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The Mistletoe Mistress (Saints & Scoundrels)

Page 4

by Maddison Michaels

  “Um...excuse me? Mrs. Carlton?” Their housekeeper, Mrs. O’Dowd spoke from the doorway. “Um…the um…the Duke of Huntington is here to call upon you.”

  Mrs. O’Dowd looked rattled, standing there wringing her hands in her skirts, a foreign expression of nervousness shining in her eyes.

  “The Devil Duke is here? Calling on you, Holly?” Violet exclaimed, her mouth hanging agape for a moment. “Oh, my Lord, what happened last night? You only mentioned seeing Lord Blackthorn, not the Devil Duke, too.”

  “I met him briefly,” Holly replied in a harsh whisper. “How was I to know he’d come calling?”

  “Someone else is arriving too,” Daphne’s voice sang out from the window.

  Violet rushed back to the window. “Good gracious, it’s the Marquis of St. Giles.” She swiveled back to Holly, her eyes narrowing. “Is he coming to call on you also? You need to start talking, sister!”

  “Um, Mrs. Carlton?” Mrs. O’Dowd interrupted. “What about the duke? I can’t really just leave a duke standing in the entrance hall, can I?”

  Holly felt like she had to be dreaming. Nothing else made sense, even though she knew it was all too real to be a dream. But it did beg the question, what were two of London’s most infamous lords doing visiting her? Her, a supposed widow, whom they’d only just met last night. It made no sense. “Send him in Mrs. O’Dowd. And the Marquis too, once he arrives. And then please bring us in some tea and cakes, I suppose. If that’s what one even serves to men of their rank.”

  “They’ll probably need brandy,” Violet remarked. “I think we all will after today.”

  Holly for once, wholeheartedly agreed with her sister.

  “You probably should send in Lord Blackthorn too,” Daphne added, her voice filled with delight. “Considering he’s just shown up too.”

  “Michael is here?” The latest news made her head start pounding. Three of the Ton’s most notorious and eligible bachelors visiting her? Something was not right with the situation.

  “Michael?” Violet’s voice was completely unimpressed as she glanced over at Holly. “You haven’t seen him in years, yet you’re calling him by his first name? What really happened last night?”

  She all but rounded on her sister. “Nothing happened! It’s just, well, childhood habits can be hard to break. Now come on the both of you, sit before they get here.”

  Violet reluctantly took a seat on the chaise longue, while Daphne enthusiastically hurried across from the window and followed suit.

  “Fancy having a duke, a marquis, and a viscount come to visit you, Holly,” Daphne enthused, her blonde curls bobbing wildly in tune with her excited chatter. “How exciting! I simply cannot wait to tell my friends.”

  “Don’t you dare! The gossip will already be fierce if others have seen them arriving here,” Holly whispered. “And perhaps you shouldn’t even be here, Daphne. You’re having your coming out next year, and I have no intention of your reputation being tarnished even in the slightest.”

  “Sound advice,” a deep voice echoed from the doorway.

  Holly gulped, jumping up from her seat and turning toward the doorway. The Devil Duke was standing there, filling the entire doorway with his frame and wearing a wicked grin on his ridiculously handsome face, but thankfully he didn’t look bothered by Holly’s comment.

  “I apologize, Your Grace,” Holly rushed out. “I meant no insult.”

  The duke walked into the room over to Holly. He picked up her hand and slowly bent forward. “None taken, Mrs. Carlton,” he replied, before placing a deft kiss on her knuckles.

  Even Holly had to admit that the man’s sensuality was potent, though it didn’t affect her physically like Michael’s touch had. He looked to be the same height as Michael, and like Michael had blue eyes but darker midnight black hair, and though both men were dashingly handsome, there were shadows within the duke’s eyes that weren’t in Michael’s. Almost like a wall, protecting the duke from revealing anything truly about himself.

  “You bastard,” Michael’s voice growled from behind.

  Both Holly and the duke glanced up toward the doorway. Standing there, glaring at the Huntington with murder in his eyes was Michael, after having pushed St. Giles out of the way, with the man cursing loudly behind him.

