record time Charlie, Chloe and I have loaded and unloaded both SUVs and now my girl is fully moved into our condo. I’m beyond excited to live with Chloe and start our lives together.

  After Charlie leaves Chloe and I decide to make some sandwiches to eat.

  “So this is your first official meal in your new house, pretty good right?”

  “Derrick if this is how you’re going to feed me now that we’re living together I might as well not unpack.” She says with a smile.

  “Shit, I guess I should have planned better and made you a full five course meal for your first night in your new home.” I say smiling right back at her

  “Yeah, guess you should have.” She says with a pout.

  “Oh man Chloe, I know you’re playing with me now, but I’m sure there’s some way I can make it up to you.” I say.

  I watch her respond to me as she looks up through her thick lashes and gives me a killer smile. We both know what is going to happen next. But at the same time we enjoy torturing the hell out of one another making the other wait to see who will break first.

  “Hmm, well Derrick you did upset me.” She says continuing to give me an adorable pout.

  “Bullshit sweetheart. But I’ll play along anyway. I can call your bluff.”

  “I hope whatever you have in mind is really good.” She continues to say while standing up from the kitchen stool right in front of me.

  Chloe puts her hands on my forearms and slides them up to my neck. She pulls me in closer to her, but keeps her face far enough away that I can’t reach her lips with mine. I want to taste her, to kiss her, but at the same time I want to see where she goes with this when I give her the control.

  “Oh love, I’ve hurt your feelings. You know I love you more than anything. What can I do to make it all up to you?” I ask pushing my hips into hers.

  I continue to lean against her body until she’s stopped by the kitchen countertop. The way this woman has me, there’s no way she can’t feel the arousal springing through my sweatpants and against her body. I brace us against the cabinets and put an arm on either side of her body. She looks at me with desire in her eyes and that gives me the push to make the next move. I smash my mouth against hers sliding my tongue into her mouth. Chloe lets out a moan and I pull her forward grabbing her ass and lifting her so that her legs are wrapped around my hips. We kiss for what feels like forever and then we pull apart taking in deep breaths.

  “Hmm well I think you can start by helping me get cleaned up from this day of moving.”

  “Hell yeah Angel, off to the shower we go.” I reply.


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