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From the Earth to the Moon, Direct in Ninety-Seven Hours and Twenty Minutes: and a Trip Round It

Page 30

by Jules Verne



  That very night, the startling news so impatiently awaited, burst likea thunderbolt over the United States of the Union, and thence, dartingacross the ocean, ran through all the telegraphic wires of the globe.The projectile had been detected, thanks to the gigantic reflector ofLong's Peak! Here is the note received by the Director of the Observatoryof Cambridge. It contains the scientific conclusion regarding this greatexperiment of the Gun Club.

  "Long's Peak December 12.

  "To the Officers of the Observatory of Cambridge.

  "The projectile discharged by the Columbiad at Stones Hill has beendetected by Messrs. Belfast and J. T. Maston, 12th December, at 8.47p.m., the moon having entered her last quarter. This projectile has notarrived at its destination. It has passed by the side; but sufficientlynear to be retained by the lunar attraction.

  "The rectilinear movement has thus become changed into a circular motionof extreme velocity, and it is now pursuing an elliptical orbit roundthe moon, of which it has become a true satellite.

  "The elements of this new star we have as yet been unable to determine;we do not yet know the velocity of its passage. The distance whichseparates it from the surface of the moon may be estimated at about 2833miles.

  "However, two hypothesis come here into our consideration.

  "1. Either the attraction of the moon will end by drawing them intoitself, and the travellers will attain their destination; or,--

  "2. The projectile, following an immutable law, will continue to gravitateround the moon till the end of time.

  "At some future time, our observations will be able to determine thispoint, but till then the experiment of the Gun Club can have no otherresult than to have provided our solar system with a new star.

  "J. Belfast."

  To how many questions did this unexpected denouement give rise? Whatmysterious results was the future reserving for the investigations ofscience? At all events, the names of Nicholl, Barbicane, and Michel Ardanwere certain to be immortalized in the annals of astronomy!

  When the despatch from Long's Peak had once become known, there was butone universal feeling of surprise and alarm. Was it possible to go to theaid of these bold travellers? No! for they had placed themselves beyondthe pale of humanity, by crossing the limits imposed by the Creator onhis earthly creatures. They had air enough for _two_ months; they hadvictuals enough for _twelve;--but after that?_ There was only one manwho would not admit that the situation was desperate,--he alone hadconfidence; and that was their devoted friend J. T. Maston.

  Besides, he never let them get out of sight. His home was henceforth thepost at Long's Peak; his horizon, the mirror of that immense reflector.As soon as the moon rose above the horizon, he immediately caught her inthe field of the telescope; he never let her go for an instant out ofhis sight, and followed her assiduously in her course through the stellarspaces. He watched with untiring patience the passage of the projectileacross her silvery disc, and really the worthy man remained in perpetualcommunication with his three friends, whom he did not despair of seeingagain some day.

  "Those three men," said he, "have carried into space all the resourcesof art, science, and industry. With that, one can do anything; and youwill see that, some day, they will come out all right."


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