  Holly thought she might have laughed, if she hadn’t been so confounded by their unexpected visit and odd behavior.

  She could all but feel the energy crackling off Michael and for a minute she was worried he was actually going to start something with the duke, right here in her sitting room. What had gotten into him? He was acting stupidly possessive, and if it had anything to do with that promise he made her brother, she thought she might just scream. “Would one of you mind telling me what on earth is going on here?”

  For safety sake, she took a step to stand in between the duke and Michael. She had a feeling that she might need to keep Michael from charging the man.

  “I don’t know about these two,” St. Giles said as he stepped through the doorway past Michael. “But I’ve come to call upon you, Mrs. Carlton, and pay my unreserved respects.”

  “You have?” She could hear the disbelief in her own voice.

  “We all have,” Huntington agreed, seemingly unconcerned about Michael’s upset. “Unfortunately, though it appears we all have terrible timing, bothering you three lovely ladies all at once.” He smiled at her two sisters and Holly could not resist rolling her eyes when both Violet and Daphne sighed in unison.

  Really, she thought she’d taught them better than to be taken in by a scoundrel and his smile. Though he wasn’t just any scoundrel, and it wasn’t just any smile. He was the Devil Duke and women fell at his feet all the time, and with that devastating smile of his, she could somewhat understand why. But if he thought to use his charms on her or her sisters, he was sorely mistaken.

  Even now, she could feel the fierce need to protect them from him start to rise within her.

  “Perhaps it would be best if we call on you another day,” the duke continued, his eyes flicking past her to Michael, who hadn’t said anything further. “Individually though.”

  Holly’s gaze darted between all three men. “Yes, perhaps that would be best.” She got the feeling that the sooner she could get them all out of her house, the better. Then, she could make some enquiries and find out what was really going on with the three of them.

  She was slightly astounded when the duke picked up her hand and kissed it again, almost as if he were baiting Michael, who bristled behind her like a great hulking bear, while St. Giles tried to stifle a chuckle. Holly felt like she was in some sort of theater production but had lost her script; not quite knowing what was going on but knowing that something definitely was. Something involving her.

  “Until next time, Mrs. Carlton.” The duke winked at her, before bowing toward her sisters. “Ladies.” Then, without a backward glance, he strode past her and Michael out the doorway, his boots clipping on the parquet flooring, fading gradually as he walked down the hallway to the entrance.

  “Mrs. Carlton.” St. Giles bowed toward her, though seemed to think better of kissing her hand, before he too turned and strode out the door.

  Michael began to bow but Holly snaked out her hand and grabbed his arm. “Oh no you do not! Don’t you dare think you are leaving until you tell me what is going on!”

  Her sisters gasped, while Michael simply stared at her, his eyes giving nothing away. “It is as the duke explained.”

  Holly narrowed her eyes on him and began to tap her foot. She had to do something to redirect her frustration. “What an amazing coincidence that you all just happened to call upon me today.”

  “Yes. Amazing.” Michael nodded, the aggressiveness that had been radiating from him a moment ago while the other two men had been present, dissipating like it had never been.

  Oh, the man frustrated her to no end! “Violet. Daphne. Please leave us, now.”

  Violet gasped. “We can’t do that! Yo
u can’t be left alone with someone of his reputation.” She looked somewhat sheepishly toward Michael, but crossed her hands over her chest in defiance. “Apologies, Lord Blackthorn, but it’s the truth,” she directed toward him.

  Briefly Holly smiled. It was nice to know her sister was being protective. “I shall be fine, Violet. I am a widow, after all. My reputation shall not be tarnished from a few moments alone with Lord Blackthorn.”


  “No buts, Violet,” Holly quickly interrupted her. She didn’t think Violet would purposefully reveal the truth, but her sister sometimes got rather passionate about things. “Please, Violet. I need to speak with him alone, just for a moment.”

  “Yes, come along, sister.” Daphne walked over to Violet and took her hand, forever the peacemaker between her two older sisters. “Holly shall be fine for we shall be waiting right outside in the corridor.” Her eyes narrowed upon Michael, in what Holly guessed was a warning for him to behave.

  She did love her sisters, even if they exasperated her sometimes.

  Reluctantly, Violet nodded and followed Daphne to the door. “A moment only.”

  They both stepped out into the hallway, shutting the door closed behind them, and leaving Holly alone in the room with Michael.

  For a minute, they simply stood there staring at each other.

  “Daphne has grown since I last saw her, though Violet is still as ferocious as usual,” Michael said, breaking the silence.

  “Yes, I suppose so.” The last time Michael had seen Daphne, she had been fifteen and she had shot up in height and lost the trappings of youth in the two years since. “What are you really doing here, Michael?” she asked. “Because I truly doubt it’s to actually pay me a call.”

  He looked flustered for a second, but only for a second before a mask of implacability settled over his face again. “I told you. I intend to ensure you are looked after. I prom—”

  “Yes, yes. The promise you made to my brother. I know!” Frustration welled inside her. “You have no idea of how that damn promise of yours has impacted us over the years. None at all.”

  “What do you mean by that?” His eyes narrowed down upon her and she could see his mind replaying her words.

  But she couldn’t explain anything to him. If she did he would know the truth, and that could potentially jeopardize her sisters’ reputations, which she would never do. Besides, knowing Michael he would probably feel guilty if he knew Holly had been forced to flee with her sisters from their childhood home after Edward’s death. Forced to pretend she was a widow so her uncle couldn’t find her, or at least if he did, would have no power to compel her to marry his son. “It doesn’t matter.” She swept her arms around the room before stepping to stand directly in front of him. “As you can see, I am fine. Perfectly fine.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “Your husband obviously provided well for you in his will.”

  Holly felt like laughing. He had no idea of what it had been like in the first year after her father’s death. “Yes, Harold was good to me. His estate still provides me an income which I make good use of.” It wasn’t too much of a lie, considering she earned her own income.

  But his eagle-eyed stare resting on her own, was getting uncomfortable. Holly was certain if he stared at her longer he’d see the lie in her story. She needed to get him out of there. “If you don’t intend on telling me the truth of your visit today, then perhaps you should leave.”

  “Actually, there was another reason for my visit.”

  “Yes?” she prompted.

  “I want you to tell me why you were breaking into Lord Pembrook’s safe last night?” he replied.

  “So that’s why you’re here!” It made sense. Though the other men visiting still didn’t.

  “Are you in trouble?” Michael all but demanded.

  “I most certainly am not.” Trust a man to jump to such a conclusion.

  “Then tell me what you were doing picking his safe,” Michael said. “Because your hobby has turned damned dangerous.”

  Holly felt like shaking the man. “I cannot tell you.”

  “Do you not trust me?”

  “It’s not about trust,” she replied. “I simply cannot tell you.” It was not her secret to share.

  “Then you do not trust me,” he replied gruffly, before turning toward the door. “I shall leave then.”

  She didn’t know what came over her, but she reached out and grabbed his arm. “Wait. It’s not that! I would be breaking someone’s confidence if I said anything.”

  Michael swiveled around to face her and their eyes locked. And suddenly everything melted away but him and the stormy blue of his gaze as a searing heat flew between them, burning in its intensity.

  She didn’t know who started it, and she suspected it may well have been her, but suddenly they were kissing in a frenzy, their bodies pressed against each other, their tongues and lips dancing in a rhythm of unrestrained passion.

  She tasted like peaches and cream, and Michael couldn’t get enough of her. He deepened his kiss, flicking his tongue against her own, thrilling as her heartbeat leaped wildly against his chest in response.

  There was no coquettish teasing or falseness from Holly. She was opening herself fully to his kiss and Michael adored it. He could only imagine what it would be like to pleasure her. To hear her breathless gasps as she orgasmed around his shaft, while he pumped himself inside her until they climaxed together.

  He knew it would be an experience unlike any he’d had before, which was saying something. But there was a quality about Holly that had always been compelling, as much as he’d fought against the feeling for years. Learning she was a widow however, had been like unlocking a tantalizing gate that had always been forever out of reach.

  But she wasn’t out of reach now. Where once she’d been completely off limits, now she was available. Like some sort of forbidden fruit he’d been wanting to taste for years but hadn’t dared. A fruit he was desperately craving.

  But damn it! He’d promised Edward he’d look out for her. How could he in good conscience do so, while seducing her? He truly was a bastard sometimes to even think of doing such a thing.

  Especially when he was responsible for her brother’s death. She’d never forgive him if she ever found out. The look of hatred that would replace the passionate haze in her emerald eyes was enough to send a cold shard of dread through him.

  Holly Jenkins—or Carlton as she was now—was off limits, even if she was a widow. Hell, she’d always been off limits. She’d been his best-friends younger sister, and one didn’t dally with one’s friend’s sister. He might be a cad in some respects but not with that. Part of the reason he’d stayed away from her. He’d always been aware of her but knew nothing would come of it.

  Reluctantly, he broke his lips away from hers, every inch of his body rebelling with the action.

  “I’m sorry.” His gruff voice broke the silence. “I shouldn’t have done that.” He had to get this unaccountable lust firmly under control before there was no going back.

  Holly appeared adorably befuddled as she blinked and licked her full lips. Lips that had been ravished and were begging for more.

  Michael nearly groaned aloud, battling to restrain his hands from literally reaching out and pulling her against him again. He took a step away from her and strode over to the window.

  Space. He needed to put some space between them before he lost all measure of his self-control.

  He’d always prided himself on his restraint, but with Holly it had completely deserted him. Instead of the notorious rake he was known to be, he was acting like some silly, infatuated schoolboy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. A situation that was entirely unacceptable. He had to leave now before his reticence crumbled.

  “Yes, I, um…well I’m sorry too,” Holly stammered, her eyes darting everywhere but at him.

  A dusky rose flush spread over her cheeks and Michael found himself enchanted, wondering if she was
blushing anywhere else?

  He shook his head in disgust. What was wrong with him? He was acting a fool. “I’ll see myself out,” he managed to mumble as he stalked past her heading directly for the door. He wrenched it open and both Violet and Daphne stumbled forward into him, screeching in surprise. Balancing them back on their feet, he saw that blushing was clearly a trait amongst the Jenkins’ ladies, as the girls’ faces were flaming at being discovered eavesdropping.

  And for some reason the situation amused him and he laughed aloud, which was something he hadn’t done in a very long time. “Ladies,” he said, bowing to them both briefly before heading down the hallway.

  “Don’t think this is the end of you telling me what is really going on Michael Drake!” Holly’s voice yelled down the passage. “For I fully intend to get the truth out of you!”

  Michael paused and looked back over his shoulder. She was standing in the doorway, her eyes lit with determination as she glared down the hallway at him. She looked bloody gorgeous, but rather than fear at the possibility of seeing her again, he felt anticipation. “Perhaps when you tell me your secret, I shall tell you mine.” He winked at her, before turning around and walking to the entrance hall.

  He took his hat from the housekeeper and couldn’t help but grin when the words, ‘Oh, that damn man! He frustrates me to no end!’ floated down the passage.

  The housekeeper cringed. “I’m sorry, my lord. Miss Holly gets rather passionate at times.”

  Michael shrugged and smiled at the woman while donning his hat. The woman had no idea. “It’s fine, I’ve experienced her ire many times over the years and I imagine it won’t lessen in the future.”

  “Oh, you have?” She looked confused but smiled nonetheless. “Well, have a good day then.”

  “I intend to,” he replied. The first thing he was going to do was make some enquiries as to what Holly had been up to snooping in Pembrook’s safe. Because knowing Holly, she would keep looking for whatever it was she hadn’t found and was bound to get into trouble in the process. When did she not? And if she thought he would leave her to do so, she was sorely mistaken, the stubborn chit.


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